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CLibraryMetaPanel Class Reference

#include <CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h>

Inheritance diagram for CLibraryMetaPanel:

CLibraryPanel List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CLibraryMetaPanel ()
virtual ~CLibraryMetaPanel ()
virtual BOOL CheckAvailable (CLibraryTreeItem *pFolders, CLibraryList *pObjects)
virtual void Update ()

Protected Member Functions

void DrawText (CDC *pDC, int nX, int nY, LPCTSTR pszText, RECT *pRect=NULL)
void DrawThumbnail (CDC *pDC, CRect &rcClient, CRect &rcWork)
void DrawThumbnail (CDC *pDC, CRect &rcThumb)
void OnRun ()
afx_msg void OnPaint ()
afx_msg void OnVScroll (UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar)
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
afx_msg void OnDestroy ()
afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor (CWnd *pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message)
afx_msg void OnLButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg BOOL OnMouseWheel (UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)

Static Protected Member Functions

static UINT ThreadStart (LPVOID pParam)

Protected Attributes

int m_nSelected
DWORD m_nIndex
BOOL m_bNewFile
CString m_sName
CString m_sPath
CString m_sFolder
CString m_sType
CString m_sSize
int m_nIcon32
int m_nIcon48
int m_nRating
CMetaPanel m_pMetadata
CRect m_rcFolder
CRect m_rcRating
int m_nScrollWheelLines
CCriticalSection m_pSection
CEvent m_pWakeup
HANDLE m_hThread
BOOL m_bThread
CSize m_szThumb
CBitmap m_bmThumb
COLORREF m_crLight
int m_nThumbSize
CString m_sThumb

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CLibraryMetaPanel::CLibraryMetaPanel  ) 

Definition at line 69 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References CCoolInterface::CalculateColour(), CoolInterface, and CCoolInterface::m_crTipBack.

CLibraryMetaPanel::~CLibraryMetaPanel  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 83 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

BOOL CLibraryMetaPanel::CheckAvailable CLibraryTreeItem pFolders,
CLibraryList pObjects

Reimplemented from CLibraryPanel.

Definition at line 90 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References CAlbumFolder::GetBestView(), CAlbumFolder::GetFolderCount(), CLibraryPanel::m_bAvailable, CAlbumFolder::m_bCollSHA1, CLibraryTreeItem::m_pSelNext, CLibraryTreeItem::m_pVirtual, and NULL.

void CLibraryMetaPanel::DrawText CDC *  pDC,
int  nX,
int  nY,
LPCTSTR  pszText,
RECT *  pRect = NULL

Definition at line 407 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, NULL, and theApp.

Referenced by OnPaint().

void CLibraryMetaPanel::DrawThumbnail CDC *  pDC,
CRect &  rcThumb

Definition at line 442 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References CShellIcons::GetHandle(), m_bmThumb, m_crLight, m_nIcon32, m_nIcon48, m_nThumbSize, m_szThumb, and ShellIcons.

void CLibraryMetaPanel::DrawThumbnail CDC *  pDC,
CRect &  rcClient,
CRect &  rcWork

Definition at line 422 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References CoolInterface, CCoolInterface::m_crMargin, and m_nThumbSize.

Referenced by OnPaint().

int CLibraryMetaPanel::OnCreate LPCREATESTRUCT  lpCreateStruct  )  [protected]

Definition at line 249 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References m_bThread, m_hThread, and NULL.

void CLibraryMetaPanel::OnDestroy  )  [protected]

Definition at line 259 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References m_bThread, m_hThread, m_pWakeup, CShareazaApp::Message(), MSG_DEBUG, NULL, and theApp.

void CLibraryMetaPanel::OnLButtonDown UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 606 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

void CLibraryMetaPanel::OnLButtonUp UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 569 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References CFilePropertiesSheet::Add(), CLibraryFrame::Display(), CFilePropertiesSheet::DoModal(), CLibraryList::GetCount(), CLibraryFolders::GetFolder(), CLibraryPanel::GetViewSelection(), CMetaList::HitTest(), LibraryFolders, m_nSelected, m_pMetadata, m_rcFolder, m_rcRating, m_sFolder, and NULL.

BOOL CLibraryMetaPanel::OnMouseWheel UINT  nFlags,
short  zDelta,
CPoint  pt

Definition at line 611 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References m_nScrollWheelLines, NULL, and OnVScroll().

void CLibraryMetaPanel::OnPaint  )  [protected]

Definition at line 290 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References CoolInterface, CShellIcons::Draw(), DrawText(), DrawThumbnail(), IDS_LIBPANEL_NO_SELECTION, IDS_LIBPANEL_RATE_FILE, IDS_TIP_LOCATION, IDS_TIP_SIZE, LoadString(), CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, CCoolInterface::m_crMargin, CCoolInterface::m_crText, CCoolInterface::m_crWindow, CCoolInterface::m_fntBold, CCoolInterface::m_fntCaption, CCoolInterface::m_fntNormal, CCoolInterface::m_fntUnder, m_nRating, m_nSelected, m_pMetadata, m_pSection, m_rcFolder, m_rcRating, m_sFolder, m_sName, m_sSize, NULL, CMetaPanel::Paint(), ShellIcons, SHI_FAKE, SHI_STAR, and theApp.

void CLibraryMetaPanel::OnRun  )  [protected]

Definition at line 627 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References CImageFile::CreateBitmap(), CImageFile::EnsureRGB(), CThumbCache::Load(), CImageFile::LoadFromFile(), m_bmThumb, m_bNewFile, m_bThread, CImageFile::m_nHeight, m_nIndex, m_nThumbSize, CImageFile::m_nWidth, m_pSection, m_pWakeup, m_sPath, m_sThumb, m_szThumb, CImageFile::Resample(), CThumbCache::Store(), and THUMB_STORE_SIZE.

