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Defines | Functions

version_old_8_3.c File Reference

#include "postgres_fe.h"
#include "pg_upgrade.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
Include dependency graph for version_old_8_3.c:

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void old_8_3_check_for_name_data_type_usage (ClusterInfo *cluster)
void old_8_3_check_for_tsquery_usage (ClusterInfo *cluster)
void old_8_3_check_ltree_usage (ClusterInfo *cluster)
void old_8_3_rebuild_tsvector_tables (ClusterInfo *cluster, bool check_mode)
void old_8_3_invalidate_hash_gin_indexes (ClusterInfo *cluster, bool check_mode)
void old_8_3_invalidate_bpchar_pattern_ops_indexes (ClusterInfo *cluster, bool check_mode)
char * old_8_3_create_sequence_script (ClusterInfo *cluster)

Define Documentation

"i.indrelid NOT IN ( "                  \
                                "SELECT DISTINCT c.oid "                \
                                "FROM   pg_catalog.pg_class c, "        \
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, "    \
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "     \
        /* materialized views didn't exist in 8.3, so no need to check 'm' */ \
                                "WHERE  c.relkind = 'r' AND "           \
                                "       c.oid = a.attrelid AND "        \
                                "       NOT a.attisdropped AND "        \
                                "       a.atttypid = 'pg_catalog.tsvector'::pg_catalog.regtype AND " \
                                "       c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "    \
                                "       n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND "       \
                                "       n.nspname != 'information_schema') "

Referenced by old_8_3_invalidate_bpchar_pattern_ops_indexes(), and old_8_3_invalidate_hash_gin_indexes().

Function Documentation

void old_8_3_check_for_name_data_type_usage ( ClusterInfo cluster  ) 

Definition at line 24 of file version_old_8_3.c.

References check_ok(), conn, connectToServer(), DbInfo::db_name, ClusterInfo::dbarr, DbInfoArr::dbs, executeQueryOrDie(), fopen_priv(), getErrorText(), DbInfoArr::ndbs, NULL, PG_FATAL, pg_log(), PG_REPORT, PQclear(), PQfinish(), PQfnumber(), PQgetvalue(), PQntuples(), prep_status(), and snprintf().

Referenced by check_and_dump_old_cluster().

    int         dbnum;
    FILE       *script = NULL;
    bool        found = false;
    char        output_path[MAXPGPATH];

    prep_status("Checking for invalid \"name\" user columns");

    snprintf(output_path, sizeof(output_path), "tables_using_name.txt");

    for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
        PGresult   *res;
        bool        db_used = false;
        int         ntups;
        int         rowno;
        int         i_nspname,
        DbInfo     *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
        PGconn     *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);

         * With a smaller alignment in 8.4, 'name' cannot be used in a
         * non-pg_catalog table, except as the first column. (We could tighten
         * that condition with enough analysis, but it seems not worth the
         * trouble.)
        res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
                                "SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname "
                                "FROM   pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "
                                "WHERE  c.oid = a.attrelid AND "
                                "       a.attnum > 1 AND "
                                "       NOT a.attisdropped AND "
                                "       a.atttypid = 'pg_catalog.name'::pg_catalog.regtype AND "
                                "       c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
        /* exclude possible orphaned temp tables */
                                "       n.nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' AND "
                         "      n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast_temp_' AND "
                                "       n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')");

        ntups = PQntuples(res);
        i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
        i_relname = PQfnumber(res, "relname");
        i_attname = PQfnumber(res, "attname");
        for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
            found = true;
            if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
                pg_log(PG_FATAL, "could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", output_path, getErrorText(errno));
            if (!db_used)
                fprintf(script, "Database: %s\n", active_db->db_name);
                db_used = true;
            fprintf(script, "  %s.%s.%s\n",
                    PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname),
                    PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_relname),
                    PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_attname));



    if (script)

    if (found)
        pg_log(PG_REPORT, "fatal\n");
               "Your installation contains the \"name\" data type in user tables.  This\n"
        "data type changed its internal alignment between your old and new\n"
               "clusters so this cluster cannot currently be upgraded.  You can remove\n"
        "the problem tables and restart the upgrade.  A list of the problem\n"
               "columns is in the file:\n"
               "    %s\n\n", output_path);

void old_8_3_check_for_tsquery_usage ( ClusterInfo cluster  ) 

Definition at line 119 of file version_old_8_3.c.

