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google::protobuf Namespace Reference




class  Closure
class  Descriptor
class  DescriptorDatabase
class  DescriptorPool
class  DescriptorPoolDatabase
class  DescriptorProto
class  DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange
class  DynamicMessageFactory
class  EncodedDescriptorDatabase
class  EnumDescriptor
class  EnumDescriptorProto
class  EnumOptions
class  EnumValueDescriptor
class  EnumValueDescriptorProto
class  EnumValueOptions
class  FieldDescriptor
class  FieldDescriptorProto
class  FieldOptions
class  FileDescriptor
class  FileDescriptorProto
class  FileDescriptorSet
class  FileOptions
class  GoogleOnceDynamic
struct  hash
struct  hash< const char * >
struct  hash< pair< First, Second > >
struct  hash< string >
class  hash_map
class  hash_set
struct  is_proto_enum
struct  is_proto_enum< ::Battlenet::JSON::Login::AuthenticationState >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::Battlenet::JSON::Login::FormType >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::bgs::protocol::account::v1::IdentityVerificationStatus >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::bgs::protocol::account::v1::PrivacyInfo_GameInfoPrivacy >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::bgs::protocol::AttributeFilter_Operation >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::bgs::protocol::channel::v1::ChannelState_PrivacyLevel >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::bgs::protocol::LogOption >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::bgs::protocol::presence::v1::FieldOperation_OperationType >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Label >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Type >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::google::protobuf::FieldOptions_CType >
struct  is_proto_enum< ::google::protobuf::FileOptions_OptimizeMode >
class  LogSilencer
class  MergedDescriptorDatabase
class  Message
class  MessageFactory
class  MessageLite
class  MessageOptions
struct  Metadata
class  MethodDescriptor
class  MethodDescriptorProto
class  MethodOptions
class  OneofDescriptor
class  OneofDescriptorProto
class  Reflection
singleton  RepeatedField
class  RepeatedPtrField
class  RpcChannel
class  RpcController
class  ScopedMemoryLog
class  Service
class  ServiceDescriptor
class  ServiceDescriptorProto
class  ServiceOptions
class  SimpleDescriptorDatabase
class  SourceCodeInfo
class  SourceCodeInfo_Location
struct  SourceLocation
struct  streq
class  TextFormat
class  UninterpretedOption
class  UninterpretedOption_NamePart
class  UnknownField
class  UnknownFieldSet


typedef unsigned int uint
typedef int8_t int8
typedef int16_t int16
typedef int32_t int32
typedef int64_t int64
typedef uint8_t uint8
typedef uint16_t uint16
typedef uint32_t uint32
typedef uint64_t uint64
typedef void LogHandler (LogLevel level, const char *filename, int line, const std::string &message)
typedef internal::AtomicWord ProtobufOnceType


enum  FieldDescriptorProto_Type {
  FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_DOUBLE = 1, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_FLOAT = 2, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_INT64 = 3, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_UINT64 = 4,
  FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_INT32 = 5, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_FIXED64 = 6, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_FIXED32 = 7, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_BOOL = 8,
  FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_STRING = 9, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_GROUP = 10, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_MESSAGE = 11, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_BYTES = 12,
  FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_UINT32 = 13, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_ENUM = 14, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SFIXED32 = 15, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SFIXED64 = 16,
  FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SINT32 = 17, FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SINT64 = 18
enum  FieldDescriptorProto_Label { FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_OPTIONAL = 1, FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_REQUIRED = 2, FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_REPEATED = 3 }
enum  FileOptions_OptimizeMode { FileOptions_OptimizeMode_SPEED = 1, FileOptions_OptimizeMode_CODE_SIZE = 2, FileOptions_OptimizeMode_LITE_RUNTIME = 3 }
enum  FieldOptions_CType { FieldOptions_CType_STRING = 0, FieldOptions_CType_CORD = 1, FieldOptions_CType_STRING_PIECE = 2 }
enum  LogLevel {


