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CHostCacheWnd Class Reference

#include <WndHostCache.h>

Inheritance diagram for CHostCacheWnd:

CPanelWnd CChildWnd List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CHostCacheWnd ()
virtual ~CHostCacheWnd ()
void Update (BOOL bForce=FALSE)
CHostCacheHostGetItem (int nItem)
virtual void OnSkinChange ()
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage (MSG *pMsg)

Public Attributes

BOOL m_bAllowUpdates

Protected Member Functions

afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
afx_msg void OnCustomDrawList (NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
afx_msg void OnDblClkList (NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
afx_msg void OnSortList (NMHDR *pNotifyStruct, LRESULT *pResult)
afx_msg void OnTimer (UINT nIDEvent)
afx_msg void OnContextMenu (CWnd *pWnd, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnNcMouseMove (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnUpdateHostCacheConnect (CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
afx_msg void OnHostCacheConnect ()
afx_msg void OnUpdateHostCacheDisconnect (CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
afx_msg void OnHostCacheDisconnect ()
afx_msg void OnUpdateHostCacheRemove (CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
afx_msg void OnHostCacheRemove ()
afx_msg void OnDestroy ()
afx_msg void OnUpdateHostcacheG2Horizon (CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
afx_msg void OnHostcacheG2Horizon ()
afx_msg void OnUpdateHostcacheG2Cache (CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
afx_msg void OnHostcacheG2Cache ()
afx_msg void OnUpdateHostcacheG1Cache (CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
afx_msg void OnHostcacheG1Cache ()
afx_msg void OnUpdateHostcacheEd2kCache (CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
afx_msg void OnHostcacheEd2kCache ()
afx_msg void OnHostcacheImport ()
afx_msg void OnHostcacheEd2kDownload ()
afx_msg void OnUpdateHostcachePriority (CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
afx_msg void OnHostcachePriority ()
virtual void RecalcLayout (BOOL bNotify=TRUE)

Protected Attributes

CCoolBarCtrl m_wndToolBar
CListCtrl m_wndList
CLiveListSizer m_pSizer
CImageList m_gdiImageList
DWORD m_nCookie
DWORD tLastUpdate

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CHostCacheWnd::CHostCacheWnd  ) 

Definition at line 80 of file WndHostCache.cpp.


CHostCacheWnd::~CHostCacheWnd  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 85 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

CHostCacheHost * CHostCacheWnd::GetItem int  nItem  ) 

Definition at line 223 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CHostCache::Check(), HostCache, m_wndList, and NULL.

Referenced by OnHostCacheConnect(), OnHostCacheDisconnect(), OnHostcachePriority(), OnHostCacheRemove(), OnUpdateHostCacheDisconnect(), and OnUpdateHostcachePriority().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnContextMenu CWnd *  pWnd,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 306 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References ID_HOSTCACHE_CONNECT, m_bAllowUpdates, and CChildWnd::TrackPopupMenu().

int CHostCacheWnd::OnCreate LPCREATESTRUCT  lpCreateStruct  )  [protected]

Reimplemented from CPanelWnd.

Definition at line 92 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CLiveListSizer::Attach(), CCoolBarCtrl::Create(), CreateMirroredBitmap(), CSettings::Gnutella, CSettings::sGnutella::HostCacheView, IDB_PROTOCOLS, IDC_HOSTS, CSettings::LoadList(), CChildWnd::LoadState(), LVS_EX_LABELTIP, m_bAllowUpdates, CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, CShareazaApp::m_gdiFont, m_gdiImageList, m_nMode, CNetwork::m_pSection, m_pSizer, m_wndList, m_wndToolBar, Network, CPanelWnd::OnCreate(), PROTOCOL_ED2K, PROTOCOL_G2, PROTOCOL_NULL, CCoolBarCtrl::SetSyncObject(), Settings, theApp, and Update().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnCustomDrawList NMHDR *  pNMHDR,
LRESULT *  pResult

Definition at line 273 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References m_nMode, m_wndList, and PROTOCOL_ED2K.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnDblClkList NMHDR *  pNMHDR,
LRESULT *  pResult

Definition at line 293 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References OnHostCacheConnect().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnDestroy  )  [protected]

Reimplemented from CChildWnd.

Definition at line 142 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References HostCache, CNetwork::m_pSection, m_wndList, Network, CChildWnd::OnDestroy(), CHostCache::Save(), CSettings::SaveList(), CChildWnd::SaveState(), and Settings.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnHostCacheConnect  )  [protected]

Definition at line 326 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References GetItem(), CNetwork::m_pSection, m_wndList, and Network.

