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CSkinWindow Class Reference

#include <SkinWindow.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CSkinWindow ()
virtual ~CSkinWindow ()
BOOL Parse (CXMLElement *pXML, const CString &strPath)
void Prepare (CDC *pDC)
void Paint (CWnd *pWnd, CDC &dc, BOOL bCaption, TRISTATE bActive=TS_UNKNOWN)
void CalcWindowRect (RECT *pRect, BOOL bToClient=FALSE, BOOL bZoomed=FALSE)
BOOL GetPart (LPCTSTR pszName, CRect &rcPart)
BOOL GetAnchor (LPCTSTR pszName, CRect &rcAnchor)
BOOL GetAnchor (LPCTSTR pszName, const CRect &rcClient, CRect &rcAnchor)
BOOL PaintPartOnAnchor (CDC *pDC, const CRect &rcClient, LPCTSTR pszPart, LPCTSTR pszAnchor)
BOOL PreBlend (CBitmap *pbmTarget, const CRect &rcTarget, const CRect &rcSource)
void OnNcCalcSize (CWnd *pWnd, BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS FAR *lpncsp)
void OnGetMinMaxInfo (MINMAXINFO *lpMMI)
UINT OnNcHitTest (CWnd *pWnd, CPoint point, BOOL bResizable=FALSE)
void OnNcPaint (CWnd *pWnd)
BOOL OnNcActivate (CWnd *pWnd, BOOL bActive)
void OnSetText (CWnd *pWnd)
void OnSize (CWnd *pWnd)
BOOL OnEraseBkgnd (CWnd *pWnd, CDC *pDC)
void OnNcMouseMove (CWnd *pWnd, UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
BOOL OnNcLButtonDown (CWnd *pWnd, UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
BOOL OnNcLButtonUp (CWnd *pWnd, UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
BOOL OnNcLButtonDblClk (CWnd *pWnd, UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
CSize GetRegionSize ()

Public Attributes

CString m_sTargets
CString m_sLanguage
CDC m_dcSkin
CBitmap m_bmSkin
CBitmap m_bmAlpha
CBitmap m_bmWatermark
HBITMAP m_hoSkin
BOOL * m_bPart
int * m_nPart
CRect * m_rcPart
BOOL * m_bAnchor
CRect * m_rcAnchor
CMapStringToPtr m_pPartList
CMapStringToPtr m_pAnchorList
CSize m_szMinSize
CRect m_rcMaximise
CRect m_rcResize
BOOL m_bCaption
BOOL m_bCaptionCaps
CRect m_rcCaption
CFont m_fnCaption
COLORREF m_crCaptionFill
COLORREF m_crCaptionText
COLORREF m_crCaptionInactive
COLORREF m_crCaptionShadow
COLORREF m_crCaptionOutline
int m_nCaptionAlign

Protected Member Functions

BOOL ParseRect (CXMLElement *pXML, CRect *pRect)
BOOL ParseColour (const CString &str, COLORREF &cr)
void ResolveAnchor (const CRect &rcClient, CRect &rcAnchor, int nAnchor)
void SelectRegion (CWnd *pWnd)

Protected Attributes

int m_nHoverAnchor
int m_nDownAnchor
int m_nMirror
CRect m_rcMirror

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSkinWindow::CSkinWindow  ) 

Definition at line 43 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References BORDER_WIDTH, m_bAnchor, m_bCaption, m_bCaptionCaps, m_bPart, m_crCaptionFill, m_crCaptionInactive, m_crCaptionOutline, m_crCaptionShadow, m_crCaptionText, m_hoSkin, m_nCaptionAlign, m_nDownAnchor, m_nHoverAnchor, m_nMirror, m_nPart, m_pRegionXML, m_rcAnchor, m_rcMaximise, m_rcPart, m_rcResize, m_szMinSize, NULL, SKINANCHOR_COUNT, and SKINPART_COUNT.

CSkinWindow::~CSkinWindow  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 76 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References m_bAnchor, m_bmSkin, m_bPart, m_dcSkin, m_hoSkin, m_nPart, m_pAnchorList, m_pPartList, m_pRegionXML, m_rcAnchor, m_rcPart, and NULL.

