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nodeLimit.c File Reference

#include "postgres.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "executor/nodeLimit.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
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static void recompute_limits (LimitState *node)
static void pass_down_bound (LimitState *node, PlanState *child_node)
TupleTableSlotExecLimit (LimitState *node)
LimitStateExecInitLimit (Limit *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
void ExecEndLimit (LimitState *node)
void ExecReScanLimit (LimitState *node)

Function Documentation

void ExecEndLimit ( LimitState node  ) 

Definition at line 435 of file nodeLimit.c.

References ExecEndNode(), ExecFreeExprContext(), outerPlanState, and LimitState::ps.

Referenced by ExecEndNode().

LimitState* ExecInitLimit ( Limit node,
EState estate,
int  eflags 

Definition at line 373 of file nodeLimit.c.

References Assert, EXEC_FLAG_MARK, ExecAssignExprContext(), ExecAssignResultTypeFromTL(), ExecInitExpr(), ExecInitNode(), ExecInitResultTupleSlot(), Limit::limitCount, Limit::limitOffset, LimitState::limitOffset, LimitState::lstate, makeNode, outerPlan, outerPlanState, PlanState::plan, LimitState::ps, PlanState::ps_ProjInfo, and PlanState::state.

Referenced by ExecInitNode().

    LimitState *limitstate;
    Plan       *outerPlan;

    /* check for unsupported flags */
    Assert(!(eflags & EXEC_FLAG_MARK));

     * create state structure
    limitstate = makeNode(LimitState);
    limitstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
    limitstate->ps.state = estate;

    limitstate->lstate = LIMIT_INITIAL;

     * Miscellaneous initialization
     * Limit nodes never call ExecQual or ExecProject, but they need an
     * exprcontext anyway to evaluate the limit/offset parameters in.
    ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &limitstate->ps);

     * initialize child expressions
    limitstate->limitOffset = ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->limitOffset,
                                           (PlanState *) limitstate);
    limitstate->limitCount = ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->limitCount,
                                          (PlanState *) limitstate);

     * Tuple table initialization (XXX not actually used...)
    ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &limitstate->ps);

     * then initialize outer plan
    outerPlan = outerPlan(node);
    outerPlanState(limitstate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan, estate, eflags);

     * limit nodes do no projections, so initialize projection info for this
     * node appropriately
    limitstate->ps.ps_ProjInfo = NULL;

    return limitstate;

TupleTableSlot* ExecLimit ( LimitState node  ) 

Definition at line 40 of file nodeLimit.c.

References Assert, LimitState::count, elog, ERROR, EState::es_direction, ExecProcNode(), LIMIT_EMPTY, LIMIT_INITIAL, LIMIT_INWINDOW, LIMIT_RESCAN, LIMIT_SUBPLANEOF, LIMIT_WINDOWEND, LIMIT_WINDOWSTART, LimitState::lstate, LimitState::noCount, LimitState::offset, outerPlanState, LimitState::position, LimitState::ps, recompute_limits(), ScanDirectionIsForward, PlanState::state, LimitState::subSlot, and TupIsNull.

Referenced by ExecProcNode().

    ScanDirection direction;
    TupleTableSlot *slot;
    PlanState  *outerPlan;

     * get information from the node
    direction = node->ps.state->es_direction;
    outerPlan = outerPlanState(node);

     * The main logic is a simple state machine.
    switch (node->lstate)
        case LIMIT_INITIAL:

             * First call for this node, so compute limit/offset. (We can't do
             * this any earlier, because parameters from upper nodes will not
             * be set during ExecInitLimit.)  This also sets position = 0 and
             * changes the state to LIMIT_RESCAN.

            /* FALL THRU */

        case LIMIT_RESCAN:

             * If backwards scan, just return NULL without changing state.
            if (!ScanDirectionIsForward(direction))
                return NULL;

             * Check for empty window; if so, treat like empty subplan.
            if (node->count <= 0 && !node->noCount)
                node->lstate = LIMIT_EMPTY;
                return NULL;

             * Fetch rows from subplan until we reach position > offset.
            for (;;)
                slot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan);
                if (TupIsNull(slot))
                     * The subplan returns too few tuples for us to produce
                     * any output at all.
                    node->lstate = LIMIT_EMPTY;
                    return NULL;
                node->subSlot = slot;
                if (++node->position > node->offset)

             * Okay, we have the first tuple of the window.
            node->lstate = LIMIT_INWINDOW;

        case LIMIT_EMPTY:

             * The subplan is known to return no tuples (or not more than
             * OFFSET tuples, in general).  So we return no tuples.
            return NULL;

        case LIMIT_INWINDOW:
            if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction))
                 * Forwards scan, so check for stepping off end of window. If
                 * we are at the end of the window, return NULL without
                 * advancing the subplan or the position variable; but change
                 * the state machine state to record having done so.
                if (!node->noCount &&
                    node->position - node->offset >= node->count)
                    node->lstate = LIMIT_WINDOWEND;
                    return NULL;

                 * Get next tuple from subplan, if any.
                slot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan);
                if (TupIsNull(slot))
                    node->lstate = LIMIT_SUBPLANEOF;
                    return NULL;
                node->subSlot = slot;
                 * Backwards scan, so check for stepping off start of window.
                 * As above, change only state-machine status if so.
                if (node->position <= node->offset + 1)
                    node->lstate = LIMIT_WINDOWSTART;
                    return NULL;

