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CMatchTipCtrl Class Reference

#include <CtrlMatchTip.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CMatchTipCtrl ()
virtual ~CMatchTipCtrl ()
void Show (CMatchFile *pFile, CQueryHit *pHit)
void Hide ()
virtual BOOL Create (CWnd *pParentWnd)

Protected Member Functions

 BOOL (WINAPI *m_pfnSetLayeredWindowAttributes)(HWND
void ShowInternal ()
void LoadFromFile ()
void LoadFromHit ()
BOOL LoadTypeInfo ()
CSize ComputeSize ()
void ExpandSize (CDC &dc, CSize &sz, LPCTSTR pszText, int nBase=0)
void DrawText (CDC &dc, CPoint &pt, LPCTSTR pszText)
afx_msg void OnTimer (UINT nIDEvent)
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd (CDC *pDC)
afx_msg void OnPaint ()
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
afx_msg void OnDestroy ()
afx_msg void OnMouseMove (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnKeyDown (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)

Protected Attributes

CWnd * m_pOwner
BOOL m_bVisible
CPoint m_pOpen
DWORD m_tOpen
CString m_sName
CString m_sUser
CString m_sSHA1
CString m_sTiger
CString m_sED2K
CString m_sType
CString m_sSize
CString m_sBusy
CString m_sPush
CString m_sUnstable
int m_nIcon
CString m_sStatus
COLORREF m_crStatus
CString m_sPartial
CString m_sQueue
CMetaList m_pMetadata
int m_nKeyWidth
int m_nRating

Static Protected Attributes

static LPCTSTR m_hClass = NULL
static CBrush m_brBack
static COLORREF m_crBack
static COLORREF m_crText
static COLORREF m_crBorder
static COLORREF m_crWarnings

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CMatchTipCtrl::CMatchTipCtrl  ) 

Definition at line 69 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References CCoolInterface::CalculateColour(), CoolInterface, CCoolInterface::m_crTipBack, CCoolInterface::m_crTipText, CCoolInterface::m_crTipWarnings, and NULL.

CMatchTipCtrl::~CMatchTipCtrl  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 99 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References m_hUser32.

Member Function Documentation

CMatchTipCtrl::BOOL WINAPI *  m_pfnSetLayeredWindowAttributes  )  [protected]

CSize CMatchTipCtrl::ComputeSize  )  [protected]

Definition at line 670 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References CMetaList::ComputeWidth(), CoolInterface, ExpandSize(), CMetaList::GetCount(), IDS_TIP_SIZE, IDS_TIP_TYPE, LoadString(), CCoolInterface::m_fntBold, CCoolInterface::m_fntNormal, m_nKeyWidth, m_pMetadata, m_sBusy, m_sED2K, m_sName, m_sPartial, m_sPush, m_sQueue, m_sSHA1, m_sSize, m_sStatus, m_sTiger, m_sType, m_sUnstable, m_sUser, TIP_ICONHEIGHT, TIP_MARGIN, and TIP_TEXTHEIGHT.

Referenced by ShowInternal().

BOOL CMatchTipCtrl::Create CWnd *  pParentWnd  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 114 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References DWORD, CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_hClass, m_pOwner, NULL, and theApp.

Referenced by CMatchCtrl::OnCreate().

void CMatchTipCtrl::DrawText CDC &  dc,
CPoint &  pt,
LPCTSTR  pszText

Definition at line 1038 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References DWORD, CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_crBack, NULL, and theApp.

Referenced by OnPaint().

void CMatchTipCtrl::ExpandSize CDC &  dc,
CSize &  sz,
LPCTSTR  pszText,
int  nBase = 0

Definition at line 802 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

Referenced by ComputeSize().

void CMatchTipCtrl::Hide  ) 

Definition at line 150 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References m_bVisible, m_pFile, m_pHit, m_pOpen, m_tOpen, NULL, and WS_EX_LAYERED.