References check_ok(), conn, connectToServer(), DbInfo::db_name, ClusterInfo::dbarr, DbInfoArr::dbs, executeQueryOrDie(), fopen_priv(), getErrorText(), DbInfoArr::ndbs, NULL, PG_FATAL, pg_log(), PG_REPORT, PQclear(), PQfinish(), PQfnumber(), PQgetvalue(), PQntuples(), prep_status(), and snprintf().

Referenced by check_and_dump_old_cluster().

    int         dbnum;
    FILE       *script = NULL;
    bool        found = false;
    char        output_path[MAXPGPATH];

    prep_status("Checking for tsquery user columns");

    snprintf(output_path, sizeof(output_path), "tables_using_tsquery.txt");

    for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
        PGresult   *res;
        bool        db_used = false;
        int         ntups;
        int         rowno;
        int         i_nspname,
        DbInfo     *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
        PGconn     *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);

        /* Find any user-defined tsquery columns */
        res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
                                "SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname "
                                "FROM   pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "
        /* materialized views didn't exist in 8.3, so no need to check 'm' */
                                "WHERE  c.relkind = 'r' AND "
                                "       c.oid = a.attrelid AND "
                                "       NOT a.attisdropped AND "
                                "       a.atttypid = 'pg_catalog.tsquery'::pg_catalog.regtype AND "
                                "       c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
        /* exclude possible orphaned temp tables */
                                "       n.nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' AND "
                         "      n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast_temp_' AND "
                                "       n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')");

        ntups = PQntuples(res);
        i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
        i_relname = PQfnumber(res, "relname");
        i_attname = PQfnumber(res, "attname");
        for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
            found = true;
            if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
                pg_log(PG_FATAL, "could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", output_path, getErrorText(errno));
            if (!db_used)
                fprintf(script, "Database: %s\n", active_db->db_name);
                db_used = true;
            fprintf(script, "  %s.%s.%s\n",
                    PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname),
                    PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_relname),
                    PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_attname));



    if (script)

    if (found)
        pg_log(PG_REPORT, "fatal\n");
               "Your installation contains the \"tsquery\" data type.    This data type\n"
               "added a new internal field between your old and new clusters so this\n"
        "cluster cannot currently be upgraded.  You can remove the problem\n"
               "columns and restart the upgrade.  A list of the problem columns is in the\n"
               "    %s\n\n", output_path);

void old_8_3_check_ltree_usage ( ClusterInfo cluster  ) 

Definition at line 209 of file version_old_8_3.c.

References check_ok(), conn, connectToServer(), DbInfo::db_name, ClusterInfo::dbarr, DbInfoArr::dbs, executeQueryOrDie(), fopen_priv(), getErrorText(), DbInfoArr::ndbs, NULL, PG_FATAL, pg_log(), PG_REPORT, PQclear(), PQfinish(), PQfnumber(), PQgetvalue(), PQntuples(), prep_status(), and snprintf().

