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prepqual.c File Reference

#include "postgres.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/prep.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
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static Listpull_ands (List *andlist)
static Listpull_ors (List *orlist)
static Exprfind_duplicate_ors (Expr *qual)
static Exprprocess_duplicate_ors (List *orlist)
Nodenegate_clause (Node *node)
Exprcanonicalize_qual (Expr *qual)

Function Documentation

Expr* canonicalize_qual ( Expr qual  ) 

Definition at line 285 of file prepqual.c.

References find_duplicate_ors(), and NULL.

Referenced by convert_EXISTS_to_ANY(), get_relation_constraints(), preprocess_expression(), and RelationGetIndexPredicate().

    Expr       *newqual;

    /* Quick exit for empty qual */
    if (qual == NULL)
        return NULL;

     * Pull up redundant subclauses in OR-of-AND trees.  We do this only
     * within the top-level AND/OR structure; there's no point in looking
     * deeper.
    newqual = find_duplicate_ors(qual);

    return newqual;

static Expr * find_duplicate_ors ( Expr qual  )  [static]

Definition at line 399 of file prepqual.c.

References and_clause(), lappend(), lfirst, make_andclause(), or_clause(), process_duplicate_ors(), and pull_ands().

Referenced by canonicalize_qual().

    if (or_clause((Node *) qual))
        List       *orlist = NIL;
        ListCell   *temp;

        /* Recurse */
        foreach(temp, ((BoolExpr *) qual)->args)
            orlist = lappend(orlist, find_duplicate_ors(lfirst(temp)));

         * Don't need pull_ors() since this routine will never introduce an OR
         * where there wasn't one before.
        return process_duplicate_ors(orlist);
    else if (and_clause((Node *) qual))
        List       *andlist = NIL;
        ListCell   *temp;

        /* Recurse */
        foreach(temp, ((BoolExpr *) qual)->args)
            andlist = lappend(andlist, find_duplicate_ors(lfirst(temp)));
        /* Flatten any ANDs introduced just below here */
        andlist = pull_ands(andlist);
        /* The AND list can't get shorter, so result is always an AND */
        return make_andclause(andlist);
        return qual;

Node* negate_clause ( Node node  ) 

Definition at line 74 of file prepqual.c.

References AND_EXPR, BooleanTest::arg, NullTest::arg, NullTest::argisrow, BoolExpr::args, ScalarArrayOpExpr::args, OpExpr::args, BoolExpr::boolop, BooleanTest::booltesttype, Const::constisnull, Const::constvalue, DatumGetBool, elog, ERROR, get_negator(), ScalarArrayOpExpr::inputcollid, OpExpr::inputcollid, IS_FALSE, IS_NOT_FALSE, IS_NOT_NULL, IS_NOT_TRUE, IS_NOT_UNKNOWN, IS_NULL, IS_TRUE, IS_UNKNOWN, lappend(), lfirst, linitial, ScalarArrayOpExpr::location, OpExpr::location, make_andclause(), make_notclause(), make_orclause(), makeBoolConst(), makeNode, negate_clause(), nodeTag, NOT_EXPR, NULL, NullTest::nulltesttype, OpExpr::opcollid, ScalarArrayOpExpr::opfuncid, OpExpr::opfuncid, ScalarArrayOpExpr::opno, OpExpr::opno, OpExpr::opresulttype, OpExpr::opretset, OR_EXPR, T_BooleanTest, T_BoolExpr, T_Const, T_NullTest, T_OpExpr, T_ScalarArrayOpExpr, and ScalarArrayOpExpr::useOr.

Referenced by eval_const_expressions_mutator(), negate_clause(), and simplify_boolean_equality().

    if (node == NULL)           /* should not happen */
        elog(ERROR, "can't negate an empty subexpression");
    switch (nodeTag(node))
        case T_Const:
                Const      *c = (Const *) node;

                /* NOT NULL is still NULL */
                if (c->constisnull)
                    return makeBoolConst(false, true);
                /* otherwise pretty easy */
                return makeBoolConst(!DatumGetBool(c->constvalue), false);
        case T_OpExpr:
                 * Negate operator if possible: (NOT (< A B)) => (>= A B)
                OpExpr     *opexpr = (OpExpr *) node;
                Oid         negator = get_negator(opexpr->opno);

                if (negator)
                    OpExpr     *newopexpr = makeNode(OpExpr);