                 * Get previous tuple from subplan; there should be one!
                slot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan);
                if (TupIsNull(slot))
                    elog(ERROR, "LIMIT subplan failed to run backwards");
                node->subSlot = slot;

        case LIMIT_SUBPLANEOF:
            if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction))
                return NULL;

             * Backing up from subplan EOF, so re-fetch previous tuple; there
             * should be one!  Note previous tuple must be in window.
            slot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan);
            if (TupIsNull(slot))
                elog(ERROR, "LIMIT subplan failed to run backwards");
            node->subSlot = slot;
            node->lstate = LIMIT_INWINDOW;
            /* position does not change 'cause we didn't advance it before */

        case LIMIT_WINDOWEND:
            if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction))
                return NULL;

             * Backing up from window end: simply re-return the last tuple
             * fetched from the subplan.
            slot = node->subSlot;
            node->lstate = LIMIT_INWINDOW;
            /* position does not change 'cause we didn't advance it before */

            if (!ScanDirectionIsForward(direction))
                return NULL;

             * Advancing after having backed off window start: simply
             * re-return the last tuple fetched from the subplan.
            slot = node->subSlot;
            node->lstate = LIMIT_INWINDOW;
            /* position does not change 'cause we didn't change it before */

            elog(ERROR, "impossible LIMIT state: %d",
                 (int) node->lstate);
            slot = NULL;        /* keep compiler quiet */

    /* Return the current tuple */

    return slot;

void ExecReScanLimit ( LimitState node  ) 

Definition at line 443 of file nodeLimit.c.

References PlanState::chgParam, ExecReScan(), PlanState::lefttree, NULL, LimitState::ps, and recompute_limits().

Referenced by ExecReScan().

     * Recompute limit/offset in case parameters changed, and reset the state
     * machine.  We must do this before rescanning our child node, in case
     * it's a Sort that we are passing the parameters down to.

     * if chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned by
     * first ExecProcNode.
    if (node->ps.lefttree->chgParam == NULL)

static void pass_down_bound ( LimitState node,
PlanState child_node 
) [static]

Definition at line 319 of file nodeLimit.c.

References SortState::bound, SortState::bounded, LimitState::count, expression_returns_set(), i, IsA, MergeAppendState::mergeplans, MergeAppendState::ms_nplans, LimitState::noCount, LimitState::offset, outerPlanState, PlanState::plan, and Plan::targetlist.

Referenced by recompute_limits().

    if (IsA(child_node, SortState))
        SortState  *sortState = (SortState *) child_node;
        int64       tuples_needed = node->count + node->offset;

        /* negative test checks for overflow in sum */
        if (node->noCount || tuples_needed < 0)
            /* make sure flag gets reset if needed upon rescan */
            sortState->bounded = false;
            sortState->bounded = true;
            sortState->bound = tuples_needed;
    else if (IsA(child_node, MergeAppendState))
        MergeAppendState *maState = (MergeAppendState *) child_node;
        int         i;

        for (i = 0; i < maState->ms_nplans; i++)
            pass_down_bound(node, maState->mergeplans[i]);
    else if (IsA(child_node, ResultState))
         * An extra consideration here is that if the Result is projecting a
         * targetlist that contains any SRFs, we can't assume that every input
         * tuple generates an output tuple, so a Sort underneath might need to
         * return more than N tuples to satisfy LIMIT N. So we cannot use
         * bounded sort.
         * If Result supported qual checking, we'd have to punt on seeing a
         * qual, too.  Note that having a resconstantqual is not a
         * showstopper: if that fails we're not getting any rows at all.
        if (outerPlanState(child_node) &&
            !expression_returns_set((Node *) child_node->plan->targetlist))
            pass_down_bound(node, outerPlanState(child_node));

static void recompute_limits ( LimitState node  )  [static]

Definition at line 232 of file nodeLimit.c.

References LimitState::count, DatumGetInt64, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(), LimitState::limitCount, LimitState::limitOffset, LimitState::lstate, LimitState::noCount, NULL, LimitState::offset, outerPlanState, pass_down_bound(), LimitState::position, LimitState::ps, PlanState::ps_ExprContext, LimitState::subSlot, and val.

Referenced by ExecLimit(), and ExecReScanLimit().

    ExprContext *econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext;
    Datum       val;
    bool        isNull;

    if (node->limitOffset)
        val = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(node->limitOffset,
        /* Interpret NULL offset as no offset */
        if (isNull)
            node->offset = 0;
            node->offset = DatumGetInt64(val);
            if (node->offset < 0)
                  errmsg("OFFSET must not be negative")));
        /* No OFFSET supplied */
        node->offset = 0;

    if (node->limitCount)
        val = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(node->limitCount,
        /* Interpret NULL count as no count (LIMIT ALL) */
        if (isNull)
            node->count = 0;
            node->noCount = true;
            node->count = DatumGetInt64(val);
            if (node->count < 0)
                         errmsg("LIMIT must not be negative")));
            node->noCount = false;
        /* No COUNT supplied */
        node->count = 0;
        node->noCount = true;

    /* Reset position to start-of-scan */
    node->position = 0;
    node->subSlot = NULL;

    /* Set state-machine state */
    node->lstate = LIMIT_RESCAN;

    /* Notify child node about limit, if useful */
    pass_down_bound(node, outerPlanState(node));