Referenced by check_and_dump_old_cluster().

    int         dbnum;
    FILE       *script = NULL;
    bool        found = false;
    char        output_path[MAXPGPATH];

    prep_status("Checking for contrib/ltree");

    snprintf(output_path, sizeof(output_path), "contrib_ltree.txt");

    for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
        PGresult   *res;
        bool        db_used = false;
        int         ntups;
        int         rowno;
        int         i_nspname,
        DbInfo     *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
        PGconn     *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);

        /* Find any functions coming from contrib/ltree */
        res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
                                "SELECT n.nspname, p.proname "
                                "FROM   pg_catalog.pg_proc p, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
                                "WHERE  p.pronamespace = n.oid AND "
                                "       p.probin = '$libdir/ltree'");

        ntups = PQntuples(res);
        i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
        i_proname = PQfnumber(res, "proname");
        for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
            found = true;
            if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
                pg_log(PG_FATAL, "Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n",
                       output_path, getErrorText(errno));
            if (!db_used)
                fprintf(script, "Database: %s\n", active_db->db_name);
                db_used = true;
            fprintf(script, "  %s.%s\n",
                    PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname),
                    PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_proname));



    if (script)

    if (found)
        pg_log(PG_REPORT, "fatal\n");
               "Your installation contains the \"ltree\" data type.  This data type\n"
               "changed its internal storage format between your old and new clusters so this\n"
               "cluster cannot currently be upgraded.  You can manually upgrade databases\n"
               "that use \"contrib/ltree\" facilities and remove \"contrib/ltree\" from the old\n"
               "cluster and restart the upgrade.  A list of the problem functions is in the\n"
               "    %s\n\n", output_path);

char* old_8_3_create_sequence_script ( ClusterInfo cluster  ) 

Definition at line 676 of file version_old_8_3.c.

References assert, check_ok(), conn, connectToServer(), DbInfo::db_name, ClusterInfo::dbarr, DbInfoArr::dbs, executeQueryOrDie(), fopen_priv(), getErrorText(), MAXPGPATH, DbInfoArr::ndbs, NULL, PG_FATAL, pg_free(), pg_log(), pg_malloc(), PQclear(), PQfinish(), PQfnumber(), PQgetvalue(), PQntuples(), prep_status(), quote_identifier(), and snprintf().

Referenced by check_and_dump_old_cluster().

    int         dbnum;
    FILE       *script = NULL;
    bool        found = false;
    char       *output_path = pg_malloc(MAXPGPATH);

    snprintf(output_path, MAXPGPATH, "adjust_sequences.sql");

    prep_status("Creating script to adjust sequences");

    for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
        PGresult   *res;
        bool        db_used = false;
        int         ntups;
        int         rowno;
        int         i_nspname,
        DbInfo     *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
        PGconn     *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);

        /* Find any sequences */
        res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
                                "SELECT n.nspname, c.relname "
                                "FROM   pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
                                "WHERE  c.relkind = 'S' AND "
                                "       c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
        /* exclude possible orphaned temp tables */
                                "       n.nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' AND "
                         "      n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast_temp_' AND "
                                "       n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')");

        ntups = PQntuples(res);
        i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
        i_relname = PQfnumber(res, "relname");
        for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
            PGresult   *seq_res;
            int         i_last_value,
            const char *nspname = PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname);
            const char *relname = PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_relname);

            found = true;

            if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
                pg_log(PG_FATAL, "could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", output_path, getErrorText(errno));
            if (!db_used)
                fprintf(script, "\\connect %s\n\n",
                db_used = true;

            /* Find the desired sequence */
            seq_res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
                                        "SELECT s.last_value, s.is_called "
                                        "FROM   %s.%s s",

            assert(PQntuples(seq_res) == 1);
            i_last_value = PQfnumber(seq_res, "last_value");
            i_is_called = PQfnumber(seq_res, "is_called");

            fprintf(script, "SELECT setval('%s.%s', %s, '%s');\n",
                    quote_identifier(nspname), quote_identifier(relname),
                    PQgetvalue(seq_res, 0, i_last_value), PQgetvalue(seq_res, 0, i_is_called));
        if (db_used)
            fprintf(script, "\n");



    if (script)


    if (found)
        return output_path;
        return NULL;

void old_8_3_invalidate_bpchar_pattern_ops_indexes ( ClusterInfo cluster,
bool  check_mode 

Definition at line 547 of file version_old_8_3.c.