bool ascii_isalnum (char c)
bool ascii_isdigit (char c)
bool HasPrefixString (const string &str, const string &prefix)
string StripPrefixString (const string &str, const string &prefix)
bool HasSuffixString (const string &str, const string &suffix)
string StripSuffixString (const string &str, const string &suffix)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void StripString (string *s, const char *remove, char replacewith)
void LowerString (string *s)
void UpperString (string *s)
string ToUpper (const string &s)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string StringReplace (const string &s, const string &oldsub, const string &newsub, bool replace_all)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void SplitStringUsing (const string &full, const char *delim, vector< string > *res)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void SplitStringAllowEmpty (const string &full, const char *delim, vector< string > *result)
vector< string > Split (const string &full, const char *delim, bool skip_empty=true)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void JoinStrings (const vector< string > &components, const char *delim, string *result)
string JoinStrings (const vector< string > &components, const char *delim)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int UnescapeCEscapeSequences (const char *source, char *dest)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int UnescapeCEscapeSequences (const char *source, char *dest, vector< string > *errors)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int UnescapeCEscapeString (const string &src, string *dest)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int UnescapeCEscapeString (const string &src, string *dest, vector< string > *errors)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string UnescapeCEscapeString (const string &src)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int CEscapeString (const char *src, int src_len, char *dest, int dest_len)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string CEscape (const string &src)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int32 strto32_adaptor (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT uint32 strtou32_adaptor (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
int32 strto32 (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
uint32 strtou32 (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
int64 strto64 (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
uint64 strtou64 (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool safe_int (string text, int32 *value_p)
bool safe_strto32 (string text, int32 *value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastInt32ToBuffer (int32 i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastInt64ToBuffer (int64 i, char *buffer)
char * FastUInt32ToBuffer (uint32 i, char *buffer)
char * FastUInt64ToBuffer (uint64 i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastHexToBuffer (int i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastHex64ToBuffer (uint64 i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastHex32ToBuffer (uint32 i, char *buffer)
char * FastIntToBuffer (int i, char *buffer)
char * FastUIntToBuffer (unsigned int i, char *buffer)
char * FastLongToBuffer (long i, char *buffer)
char * FastULongToBuffer (unsigned long i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastInt32ToBufferLeft (int32 i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastUInt32ToBufferLeft (uint32 i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastInt64ToBufferLeft (int64 i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastUInt64ToBufferLeft (uint64 i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string SimpleItoa (int i)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string SimpleItoa (unsigned int i)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string SimpleItoa (long i)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string SimpleItoa (unsigned long i)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string SimpleItoa (long long i)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string SimpleItoa (unsigned long long i)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string SimpleDtoa (double value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string SimpleFtoa (float value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * DoubleToBuffer (double i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FloatToBuffer (float i, char *buffer)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
string StrCat (const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
string StrCat (const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
string StrCat (const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
string StrCat (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
template<typename Iterator >
void Join (Iterator start, Iterator end, const char *delim, string *result)
template<typename Range >
string Join (const Range &components, const char *delim)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string ToHex (uint64 num)
 PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ARRAY_ACCESSOR (Descriptor, extension_range, const Descriptor::ExtensionRange *) PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ARRAY_ACCESSOR(Descriptor
const FieldDescriptorPROTOBUF_DEFINE_OPTIONS_ACCESSOR (Descriptor, MessageOptions)
 PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ACCESSOR (FieldDescriptor, containing_oneof, const OneofDescriptor *) PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ACCESSOR(FieldDescriptor
const FieldDescriptorPROTOBUF_DEFINE_ACCESSOR (FieldDescriptor, default_value_enum, const EnumValueDescriptor *) PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ARRAY_ACCESSOR(EnumDescriptor
const FieldDescriptor const
 PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ARRAY_ACCESSOR (ServiceDescriptor, method, const MethodDescriptor *) PROTOBUF_DEFINE_OPTIONS_ACCESSOR(ServiceDescriptor
 PROTOBUF_DEFINE_OPTIONS_ACCESSOR (MethodDescriptor, MethodOptions)
 PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ARRAY_ACCESSOR (FileDescriptor, service, const ServiceDescriptor *) PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ARRAY_ACCESSOR(FileDescriptor
void LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT protobuf_AddDesc_google_2fprotobuf_2fdescriptor_2eproto ()
void protobuf_AssignDesc_google_2fprotobuf_2fdescriptor_2eproto ()
void protobuf_ShutdownFile_google_2fprotobuf_2fdescriptor_2eproto ()
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool FieldDescriptorProto_Type_IsValid (int value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldDescriptorProto_Type_descriptor ()
const ::std::string & FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Name (FieldDescriptorProto_Type value)
bool FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Parse (const ::std::string &name, FieldDescriptorProto_Type *value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool FieldDescriptorProto_Label_IsValid (int value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldDescriptorProto_Label_descriptor ()
const ::std::string & FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Name (FieldDescriptorProto_Label value)
bool FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Parse (const ::std::string &name, FieldDescriptorProto_Label *value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool FileOptions_OptimizeMode_IsValid (int value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FileOptions_OptimizeMode_descriptor ()
const ::std::string & FileOptions_OptimizeMode_Name (FileOptions_OptimizeMode value)
bool FileOptions_OptimizeMode_Parse (const ::std::string &name, FileOptions_OptimizeMode *value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool FieldOptions_CType_IsValid (int value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldOptions_CType_descriptor ()
const ::std::string & FieldOptions_CType_Name (FieldOptions_CType value)
bool FieldOptions_CType_Parse (const ::std::string &name, FieldOptions_CType *value)
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Type > ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Label > ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::google::protobuf::FileOptions_OptimizeMode > ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::google::protobuf::FieldOptions_CType > ()
template<typename E >
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor ()
template<typename T >
< T > 
RepeatedFieldBackInserter (RepeatedField< T > *const mutable_field)
template<typename T >
< T > 
RepeatedPtrFieldBackInserter (RepeatedPtrField< T > *const mutable_field)
template<typename T >
< T > 
RepeatedFieldBackInserter (RepeatedPtrField< T > *const mutable_field)
template<typename T >
< T > 
AllocatedRepeatedPtrFieldBackInserter (RepeatedPtrField< T > *const mutable_field)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT LogHandlerSetLogHandler (LogHandler *new_func)
ClosureNewCallback (void(*function)())
ClosureNewPermanentCallback (void(*function)())
template<typename Class >
ClosureNewCallback (Class *object, void(Class::*method)())
template<typename Class >
ClosureNewPermanentCallback (Class *object, void(Class::*method)())
template<typename Arg1 >
ClosureNewCallback (void(*function)(Arg1), Arg1 arg1)
template<typename Arg1 >
ClosureNewPermanentCallback (void(*function)(Arg1), Arg1 arg1)
template<typename Class , typename Arg1 >
ClosureNewCallback (Class *object, void(Class::*method)(Arg1), Arg1 arg1)
template<typename Class , typename Arg1 >
ClosureNewPermanentCallback (Class *object, void(Class::*method)(Arg1), Arg1 arg1)
template<typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
ClosureNewCallback (void(*function)(Arg1, Arg2), Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2)
template<typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
ClosureNewPermanentCallback (void(*function)(Arg1, Arg2), Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2)
template<typename Class , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
ClosureNewCallback (Class *object, void(Class::*method)(Arg1, Arg2), Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2)
template<typename Class , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
ClosureNewPermanentCallback (Class *object, void(Class::*method)(Arg1, Arg2), Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT uint32 ghtonl (uint32 x)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void ShutdownProtobufLibrary ()
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & 
FindOrDie (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & FindOrDie (Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & 
FindOrDieNoPrint (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & FindOrDieNoPrint (Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & 
FindWithDefault (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type * 
FindOrNull (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type * FindOrNull (Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type FindPtrOrNull (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type FindPtrOrNull (Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type::element_type * FindLinkedPtrOrNull (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type::element_type & FindLinkedPtrOrDie (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection , class Key , class Value >
bool FindCopy (const Collection &collection, const Key &key, Value *const value)
template<class Collection , class Key >
bool ContainsKey (const Collection &collection, const Key &key)
template<class Collection , class Key , class Value >
bool ContainsKeyValuePair (const Collection &collection, const Key &key, const Value &value)
template<class Collection >
bool InsertOrUpdate (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type &vt)
template<class Collection >
bool InsertOrUpdate (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
template<class Collection , class InputIterator >
void InsertOrUpdateMany (Collection *const collection, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
template<class Collection >
bool InsertAndDeleteExisting (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
template<class Collection >
bool InsertIfNotPresent (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type &vt)
template<class Collection >
bool InsertIfNotPresent (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
template<class Collection >
void InsertOrDie (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type &value)
template<class Collection >
void InsertOrDieNoPrint (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type &value)
template<class Collection >
void InsertOrDie (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &data)
template<class Collection >
void InsertOrDieNoPrint (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &data)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & InsertKeyOrDie (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & LookupOrInsert (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type &vt)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & LookupOrInsert (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
template<typename Sequence , typename Collection >
void AddTokenCounts (const Sequence &sequence, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &increment, Collection *const count_map)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & LookupOrInsertNew (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection , class Arg >
Collection::value_type::second_type & LookupOrInsertNew (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const Arg &arg)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type::element_type * LookupOrInsertNewLinkedPtr (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection , class Arg >
Collection::value_type::second_type::element_type * LookupOrInsertNewLinkedPtr (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const Arg &arg)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & LookupOrInsertNewSharedPtr (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection , class Arg >
Collection::value_type::second_type & LookupOrInsertNewSharedPtr (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const Arg &arg)
template<class Collection >
bool UpdateReturnCopy (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value, typename Collection::value_type::second_type *previous)
template<class Collection >
bool UpdateReturnCopy (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type &vt, typename Collection::value_type::second_type *previous)
template<class Collection >
InsertOrReturnExisting (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type &vt)
template<class Collection >
InsertOrReturnExisting (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &data)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type EraseKeyReturnValuePtr (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class MapContainer , class KeyContainer >
void InsertKeysFromMap (const MapContainer &map_container, KeyContainer *key_container)
template<class MapContainer , class KeyContainer >
void AppendKeysFromMap (const MapContainer &map_container, KeyContainer *key_container)
template<class MapContainer , class KeyType >
void AppendKeysFromMap (const MapContainer &map_container, vector< KeyType > *key_container)
template<class MapContainer , class ValueContainer >
void AppendValuesFromMap (const MapContainer &map_container, ValueContainer *value_container)
template<class MapContainer , class ValueType >
void AppendValuesFromMap (const MapContainer &map_container, vector< ValueType > *value_container)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void GoogleOnceInitImpl (ProtobufOnceType *once, Closure *closure)
void GoogleOnceInit (ProtobufOnceType *once, void(*init_func)())
template<typename Arg >
void GoogleOnceInit (ProtobufOnceType *once, void(*init_func)(Arg *), Arg *arg)
template<class ForwardIterator >
void STLDeleteContainerPointers (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end)
void STLStringResizeUninitialized (string *s, size_t new_size)
char * string_as_array (string *str)
template<class T >
void STLDeleteElements (T *container)
template<class T >
void STLDeleteValues (T *v)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string StringPrintf (const char *format,...)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT const string & SStringPrintf (string *dst, const char *format,...)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void StringAppendF (string *dst, const char *format,...)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void StringAppendV (string *dst, const char *format, va_list ap)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string StringPrintfVector (const char *format, const vector< string > &v)
string TestSourceDir ()
string TestTempDir ()
void CaptureTestStdout ()
void CaptureTestStderr ()
string GetCapturedTestStdout ()
string GetCapturedTestStderr ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::bgs::protocol::account::v1::PrivacyInfo_GameInfoPrivacy > ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::bgs::protocol::account::v1::IdentityVerificationStatus > ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::bgs::protocol::AttributeFilter_Operation > ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::bgs::protocol::channel::v1::ChannelState_PrivacyLevel > ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::bgs::protocol::LogOption > ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::bgs::protocol::presence::v1::FieldOperation_OperationType > ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::Battlenet::JSON::Login::FormType > ()
const EnumDescriptorGetEnumDescriptor< ::Battlenet::JSON::Login::AuthenticationState > ()