Member Function Documentation

void CSkinWindow::CalcWindowRect RECT *  pRect,
BOOL  bToClient = FALSE,
BOOL  bZoomed = FALSE

Definition at line 459 of file SkinWindow.cpp.


Referenced by OnGetMinMaxInfo(), CFilePropertiesSheet::OnInitDialog(), OnNcCalcSize(), and CSkinDialog::SkinMe().

BOOL CSkinWindow::GetAnchor LPCTSTR  pszName,
const CRect &  rcClient,
CRect &  rcAnchor

Definition at line 1267 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References m_pAnchorList.

BOOL CSkinWindow::GetAnchor LPCTSTR  pszName,
CRect &  rcAnchor

Definition at line 1259 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References m_pAnchorList.

Referenced by CMainTabBarCtrl::CalcFixedLayout(), CRemoteWnd::OnSkinChange(), CRemoteWnd::CmdButton::Paint(), PaintPartOnAnchor(), and CMainTabBarCtrl::TabItem::Skin().

BOOL CSkinWindow::GetPart LPCTSTR  pszName,
CRect &  rcPart

Definition at line 1251 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References m_pPartList.

Referenced by CRemoteWnd::OnSkinChange(), PaintPartOnAnchor(), and CMainTabBarCtrl::TabItem::Skin().

CSize CSkinWindow::GetRegionSize  ) 

Definition at line 1396 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CXMLElement::GetElementIterator(), CXMLElement::GetNextElement(), CXMLNode::IsNamed(), m_pRegionXML, and ParseRect().

BOOL CSkinWindow::OnEraseBkgnd CWnd *  pWnd,
CDC *  pDC

Definition at line 691 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References m_bmWatermark, m_dcSkin, and NULL.

Referenced by CSkinDialog::OnEraseBkgnd(), and CFilePropertiesSheet::OnEraseBkgnd().

void CSkinWindow::OnGetMinMaxInfo MINMAXINFO *  lpMMI  ) 

Definition at line 504 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CalcWindowRect(), m_rcMaximise, m_szMinSize, NULL, and theApp.

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnGetMinMaxInfo().

BOOL CSkinWindow::OnNcActivate CWnd *  pWnd,
BOOL  bActive

Definition at line 636 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, Paint(), theApp, TS_FALSE, and TS_TRUE.

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnNcActivate(), CChildWnd::OnNcActivate(), CWizardSheet::OnNcActivate(), CSkinDialog::OnNcActivate(), and CFilePropertiesSheet::OnNcActivate().

void CSkinWindow::OnNcCalcSize CWnd *  pWnd,
BOOL  bCalcValidRects,

Definition at line 499 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CalcWindowRect().

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnNcCalcSize(), CChildWnd::OnNcCalcSize(), CWizardSheet::OnNcCalcSize(), CSkinDialog::OnNcCalcSize(), CFilePropertiesSheet::OnNcCalcSize(), and OnNcHitTest().

UINT CSkinWindow::OnNcHitTest CWnd *  pWnd,
CPoint  point,
BOOL  bResizable = FALSE

Definition at line 554 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References m_bAnchor, CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_rcResize, OnNcCalcSize(), ResolveAnchor(), SIZEBOX_WIDTH, SKINANCHOR_CLOSE, SKINANCHOR_MAXIMISE, SKINANCHOR_MINIMISE, SKINANCHOR_SYSTEM, and theApp.

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnNcHitTest(), CChildWnd::OnNcHitTest(), CWizardSheet::OnNcHitTest(), CSkinDialog::OnNcHitTest(), CFilePropertiesSheet::OnNcHitTest(), and OnNcLButtonDown().

BOOL CSkinWindow::OnNcLButtonDblClk CWnd *  pWnd,
UINT  nHitTest,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 822 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnNcLButtonDblClk(), CChildWnd::OnNcLButtonDblClk(), CWizardSheet::OnNcLButtonDblClk(), CSkinDialog::OnNcLButtonDblClk(), and CFilePropertiesSheet::OnNcLButtonDblClk().

BOOL CSkinWindow::OnNcLButtonDown CWnd *  pWnd,
UINT  nHitTest,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 740 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_nDownAnchor, m_nHoverAnchor, NULL, OnNcHitTest(), Paint(), ResolveAnchor(), SKINANCHOR_CLOSE, SKINANCHOR_MAXIMISE, SKINANCHOR_MINIMISE, SKINANCHOR_SYSTEM, and theApp.