References check_ok(), conn, connectToServer(), DbInfo::db_name, ClusterInfo::dbarr, DbInfoArr::dbs, executeQueryOrDie(), fopen_priv(), getErrorText(), DbInfoArr::ndbs, NULL, PG_FATAL, pg_log(), PG_WARNING, PQclear(), PQfinish(), PQfnumber(), PQgetvalue(), PQntuples(), prep_status(), quote_identifier(), report_status(), SKIP_TSVECTOR_TABLES, and snprintf().

Referenced by check_and_dump_old_cluster(), and issue_warnings().

    int         dbnum;
    FILE       *script = NULL;
    bool        found = false;
    char        output_path[MAXPGPATH];

    prep_status("Checking for bpchar_pattern_ops indexes");

    snprintf(output_path, sizeof(output_path), "reindex_bpchar_ops.sql");

    for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
        PGresult   *res;
        bool        db_used = false;
        int         ntups;
        int         rowno;
        int         i_nspname,
        DbInfo     *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
        PGconn     *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);

        /* find bpchar_pattern_ops indexes */

         * Do only non-hash, non-gin indexees;  we already invalidated them
         * above; no need to reindex twice
        res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
                                "SELECT n.nspname, c.relname "
                                "FROM   pg_catalog.pg_index i, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
                                "WHERE  indexrelid = c.oid AND "
                                "       c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
                                "       ( "
                                "           SELECT  o.oid "
                   "            FROM    pg_catalog.pg_opclass o, "
                  "                 pg_catalog.pg_am a"
        "           WHERE   a.amname NOT IN ('hash', 'gin') AND "
            "                   a.oid = o.opcmethod AND "
                                "                   o.opcname = 'bpchar_pattern_ops') "
                                "       = ANY (i.indclass) AND "

        ntups = PQntuples(res);
        i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
        i_relname = PQfnumber(res, "relname");
        for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
            found = true;
            if (!check_mode)
                if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
                    pg_log(PG_FATAL, "could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", output_path, getErrorText(errno));
                if (!db_used)
                    fprintf(script, "\\connect %s\n",
                    db_used = true;
                fprintf(script, "REINDEX INDEX %s.%s;\n",
                        quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname)),
                        quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_relname)));


        if (!check_mode && found)
            /* mark bpchar_pattern_ops indexes as invalid */
                                      "UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_index i "
                                      "SET  indisvalid = false "
                                      "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
                                      "     pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
                                      "WHERE    indexrelid = c.oid AND "
                                      "     c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
                                      "     ( "
                                      "         SELECT  o.oid "
                         "          FROM    pg_catalog.pg_opclass o, "
                        "                   pg_catalog.pg_am a"
              "         WHERE   a.amname NOT IN ('hash', 'gin') AND "
                  "                 a.oid = o.opcmethod AND "
                                      "                 o.opcname = 'bpchar_pattern_ops') "
                                      "     = ANY (i.indclass)"));


    if (script)

    if (found)
        report_status(PG_WARNING, "warning");
        if (check_mode)
            pg_log(PG_WARNING, "\n"
                   "Your installation contains indexes using \"bpchar_pattern_ops\".  These\n"
                   "indexes have different internal formats between your old and new clusters\n"
                   "so they must be reindexed with the REINDEX command.  After upgrading, you\n"
                   "will be given REINDEX instructions.\n\n");
            pg_log(PG_WARNING, "\n"
                   "Your installation contains indexes using \"bpchar_pattern_ops\".  These\n"
                   "indexes have different internal formats between your old and new clusters\n"
            "so they must be reindexed with the REINDEX command.  The file:\n"
                   "    %s\n"
                   "when executed by psql by the database superuser will recreate all invalid\n"
              "indexes; until then, none of these indexes will be used.\n\n",

void old_8_3_invalidate_hash_gin_indexes ( ClusterInfo cluster,
bool  check_mode 

Definition at line 439 of file version_old_8_3.c.