static const int kFastToBufferSize = 32
static const int kDoubleToBufferSize = 32
static const int kFloatToBufferSize = 24
const FieldDescriptor value
const FieldDescriptorProto_Type FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Type_MIN = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_DOUBLE
const FieldDescriptorProto_Type FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Type_MAX = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SINT64
const int FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Type_ARRAYSIZE = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Type_MAX + 1
const FieldDescriptorProto_Label FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Label_MIN = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_OPTIONAL
const FieldDescriptorProto_Label FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Label_MAX = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_REPEATED
const int FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Label_ARRAYSIZE = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Label_MAX + 1
const FileOptions_OptimizeMode FileOptions_OptimizeMode_OptimizeMode_MIN = FileOptions_OptimizeMode_SPEED
const FileOptions_OptimizeMode FileOptions_OptimizeMode_OptimizeMode_MAX = FileOptions_OptimizeMode_LITE_RUNTIME
const int FileOptions_OptimizeMode_OptimizeMode_ARRAYSIZE = FileOptions_OptimizeMode_OptimizeMode_MAX + 1
const FieldOptions_CType FieldOptions_CType_CType_MIN = FieldOptions_CType_STRING
const FieldOptions_CType FieldOptions_CType_CType_MAX = FieldOptions_CType_STRING_PIECE
const int FieldOptions_CType_CType_ARRAYSIZE = FieldOptions_CType_CType_MAX + 1
static const int32 kint32max = 0x7FFFFFFF
static const int32 kint32min = -kint32max - 1
static const int64 kint64max = GOOGLE_LONGLONG(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
static const int64 kint64min = -kint64max - 1
static const uint32 kuint32max = 0xFFFFFFFFu
static const uint64 kuint64max = GOOGLE_ULONGLONG(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT const int kStringPrintfVectorMaxArgs
static const int kFastToBufferSize = 32
static const int kDoubleToBufferSize = 32
static const int kFloatToBufferSize = 24
static const LogLevel ERROR = LOGLEVEL_ERROR
static const LogLevel WARNING = LOGLEVEL_WARNING

Typedef Documentation

typedef void google::protobuf::LogHandler(LogLevel level, const char *filename, int line, const std::string &message)
typedef unsigned int google::protobuf::uint

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum
60  {
79 };
135  {
139 };
Definition: descriptor.pb.h:136
Definition: descriptor.pb.h:137
622  {
623  LOGLEVEL_INFO, // Informational. This is never actually used by
624  // libprotobuf.
625  LOGLEVEL_WARNING, // Warns about issues that, although not technically a
626  // problem now, could cause problems in the future. For
627  // example, a // warning will be printed when parsing a
628  // message that is near the message size limit.
629  LOGLEVEL_ERROR, // An error occurred which should never happen during
630  // normal use.
631  LOGLEVEL_FATAL, // An error occurred from which the library cannot
632  // recover. This usually indicates a programming error
633  // in the code which calls the library, especially when
634  // compiled in debug mode.
636 #ifdef NDEBUG
638 #else
640 #endif
641 };
Definition: common.h:623
Definition: common.h:631
Definition: common.h:625
Definition: common.h:629
Definition: common.h:639

Function Documentation

template<typename Sequence , typename Collection >
void google::protobuf::AddTokenCounts ( const Sequence &  sequence,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  increment,
Collection *const  count_map 
426  {
427  for (typename Sequence::const_iterator it = sequence.begin();
428  it != sequence.end(); ++it) {
429  typename Collection::value_type::second_type& value =
430  LookupOrInsert(count_map, *it,
431  typename Collection::value_type::second_type());
432  value += increment;
433  }
434 }
Collection::value_type::second_type & LookupOrInsert(Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
Definition: map_util.h:405
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
internal::AllocatedRepeatedPtrFieldBackInsertIterator<T> google::protobuf::AllocatedRepeatedPtrFieldBackInserter ( RepeatedPtrField< T > *const  mutable_field)
1595  {
1596  return internal::AllocatedRepeatedPtrFieldBackInsertIterator<T>(
1597  mutable_field);
1598 }
template<class MapContainer , class KeyContainer >
void google::protobuf::AppendKeysFromMap ( const MapContainer &  map_container,
KeyContainer *  key_container 
695  {
696  GOOGLE_CHECK(key_container != NULL);
697  for (typename MapContainer::const_iterator it = map_container.begin();
698  it != map_container.end(); ++it) {
699  key_container->push_back(it->first);
700  }
701 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
Definition: common.h:713
template<class MapContainer , class KeyType >
void google::protobuf::AppendKeysFromMap ( const MapContainer &  map_container,
vector< KeyType > *  key_container 
712  {
713  GOOGLE_CHECK(key_container != NULL);
714  // We now have the opportunity to call reserve(). Calling reserve() every
715  // time is a bad idea for some use cases: libstdc++'s implementation of
716  // vector<>::reserve() resizes the vector's backing store to exactly the
717  // given size (unless it's already at least that big). Because of this,
718  // the use case that involves appending a lot of small maps (total size
719  // N) one by one to a vector would be O(N^2). But never calling reserve()
720  // loses the opportunity to improve the use case of adding from a large
721  // map to an empty vector (this improves performance by up to 33%). A
722  // number of heuristics are possible; see the discussion in
723  // cl/34081696. Here we use the simplest one.
724  if (key_container->empty()) {
725  key_container->reserve(map_container.size());
726  }
727  for (typename MapContainer::const_iterator it = map_container.begin();
728  it != map_container.end(); ++it) {
729  key_container->push_back(it->first);
730  }
731 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
Definition: common.h:713
template<class MapContainer , class ValueContainer >
void google::protobuf::AppendValuesFromMap ( const MapContainer &  map_container,
ValueContainer *  value_container 
739  {
740  GOOGLE_CHECK(value_container != NULL);
741  for (typename MapContainer::const_iterator it = map_container.begin();
742  it != map_container.end(); ++it) {
743  value_container->push_back(it->second);
744  }
745 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
Definition: common.h:713
template<class MapContainer , class ValueType >
void google::protobuf::AppendValuesFromMap ( const MapContainer &  map_container,
vector< ValueType > *  value_container 
756  {
757  GOOGLE_CHECK(value_container != NULL);
758  // See AppendKeysFromMap for why this is done.
759  if (value_container->empty()) {
760  value_container->reserve(map_container.size());
761  }
762  for (typename MapContainer::const_iterator it = map_container.begin();
763  it != map_container.end(); ++it) {
764  value_container->push_back(it->second);
765  }
766 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
Definition: common.h:713
bool google::protobuf::ascii_isalnum ( char  c)
62  {
63  return ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
64  ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
65  ('0' <= c && c <= '9');
66 }
bool google::protobuf::ascii_isdigit ( char  c)
68  {
69  return ('0' <= c && c <= '9');
70 }
void google::protobuf::CaptureTestStderr ( )
void google::protobuf::CaptureTestStdout ( )
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::CEscape ( const string &  src)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int google::protobuf::CEscapeString ( const char *  src,
int  src_len,
char *  dest,
int  dest_len 
template<class Collection , class Key >
bool google::protobuf::ContainsKey ( const Collection &  collection,
const Key &  key 
239  {
240  return collection.find(key) != collection.end();
241 }
template<class Collection , class Key , class Value >
bool google::protobuf::ContainsKeyValuePair ( const Collection &  collection,
const Key &  key,
const Value value 
248  {
249  typedef typename Collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
250  std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> range = collection.equal_range(key);
251  for (const_iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
252  if (it->second == value) {
253  return true;
254  }
255  }
256  return false;
257 }
void LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT google::protobuf::DoNothing ( )
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::DoubleToBuffer ( double  i,
char *  buffer 
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type google::protobuf::EraseKeyReturnValuePtr ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
665  {
666  typename Collection::iterator it = collection->find(key);
667  if (it == collection->end()) {
668  return NULL;
669  }
670  typename Collection::value_type::second_type v = it->second;
671  collection->erase(it);
672  return v;
673 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::FastHex32ToBuffer ( uint32  i,
char *  buffer 
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::FastHex64ToBuffer ( uint64  i,
char *  buffer 
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::FastHexToBuffer ( int  i,
char *  buffer 
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::FastInt32ToBuffer ( int32  i,
char *  buffer 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::FastInt32ToBufferLeft ( int32  i,
char *  buffer 
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::FastInt64ToBuffer ( int64  i,
char *  buffer 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::FastInt64ToBufferLeft ( int64  i,
char *  buffer 
char * google::protobuf::FastIntToBuffer ( int  i,
char *  buffer 
395  {
396  return (sizeof(i) == 4 ?
397  FastInt32ToBuffer(i, buffer) : FastInt64ToBuffer(i, buffer));
398 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastInt32ToBuffer(int32 i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastInt64ToBuffer(int64 i, char *buffer)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

