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nodeSort.h File Reference

#include "nodes/execnodes.h"
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SortStateExecInitSort (Sort *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
TupleTableSlotExecSort (SortState *node)
void ExecEndSort (SortState *node)
void ExecSortMarkPos (SortState *node)
void ExecSortRestrPos (SortState *node)
void ExecReScanSort (SortState *node)

Function Documentation

void ExecEndSort ( SortState node  ) 

Definition at line 223 of file nodeSort.c.

References ExecClearTuple(), ExecEndNode(), NULL, outerPlanState, ScanState::ps, PlanState::ps_ResultTupleSlot, SO1_printf, SortState::ss, ScanState::ss_ScanTupleSlot, tuplesort_end(), and SortState::tuplesortstate.

Referenced by ExecEndNode().

    SO1_printf("ExecEndSort: %s\n",
               "shutting down sort node");

     * clean out the tuple table
    /* must drop pointer to sort result tuple */

     * Release tuplesort resources
    if (node->tuplesortstate != NULL)
        tuplesort_end((Tuplesortstate *) node->tuplesortstate);
    node->tuplesortstate = NULL;

     * shut down the subplan

    SO1_printf("ExecEndSort: %s\n",
               "sort node shutdown");

SortState* ExecInitSort ( Sort node,
EState estate,
int  eflags 

Definition at line 152 of file nodeSort.c.

References SortState::bounded, EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD, EXEC_FLAG_REWIND, ExecAssignResultTypeFromTL(), ExecAssignScanTypeFromOuterPlan(), ExecInitNode(), ExecInitResultTupleSlot(), ExecInitScanTupleSlot(), makeNode, outerPlan, outerPlanState, PlanState::plan, ScanState::ps, PlanState::ps_ProjInfo, SortState::randomAccess, SO1_printf, SortState::sort_Done, SortState::ss, PlanState::state, and SortState::tuplesortstate.

Referenced by ExecInitNode().

    SortState  *sortstate;

    SO1_printf("ExecInitSort: %s\n",
               "initializing sort node");

     * create state structure
    sortstate = makeNode(SortState);
    sortstate->ss.ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
    sortstate->ss.ps.state = estate;

     * We must have random access to the sort output to do backward scan or
     * mark/restore.  We also prefer to materialize the sort output if we
     * might be called on to rewind and replay it many times.
    sortstate->randomAccess = (eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_REWIND |
                                         EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD |
                                         EXEC_FLAG_MARK)) != 0;

    sortstate->bounded = false;
    sortstate->sort_Done = false;
    sortstate->tuplesortstate = NULL;

     * Miscellaneous initialization
     * Sort nodes don't initialize their ExprContexts because they never call
     * ExecQual or ExecProject.

     * tuple table initialization
     * sort nodes only return scan tuples from their sorted relation.
    ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &sortstate->ss.ps);
    ExecInitScanTupleSlot(estate, &sortstate->ss);

     * initialize child nodes
     * We shield the child node from the need to support REWIND, BACKWARD, or

    outerPlanState(sortstate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate, eflags);

     * initialize tuple type.  no need to initialize projection info because
     * this node doesn't do projections.
    sortstate->ss.ps.ps_ProjInfo = NULL;

    SO1_printf("ExecInitSort: %s\n",
               "sort node initialized");

    return sortstate;

void ExecReScanSort ( SortState node  ) 

Definition at line 291 of file nodeSort.c.

References SortState::bound, SortState::bound_Done, SortState::bounded, SortState::bounded_Done, PlanState::chgParam, ExecClearTuple(), ExecReScan(), PlanState::lefttree, NULL, ScanState::ps, PlanState::ps_ResultTupleSlot, SortState::randomAccess, SortState::sort_Done, SortState::ss, tuplesort_end(), tuplesort_rescan(), and SortState::tuplesortstate.

Referenced by ExecReScan().