Referenced by CMatchCtrl::DestructiveUpdate(), CMatchCtrl::DoDelete(), CMatchCtrl::DoExpand(), OnKeyDown(), CMatchCtrl::OnKeyDown(), CMatchCtrl::OnLButtonDown(), OnMouseMove(), CMatchCtrl::OnMouseMove(), OnTimer(), and Show().

void CMatchTipCtrl::LoadFromFile  )  [protected]

Definition at line 313 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References CMetaList::Clean(), CMetaList::Combine(), CSettings::General, CSchemaCache::Get(), GUI_BASIC, CSettings::sGeneral::GUIMode, CED2K::HashToString(), CTigerNode::HashToString(), CSHA::HashToString(), IDS_TIP_BOGUS, IDS_TIP_EXISTS_BLACKLISTED, IDS_TIP_EXISTS_DELETED, IDS_TIP_EXISTS_DOWNLOAD, IDS_TIP_EXISTS_LIBRARY, IDS_TIP_FILE_BUSY, IDS_TIP_FILE_FIREWALLED, IDS_TIP_FILE_UNSTABLE, IDS_TIP_PARTIAL, IDS_TIP_QUEUE, CLibraryFile::IsAvailable(), Library, LibraryMaps, LoadString(), LoadTypeInfo(), CLibraryMaps::LookupFileByED2K(), CLibraryMaps::LookupFileBySHA1(), CLibraryMaps::LookupFileByTiger(), CQueryHit::m_bBogus, CMatchFile::m_bBusy, CQueryHit::m_bDownload, CMatchFile::m_bDownload, CMatchFile::m_bED2K, CMatchFile::m_bExisting, CMatchFile::m_bOneValid, CMatchFile::m_bPush, CQueryHit::m_bPush, CMatchFile::m_bSHA1, CMatchFile::m_bStable, CMatchFile::m_bTiger, m_crStatus, CMatchFile::m_nFiltered, CQueryHit::m_nPartial, CQueryHit::m_nProtocol, CMatchFile::m_nRated, CMatchFile::m_nRating, m_nRating, CMatchFile::m_nSize, CQueryHit::m_nUpQueue, CQueryHit::m_nUpSlots, CQueryHit::m_pAddress, CMatchFile::m_pBest, CQueryHit::m_pClientID, CMatchFile::m_pED2K, m_pFile, CMatchFile::m_pHits, m_pMetadata, CQueryHit::m_pNext, m_pSchema, CLibrary::m_pSection, CMatchFile::m_pSHA1, CMatchFile::m_pTiger, CQueryHit::m_pVendor, m_sBusy, CLibraryFile::m_sComments, m_sED2K, CVendor::m_sName, CQueryHit::m_sName, m_sName, CQueryHit::m_sNick, m_sPartial, m_sPush, m_sQueue, m_sSHA1, CMatchFile::m_sSize, m_sSize, m_sStatus, m_sTiger, m_sUnstable, m_sUser, NULL, PROTOCOL_ED2K, SchemaCache, Settings, CMetaList::Setup(), TS_TRUE, CMetaList::Vote(), and GGUID::w.

Referenced by ShowInternal().

void CMatchTipCtrl::LoadFromHit  )  [protected]