char * google::protobuf::FastLongToBuffer ( long  i,
char *  buffer 
403  {
404  return (sizeof(i) == 4 ?
405  FastInt32ToBuffer(i, buffer) : FastInt64ToBuffer(i, buffer));
406 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastInt32ToBuffer(int32 i, char *buffer)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastInt64ToBuffer(int64 i, char *buffer)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

char * google::protobuf::FastUInt32ToBuffer ( uint32  i,
char *  buffer 
434  {
435  FastUInt32ToBufferLeft(i, buffer);
436  return buffer;
437 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastUInt32ToBufferLeft(uint32 i, char *buffer)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::FastUInt32ToBufferLeft ( uint32  i,
char *  buffer 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

char * google::protobuf::FastUInt64ToBuffer ( uint64  i,
char *  buffer 
438  {
439  FastUInt64ToBufferLeft(i, buffer);
440  return buffer;
441 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * FastUInt64ToBufferLeft(uint64 i, char *buffer)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::FastUInt64ToBufferLeft ( uint64  i,
char *  buffer 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

char * google::protobuf::FastUIntToBuffer ( unsigned int  i,
char *  buffer 
399  {
400  return (sizeof(i) == 4 ?
401  FastUInt32ToBuffer(i, buffer) : FastUInt64ToBuffer(i, buffer));
402 }
char * FastUInt64ToBuffer(uint64 i, char *buffer)
Definition: strutil.h:438
char * FastUInt32ToBuffer(uint32 i, char *buffer)
Definition: strutil.h:434

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

char * google::protobuf::FastULongToBuffer ( unsigned long  i,
char *  buffer 
407  {
408  return (sizeof(i) == 4 ?
409  FastUInt32ToBuffer(i, buffer) : FastUInt64ToBuffer(i, buffer));
410 }
char * FastUInt64ToBuffer(uint64 i, char *buffer)
Definition: strutil.h:438
char * FastUInt32ToBuffer(uint32 i, char *buffer)
Definition: strutil.h:434

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Label_descriptor ( )

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Label_IsValid ( int  value)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const ::std::string& google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Name ( FieldDescriptorProto_Label  value)
106  {
109 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT const string & NameOfEnum(const EnumDescriptor *descriptor, int value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldDescriptorProto_Label_descriptor()
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Parse ( const ::std::string &  name,
FieldDescriptorProto_Label *  value 
111  {
112  return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<FieldDescriptorProto_Label>(
114 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldDescriptorProto_Label_descriptor()
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Type_descriptor ( )

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Type_IsValid ( int  value)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const ::std::string& google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Name ( FieldDescriptorProto_Type  value)
86  {
89 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT const string & NameOfEnum(const EnumDescriptor *descriptor, int value)
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldDescriptorProto_Type_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Parse ( const ::std::string &  name,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type *  value 
91  {
92  return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<FieldDescriptorProto_Type>(
94 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldDescriptorProto_Type_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* google::protobuf::FieldOptions_CType_descriptor ( )

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool google::protobuf::FieldOptions_CType_IsValid ( int  value)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const ::std::string& google::protobuf::FieldOptions_CType_Name ( FieldOptions_CType  value)
146  {
149 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldOptions_CType_descriptor()
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT const string & NameOfEnum(const EnumDescriptor *descriptor, int value)
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool google::protobuf::FieldOptions_CType_Parse ( const ::std::string &  name,
FieldOptions_CType *  value 
151  {
152  return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<FieldOptions_CType>(
154 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldOptions_CType_descriptor()
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* google::protobuf::FileOptions_OptimizeMode_descriptor ( )