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnNcLButtonDown(), CChildWnd::OnNcLButtonDown(), CWizardSheet::OnNcLButtonDown(), CSkinDialog::OnNcLButtonDown(), and CFilePropertiesSheet::OnNcLButtonDown().

BOOL CSkinWindow::OnNcLButtonUp CWnd *  pWnd,
UINT  nHitTest,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 792 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_nDownAnchor, m_nHoverAnchor, Paint(), SKINANCHOR_CLOSE, SKINANCHOR_MAXIMISE, SKINANCHOR_MINIMISE, and theApp.

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnNcLButtonUp(), CChildWnd::OnNcLButtonUp(), CWizardSheet::OnNcLButtonUp(), CSkinDialog::OnNcLButtonUp(), and CFilePropertiesSheet::OnNcLButtonUp().

void CSkinWindow::OnNcMouseMove CWnd *  pWnd,
UINT  nHitTest,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 716 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_nDownAnchor, m_nHoverAnchor, Paint(), SKINANCHOR_CLOSE, SKINANCHOR_MAXIMISE, SKINANCHOR_MINIMISE, SKINANCHOR_SYSTEM, and theApp.

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnNcMouseMove(), CChildWnd::OnNcMouseMove(), CWizardSheet::OnNcMouseMove(), CSkinDialog::OnNcMouseMove(), and CFilePropertiesSheet::OnNcMouseMove().

void CSkinWindow::OnNcPaint CWnd *  pWnd  ) 

Definition at line 629 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, Paint(), and theApp.

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnNcPaint(), CChildWnd::OnNcPaint(), CWizardSheet::OnNcPaint(), CSkinDialog::OnNcPaint(), and CFilePropertiesSheet::OnNcPaint().

void CSkinWindow::OnSetText CWnd *  pWnd  ) 

Definition at line 644 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, Paint(), and theApp.

Referenced by CPanelWnd::OnSetText(), CMainWnd::OnSetText(), CChildWnd::OnSetText(), CWizardSheet::OnSetText(), CSkinDialog::OnSetText(), and CFilePropertiesSheet::OnSetText().

void CSkinWindow::OnSize CWnd *  pWnd  ) 

Definition at line 651 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CoolInterface, CCoolInterface::IsNewWindows(), m_pRegionXML, NULL, SelectRegion(), and theApp.

Referenced by CRemoteWnd::OnSize(), CMainWnd::OnSize(), CChildWnd::OnSize(), CWizardSheet::OnSize(), CSkinDialog::OnSize(), CFilePropertiesSheet::OnSize(), CPluginWnd::OnSkinChange(), CRemoteWnd::OnSkinChange(), CChildWnd::OnSkinChange(), CMainWnd::OnSkinChanged(), and CSkinDialog::SkinMe().

void CSkinWindow::Paint CWnd *  pWnd,
CDC &  dc,
BOOL  bCaption,

Definition at line 845 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CoolInterface, CCoolInterface::GetBuffer(), m_bAnchor, m_bCaption, m_bCaptionCaps, m_bPart, CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_crCaptionInactive, m_crCaptionOutline, m_crCaptionShadow, m_crCaptionText, m_dcSkin, m_fnCaption, m_nCaptionAlign, m_nDownAnchor, m_nHoverAnchor, m_nMirror, m_nPart, m_rcCaption, m_rcMirror, m_rcPart, m_sTargets, NULL, Prepare(), ResolveAnchor(), SKINANCHOR_CLOSE, SKINANCHOR_ICON, SKINANCHOR_SYSTEM, SKINPART_BOTTOM, SKINPART_BOTTOM_LEFT, SKINPART_BOTTOM_RIGHT, SKINPART_IA_TOP, SKINPART_IA_TOP_LEFT, SKINPART_IA_TOP_RIGHT, SKINPART_LEFT, SKINPART_LEFT_BOTTOM, SKINPART_LEFT_TOP, SKINPART_RIGHT, SKINPART_RIGHT_BOTTOM, SKINPART_RIGHT_TOP, SKINPART_SYSTEM, SKINPART_TOP, SKINPART_TOP_LEFT, SKINPART_TOP_RIGHT, SKINPARTMODE_STRETCH, theApp, TS_FALSE, TS_TRUE, and TS_UNKNOWN.