Referenced by ThreadStart().

BOOL CLibraryMetaPanel::OnSetCursor CWnd *  pWnd,
UINT  nHitTest,
UINT  message

Definition at line 542 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References CMetaList::HitTest(), IDC_HAND, m_nSelected, m_pMetadata, m_rcFolder, and m_rcRating.

void CLibraryMetaPanel::OnSize UINT  nType,
int  cx,
int  cy

Definition at line 533 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References Update().

void CLibraryMetaPanel::OnVScroll UINT  nSBCode,
UINT  nPos,
CScrollBar *  pScrollBar

Definition at line 490 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

Referenced by OnMouseWheel().

UINT CLibraryMetaPanel::ThreadStart LPVOID  pParam  )  [static, protected]

Definition at line 620 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References OnRun().

Referenced by Update().

void CLibraryMetaPanel::Update  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from CLibraryPanel.

Definition at line 110 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.cpp.

References CMetaList::Clean(), CMetaList::Combine(), CMetaList::CreateLinks(), CShellIcons::Get(), CLibraryList::GetCount(), CLibraryList::GetHead(), CLibraryList::GetHeadPosition(), CLibraryList::GetNext(), CLibraryFile::GetPath(), CLibraryFile::GetSize(), CShellIcons::GetTypeString(), CLibraryPanel::GetViewSelection(), IDS_LIBPANEL_MULTIPLE_FILES, IDS_LIBPANEL_MULTIPLE_FOLDERS, CMetaPanel::Layout(), Library, LoadString(), CLibrary::LookupFile(), m_bmThumb, m_bNewFile, CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_bThread, m_hThread, m_nIcon32, m_nIcon48, CLibraryFile::m_nIndex, m_nIndex, CLibraryFile::m_nRating, m_nRating, m_nSelected, CLibraryFile::m_pFolder, m_pMetadata, CLibraryFile::m_pSchema, m_pSchema, m_pSection, CLibrary::m_pSection, m_pWakeup, m_sFolder, CLibraryFile::m_sName, m_sName, CLibraryFolder::m_sPath, m_sPath, m_sSize, m_sThumb, m_sType, NULL, Settings, CMetaList::Setup(), ShellIcons, CSettings::SmartVolume(), theApp, and ThreadStart().

Referenced by OnSize().

Member Data Documentation

CBitmap CLibraryMetaPanel::m_bmThumb [protected]

Definition at line 67 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by DrawThumbnail(), OnRun(), and Update().

BOOL CLibraryMetaPanel::m_bNewFile [protected]

Definition at line 47 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnRun(), and Update().

BOOL CLibraryMetaPanel::m_bThread [protected]

Definition at line 65 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnCreate(), OnDestroy(), OnRun(), and Update().

COLORREF CLibraryMetaPanel::m_crLight [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by DrawThumbnail().

HANDLE CLibraryMetaPanel::m_hThread [protected]

Definition at line 64 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnCreate(), OnDestroy(), and Update().

int CLibraryMetaPanel::m_nIcon32 [protected]

Definition at line 53 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by DrawThumbnail(), and Update().

int CLibraryMetaPanel::m_nIcon48 [protected]

Definition at line 54 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by DrawThumbnail(), and Update().

DWORD CLibraryMetaPanel::m_nIndex [protected]

Definition at line 46 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnRun(), and Update().

int CLibraryMetaPanel::m_nRating [protected]

Definition at line 55 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and Update().

int CLibraryMetaPanel::m_nScrollWheelLines [protected]

Definition at line 60 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnMouseWheel().

int CLibraryMetaPanel::m_nSelected [protected]

Definition at line 45 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonUp(), OnPaint(), OnSetCursor(), and Update().

int CLibraryMetaPanel::m_nThumbSize [protected]

Definition at line 69 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by DrawThumbnail(), and OnRun().

CMetaPanel CLibraryMetaPanel::m_pMetadata [protected]

Definition at line 57 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonUp(), OnPaint(), OnSetCursor(), and Update().

CSchema* CLibraryMetaPanel::m_pSchema [protected]

Definition at line 56 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by Update().

CCriticalSection CLibraryMetaPanel::m_pSection [protected]

Definition at line 62 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), OnRun(), and Update().

CEvent CLibraryMetaPanel::m_pWakeup [protected]

Definition at line 63 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnDestroy(), OnRun(), and Update().

CRect CLibraryMetaPanel::m_rcFolder [protected]

Definition at line 58 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonUp(), OnPaint(), and OnSetCursor().

CRect CLibraryMetaPanel::m_rcRating [protected]

Definition at line 59 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonUp(), OnPaint(), and OnSetCursor().

CString CLibraryMetaPanel::m_sFolder [protected]

Definition at line 50 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonUp(), OnPaint(), and Update().

CString CLibraryMetaPanel::m_sName [protected]

Definition at line 48 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and Update().

CString CLibraryMetaPanel::m_sPath [protected]

Definition at line 49 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnRun(), and Update().

CString CLibraryMetaPanel::m_sSize [protected]

Definition at line 52 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and Update().

CString CLibraryMetaPanel::m_sThumb [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by OnRun(), and Update().

CString CLibraryMetaPanel::m_sType [protected]

Definition at line 51 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by Update().

CSize CLibraryMetaPanel::m_szThumb [protected]

Definition at line 66 of file CtrlLibraryMetaPanel.h.

Referenced by DrawThumbnail(), and OnRun().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:40:09 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2