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool google::protobuf::FileOptions_OptimizeMode_IsValid ( int  value)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const ::std::string& google::protobuf::FileOptions_OptimizeMode_Name ( FileOptions_OptimizeMode  value)
126  {
129 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT const string & NameOfEnum(const EnumDescriptor *descriptor, int value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FileOptions_OptimizeMode_descriptor()
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool google::protobuf::FileOptions_OptimizeMode_Parse ( const ::std::string &  name,
FileOptions_OptimizeMode *  value 
131  {
132  return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<FileOptions_OptimizeMode>(
134 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FileOptions_OptimizeMode_descriptor()
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class Collection , class Key , class Value >
bool google::protobuf::FindCopy ( const Collection &  collection,
const Key &  key,
Value *const  value 
222  {
223  typename Collection::const_iterator it = collection.find(key);
224  if (it == collection.end()) {
225  return false;
226  }
227  if (value) {
228  *value = it->second;
229  }
230  return true;
231 }
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type::element_type& google::protobuf::FindLinkedPtrOrDie ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
209  {
210  typename Collection::const_iterator it = collection.find(key);
211  CHECK(it != collection.end()) << "key not found: " << key;
212  // Since linked_ptr::operator*() is a const member returning a non const,
213  // we do not need a version of this function taking a non const collection.
214  return *it->second;
215 }
Definition: inflate.h:47
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type::element_type* google::protobuf::FindLinkedPtrOrNull ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
195  {
196  typename Collection::const_iterator it = collection.find(key);
197  if (it == collection.end()) {
198  return 0;
199  }
200  // Since linked_ptr::get() is a const member returning a non const,
201  // we do not need a version of this function taking a non const collection.
202  return it->second.get();
203 }
template<class Collection >
const Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::FindOrDie ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
75  {
76  typename Collection::const_iterator it = collection.find(key);
77  GOOGLE_CHECK(it != collection.end()) << "Map key not found: " << key;
78  return it->second;
79 }
Definition: common.h:713
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::FindOrDie ( Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
85  {
86  typename Collection::iterator it = collection.find(key);
87  GOOGLE_CHECK(it != collection.end()) << "Map key not found: " << key;
88  return it->second;
89 }
Definition: common.h:713
template<class Collection >
const Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::FindOrDieNoPrint ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
95  {
96  typename Collection::const_iterator it = collection.find(key);
97  GOOGLE_CHECK(it != collection.end()) << "Map key not found";
98  return it->second;
99 }
Definition: common.h:713
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::FindOrDieNoPrint ( Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
105  {
106  typename Collection::iterator it = collection.find(key);
107  GOOGLE_CHECK(it != collection.end()) << "Map key not found";
108  return it->second;
109 }
Definition: common.h:713
template<class Collection >
const Collection::value_type::second_type* google::protobuf::FindOrNull ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
138  {
139  typename Collection::const_iterator it = collection.find(key);
140  if (it == collection.end()) {
141  return 0;
142  }
143  return &it->second;
144 }
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type* google::protobuf::FindOrNull ( Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
150  {
151  typename Collection::iterator it = collection.find(key);
152  if (it == collection.end()) {
153  return 0;
154  }
155  return &it->second;
156 }
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type google::protobuf::FindPtrOrNull ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
167  {
168  typename Collection::const_iterator it = collection.find(key);
169  if (it == collection.end()) {
170  return typename Collection::value_type::second_type();
171  }
172  return it->second;
173 }
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type google::protobuf::FindPtrOrNull ( Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
182  {
183  typename Collection::iterator it = collection.find(key);
184  if (it == collection.end()) {
185  return typename Collection::value_type::second_type();
186  }
187  return it->second;
188 }
template<class Collection >
const Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::FindWithDefault ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  value 
125  {
126  typename Collection::const_iterator it = collection.find(key);
127  if (it == collection.end()) {
128  return value;
129  }
130  return it->second;
131 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT char * google::protobuf::FloatToBuffer ( float  i,
char *  buffer 
string google::protobuf::GetCapturedTestStderr ( )
string google::protobuf::GetCapturedTestStdout ( )
template<typename E >
const EnumDescriptor* google::protobuf::GetEnumDescriptor ( )
1691  {
1693 }
TC_SHARED_APIconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * AuthenticationState_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

1686  {
1688 }
TC_SHARED_APIconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FormType_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

10128  {
10130 }
TC_SHARED_APIconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * IdentityVerificationStatus_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

10123  {
10125 }
TC_SHARED_APIconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * PrivacyInfo_GameInfoPrivacy_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

1103  {
1105 }
TC_SHARED_APIconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * AttributeFilter_Operation_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

2540  {
2542 }
TC_SHARED_APIconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * ChannelState_PrivacyLevel_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

85  {
87 }
TC_SHARED_APIconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * LogOption_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

1044  {
1046 }
TC_SHARED_APIconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldOperation_OperationType_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

6741  {
6743 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldDescriptorProto_Label_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

6736  {
6738 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldDescriptorProto_Type_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

6751  {
6753 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FieldOptions_CType_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

6746  {
6748 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * FileOptions_OptimizeMode_descriptor()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT uint32 google::protobuf::ghtonl ( uint32  x)
void google::protobuf::GoogleOnceInit ( ProtobufOnceType *  once,
void(*)()  init_func 
124  {
126  internal::FunctionClosure0 func(init_func, false);
127  GoogleOnceInitImpl(once, &func);
128  }
129 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void GoogleOnceInitImpl(ProtobufOnceType *once, Closure *closure)
Atomic32 Acquire_Load(volatile const Atomic32 *ptr)
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:167
Definition: once.h:114

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Arg >
void google::protobuf::GoogleOnceInit ( ProtobufOnceType *  once,
void(*)(Arg *)  init_func,
Arg *  arg 
133  {
135  internal::FunctionClosure1<Arg*> func(init_func, false, arg);
136  GoogleOnceInitImpl(once, &func);
137  }
138 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void GoogleOnceInitImpl(ProtobufOnceType *once, Closure *closure)
Atomic32 Acquire_Load(volatile const Atomic32 *ptr)
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:167
Definition: once.h:114
internal::NamedArg< char > arg(StringRef name, const T &arg)
Definition: format.h:3248

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void google::protobuf::GoogleOnceInitImpl ( ProtobufOnceType *  once,
Closure *  closure 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool google::protobuf::HasPrefixString ( const string &  str,
const string &  prefix 
81  {
82  return str.size() >= prefix.size() &&
83, prefix.size(), prefix) == 0;
84 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool google::protobuf::HasSuffixString ( const string &  str,
const string &  suffix 
103  {
104  return str.size() >= suffix.size() &&
105 - suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix) == 0;
106 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
bool google::protobuf::InsertAndDeleteExisting ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  value 
305  {
306  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret =
307  collection->insert(typename Collection::value_type(key, value));
308  if (!ret.second) {
309  delete ret.first->second;
310  ret.first->second = value;
311  return false;
312  }
313  return true;
314 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
template<class Collection >
bool google::protobuf::InsertIfNotPresent ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type &  vt 
322  {
323  return collection->insert(vt).second;
324 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
bool google::protobuf::InsertIfNotPresent ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  value 
331  {
332  return InsertIfNotPresent(
333  collection, typename Collection::value_type(key, value));
334 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool InsertIfNotPresent(Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
Definition: map_util.h:328

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::InsertKeyOrDie ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
380  {
381  typedef typename Collection::value_type value_type;
382  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> res =
383  collection->insert(value_type(key, typename value_type::second_type()));
384  GOOGLE_CHECK(res.second) << "duplicate key: " << key;
385  return res.first->second;
386 }
Definition: common.h:713
template<class MapContainer , class KeyContainer >
void google::protobuf::InsertKeysFromMap ( const MapContainer &  map_container,
KeyContainer *  key_container 
681  {
682  GOOGLE_CHECK(key_container != NULL);
683  for (typename MapContainer::const_iterator it = map_container.begin();
684  it != map_container.end(); ++it) {
685  key_container->insert(it->first);
686  }
687 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
Definition: common.h:713
template<class Collection >
void google::protobuf::InsertOrDie ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type &  value 
339  {
340  CHECK(InsertIfNotPresent(collection, value)) << "duplicate value: " << value;
341 }
Definition: inflate.h:47
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool InsertIfNotPresent(Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
Definition: map_util.h:328

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
void google::protobuf::InsertOrDie ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  data 
355  {
356  typedef typename Collection::value_type value_type;
357  GOOGLE_CHECK(InsertIfNotPresent(collection, key, data))
358  << "duplicate key: " << key;
359 }
Definition: common.h:713
bool InsertIfNotPresent(Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
Definition: map_util.h:328

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
void google::protobuf::InsertOrDieNoPrint ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type &  value 
346  {
347  CHECK(InsertIfNotPresent(collection, value)) << "duplicate value.";
348 }
Definition: inflate.h:47
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool InsertIfNotPresent(Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
Definition: map_util.h:328