Definition at line 497 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References CSchema::CheckURI(), CMetaList::Clean(), CMetaList::Combine(), CSettings::General, CSchemaCache::Get(), GUI_BASIC, CSettings::sGeneral::GUIMode, CED2K::HashToString(), CTigerNode::HashToString(), CSHA::HashToString(), IDS_TIP_BOGUS, IDS_TIP_EXISTS_DOWNLOAD, IDS_TIP_EXISTS_LIBRARY, IDS_TIP_PARTIAL, IDS_TIP_QUEUE, IDS_TIP_SOURCE_BUSY, IDS_TIP_SOURCE_FIREWALLED, IDS_TIP_SOURCE_UNSTABLE, LoadString(), LoadTypeInfo(), CQueryHit::m_bBogus, CQueryHit::m_bBusy, CQueryHit::m_bDownload, CMatchFile::m_bDownload, CQueryHit::m_bED2K, CMatchFile::m_bExisting, CQueryHit::m_bPush, CQueryHit::m_bSHA1, CQueryHit::m_bStable, CQueryHit::m_bTiger, m_crStatus, CQueryHit::m_nPartial, CQueryHit::m_nProtocol, CQueryHit::m_nRating, m_nRating, CQueryHit::m_nSize, CQueryHit::m_nUpQueue, CQueryHit::m_nUpSlots, CQueryHit::m_pAddress, CQueryHit::m_pClientID, CQueryHit::m_pED2K, m_pFile, m_pHit, m_pMetadata, m_pSchema, CQueryHit::m_pSHA1, CQueryHit::m_pTiger, CQueryHit::m_pVendor, CQueryHit::m_pXML, m_sBusy, m_sED2K, CVendor::m_sName, CQueryHit::m_sName, m_sName, CQueryHit::m_sNick, m_sPartial, m_sPush, m_sQueue, CQueryHit::m_sSchemaURI, m_sSHA1, m_sSize, m_sStatus, m_sTiger, m_sUnstable, m_sUser, NULL, PROTOCOL_ED2K, SchemaCache, Settings, CMetaList::Setup(), CSettings::SmartVolume(), TS_TRUE, and GGUID::w.

Referenced by ShowInternal().

BOOL CMatchTipCtrl::LoadTypeInfo  )  [protected]

Definition at line 636 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References CShellIcons::Get(), CShellIcons::Lookup(), m_nIcon, m_sName, m_sType, NULL, and ShellIcons.

Referenced by LoadFromFile(), and LoadFromHit().

int CMatchTipCtrl::OnCreate LPCREATESTRUCT  lpCreateStruct  )  [protected]

Definition at line 168 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References NULL.

void CMatchTipCtrl::OnDestroy  )  [protected]

Definition at line 177 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References CBrowseFrameCtrl::OnDestroy().

BOOL CMatchTipCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd CDC *  pDC  )  [protected]

Definition at line 812 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

void CMatchTipCtrl::OnKeyDown UINT  nChar,
UINT  nRepCnt,
UINT  nFlags

Definition at line 1055 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References Hide().

void CMatchTipCtrl::OnMouseMove UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 1050 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References Hide().

void CMatchTipCtrl::OnPaint  )  [protected]

Definition at line 817 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References CoolInterface, CShellIcons::Draw(), DrawText(), CMetaList::GetCount(), CMetaList::GetIterator(), CMetaList::GetNext(), IDS_TIP_SIZE, IDS_TIP_TYPE, LoadString(), CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_crBack, m_crBorder, m_crStatus, m_crText, m_crWarnings, CCoolInterface::m_fntBold, CCoolInterface::m_fntNormal, m_nIcon, m_nKeyWidth, m_nRating, m_pMetadata, m_sBusy, m_sED2K, CMetaItem::m_sKey, m_sName, m_sPartial, m_sPush, m_sQueue, m_sSHA1, m_sSize, m_sStatus, m_sTiger, m_sType, m_sUnstable, m_sUser, CMetaItem::m_sValue, ShellIcons, SHI_BUSY, SHI_FIREWALL, SHI_STAR, SHI_UNSTABLE, theApp, TIP_ICONHEIGHT, TIP_MARGIN, and TIP_TEXTHEIGHT.

void CMatchTipCtrl::OnTimer UINT  nIDEvent  )  [protected]

Definition at line 186 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References Hide(), m_bVisible, m_pOpen, m_pOwner, m_tOpen, and ShowInternal().

void CMatchTipCtrl::Show CMatchFile pFile,
CQueryHit pHit

Definition at line 122 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References Hide(), CSettings::Interface, m_bVisible, m_pFile, m_pHit, m_pOpen, m_tOpen, Settings, ShowInternal(), TIP_DELAY, and CSettings::sInterface::TipSearch.

