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regc_color.c File Reference

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#define CISERR()   VISERR(cm->v)
#define CERR(e)   VERR(cm->v, (e))


static void initcm (struct vars *v, struct colormap *cm)
static void freecm (struct colormap *cm)
static void cmtreefree (struct colormap *cm, union tree *tree, int level)
static color setcolor (struct colormap *cm, chr c, pcolor co)
static color maxcolor (struct colormap *cm)
static color newcolor (struct colormap *cm)
static void freecolor (struct colormap *cm, pcolor co)
static color pseudocolor (struct colormap *cm)
static color subcolor (struct colormap *cm, chr c)
static color newsub (struct colormap *cm, pcolor co)
static void subrange (struct vars *v, chr from, chr to, struct state *lp, struct state *rp)
static void subblock (struct vars *v, chr start, struct state *lp, struct state *rp)
static void okcolors (struct nfa *nfa, struct colormap *cm)
static void colorchain (struct colormap *cm, struct arc *a)
static void uncolorchain (struct colormap *cm, struct arc *a)
static void rainbow (struct nfa *nfa, struct colormap *cm, int type, pcolor but, struct state *from, struct state *to)
static void colorcomplement (struct nfa *nfa, struct colormap *cm, int type, struct state *of, struct state *from, struct state *to)

Define Documentation

#define CERR (   e  )     VERR(cm->v, (e))

Definition at line 41 of file regc_color.c.

Referenced by newcolor(), setcolor(), and subblock().

#define CISERR (  )     VISERR(cm->v)

Function Documentation

static void cmtreefree ( struct colormap cm,
union tree tree,
int  level 
) [static]

Definition at line 114 of file regc_color.c.

References assert, colordesc::block, BYTTAB, colormap::cd, FREE, i, NBYTS, NULL, and colormap::tree.

Referenced by freecm().

    int         i;
    union tree *t;
    union tree *fillt = &cm->tree[level + 1];
    union tree *cb;

    assert(level < NBYTS - 1);  /* this level has pointers */
    for (i = BYTTAB - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        t = tree->tptr[i];
        assert(t != NULL);
        if (t != fillt)
            if (level < NBYTS - 2)
            {                   /* more pointer blocks below */
                cmtreefree(cm, t, level + 1);
            {                   /* color block below */
                cb = cm->cd[t->tcolor[0]].block;
                if (t != cb)    /* not a solid block */

static void colorchain ( struct colormap cm,
struct arc a 
) [static]

Definition at line 616 of file regc_color.c.

References colordesc::arcs, colormap::cd, arc::co, arc::colorchain, arc::colorchainRev, and NULL.

Referenced by newarc(), and okcolors().

    struct colordesc *cd = &cm->cd[a->co];

    if (cd->arcs != NULL)
        cd->arcs->colorchainRev = a;
    a->colorchain = cd->arcs;
    a->colorchainRev = NULL;
    cd->arcs = a;

static void colorcomplement ( struct nfa nfa,
struct colormap cm,
int  type,
struct state of,
struct state from,
struct state to 
) [static]

Definition at line 681 of file regc_color.c.

References assert, colormap::cd, CDEND, CISERR, end, findarc(), colordesc::flags, newarc(), NULL, PLAIN, PSEUDO, and UNUSEDCOLOR.

    struct colordesc *cd;
    struct colordesc *end = CDEND(cm);
    color       co;

    assert(of != from);
    for (cd = cm->cd, co = 0; cd < end && !CISERR(); cd++, co++)
        if (!UNUSEDCOLOR(cd) && !(cd->flags & PSEUDO))
            if (findarc(of, PLAIN, co) == NULL)
                newarc(nfa, type, co, from, to);

static void freecm ( struct colormap cm  )  [static]

Definition at line 91 of file regc_color.c.

References colordesc::block, colormap::cd, colormap::cdspace, cmtreefree(), FREE, i, colormap::magic, colormap::max, NBYTS, NULL, colormap::tree, and UNUSEDCOLOR.

    size_t      i;
    union tree *cb;

    cm->magic = 0;
    if (NBYTS > 1)
        cmtreefree(cm, cm->tree, 0);
    for (i = 1; i <= cm->max; i++)      /* skip WHITE */
        if (!UNUSEDCOLOR(&cm->cd[i]))
            cb = cm->cd[i].block;
            if (cb != NULL)
    if (cm->cd != cm->cdspace)

static void freecolor ( struct colormap cm,
pcolor  co 
) [static]

Definition at line 295 of file regc_color.c.