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
void google::protobuf::InsertOrDieNoPrint ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  data 
366  {
367  typedef typename Collection::value_type value_type;
368  GOOGLE_CHECK(InsertIfNotPresent(collection, key, data)) << "duplicate key.";
369 }
Definition: common.h:713
bool InsertIfNotPresent(Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
Definition: map_util.h:328

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type* const google::protobuf::InsertOrReturnExisting ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type &  vt 
626  {
627  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret = collection->insert(vt);
628  if (ret.second) {
629  return NULL; // Inserted, no existing previous value.
630  } else {
631  return &ret.first->second; // Return address of already existing value.
632  }
633 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type* const google::protobuf::InsertOrReturnExisting ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  data 
641  {
642  return InsertOrReturnExisting(collection,
643  typename Collection::value_type(key, data));
644 }
Collection::value_type::second_type *const InsertOrReturnExisting(Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &data)
Definition: map_util.h:638

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
bool google::protobuf::InsertOrUpdate ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type &  vt 
268  {
269  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret = collection->insert(vt);
270  if (!ret.second) {
271  // update
272  ret.first->second = vt.second;
273  return false;
274  }
275  return true;
276 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
bool google::protobuf::InsertOrUpdate ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  value 
282  {
283  return InsertOrUpdate(
284  collection, typename Collection::value_type(key, value));
285 }
bool InsertOrUpdate(Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
Definition: map_util.h:280
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class Collection , class InputIterator >
void google::protobuf::InsertOrUpdateMany ( Collection *const  collection,
InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last 
291  {
292  for (; first != last; ++first) {
293  InsertOrUpdate(collection, *first);
294  }
295 }
bool InsertOrUpdate(Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
Definition: map_util.h:280

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Iterator >
void google::protobuf::Join ( Iterator  start,
Iterator  end,
const char *  delim,
string *  result 
536  {
537  for (Iterator it = start; it != end; ++it) {
538  if (it != start) {
539  result->append(delim);
540  }
541  result->append(internal::ToString(*it));
542  }
543 }
string ToString(string a)
Definition: strutil.h:495

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Range >
string google::protobuf::Join ( const Range &  components,
const char *  delim 
547  {
548  string result;
549  Join(components.begin(), components.end(), delim, &result);
550  return result;
551 }
string Join(const Range &components, const char *delim)
Definition: strutil.h:546

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void google::protobuf::JoinStrings ( const vector< string > &  components,
const char *  delim,
string *  result 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

string google::protobuf::JoinStrings ( const vector< string > &  components,
const char *  delim 
217  {
218  string result;
219  JoinStrings(components, delim, &result);
220  return result;
221 }
string JoinStrings(const vector< string > &components, const char *delim)
Definition: strutil.h:216

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::LookupOrInsert ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type &  vt 
398  {
399  return collection->insert(vt).first->second;
400 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::LookupOrInsert ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  value 
407  {
408  return LookupOrInsert(
409  collection, typename Collection::value_type(key, value));
410 }
Collection::value_type::second_type & LookupOrInsert(Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
Definition: map_util.h:405
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::LookupOrInsertNew ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
445  {
446  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<
447  typename Collection::value_type::second_type>::value_type Element;
448  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret =
449  collection->insert(typename Collection::value_type(
450  key,
451  static_cast<typename Collection::value_type::second_type>(NULL)));
452  if (ret.second) {
453  ret.first->second = new Element();
454  }
455  return ret.first->second;
456 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
template<class Collection , class Arg >
Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::LookupOrInsertNew ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const Arg &  arg 
464  {
465  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<
466  typename Collection::value_type::second_type>::value_type Element;
467  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret =
468  collection->insert(typename Collection::value_type(
469  key,
470  static_cast<typename Collection::value_type::second_type>(NULL)));
471  if (ret.second) {
472  ret.first->second = new Element(arg);
473  }
474  return ret.first->second;
475 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
internal::NamedArg< char > arg(StringRef name, const T &arg)
Definition: format.h:3248
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type::element_type* google::protobuf::LookupOrInsertNewLinkedPtr ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
500  {
501  typedef typename Collection::value_type::second_type Value;
502  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret =
503  collection->insert(typename Collection::value_type(key, Value()));
504  if (ret.second) {
505  ret.first->second.reset(new typename Value::element_type);
506  }
507  return ret.first->second.get();
508 }
GenericValue< UTF8<> > Value
GenericValue with UTF8 encoding.
Definition: document.h:1706
template<class Collection , class Arg >
Collection::value_type::second_type::element_type* google::protobuf::LookupOrInsertNewLinkedPtr ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const Arg &  arg 
520  {
521  typedef typename Collection::value_type::second_type Value;
522  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret =
523  collection->insert(typename Collection::value_type(key, Value()));
524  if (ret.second) {
525  ret.first->second.reset(new typename Value::element_type(arg));
526  }
527  return ret.first->second.get();
528 }
GenericValue< UTF8<> > Value
GenericValue with UTF8 encoding.
Definition: document.h:1706
internal::NamedArg< char > arg(StringRef name, const T &arg)
Definition: format.h:3248
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::LookupOrInsertNewSharedPtr ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 
538  {
539  typedef typename Collection::value_type::second_type SharedPtr;
540  typedef typename Collection::value_type::second_type::element_type Element;
541  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret =
542  collection->insert(typename Collection::value_type(key, SharedPtr()));
543  if (ret.second) {
544  ret.first->second.reset(new Element());
545  }
546  return ret.first->second;
547 }
template<class Collection , class Arg >
Collection::value_type::second_type& google::protobuf::LookupOrInsertNewSharedPtr ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const Arg &  arg 
559  {
560  typedef typename Collection::value_type::second_type SharedPtr;
561  typedef typename Collection::value_type::second_type::element_type Element;
562  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret =
563  collection->insert(typename Collection::value_type(key, SharedPtr()));
564  if (ret.second) {
565  ret.first->second.reset(new Element(arg));
566  }
567  return ret.first->second;
568 }
internal::NamedArg< char > arg(StringRef name, const T &arg)
Definition: format.h:3248
void google::protobuf::LowerString ( string *  s)
136  {
137  string::iterator end = s->end();
138  for (string::iterator i = s->begin(); i != end; ++i) {
139  // tolower() changes based on locale. We don't want this!
140  if ('A' <= *i && *i <= 'Z') *i += 'a' - 'A';
141  }
142 }
Closure* google::protobuf::NewCallback ( void(*)()  function)
1005  {
1006  return new internal::FunctionClosure0(function, true);
1007 }
template<typename Class >
Closure* google::protobuf::NewCallback ( Class *  object,
void(Class::*)()  method 
1016  {
1017  return new internal::MethodClosure0<Class>(object, method, true);
1018 }
template<typename Arg1 >
Closure* google::protobuf::NewCallback ( void(*)(Arg1)  function,
Arg1  arg1 
1029  {
1030  return new internal::FunctionClosure1<Arg1>(function, true, arg1);
1031 }
template<typename Class , typename Arg1 >
Closure* google::protobuf::NewCallback ( Class *  object,
void(Class::*)(Arg1)  method,
Arg1  arg1 
1043  {
1044  return new internal::MethodClosure1<Class, Arg1>(object, method, true, arg1);
1045 }
template<typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Closure* google::protobuf::NewCallback ( void(*)(Arg1, Arg2)  function,
Arg1  arg1,
Arg2  arg2 
1057  {
1058  return new internal::FunctionClosure2<Arg1, Arg2>(
1059  function, true, arg1, arg2);
1060 }
template<typename Class , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Closure* google::protobuf::NewCallback ( Class *  object,
void(Class::*)(Arg1, Arg2)  method,
Arg1  arg1,
Arg2  arg2 
1073  {
1074  return new internal::MethodClosure2<Class, Arg1, Arg2>(
1075  object, method, true, arg1, arg2);
1076 }
Closure* google::protobuf::NewPermanentCallback ( void(*)()  function)
1010  {
1011  return new internal::FunctionClosure0(function, false);
1012 }
template<typename Class >
Closure* google::protobuf::NewPermanentCallback ( Class *  object,
void(Class::*)()  method 
1022  {
1023  return new internal::MethodClosure0<Class>(object, method, false);
1024 }
template<typename Arg1 >
Closure* google::protobuf::NewPermanentCallback ( void(*)(Arg1)  function,
Arg1  arg1 
1036  {
1037  return new internal::FunctionClosure1<Arg1>(function, false, arg1);
1038 }
template<typename Class , typename Arg1 >
Closure* google::protobuf::NewPermanentCallback ( Class *  object,
void(Class::*)(Arg1)  method,
Arg1  arg1 
1050  {
1051  return new internal::MethodClosure1<Class, Arg1>(object, method, false, arg1);
1052 }
template<typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Closure* google::protobuf::NewPermanentCallback ( void(*)(Arg1, Arg2)  function,
Arg1  arg1,
Arg2  arg2 
1065  {
1066  return new internal::FunctionClosure2<Arg1, Arg2>(
1067  function, false, arg1, arg2);
1068 }
template<typename Class , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Closure* google::protobuf::NewPermanentCallback ( Class *  object,
void(Class::*)(Arg1, Arg2)  method,
Arg1  arg1,
Arg2  arg2 
1082  {
1083  return new internal::MethodClosure2<Class, Arg1, Arg2>(
1084  object, method, false, arg1, arg2);
1085 }
void LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT google::protobuf::protobuf_AddDesc_google_2fprotobuf_2fdescriptor_2eproto ( )
void google::protobuf::protobuf_AssignDesc_google_2fprotobuf_2fdescriptor_2eproto ( )
google::protobuf::PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ACCESSOR ( FieldDescriptor  ,
containing_oneof  ,
const OneofDescriptor *   
const FieldDescriptor* google::protobuf::PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ACCESSOR ( FieldDescriptor  ,
default_value_enum  ,
const EnumValueDescriptor *   
google::protobuf::PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ARRAY_ACCESSOR ( Descriptor  ,
extension_range  ,
const Descriptor::ExtensionRange *   
google::protobuf::PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ARRAY_ACCESSOR ( ServiceDescriptor  ,
method  ,
const MethodDescriptor *   
google::protobuf::PROTOBUF_DEFINE_ARRAY_ACCESSOR ( FileDescriptor  ,
service  ,
const ServiceDescriptor *   
const FieldDescriptor* google::protobuf::PROTOBUF_DEFINE_OPTIONS_ACCESSOR ( Descriptor  ,
const FieldDescriptor const EnumValueDescriptor* google::protobuf::PROTOBUF_DEFINE_OPTIONS_ACCESSOR ( EnumDescriptor  ,
google::protobuf::PROTOBUF_DEFINE_OPTIONS_ACCESSOR ( MethodDescriptor  ,
google::protobuf::PROTOBUF_DEFINE_OPTIONS_ACCESSOR ( FileDescriptor  ,
void google::protobuf::protobuf_ShutdownFile_google_2fprotobuf_2fdescriptor_2eproto ( )
template<typename T >
internal::RepeatedFieldBackInsertIterator<T> google::protobuf::RepeatedFieldBackInserter ( RepeatedField< T > *const  mutable_field)
1571  {
1572  return internal::RepeatedFieldBackInsertIterator<T>(mutable_field);
1573 }
template<typename T >
internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBackInsertIterator<T> google::protobuf::RepeatedFieldBackInserter ( RepeatedPtrField< T > *const  mutable_field)
1586  {
1587  return internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBackInsertIterator<T>(mutable_field);
1588 }
template<typename T >
internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBackInsertIterator<T> google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrFieldBackInserter ( RepeatedPtrField< T > *const  mutable_field)
1578  {
1579  return internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBackInsertIterator<T>(mutable_field);
1580 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool google::protobuf::safe_int ( string  text,
int32 value_p 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool google::protobuf::safe_strto32 ( string  text,
int32 value 
356  {
357  return safe_int(text, value);
358 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool safe_int(string text, int32 *value_p)
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT LogHandler* google::protobuf::SetLogHandler ( LogHandler *  new_func)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary ( )