                    newopexpr->opno = negator;
                    newopexpr->opfuncid = InvalidOid;
                    newopexpr->opresulttype = opexpr->opresulttype;
                    newopexpr->opretset = opexpr->opretset;
                    newopexpr->opcollid = opexpr->opcollid;
                    newopexpr->inputcollid = opexpr->inputcollid;
                    newopexpr->args = opexpr->args;
                    newopexpr->location = opexpr->location;
                    return (Node *) newopexpr;
        case T_ScalarArrayOpExpr:
                 * Negate a ScalarArrayOpExpr if its operator has a negator;
                 * for example x = ANY (list) becomes x <> ALL (list)
                ScalarArrayOpExpr *saopexpr = (ScalarArrayOpExpr *) node;
                Oid         negator = get_negator(saopexpr->opno);

                if (negator)
                    ScalarArrayOpExpr *newopexpr = makeNode(ScalarArrayOpExpr);

                    newopexpr->opno = negator;
                    newopexpr->opfuncid = InvalidOid;
                    newopexpr->useOr = !saopexpr->useOr;
                    newopexpr->inputcollid = saopexpr->inputcollid;
                    newopexpr->args = saopexpr->args;
                    newopexpr->location = saopexpr->location;
                    return (Node *) newopexpr;
        case T_BoolExpr:
                BoolExpr   *expr = (BoolExpr *) node;

                switch (expr->boolop)
                         * Apply DeMorgan's Laws:
                         *      (NOT (AND A B)) => (OR (NOT A) (NOT B))
                         *      (NOT (OR A B))  => (AND (NOT A) (NOT B))
                         * i.e., swap AND for OR and negate each subclause.
                         * If the input is already AND/OR flat and has no NOT
                         * directly above AND or OR, this transformation preserves
                         * those properties.  For example, if no direct child of
                         * the given AND clause is an AND or a NOT-above-OR, then
                         * the recursive calls of negate_clause() can't return any
                         * OR clauses.  So we needn't call pull_ors() before
                         * building a new OR clause.  Similarly for the OR case.
                    case AND_EXPR:
                            List       *nargs = NIL;
                            ListCell   *lc;

                            foreach(lc, expr->args)
                                nargs = lappend(nargs,
                            return (Node *) make_orclause(nargs);
                    case OR_EXPR:
                            List       *nargs = NIL;
                            ListCell   *lc;

                            foreach(lc, expr->args)
                                nargs = lappend(nargs,
                            return (Node *) make_andclause(nargs);
                    case NOT_EXPR:

                         * NOT underneath NOT: they cancel.  We assume the
                         * input is already simplified, so no need to recurse.
                        return (Node *) linitial(expr->args);
                        elog(ERROR, "unrecognized boolop: %d",
                             (int) expr->boolop);
        case T_NullTest:
                NullTest   *expr = (NullTest *) node;

                 * In the rowtype case, the two flavors of NullTest are *not*
                 * logical inverses, so we can't simplify.  But it does work
                 * for scalar datatypes.
                if (!expr->argisrow)
                    NullTest   *newexpr = makeNode(NullTest);

                    newexpr->arg = expr->arg;
                    newexpr->nulltesttype = (expr->nulltesttype == IS_NULL ?
                                             IS_NOT_NULL : IS_NULL);
                    newexpr->argisrow = expr->argisrow;
                    return (Node *) newexpr;
        case T_BooleanTest:
                BooleanTest *expr = (BooleanTest *) node;
                BooleanTest *newexpr = makeNode(BooleanTest);

                newexpr->arg = expr->arg;
                switch (expr->booltesttype)
                    case IS_TRUE:
                        newexpr->booltesttype = IS_NOT_TRUE;
                    case IS_NOT_TRUE:
                        newexpr->booltesttype = IS_TRUE;
                    case IS_FALSE:
                        newexpr->booltesttype = IS_NOT_FALSE;
                    case IS_NOT_FALSE:
                        newexpr->booltesttype = IS_FALSE;
                    case IS_UNKNOWN:
                        newexpr->booltesttype = IS_NOT_UNKNOWN;
                    case IS_NOT_UNKNOWN:
                        newexpr->booltesttype = IS_UNKNOWN;
                        elog(ERROR, "unrecognized booltesttype: %d",
                             (int) expr->booltesttype);
                return (Node *) newexpr;
            /* else fall through */

     * Otherwise we don't know how to simplify this, so just tack on an
     * explicit NOT node.
    return (Node *) make_notclause((Expr *) node);

static Expr * process_duplicate_ors ( List orlist  )  [static]

Definition at line 442 of file prepqual.c.

References and_clause(), equal(), lappend(), lfirst, linitial, list_difference(), list_length(), list_make1, list_member(), list_union(), make_andclause(), make_orclause(), NIL, pull_ands(), and pull_ors().

Referenced by find_duplicate_ors().