References colordesc::arcs, assert, colordesc::block, colormap::cd, colordesc::flags, colormap::free, FREE, colormap::max, colordesc::nchrs, NOSUB, NULL, colordesc::sub, UNUSEDCOLOR, and WHITE.

Referenced by okcolors().

    struct colordesc *cd = &cm->cd[co];
    color       pco,
                nco;            /* for freelist scan */

    assert(co >= 0);
    if (co == WHITE)

    assert(cd->arcs == NULL);
    assert(cd->sub == NOSUB);
    assert(cd->nchrs == 0);
    cd->flags = FREECOL;
    if (cd->block != NULL)
        cd->block = NULL;       /* just paranoia */

    if ((size_t) co == cm->max)
        while (cm->max > WHITE && UNUSEDCOLOR(&cm->cd[cm->max]))
        assert(cm->free >= 0);
        while ((size_t) cm->free > cm->max)
            cm->free = cm->cd[cm->free].sub;
        if (cm->free > 0)
            assert(cm->free < cm->max);
            pco = cm->free;
            nco = cm->cd[pco].sub;
            while (nco > 0)
                if ((size_t) nco > cm->max)
                    /* take this one out of freelist */
                    nco = cm->cd[nco].sub;
                    cm->cd[pco].sub = nco;
                    assert(nco < cm->max);
                    pco = nco;
                    nco = cm->cd[pco].sub;
        cd->sub = cm->free;
        cm->free = (color) (cd - cm->cd);

static void initcm ( struct vars v,
struct colormap cm 
) [static]

Definition at line 49 of file regc_color.c.

References colordesc::arcs, colordesc::block, BYTTAB, colormap::cd, colormap::cdspace, CHR_MAX, CHR_MIN, colordesc::firstchr, colordesc::flags, colormap::free, i, colormap::magic, colormap::max, NBYTS, colormap::ncds, colordesc::nchrs, colordesc::sub, colormap::tree, colormap::v, and WHITE.

    int         i;
    int         j;
    union tree *t;
    union tree *nextt;
    struct colordesc *cd;

    cm->magic = CMMAGIC;
    cm->v = v;

    cm->ncds = NINLINECDS;
    cm->cd = cm->cdspace;
    cm->max = 0;
    cm->free = 0;

    cd = cm->cd;                /* cm->cd[WHITE] */
    cd->sub = NOSUB;
    cd->arcs = NULL;
    cd->firstchr = CHR_MIN;
    cd->nchrs = CHR_MAX - CHR_MIN + 1;
    cd->flags = 0;

    /* upper levels of tree */
    for (t = &cm->tree[0], j = NBYTS - 1; j > 0; t = nextt, j--)
        nextt = t + 1;
        for (i = BYTTAB - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            t->tptr[i] = nextt;
    /* bottom level is solid white */
    t = &cm->tree[NBYTS - 1];
    for (i = BYTTAB - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        t->tcolor[i] = WHITE;
    cd->block = t;

static color maxcolor ( struct colormap cm  )  [static]

Definition at line 210 of file regc_color.c.

References CISERR, and colormap::max.

Referenced by compact().

    if (CISERR())
        return COLORLESS;

    return (color) cm->max;

static color newcolor ( struct colormap cm  )  [static]

Definition at line 223 of file regc_color.c.

References colordesc::arcs, assert, colordesc::block, colormap::cd, colormap::cdspace, CERR, CISERR, colordesc::firstchr, colordesc::flags, colormap::free, MALLOC, colormap::max, MAX_COLOR, colormap::ncds, colordesc::nchrs, NULL, REALLOC, REG_ECOLORS, REG_ESPACE, colordesc::sub, UNUSEDCOLOR, and VS.