Referenced by OnDblClkList().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnHostCacheDisconnect  )  [protected]

Definition at line 366 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CNeighboursBase::Get(), GetItem(), CNetwork::m_pSection, m_wndList, Neighbours, and Network.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnHostcacheEd2kCache  )  [protected]

Definition at line 491 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CSettings::Gnutella, CSettings::sGnutella::HostCacheView, m_nMode, m_wndList, PROTOCOL_ED2K, Settings, and Update().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnHostcacheEd2kDownload  )  [protected]

Definition at line 511 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References Update().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnHostcacheG1Cache  )  [protected]

Definition at line 479 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CSettings::Gnutella, CSettings::sGnutella::HostCacheView, m_nMode, m_wndList, PROTOCOL_G1, Settings, and Update().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnHostcacheG2Cache  )  [protected]

Definition at line 467 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CSettings::Gnutella, CSettings::sGnutella::HostCacheView, m_nMode, m_wndList, PROTOCOL_G2, Settings, and Update().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnHostcacheG2Horizon  )  [protected]

Definition at line 455 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CSettings::Gnutella, CSettings::sGnutella::HostCacheView, m_nMode, m_wndList, PROTOCOL_NULL, Settings, and Update().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnHostcacheImport  )  [protected]

Definition at line 498 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CHostCache::eDonkey, HostCache, CHostCacheList::Import(), NULL, CHostCache::Save(), and Update().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnHostcachePriority  )  [protected]

Definition at line 411 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CHostCache::eDonkey, GetItem(), HostCache, CHostCacheList::m_nCookie, m_nMode, CNetwork::m_pSection, m_wndList, Network, and PROTOCOL_ED2K.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnHostCacheRemove  )  [protected]

Definition at line 435 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References GetItem(), HostCache, CNetwork::m_pSection, m_wndList, Network, and CHostCache::Remove().

Referenced by PreTranslateMessage().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnNcMouseMove UINT  nHitTest,
CPoint  point

Reimplemented from CChildWnd.

Definition at line 314 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References m_bAllowUpdates.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnSize UINT  nType,
int  cx,
int  cy

Reimplemented from CPanelWnd.

Definition at line 249 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References m_pSizer, m_wndList, m_wndToolBar, CPanelWnd::OnSize(), CLiveListSizer::Resize(), and CChildWnd::SizeListAndBar().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnSkinChange  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from CChildWnd.

Definition at line 234 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CSkin::CreateToolBar(), CSettings::General, CSettings::Gnutella, GUI_BASIC, CSettings::sGeneral::GUIMode, CSettings::sGnutella::HostCacheView, CSettings::LoadList(), m_nMode, m_wndList, m_wndToolBar, CChildWnd::OnSkinChange(), PROTOCOL_G2, Settings, and Skin.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnSortList NMHDR *  pNotifyStruct,
LRESULT *  pResult

Definition at line 299 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References m_wndList, and CLiveList::Sort().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnTimer UINT  nIDEvent  )  [protected]

Definition at line 256 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CHostCache::ForProtocol(), HostCache, CChildWnd::IsPartiallyVisible(), m_nCookie, CHostCacheList::m_nCookie, m_nMode, PROTOCOL_ED2K, PROTOCOL_G1, PROTOCOL_G2, tLastUpdate, and Update().

void CHostCacheWnd::OnUpdateHostCacheConnect CCmdUI *  pCmdUI  )  [protected]

Definition at line 320 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CSettings::GetOutgoingBandwidth(), m_nMode, m_wndList, PROTOCOL_ED2K, and Settings.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnUpdateHostCacheDisconnect CCmdUI *  pCmdUI  )  [protected]

Definition at line 341 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CNeighboursBase::Get(), GetItem(), CNetwork::m_pSection, m_wndList, Neighbours, and Network.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnUpdateHostcacheEd2kCache CCmdUI *  pCmdUI  )  [protected]

Definition at line 486 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References m_nMode, and PROTOCOL_ED2K.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnUpdateHostcacheG1Cache CCmdUI *  pCmdUI  )  [protected]

Definition at line 474 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References m_nMode, and PROTOCOL_G1.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnUpdateHostcacheG2Cache CCmdUI *  pCmdUI  )  [protected]

Definition at line 462 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References m_nMode, and PROTOCOL_G2.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnUpdateHostcacheG2Horizon CCmdUI *  pCmdUI  )  [protected]

Definition at line 450 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References m_nMode, and PROTOCOL_NULL.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnUpdateHostcachePriority CCmdUI *  pCmdUI  )  [protected]

Definition at line 382 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References GetItem(), m_nMode, CNetwork::m_pSection, m_wndList, Network, and PROTOCOL_ED2K.

void CHostCacheWnd::OnUpdateHostCacheRemove CCmdUI *  pCmdUI  )  [protected]

Definition at line 430 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References m_wndList.