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::SimpleDtoa ( double  value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::SimpleFtoa ( float  value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa ( int  i)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa ( unsigned int  i)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa ( long  i)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa ( unsigned long  i)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa ( long long  i)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa ( unsigned long long  i)
vector< string > google::protobuf::Split ( const string &  full,
const char *  delim,
bool  skip_empty = true 
195  {
196  vector<string> result;
197  if (skip_empty) {
198  SplitStringUsing(full, delim, &result);
199  } else {
200  SplitStringAllowEmpty(full, delim, &result);
201  }
202  return result;
203 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void SplitStringUsing(const string &full, const char *delim, vector< string > *res)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void SplitStringAllowEmpty(const string &full, const char *delim, vector< string > *result)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void google::protobuf::SplitStringAllowEmpty ( const string &  full,
const char *  delim,
vector< string > *  result 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void google::protobuf::SplitStringUsing ( const string &  full,
const char *  delim,
vector< string > *  res 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT const string& google::protobuf::SStringPrintf ( string *  dst,
const char *  format,
template<class ForwardIterator >
void google::protobuf::STLDeleteContainerPointers ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end 
53  {
54  while (begin != end) {
55  ForwardIterator temp = begin;
56  ++begin;
57  delete *temp;
58  }
59 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class T >
void google::protobuf::STLDeleteElements ( T *  container)
99  {
100  if (!container) return;
101  STLDeleteContainerPointers(container->begin(), container->end());
102  container->clear();
103 }
void STLDeleteContainerPointers(ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end)
Definition: stl_util.h:52

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class T >
void google::protobuf::STLDeleteValues ( T *  v)
110  {
111  if (!v) return;
112  for (typename T::iterator i = v->begin(); i != v->end(); ++i) {
113  delete i->second;
114  }
115  v->clear();
116 }
void google::protobuf::STLStringResizeUninitialized ( string *  s,
size_t  new_size 
67  {
68  s->resize(new_size);
69 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
string google::protobuf::StrCat ( const T1 a,
const T2 b,
const T3 c,
const T4 d,
const T5 e 
506  {
507  return internal::ToString(a) + internal::ToString(b) +
509 }
string ToString(string a)
Definition: strutil.h:495

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
string google::protobuf::StrCat ( const T1 a,
const T2 b,
const T3 c,
const T4 d 
513  {
514  return internal::ToString(a) + internal::ToString(b) +
516 }
string ToString(string a)
Definition: strutil.h:495

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
string google::protobuf::StrCat ( const T1 a,
const T2 b,
const T3 c 
519  {
520  return internal::ToString(a) + internal::ToString(b) +
522 }
string ToString(string a)
Definition: strutil.h:495

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
string google::protobuf::StrCat ( const T1 a,
const T2 b 
525  {
526  return internal::ToString(a) + internal::ToString(b);
527 }
string ToString(string a)
Definition: strutil.h:495