Referenced by newsub(), and pseudocolor().

    struct colordesc *cd;
    size_t      n;

    if (CISERR())
        return COLORLESS;

    if (cm->free != 0)
        assert(cm->free > 0);
        assert((size_t) cm->free < cm->ncds);
        cd = &cm->cd[cm->free];
        assert(cd->arcs == NULL);
        cm->free = cd->sub;
    else if (cm->max < cm->ncds - 1)
        cd = &cm->cd[cm->max];
        /* oops, must allocate more */
        struct colordesc *newCd;

        if (cm->max == MAX_COLOR)
            return COLORLESS;   /* too many colors */

        n = cm->ncds * 2;
        if (n > MAX_COLOR + 1)
            n = MAX_COLOR + 1;
        if (cm->cd == cm->cdspace)
            newCd = (struct colordesc *) MALLOC(n * sizeof(struct colordesc));
            if (newCd != NULL)
                memcpy(VS(newCd), VS(cm->cdspace), cm->ncds *
                       sizeof(struct colordesc));
            newCd = (struct colordesc *)
                REALLOC(cm->cd, n * sizeof(struct colordesc));
        if (newCd == NULL)
            return COLORLESS;
        cm->cd = newCd;
        cm->ncds = n;
        assert(cm->max < cm->ncds - 1);
        cd = &cm->cd[cm->max];

    cd->nchrs = 0;
    cd->sub = NOSUB;
    cd->arcs = NULL;
    cd->firstchr = CHR_MIN;     /* in case never set otherwise */
    cd->flags = 0;
    cd->block = NULL;

    return (color) (cd - cm->cd);

static color newsub ( struct colormap cm,
pcolor  co 
) [static]

Definition at line 395 of file regc_color.c.

References assert, colormap::cd, CISERR, COLORLESS, colordesc::nchrs, newcolor(), NOSUB, and colordesc::sub.

Referenced by subblock(), and subcolor().

    color       sco;            /* new subcolor */

    sco = cm->cd[co].sub;
    if (sco == NOSUB)
    {                           /* color has no open subcolor */
        if (cm->cd[co].nchrs == 1)      /* optimization */
            return co;
        sco = newcolor(cm);     /* must create subcolor */
        if (sco == COLORLESS)
            return COLORLESS;
        cm->cd[co].sub = sco;
        cm->cd[sco].sub = sco;  /* open subcolor points to self */
    assert(sco != NOSUB);

    return sco;

static void okcolors ( struct nfa nfa,
struct colormap cm 
) [static]

Definition at line 557 of file regc_color.c.

References colordesc::arcs, assert, colormap::cd, CDEND, arc::co, arc::colorchain, colorchain(), end, freecolor(), arc::from, colordesc::nchrs, newarc(), NOSUB, NULL, colordesc::sub, arc::to, arc::type, uncolorchain(), and UNUSEDCOLOR.

    struct colordesc *cd;
    struct colordesc *end = CDEND(cm);
    struct colordesc *scd;
    struct arc *a;
    color       co;
    color       sco;

    for (cd = cm->cd, co = 0; cd < end; cd++, co++)
        sco = cd->sub;
        if (UNUSEDCOLOR(cd) || sco == NOSUB)
            /* has no subcolor, no further action */
        else if (sco == co)
            /* is subcolor, let parent deal with it */
        else if (cd->nchrs == 0)
            /* parent empty, its arcs change color to subcolor */
            cd->sub = NOSUB;
            scd = &cm->cd[sco];
            assert(scd->nchrs > 0);
            assert(scd->sub == sco);
            scd->sub = NOSUB;
            while ((a = cd->arcs) != NULL)
                assert(a->co == co);
                uncolorchain(cm, a);
                a->co = sco;
                colorchain(cm, a);
            freecolor(cm, co);
            /* parent's arcs must gain parallel subcolor arcs */
            cd->sub = NOSUB;
            scd = &cm->cd[sco];
            assert(scd->nchrs > 0);
            assert(scd->sub == sco);
            scd->sub = NOSUB;
            for (a = cd->arcs; a != NULL; a = a->colorchain)
                assert(a->co == co);
                newarc(nfa, a->type, sco, a->from, a->to);

static color pseudocolor ( struct colormap cm  )  [static]

Definition at line 354 of file regc_color.c.

References colormap::cd, CISERR, colordesc::flags, colordesc::nchrs, and newcolor().