Referenced by OnNcActivate(), OnNcLButtonDown(), OnNcLButtonUp(), OnNcMouseMove(), OnNcPaint(), and OnSetText().

BOOL CSkinWindow::PaintPartOnAnchor CDC *  pDC,
const CRect &  rcClient,
LPCTSTR  pszPart,
LPCTSTR  pszAnchor

Definition at line 1277 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References GetAnchor(), GetPart(), m_dcSkin, NULL, and Prepare().

Referenced by CRemoteWnd::CmdButton::Paint().

BOOL CSkinWindow::Parse CXMLElement pXML,
const CString &  strPath

Definition at line 114 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References _tcsistr(), CXMLElement::Detach(), CSettings::General, CXMLElement::GetAttributeValue(), CXMLElement::GetElementIterator(), CXMLElement::GetNextElement(), IDB_NAVBAR_ALPHA, IDB_NAVBAR_ALPHA_RTL, IDB_NAVBAR_IMAGE, IDB_NAVBAR_IMAGE_RTL, CXMLNode::IsNamed(), CSettings::sGeneral::Language, m_bAnchor, m_bCaption, m_bCaptionCaps, m_bmAlpha, m_bmSkin, m_bmWatermark, m_bPart, CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_crCaptionFill, m_crCaptionInactive, m_crCaptionOutline, m_crCaptionShadow, m_crCaptionText, m_fnCaption, m_nCaptionAlign, m_nMirror, m_nPart, m_pAnchorList, m_pPartList, m_pRegionXML, m_rcAnchor, m_rcCaption, m_rcMaximise, m_rcMirror, m_rcPart, m_rcResize, m_sLanguage, m_sTargets, m_szMinSize, NULL, ParseColour(), ParseRect(), Settings, SKINPARTMODE_STRETCH, SKINPARTMODE_TILE, and theApp.

Referenced by CSkin::LoadWindowSkins().

BOOL CSkinWindow::ParseColour const CString &  str,

Definition at line 441 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

Referenced by Parse().

BOOL CSkinWindow::ParseRect CXMLElement pXML,
CRect *  pRect

Definition at line 416 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

Referenced by GetRegionSize(), Parse(), and SelectRegion().

BOOL CSkinWindow::PreBlend CBitmap *  pbmTarget,
const CRect &  rcTarget,
const CRect &  rcSource

Definition at line 1419 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References m_bmAlpha, m_bmSkin, CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, NULL, and theApp.

Referenced by CMainTabBarCtrl::TabItem::Skin().

void CSkinWindow::Prepare CDC *  pDC  ) 

Definition at line 836 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References m_bmSkin, CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_dcSkin, m_hoSkin, NULL, and theApp.

Referenced by CRemoteWnd::OnPaint(), CMainTabBarCtrl::OnSkinChange(), Paint(), and PaintPartOnAnchor().

void CSkinWindow::ResolveAnchor const CRect &  rcClient,
CRect &  rcAnchor,
int  nAnchor

Definition at line 1292 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References m_rcAnchor.

Referenced by OnNcHitTest(), OnNcLButtonDown(), and Paint().

void CSkinWindow::SelectRegion CWnd *  pWnd  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1302 of file SkinWindow.cpp.

References CXMLElement::GetAttributeValue(), CXMLElement::GetElementIterator(), CXMLElement::GetNextElement(), CXMLNode::IsNamed(), m_pRegionXML, NULL, and ParseRect().

Referenced by OnSize().

Member Data Documentation

BOOL* CSkinWindow::m_bAnchor

Definition at line 50 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), OnNcHitTest(), Paint(), Parse(), and ~CSkinWindow().

BOOL CSkinWindow::m_bCaption

Definition at line 58 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), Paint(), and Parse().

BOOL CSkinWindow::m_bCaptionCaps

Definition at line 59 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), Paint(), and Parse().

CBitmap CSkinWindow::m_bmAlpha

Definition at line 43 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by Parse(), and PreBlend().