References check_ok(), conn, connectToServer(), DbInfo::db_name, ClusterInfo::dbarr, DbInfoArr::dbs, executeQueryOrDie(), fopen_priv(), getErrorText(), DbInfoArr::ndbs, NULL, PG_FATAL, pg_log(), PG_WARNING, PQclear(), PQfinish(), PQfnumber(), PQgetvalue(), PQntuples(), prep_status(), quote_identifier(), report_status(), SKIP_TSVECTOR_TABLES, and snprintf().

Referenced by check_and_dump_old_cluster(), and issue_warnings().

    int         dbnum;
    FILE       *script = NULL;
    bool        found = false;
    char        output_path[MAXPGPATH];

    prep_status("Checking for hash and GIN indexes");

    snprintf(output_path, sizeof(output_path), "reindex_hash_and_gin.sql");

    for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
        PGresult   *res;
        bool        db_used = false;
        int         ntups;
        int         rowno;
        int         i_nspname,
        DbInfo     *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
        PGconn     *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);

        /* find hash and gin indexes */
        res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
                                "SELECT n.nspname, c.relname "
                                "FROM   pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_index i, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_am a, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
                                "WHERE  i.indexrelid = c.oid AND "
                                "       c.relam = a.oid AND "
                                "       c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
                            "       a.amname IN ('hash', 'gin') AND "

        ntups = PQntuples(res);
        i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
        i_relname = PQfnumber(res, "relname");
        for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
            found = true;
            if (!check_mode)
                if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
                    pg_log(PG_FATAL, "could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", output_path, getErrorText(errno));
                if (!db_used)
                    fprintf(script, "\\connect %s\n",
                    db_used = true;
                fprintf(script, "REINDEX INDEX %s.%s;\n",
                        quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname)),
                        quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_relname)));


        if (!check_mode && found)
            /* mark hash and gin indexes as invalid */
                                      "UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_index i "
                                      "SET  indisvalid = false "
                                      "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
                                      "     pg_catalog.pg_am a, "
                                      "     pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
                                      "WHERE    i.indexrelid = c.oid AND "
                                      "     c.relam = a.oid AND "
                                      "     c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
                                    "       a.amname IN ('hash', 'gin')"));


    if (script)

    if (found)
        report_status(PG_WARNING, "warning");
        if (check_mode)
            pg_log(PG_WARNING, "\n"
                   "Your installation contains hash and/or GIN indexes.  These indexes have\n"
                   "different internal formats between your old and new clusters, so they\n"
                   "must be reindexed with the REINDEX command.  After upgrading, you will\n"
                   "be given REINDEX instructions.\n\n");
            pg_log(PG_WARNING, "\n"
                   "Your installation contains hash and/or GIN indexes.  These indexes have\n"
                   "different internal formats between your old and new clusters, so they\n"
                   "must be reindexed with the REINDEX command.  The file:\n"
                   "    %s\n"
                   "when executed by psql by the database superuser will recreate all invalid\n"
              "indexes; until then, none of these indexes will be used.\n\n",

void old_8_3_rebuild_tsvector_tables ( ClusterInfo cluster,
bool  check_mode 

Definition at line 296 of file version_old_8_3.c.

References check_ok(), conn, connectToServer(), DbInfo::db_name, ClusterInfo::dbarr, DbInfoArr::dbs, executeQueryOrDie(), fopen_priv(), getErrorText(), DbInfoArr::ndbs, NULL, PG_FATAL, pg_log(), PG_WARNING, PQclear(), PQfinish(), PQfnumber(), PQgetvalue(), PQntuples(), prep_status(), quote_identifier(), report_status(), snprintf(), and strlcpy().