Referenced by specialcolors().

    color       co;

    co = newcolor(cm);
    if (CISERR())
        return COLORLESS;
    cm->cd[co].nchrs = 1;
    cm->cd[co].flags = PSEUDO;
    return co;

static void rainbow ( struct nfa nfa,
struct colormap cm,
int  type,
pcolor  but,
struct state from,
struct state to 
) [static]

Definition at line 658 of file regc_color.c.

References colormap::cd, CDEND, CISERR, end, colordesc::flags, newarc(), PSEUDO, colordesc::sub, and UNUSEDCOLOR.

Referenced by newnfa().

    struct colordesc *cd;
    struct colordesc *end = CDEND(cm);
    color       co;

    for (cd = cm->cd, co = 0; cd < end && !CISERR(); cd++, co++)
        if (!UNUSEDCOLOR(cd) && cd->sub != co && co != but &&
            !(cd->flags & PSEUDO))
            newarc(nfa, type, co, from, to);

static color setcolor ( struct colormap cm,
chr  c,
pcolor  co 
) [static]

Definition at line 149 of file regc_color.c.

References assert, colordesc::block, BYTBITS, BYTMASK, BYTTAB, colormap::cd, CERR, CISERR, CMMAGIC, COLORLESS, colormap::magic, MALLOC, NBYTS, NULL, REG_ESPACE, colormap::tree, and VS.

Referenced by subcolor().

    uchr        uc = c;
    int         shift;
    int         level;
    int         b;
    int         bottom;
    union tree *t;
    union tree *newt;
    union tree *fillt;
    union tree *lastt;
    union tree *cb;
    color       prev;

    assert(cm->magic == CMMAGIC);
    if (CISERR() || co == COLORLESS)
        return COLORLESS;

    t = cm->tree;
    for (level = 0, shift = BYTBITS * (NBYTS - 1); shift > 0;
         level++, shift -= BYTBITS)
        b = (uc >> shift) & BYTMASK;
        lastt = t;
        t = lastt->tptr[b];
        assert(t != NULL);
        fillt = &cm->tree[level + 1];
        bottom = (shift <= BYTBITS) ? 1 : 0;
        cb = (bottom) ? cm->cd[t->tcolor[0]].block : fillt;
        if (t == fillt || t == cb)
        {                       /* must allocate a new block */
            newt = (union tree *) MALLOC((bottom) ?
                                sizeof(struct colors) : sizeof(struct ptrs));
            if (newt == NULL)
                return COLORLESS;
            if (bottom)
                memcpy(VS(newt->tcolor), VS(t->tcolor),
                       BYTTAB * sizeof(color));
                memcpy(VS(newt->tptr), VS(t->tptr),
                       BYTTAB * sizeof(union tree *));
            t = newt;
            lastt->tptr[b] = t;

    b = uc & BYTMASK;
    prev = t->tcolor[b];
    t->tcolor[b] = (color) co;
    return prev;

static void subblock ( struct vars v,
chr  start,
struct state lp,
struct state rp 
) [static]

Definition at line 460 of file regc_color.c.

References assert, colordesc::block, BYTBITS, BYTMASK, BYTTAB, colormap::cd, CERR, vars::cm, i, MALLOC, NBYTS, colordesc::nchrs, newarc(), newsub(), vars::nfa, NULL, PLAIN, REG_ESPACE, tcolor, colormap::tree, and VS.

Referenced by subrange().

    uchr        uc = start;
    struct colormap *cm = v->cm;
    int         shift;
    int         level;
    int         i;
    int         b;
    union tree *t;
    union tree *cb;
    union tree *fillt;
    union tree *lastt;
    int         previ;
    int         ndone;
    color       co;
    color       sco;

    assert((uc % BYTTAB) == 0);

    /* find its color block, making new pointer blocks as needed */
    t = cm->tree;
    fillt = NULL;
    for (level = 0, shift = BYTBITS * (NBYTS - 1); shift > 0;
         level++, shift -= BYTBITS)
        b = (uc >> shift) & BYTMASK;
        lastt = t;
        t = lastt->tptr[b];
        assert(t != NULL);
        fillt = &cm->tree[level + 1];
        if (t == fillt && shift > BYTBITS)
        {                       /* need new ptr block */
            t = (union tree *) MALLOC(sizeof(struct ptrs));
            if (t == NULL)
            memcpy(VS(t->tptr), VS(fillt->tptr),
                   BYTTAB * sizeof(union tree *));
            lastt->tptr[b] = t;