Referenced by CMatchCtrl::OnMouseMove().

void CMatchTipCtrl::ShowInternal  )  [protected]

Definition at line 214 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

References BYTE, ComputeSize(), CSettings::Interface, LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), LWA_ALPHA, m_bVisible, CShareazaApp::m_dwWindowsVersion, m_pFile, m_pHit, m_pOpen, m_sName, NULL, Settings, theApp, TIP_OFFSET_X, TIP_OFFSET_Y, CSettings::sInterface::TipAlpha, and WS_EX_LAYERED.

Referenced by OnTimer(), and Show().

Member Data Documentation

CMatchTipCtrl::BYTE [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ShowInternal().

CMatchTipCtrl::COLORREF [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

CMatchTipCtrl::DWORD [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by Create(), and DrawText().

CBrush CMatchTipCtrl::m_brBack [static, protected]

Definition at line 105 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

BOOL CMatchTipCtrl::m_bVisible [protected]

Definition at line 44 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by Hide(), OnTimer(), Show(), and ShowInternal().

COLORREF CMatchTipCtrl::m_crBack [static, protected]

Definition at line 106 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

Referenced by DrawText(), and OnPaint().

COLORREF CMatchTipCtrl::m_crBorder [static, protected]

Definition at line 108 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

Referenced by OnPaint().

COLORREF CMatchTipCtrl::m_crStatus [protected]

Definition at line 62 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

COLORREF CMatchTipCtrl::m_crText [static, protected]

Definition at line 107 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

Referenced by OnPaint().

COLORREF CMatchTipCtrl::m_crWarnings [static, protected]

Definition at line 109 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

Referenced by OnPaint().

LPCTSTR CMatchTipCtrl::m_hClass = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 104 of file CtrlMatchTip.cpp.

Referenced by Create().

HINSTANCE CMatchTipCtrl::m_hUser32 [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ~CMatchTipCtrl().

int CMatchTipCtrl::m_nIcon [protected]

Definition at line 60 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by LoadTypeInfo(), and OnPaint().

int CMatchTipCtrl::m_nKeyWidth [protected]

Definition at line 67 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), and OnPaint().

int CMatchTipCtrl::m_nRating [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CMatchFile* CMatchTipCtrl::m_pFile [protected]

Definition at line 45 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by Hide(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), Show(), and ShowInternal().

CQueryHit* CMatchTipCtrl::m_pHit [protected]

Definition at line 46 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by Hide(), LoadFromHit(), Show(), and ShowInternal().

CMetaList CMatchTipCtrl::m_pMetadata [protected]

Definition at line 66 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CPoint CMatchTipCtrl::m_pOpen [protected]

Definition at line 47 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by Hide(), OnTimer(), Show(), and ShowInternal().

CWnd* CMatchTipCtrl::m_pOwner [protected]

Definition at line 43 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by Create(), and OnTimer().

CSchema* CMatchTipCtrl::m_pSchema [protected]

Definition at line 65 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by LoadFromFile(), and LoadFromHit().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sBusy [protected]

Definition at line 57 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sED2K [protected]

Definition at line 54 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sName [protected]

Definition at line 50 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), LoadTypeInfo(), OnPaint(), and ShowInternal().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sPartial [protected]

Definition at line 63 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sPush [protected]

Definition at line 58 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sQueue [protected]

Definition at line 64 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sSHA1 [protected]

Definition at line 52 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sSize [protected]

Definition at line 56 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sStatus [protected]

Definition at line 61 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sTiger [protected]

Definition at line 53 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sType [protected]

Definition at line 55 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadTypeInfo(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sUnstable [protected]

Definition at line 59 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

CString CMatchTipCtrl::m_sUser [protected]

Definition at line 51 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by ComputeSize(), LoadFromFile(), LoadFromHit(), and OnPaint().

DWORD CMatchTipCtrl::m_tOpen [protected]

Definition at line 48 of file CtrlMatchTip.h.

Referenced by Hide(), OnTimer(), and Show().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:40:09 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2