Referenced by check_and_dump_old_cluster(), and issue_warnings().

    int         dbnum;
    FILE       *script = NULL;
    bool        found = false;
    char        output_path[MAXPGPATH];

    prep_status("Checking for tsvector user columns");

    snprintf(output_path, sizeof(output_path), "rebuild_tsvector_tables.sql");

    for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
        PGresult   *res;
        bool        db_used = false;
        char        nspname[NAMEDATALEN] = "",
                    relname[NAMEDATALEN] = "";
        int         ntups;
        int         rowno;
        int         i_nspname,
        DbInfo     *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
        PGconn     *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);

        /* Find any user-defined tsvector columns */
        res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
                                "SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname "
                                "FROM   pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, "
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "
        /* materialized views didn't exist in 8.3, so no need to check 'm' */
                                "WHERE  c.relkind = 'r' AND "
                                "       c.oid = a.attrelid AND "
                                "       NOT a.attisdropped AND "
                                "       a.atttypid = 'pg_catalog.tsvector'::pg_catalog.regtype AND "
                                "       c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
        /* exclude possible orphaned temp tables */
                                "       n.nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' AND "
                         "      n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast_temp_' AND "
                                "       n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')");

 *  This macro is used below to avoid reindexing indexes already rebuilt
 *  because of tsvector columns.
                                "i.indrelid NOT IN ( "                  \
                                "SELECT DISTINCT c.oid "                \
                                "FROM   pg_catalog.pg_class c, "        \
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, "    \
                                "       pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "     \
        /* materialized views didn't exist in 8.3, so no need to check 'm' */ \
                                "WHERE  c.relkind = 'r' AND "           \
                                "       c.oid = a.attrelid AND "        \
                                "       NOT a.attisdropped AND "        \
                                "       a.atttypid = 'pg_catalog.tsvector'::pg_catalog.regtype AND " \
                                "       c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "    \
                                "       n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND "       \
                                "       n.nspname != 'information_schema') "

        ntups = PQntuples(res);
        i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
        i_relname = PQfnumber(res, "relname");
        i_attname = PQfnumber(res, "attname");
        for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
            found = true;
            if (!check_mode)
                if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
                    pg_log(PG_FATAL, "could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", output_path, getErrorText(errno));
                if (!db_used)
                    fprintf(script, "\\connect %s\n\n",
                    db_used = true;

                /* Rebuild all tsvector collumns with one ALTER TABLE command */
                if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname), nspname) != 0 ||
                    strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_relname), relname) != 0)
                    if (strlen(nspname) != 0 || strlen(relname) != 0)
                        fprintf(script, ";\n\n");
                    fprintf(script, "ALTER TABLE %s.%s\n",
                         quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname)),
                        quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_relname)));
                    fprintf(script, ",\n");
                strlcpy(nspname, PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname), sizeof(nspname));
                strlcpy(relname, PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_relname), sizeof(relname));

                fprintf(script, "ALTER COLUMN %s "
                /* This could have been a custom conversion function call. */
                        "TYPE pg_catalog.tsvector USING %s::pg_catalog.text::pg_catalog.tsvector",
                        quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_attname)),
                        quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_attname)));
        if (strlen(nspname) != 0 || strlen(relname) != 0)
            fprintf(script, ";\n\n");


        /* XXX Mark tables as not accessible somehow */


    if (script)

    if (found)
        report_status(PG_WARNING, "warning");
        if (check_mode)
            pg_log(PG_WARNING, "\n"
                   "Your installation contains tsvector columns.  The tsvector internal\n"
                   "storage format changed between your old and new clusters so the tables\n"
                   "must be rebuilt.  After upgrading, you will be given instructions.\n\n");
            pg_log(PG_WARNING, "\n"
                   "Your installation contains tsvector columns.  The tsvector internal\n"
                   "storage format changed between your old and new clusters so the tables\n"
                   "must be rebuilt.  The file:\n"
                   "    %s\n"
                   "when executed by psql by the database superuser will rebuild all tables\n"
                   "with tsvector columns.\n\n",