    List       *reference = NIL;
    int         num_subclauses = 0;
    List       *winners;
    List       *neworlist;
    ListCell   *temp;

    if (orlist == NIL)
        return NULL;            /* probably can't happen */
    if (list_length(orlist) == 1)       /* single-expression OR (can this
                                         * happen?) */
        return linitial(orlist);

     * Choose the shortest AND clause as the reference list --- obviously, any
     * subclause not in this clause isn't in all the clauses. If we find a
     * clause that's not an AND, we can treat it as a one-element AND clause,
     * which necessarily wins as shortest.
    foreach(temp, orlist)
        Expr       *clause = (Expr *) lfirst(temp);

        if (and_clause((Node *) clause))
            List       *subclauses = ((BoolExpr *) clause)->args;
            int         nclauses = list_length(subclauses);

            if (reference == NIL || nclauses < num_subclauses)
                reference = subclauses;
                num_subclauses = nclauses;
            reference = list_make1(clause);

     * Just in case, eliminate any duplicates in the reference list.
    reference = list_union(NIL, reference);

     * Check each element of the reference list to see if it's in all the OR
     * clauses.  Build a new list of winning clauses.
    winners = NIL;
    foreach(temp, reference)
        Expr       *refclause = (Expr *) lfirst(temp);
        bool        win = true;
        ListCell   *temp2;

        foreach(temp2, orlist)
            Expr       *clause = (Expr *) lfirst(temp2);

            if (and_clause((Node *) clause))
                if (!list_member(((BoolExpr *) clause)->args, refclause))
                    win = false;
                if (!equal(refclause, clause))
                    win = false;

        if (win)
            winners = lappend(winners, refclause);

     * If no winners, we can't transform the OR
    if (winners == NIL)
        return make_orclause(orlist);

     * Generate new OR list consisting of the remaining sub-clauses.
     * If any clause degenerates to empty, then we have a situation like (A
     * AND B) OR (A), which can be reduced to just A --- that is, the
     * additional conditions in other arms of the OR are irrelevant.
     * Note that because we use list_difference, any multiple occurrences of a
     * winning clause in an AND sub-clause will be removed automatically.
    neworlist = NIL;
    foreach(temp, orlist)
        Expr       *clause = (Expr *) lfirst(temp);

        if (and_clause((Node *) clause))
            List       *subclauses = ((BoolExpr *) clause)->args;

            subclauses = list_difference(subclauses, winners);
            if (subclauses != NIL)
                if (list_length(subclauses) == 1)
                    neworlist = lappend(neworlist, linitial(subclauses));
                    neworlist = lappend(neworlist, make_andclause(subclauses));
                neworlist = NIL;    /* degenerate case, see above */
            if (!list_member(winners, clause))
                neworlist = lappend(neworlist, clause);
                neworlist = NIL;    /* degenerate case, see above */

     * Append reduced OR to the winners list, if it's not degenerate, handling
     * the special case of one element correctly (can that really happen?).
     * Also be careful to maintain AND/OR flatness in case we pulled up a
     * sub-sub-OR-clause.
    if (neworlist != NIL)
        if (list_length(neworlist) == 1)
            winners = lappend(winners, linitial(neworlist));
            winners = lappend(winners, make_orclause(pull_ors(neworlist)));

     * And return the constructed AND clause, again being wary of a single
     * element and AND/OR flatness.
    if (list_length(winners) == 1)
        return (Expr *) linitial(winners);
        return make_andclause(pull_ands(winners));

static List * pull_ands ( List andlist  )  [static]

Definition at line 312 of file prepqual.c.

References and_clause(), arg, lappend(), lfirst, and list_concat().

Referenced by find_duplicate_ors(), and process_duplicate_ors().

    List       *out_list = NIL;
    ListCell   *arg;

    foreach(arg, andlist)
        Node       *subexpr = (Node *) lfirst(arg);

         * Note: we can destructively concat the subexpression's arglist
         * because we know the recursive invocation of pull_ands will have
         * built a new arglist not shared with any other expr. Otherwise we'd
         * need a list_copy here.
        if (and_clause(subexpr))
            out_list = list_concat(out_list,
                                   pull_ands(((BoolExpr *) subexpr)->args));
            out_list = lappend(out_list, subexpr);
    return out_list;

static List * pull_ors ( List orlist  )  [static]

Definition at line 344 of file prepqual.c.

References arg, lappend(), lfirst, list_concat(), and or_clause().

Referenced by process_duplicate_ors().

    List       *out_list = NIL;
    ListCell   *arg;

    foreach(arg, orlist)
        Node       *subexpr = (Node *) lfirst(arg);

         * Note: we can destructively concat the subexpression's arglist
         * because we know the recursive invocation of pull_ors will have
         * built a new arglist not shared with any other expr. Otherwise we'd
         * need a list_copy here.
        if (or_clause(subexpr))
            out_list = list_concat(out_list,
                                   pull_ors(((BoolExpr *) subexpr)->args));
            out_list = lappend(out_list, subexpr);
    return out_list;