BOOL CHostCacheWnd::PreTranslateMessage MSG *  pMsg  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 517 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CChildWnd::IsActive(), m_bAllowUpdates, m_wndList, and OnHostCacheRemove().

void CHostCacheWnd::RecalcLayout BOOL  bNotify = TRUE  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 549 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References m_bAllowUpdates.

void CHostCacheWnd::Update BOOL  bForce = FALSE  ) 

Definition at line 157 of file WndHostCache.cpp.

References CLiveList::Add(), CLiveList::Apply(), CHubHorizonPool::Find(), CLiveItem::Format(), CHostCache::ForProtocol(), CHostCacheList::GetNewest(), HostCache, HubHorizonPool, m_bAllowUpdates, CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_gdiImageList, CHostCacheList::m_nCookie, m_nCookie, CLiveItem::m_nImage, CLiveItem::m_nMaskOverlay, m_nMode, CNetwork::m_pSection, m_wndList, Network, NULL, PROTOCOL_ED2K, PROTOCOL_G2, PROTOCOL_NULL, CLiveItem::Set(), theApp, and tLastUpdate.

Referenced by OnCreate(), OnHostcacheEd2kCache(), OnHostcacheEd2kDownload(), OnHostcacheG1Cache(), OnHostcacheG2Cache(), OnHostcacheG2Horizon(), OnHostcacheImport(), and OnTimer().

Member Data Documentation

BOOL CHostCacheWnd::m_bAllowUpdates

Definition at line 43 of file WndHostCache.h.

Referenced by OnContextMenu(), OnCreate(), OnNcMouseMove(), PreTranslateMessage(), RecalcLayout(), and Update().

CImageList CHostCacheWnd::m_gdiImageList [protected]

Definition at line 48 of file WndHostCache.h.

Referenced by OnCreate(), and Update().

DWORD CHostCacheWnd::m_nCookie [protected]

Definition at line 49 of file WndHostCache.h.

Referenced by OnTimer(), and Update().

PROTOCOLID CHostCacheWnd::m_nMode

Definition at line 42 of file WndHostCache.h.

Referenced by OnCreate(), OnCustomDrawList(), OnHostcacheEd2kCache(), OnHostcacheG1Cache(), OnHostcacheG2Cache(), OnHostcacheG2Horizon(), OnHostcachePriority(), OnSkinChange(), OnTimer(), OnUpdateHostCacheConnect(), OnUpdateHostcacheEd2kCache(), OnUpdateHostcacheG1Cache(), OnUpdateHostcacheG2Cache(), OnUpdateHostcacheG2Horizon(), OnUpdateHostcachePriority(), and Update().

CLiveListSizer CHostCacheWnd::m_pSizer [protected]

Definition at line 47 of file WndHostCache.h.

Referenced by OnCreate(), and OnSize().

CListCtrl CHostCacheWnd::m_wndList [protected]

Definition at line 46 of file WndHostCache.h.

Referenced by GetItem(), OnCreate(), OnCustomDrawList(), OnDestroy(), OnHostCacheConnect(), OnHostCacheDisconnect(), OnHostcacheEd2kCache(), OnHostcacheG1Cache(), OnHostcacheG2Cache(), OnHostcacheG2Horizon(), OnHostcachePriority(), OnHostCacheRemove(), OnSize(), OnSkinChange(), OnSortList(), OnUpdateHostCacheConnect(), OnUpdateHostCacheDisconnect(), OnUpdateHostcachePriority(), OnUpdateHostCacheRemove(), PreTranslateMessage(), and Update().

CCoolBarCtrl CHostCacheWnd::m_wndToolBar [protected]

Definition at line 45 of file WndHostCache.h.

Referenced by OnCreate(), OnSize(), and OnSkinChange().

DWORD CHostCacheWnd::tLastUpdate [protected]

Definition at line 50 of file WndHostCache.h.

Referenced by OnTimer(), and Update().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:40:08 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2