CBitmap CSkinWindow::m_bmSkin

Definition at line 42 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CMainTabBarCtrl::OnSkinChange(), Parse(), PreBlend(), Prepare(), and ~CSkinWindow().

CBitmap CSkinWindow::m_bmWatermark

Definition at line 44 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CMainTabBarCtrl::DoPaint(), OnEraseBkgnd(), Parse(), and CMainTabBarCtrl::TabItem::Skin().

BOOL* CSkinWindow::m_bPart

Definition at line 47 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CalcWindowRect(), CSkinWindow(), Paint(), Parse(), and ~CSkinWindow().

COLORREF CSkinWindow::m_crCaptionFill

Definition at line 62 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), and Parse().

COLORREF CSkinWindow::m_crCaptionInactive

Definition at line 64 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), Paint(), and Parse().

COLORREF CSkinWindow::m_crCaptionOutline

Definition at line 66 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), Paint(), and Parse().

COLORREF CSkinWindow::m_crCaptionShadow

Definition at line 65 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), Paint(), and Parse().

COLORREF CSkinWindow::m_crCaptionText

Definition at line 63 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), CRemoteWnd::OnPaint(), Paint(), and Parse().

CDC CSkinWindow::m_dcSkin

Definition at line 41 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by OnEraseBkgnd(), CRemoteWnd::OnPaint(), CMainTabBarCtrl::OnSkinChange(), Paint(), CRemoteWnd::PaintFlow(), CRemoteWnd::PaintHistory(), CRemoteWnd::PaintMedia(), PaintPartOnAnchor(), CRemoteWnd::PaintScaler(), Prepare(), and ~CSkinWindow().

CFont CSkinWindow::m_fnCaption

Definition at line 61 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CRemoteWnd::OnPaint(), Paint(), and Parse().

HBITMAP CSkinWindow::m_hoSkin

Definition at line 45 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), Prepare(), and ~CSkinWindow().

int CSkinWindow::m_nCaptionAlign

Definition at line 67 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), Paint(), and Parse().

int CSkinWindow::m_nDownAnchor [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), OnNcLButtonDown(), OnNcLButtonUp(), OnNcMouseMove(), and Paint().

int CSkinWindow::m_nHoverAnchor [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), OnNcLButtonDown(), OnNcLButtonUp(), OnNcMouseMove(), and Paint().

int CSkinWindow::m_nMirror [protected]

Definition at line 72 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), Paint(), and Parse().

int* CSkinWindow::m_nPart

Definition at line 48 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), Paint(), Parse(), and ~CSkinWindow().

CMapStringToPtr CSkinWindow::m_pAnchorList

Definition at line 53 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by GetAnchor(), CRemoteWnd::OnSkinChange(), Parse(), and ~CSkinWindow().

CMapStringToPtr CSkinWindow::m_pPartList

Definition at line 52 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by GetPart(), Parse(), and ~CSkinWindow().

CXMLElement* CSkinWindow::m_pRegionXML [protected]

Definition at line 69 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), GetRegionSize(), OnSize(), Parse(), SelectRegion(), and ~CSkinWindow().

CRect* CSkinWindow::m_rcAnchor

Definition at line 51 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), Parse(), ResolveAnchor(), and ~CSkinWindow().

CRect CSkinWindow::m_rcCaption

Definition at line 60 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by Paint(), and Parse().

CRect CSkinWindow::m_rcMaximise

Definition at line 56 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), OnGetMinMaxInfo(), and Parse().

CRect CSkinWindow::m_rcMirror [protected]

Definition at line 73 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by Paint(), and Parse().

CRect* CSkinWindow::m_rcPart

Definition at line 49 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CalcWindowRect(), CSkinWindow(), Paint(), Parse(), and ~CSkinWindow().

CRect CSkinWindow::m_rcResize

Definition at line 57 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), OnNcHitTest(), and Parse().

CString CSkinWindow::m_sLanguage

Definition at line 40 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CMainTabBarCtrl::HasLocalVersion(), and Parse().

CString CSkinWindow::m_sTargets

Definition at line 39 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkin::GetWindowSkin(), Paint(), and Parse().

CSize CSkinWindow::m_szMinSize

Definition at line 55 of file SkinWindow.h.

Referenced by CSkinWindow(), OnGetMinMaxInfo(), and Parse().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:40:12 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2