     * If we haven't sorted yet, just return. If outerplan's chgParam is not
     * NULL then it will be re-scanned by ExecProcNode, else no reason to
     * re-scan it at all.
    if (!node->sort_Done)

    /* must drop pointer to sort result tuple */

     * If subnode is to be rescanned then we forget previous sort results; we
     * have to re-read the subplan and re-sort.  Also must re-sort if the
     * bounded-sort parameters changed or we didn't select randomAccess.
     * Otherwise we can just rewind and rescan the sorted output.
    if (node->ss.ps.lefttree->chgParam != NULL ||
        node->bounded != node->bounded_Done ||
        node->bound != node->bound_Done ||
        node->sort_Done = false;
        tuplesort_end((Tuplesortstate *) node->tuplesortstate);
        node->tuplesortstate = NULL;

         * if chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned by
         * first ExecProcNode.
        if (node->ss.ps.lefttree->chgParam == NULL)
        tuplesort_rescan((Tuplesortstate *) node->tuplesortstate);

TupleTableSlot* ExecSort ( SortState node  ) 

Definition at line 39 of file nodeSort.c.

References SortState::bound, SortState::bound_Done, SortState::bounded, SortState::bounded_Done, Sort::collations, EState::es_direction, ExecGetResultType(), ExecProcNode(), Sort::nullsFirst, Sort::numCols, outerPlanState, PlanState::plan, ScanState::ps, PlanState::ps_ResultTupleSlot, SortState::randomAccess, ScanDirectionIsForward, SO1_printf, SortState::sort_Done, Sort::sortColIdx, Sort::sortOperators, SortState::ss, PlanState::state, TupIsNull, tuplesort_begin_heap(), tuplesort_gettupleslot(), tuplesort_performsort(), tuplesort_puttupleslot(), tuplesort_set_bound(), SortState::tuplesortstate, and work_mem.

Referenced by ExecProcNode().

    EState     *estate;
    ScanDirection dir;
    Tuplesortstate *tuplesortstate;
    TupleTableSlot *slot;

     * get state info from node
    SO1_printf("ExecSort: %s\n",
               "entering routine");

    estate = node->ss.ps.state;
    dir = estate->es_direction;
    tuplesortstate = (Tuplesortstate *) node->tuplesortstate;

     * If first time through, read all tuples from outer plan and pass them to
     * tuplesort.c. Subsequent calls just fetch tuples from tuplesort.

    if (!node->sort_Done)
        Sort       *plannode = (Sort *) node->ss.ps.plan;
        PlanState  *outerNode;
        TupleDesc   tupDesc;

        SO1_printf("ExecSort: %s\n",
                   "sorting subplan");

         * Want to scan subplan in the forward direction while creating the
         * sorted data.
        estate->es_direction = ForwardScanDirection;

         * Initialize tuplesort module.
        SO1_printf("ExecSort: %s\n",
                   "calling tuplesort_begin");

        outerNode = outerPlanState(node);
        tupDesc = ExecGetResultType(outerNode);

        tuplesortstate = tuplesort_begin_heap(tupDesc,
        if (node->bounded)
            tuplesort_set_bound(tuplesortstate, node->bound);
        node->tuplesortstate = (void *) tuplesortstate;

         * Scan the subplan and feed all the tuples to tuplesort.

        for (;;)
            slot = ExecProcNode(outerNode);

            if (TupIsNull(slot))

            tuplesort_puttupleslot(tuplesortstate, slot);

         * Complete the sort.

         * restore to user specified direction
        estate->es_direction = dir;

         * finally set the sorted flag to true
        node->sort_Done = true;
        node->bounded_Done = node->bounded;
        node->bound_Done = node->bound;
        SO1_printf("ExecSort: %s\n", "sorting done");

    SO1_printf("ExecSort: %s\n",
               "retrieving tuple from tuplesort");

     * Get the first or next tuple from tuplesort. Returns NULL if no more
     * tuples.
    slot = node->ss.ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot;
    (void) tuplesort_gettupleslot(tuplesortstate,
    return slot;

void ExecSortMarkPos ( SortState node  ) 

Definition at line 258 of file nodeSort.c.

References SortState::sort_Done, tuplesort_markpos(), and SortState::tuplesortstate.

Referenced by ExecMarkPos().

     * if we haven't sorted yet, just return
    if (!node->sort_Done)

    tuplesort_markpos((Tuplesortstate *) node->tuplesortstate);

void ExecSortRestrPos ( SortState node  ) 

Definition at line 276 of file nodeSort.c.

References SortState::sort_Done, tuplesort_restorepos(), and SortState::tuplesortstate.

Referenced by ExecRestrPos().

     * if we haven't sorted yet, just return.
    if (!node->sort_Done)

     * restore the scan to the previously marked position
    tuplesort_restorepos((Tuplesortstate *) node->tuplesortstate);