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

char* google::protobuf::string_as_array ( string *  str)
83  {
84  // DO NOT USE const_cast<char*>(str->data())! See the unittest for why.
85  return str->empty() ? NULL : &*str->begin();
86 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void google::protobuf::StringAppendF ( string *  dst,
const char *  format,
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void google::protobuf::StringAppendV ( string *  dst,
const char *  format,
va_list  ap 
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::StringPrintf ( const char *  format,
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::StringPrintfVector ( const char *  format,
const vector< string > &  v 
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::StringReplace ( const string &  s,
const string &  oldsub,
const string &  newsub,
bool  replace_all 
string google::protobuf::StripPrefixString ( const string &  str,
const string &  prefix 
86  {
87  if (HasPrefixString(str, prefix)) {
88  return str.substr(prefix.size());
89  } else {
90  return str;
91  }
92 }
bool HasPrefixString(const string &str, const string &prefix)
Definition: strutil.h:80

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void google::protobuf::StripString ( string *  s,
const char *  remove,
char  replacewith 
string google::protobuf::StripSuffixString ( const string &  str,
const string &  suffix 
108  {
109  if (HasSuffixString(str, suffix)) {
110  return str.substr(0, str.size() - suffix.size());
111  } else {
112  return str;
113  }
114 }
bool HasSuffixString(const string &str, const string &suffix)
Definition: strutil.h:102

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int32 google::protobuf::strto32 ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr,
int  base 
323  {
324  if (sizeof(int32) == sizeof(long))
325  return strtol(nptr, endptr, base);
326  else
327  return strto32_adaptor(nptr, endptr, base);
328 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int32 strto32_adaptor(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
int32_t int32
Definition: Define.h:146

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int32 google::protobuf::strto32_adaptor ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr,
int  base 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int64 google::protobuf::strto64 ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr,
int  base 
339  {
340  GOOGLE_COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(int64) == sizeof(long long),
341  sizeof_int64_is_not_sizeof_long_long);
342  return strtoll(nptr, endptr, base);
343 }
int64_t int64
Definition: Define.h:145
#define GOOGLE_COMPILE_ASSERT(expr, msg)
Definition: common.h:380
uint32 google::protobuf::strtou32 ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr,
int  base 
330  {
331  if (sizeof(uint32) == sizeof(unsigned long))
332  return strtoul(nptr, endptr, base);
333  else
334  return strtou32_adaptor(nptr, endptr, base);
335 }
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:150
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT uint32 strtou32_adaptor(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT uint32 google::protobuf::strtou32_adaptor ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr,
int  base 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

uint64 google::protobuf::strtou64 ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr,
int  base 
345  {
346  GOOGLE_COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(uint64) == sizeof(unsigned long long),
347  sizeof_uint64_is_not_sizeof_long_long);
348  return strtoull(nptr, endptr, base);
349 }
uint64_t uint64
Definition: Define.h:149
#define GOOGLE_COMPILE_ASSERT(expr, msg)
Definition: common.h:380
string google::protobuf::TestSourceDir ( )
string google::protobuf::TestTempDir ( )
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::ToHex ( uint64  num)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

string google::protobuf::ToUpper ( const string &  s)
152  {
153  string out = s;
154  UpperString(&out);
155  return out;
156 }
void UpperString(string *s)
Definition: strutil.h:144

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int google::protobuf::UnescapeCEscapeSequences ( const char *  source,
char *  dest 
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int google::protobuf::UnescapeCEscapeSequences ( const char *  source,
char *  dest,
vector< string > *  errors 
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int google::protobuf::UnescapeCEscapeString ( const string &  src,
string *  dest 
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int google::protobuf::UnescapeCEscapeString ( const string &  src,
string *  dest,
vector< string > *  errors 
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::UnescapeCEscapeString ( const string &  src)
template<class Collection >
bool google::protobuf::UpdateReturnCopy ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  value,
typename Collection::value_type::second_type *  previous 
585  {
586  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret =
587  collection->insert(typename Collection::value_type(key, value));
588  if (!ret.second) {
589  // update
590  if (previous) {
591  *previous = ret.first->second;
592  }
593  ret.first->second = value;
594  return true;
595  }
596  return false;
597 }
uint32_t previous(octet_iterator &it, octet_iterator pass_start)
Deprecated in versions that include "prior".
Definition: checked.h:179
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
template<class Collection >
bool google::protobuf::UpdateReturnCopy ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type &  vt,
typename Collection::value_type::second_type *  previous 
603  {
604  std::pair<typename Collection::iterator, bool> ret = collection->insert(vt);
605  if (!ret.second) {
606  // update
607  if (previous) {
608  *previous = ret.first->second;
609  }
610  ret.first->second = vt.second;
611  return true;
612  }
613  return false;
614 }
uint32_t previous(octet_iterator &it, octet_iterator pass_start)
Deprecated in versions that include "prior".
Definition: checked.h:179
void google::protobuf::UpperString ( string *  s)
144  {
145  string::iterator end = s->end();
146  for (string::iterator i = s->begin(); i != end; ++i) {
147  // toupper() changes based on locale. We don't want this!
148  if ('a' <= *i && *i <= 'z') *i += 'A' - 'a';
149  }
150 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

const LogLevel google::protobuf::ERROR = LOGLEVEL_ERROR
const int google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Label_ARRAYSIZE = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Label_MAX + 1
const FieldDescriptorProto_Label google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Label_MAX = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_REPEATED
const FieldDescriptorProto_Label google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Label_Label_MIN = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_OPTIONAL
const int google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Type_ARRAYSIZE = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Type_MAX + 1
const FieldDescriptorProto_Type google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Type_MAX = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SINT64
const FieldDescriptorProto_Type google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto_Type_Type_MIN = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_DOUBLE
const int google::protobuf::FieldOptions_CType_CType_ARRAYSIZE = FieldOptions_CType_CType_MAX + 1
const FieldOptions_CType google::protobuf::FieldOptions_CType_CType_MAX = FieldOptions_CType_STRING_PIECE
const FieldOptions_CType google::protobuf::FieldOptions_CType_CType_MIN = FieldOptions_CType_STRING
const int google::protobuf::FileOptions_OptimizeMode_OptimizeMode_ARRAYSIZE = FileOptions_OptimizeMode_OptimizeMode_MAX + 1
const FileOptions_OptimizeMode google::protobuf::FileOptions_OptimizeMode_OptimizeMode_MAX = FileOptions_OptimizeMode_LITE_RUNTIME
const FileOptions_OptimizeMode google::protobuf::FileOptions_OptimizeMode_OptimizeMode_MIN = FileOptions_OptimizeMode_SPEED
const int google::protobuf::kDoubleToBufferSize = 32
const int google::protobuf::kDoubleToBufferSize = 32
const int google::protobuf::kFastToBufferSize = 32
const int google::protobuf::kFastToBufferSize = 32
const int google::protobuf::kFloatToBufferSize = 24
const int google::protobuf::kFloatToBufferSize = 24
const int32 google::protobuf::kint32max = 0x7FFFFFFF
const int32 google::protobuf::kint32min = -kint32max - 1
const int64 google::protobuf::kint64max = GOOGLE_LONGLONG(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
const int64 google::protobuf::kint64min = -kint64max - 1
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT const int google::protobuf::kStringPrintfVectorMaxArgs
const uint32 google::protobuf::kuint32max = 0xFFFFFFFFu
const uint64 google::protobuf::kuint64max = GOOGLE_ULONGLONG(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
const FieldDescriptor google::protobuf::value
const LogLevel google::protobuf::WARNING = LOGLEVEL_WARNING