    /* special cases:  fill block or solid block */
    co = t->tcolor[0];
    cb = cm->cd[co].block;
    if (t == fillt || t == cb)
        /* either way, we want a subcolor solid block */
        sco = newsub(cm, co);
        t = cm->cd[sco].block;
        if (t == NULL)
        {                       /* must set it up */
            t = (union tree *) MALLOC(sizeof(struct colors));
            if (t == NULL)
            for (i = 0; i < BYTTAB; i++)
                t->tcolor[i] = sco;
            cm->cd[sco].block = t;
        /* find loop must have run at least once */
        lastt->tptr[b] = t;
        newarc(v->nfa, PLAIN, sco, lp, rp);
        cm->cd[co].nchrs -= BYTTAB;
        cm->cd[sco].nchrs += BYTTAB;

    /* general case, a mixed block to be altered */
    i = 0;
    while (i < BYTTAB)
        co = t->tcolor[i];
        sco = newsub(cm, co);
        newarc(v->nfa, PLAIN, sco, lp, rp);
        previ = i;
            t->tcolor[i++] = sco;
        } while (i < BYTTAB && t->tcolor[i] == co);
        ndone = i - previ;
        cm->cd[co].nchrs -= ndone;
        cm->cd[sco].nchrs += ndone;

static color subcolor ( struct colormap cm,
chr  c 
) [static]

Definition at line 370 of file regc_color.c.

References assert, colormap::cd, CISERR, COLORLESS, colordesc::firstchr, colordesc::nchrs, newsub(), and setcolor().

Referenced by subrange().

    color       co;             /* current color of c */
    color       sco;            /* new subcolor */

    co = GETCOLOR(cm, c);
    sco = newsub(cm, co);
    if (CISERR())
        return COLORLESS;
    assert(sco != COLORLESS);

    if (co == sco)              /* already in an open subcolor */
        return co;              /* rest is redundant */
    if (cm->cd[sco].nchrs == 0)
        cm->cd[sco].firstchr = c;
    setcolor(cm, c, sco);
    return sco;

static void subrange ( struct vars v,
chr  from,
chr  to,
struct state lp,
struct state rp 
) [static]

Definition at line 423 of file regc_color.c.

References assert, BYTMASK, BYTTAB, vars::cm, i, newarc(), vars::nfa, PLAIN, subblock(), and subcolor().

    uchr        uf;
    int         i;

    assert(from <= to);

    /* first, align "from" on a tree-block boundary */
    uf = (uchr) from;
    i = (int) (((uf + BYTTAB - 1) & (uchr) ~BYTMASK) - uf);
    for (; from <= to && i > 0; i--, from++)
        newarc(v->nfa, PLAIN, subcolor(v->cm, from), lp, rp);
    if (from > to)              /* didn't reach a boundary */

    /* deal with whole blocks */
    for (; to - from >= BYTTAB; from += BYTTAB)
        subblock(v, from, lp, rp);

    /* clean up any remaining partial table */
    for (; from <= to; from++)
        newarc(v->nfa, PLAIN, subcolor(v->cm, from), lp, rp);

static void uncolorchain ( struct colormap cm,
struct arc a 
) [static]

Definition at line 632 of file regc_color.c.

References colordesc::arcs, assert, colormap::cd, arc::co, arc::colorchain, arc::colorchainRev, and NULL.

Referenced by freearc(), and okcolors().

    struct colordesc *cd = &cm->cd[a->co];
    struct arc *aa = a->colorchainRev;

    if (aa == NULL)
        assert(cd->arcs == a);
        cd->arcs = a->colorchain;
        assert(aa->colorchain == a);
        aa->colorchain = a->colorchain;
    if (a->colorchain != NULL)
        a->colorchain->colorchainRev = aa;
    a->colorchain = NULL;       /* paranoia */
    a->colorchainRev = NULL;