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google::protobuf::internal Namespace Reference




struct  add_reference
struct  add_reference< T & >
class  AllocatedRepeatedPtrFieldBackInsertIterator
struct  and_
struct  AtomicOps_x86CPUFeatureStruct
struct  big_
class  CodedOutputStreamFieldSkipper
struct  CompileAssert
struct  ElementCopier
struct  ElementCopier< Element, true >
class  EnumTypeTraits
class  ExtensionFinder
class  ExtensionIdentifier
struct  ExtensionInfo
class  ExtensionSet
class  FieldSkipper
class  FunctionClosure0
class  FunctionClosure1
class  FunctionClosure2
class  GeneratedExtensionFinder
class  GeneratedMessageReflection
class  GenericTypeHandler
struct  has_trivial_assign
struct  has_trivial_assign< A[N]>
struct  has_trivial_assign< std::pair< T, U > >
struct  has_trivial_constructor
struct  has_trivial_constructor< A[N]>
struct  has_trivial_constructor< const T >
struct  has_trivial_constructor< std::pair< T, U > >
struct  has_trivial_copy
struct  has_trivial_copy< A[N]>
struct  has_trivial_copy< const T >
struct  has_trivial_copy< std::pair< T, U > >
struct  has_trivial_destructor
struct  has_trivial_destructor< A[N]>
struct  has_trivial_destructor< const T >
struct  has_trivial_destructor< std::pair< T, U > >
struct  identity_
struct  if_
struct  if_< false, A, B >
struct  integral_constant
struct  is_convertible
struct  is_enum
struct  is_enum< const T >
struct  is_enum< const volatile T >
struct  is_enum< volatile T >
struct  is_floating_point
struct  is_floating_point< const T >
struct  is_floating_point< const volatile T >
struct  is_floating_point< double >
struct  is_floating_point< float >
struct  is_floating_point< long double >
struct  is_floating_point< volatile T >
struct  is_integral
struct  is_integral< bool >
struct  is_integral< char >
struct  is_integral< const T >
struct  is_integral< const volatile T >
struct  is_integral< int >
struct  is_integral< long >
struct  is_integral< short >
struct  is_integral< signed char >
struct  is_integral< unsigned char >
struct  is_integral< unsigned int >
struct  is_integral< unsigned long >
struct  is_integral< unsigned short >
struct  is_integral< volatile T >
struct  is_integral< wchar_t >
struct  is_pod
struct  is_pod< const T >
struct  is_pod< const volatile T >
struct  is_pod< volatile T >
struct  is_pointer
struct  is_pointer< const T >
struct  is_pointer< const volatile T >
struct  is_pointer< T * >
struct  is_pointer< volatile T >
struct  is_reference
struct  is_reference< T & >
struct  is_same
struct  is_same< T, T >
class  LogFinisher
class  LogMessage
class  MessageTypeTraits
class  MethodClosure0
class  MethodClosure1
class  MethodClosure2
class  Mutex
class  MutexLock
class  MutexLockMaybe
struct  or_
class  PrimitiveTypeTraits
class  ReflectionOps
struct  remove_const
struct  remove_const< T const >
struct  remove_cv
struct  remove_pointer
struct  remove_pointer< T * >
struct  remove_pointer< T *const >
struct  remove_pointer< T *const volatile >
struct  remove_pointer< T *volatile >
struct  remove_reference
struct  remove_reference< T & >
struct  remove_volatile
struct  remove_volatile< T volatile >
struct  RemoveConst
struct  RemoveConst< const T >
class  RepeatedEnumTypeTraits
class  RepeatedFieldBackInsertIterator
class  RepeatedMessageGenericTypeTraits
class  RepeatedMessageTypeTraits
class  RepeatedPrimitiveGenericTypeTraits
class  RepeatedPrimitiveTypeTraits
class  RepeatedPtrFieldBackInsertIterator
class  RepeatedPtrFieldBase
class  RepeatedPtrIterator
class  RepeatedPtrOverPtrsIterator
class  RepeatedStringTypeTraits
class  scoped_array
class  scoped_ptr
class  StringTypeHandler
class  StringTypeHandlerBase
class  StringTypeTraits
struct  type_equals_
struct  type_equals_< A, A >
class  UnknownFieldSetFieldSkipper
class  WireFormat
class  WireFormatLite


typedef uint8 FieldType
typedef bool EnumValidityFunc (int number)
typedef bool EnumValidityFuncWithArg (const void *arg, int number)
typedef int32 Atomic32
typedef intptr_t AtomicWord
typedef Atomic32(* LinuxKernelCmpxchgFunc )(Atomic32 old_value, Atomic32 new_value, volatile Atomic32 *ptr)
typedef void(* LinuxKernelMemoryBarrierFunc )(void)
typedef MutexLock ReaderMutexLock
typedef MutexLock WriterMutexLock
typedef char small_
typedef integral_constant
< bool, true
typedef integral_constant
< bool, false
typedef true_type true_
typedef false_type false_


string ToString (int i)
string ToString (string a)
void InitializeDefaultRepeatedFields ()
void DestroyDefaultRepeatedFields ()
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool ParseNamedEnum (const EnumDescriptor *descriptor, const string &name, int *value)
template<typename EnumType >
bool ParseNamedEnum (const EnumDescriptor *descriptor, const string &name, EnumType *value)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT const string & NameOfEnum (const EnumDescriptor *descriptor, int value)
template<typename To , typename From >
To dynamic_cast_if_available (From from)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT double Infinity ()
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void InitEmptyString ()
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::std::string & GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited ()
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::std::string & GetEmptyString ()
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int StringSpaceUsedExcludingSelf (const string &str)
template<class Type >
bool AllAreInitialized (const Type &t)
void LogIndexOutOfBounds (int index, int size)
template<typename Iter >
int CalculateReserve (Iter begin, Iter end, std::forward_iterator_tag)
template<typename Iter >
int CalculateReserve (Iter, Iter, std::input_iterator_tag)
template<typename Iter >
int CalculateReserve (Iter begin, Iter end)
Atomic32 NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 old_value, Atomic32 new_value)
Atomic32 NoBarrier_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 new_value)
Atomic32 NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 increment)
Atomic32 Barrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 increment)
Atomic32 Acquire_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 old_value, Atomic32 new_value)
Atomic32 Release_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 old_value, Atomic32 new_value)
void MemoryBarrier ()
void NoBarrier_Store (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 value)
void Acquire_Store (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 value)
void Release_Store (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 value)
Atomic32 NoBarrier_Load (volatile const Atomic32 *ptr)
Atomic32 Acquire_Load (volatile const Atomic32 *ptr)
Atomic32 Release_Load (volatile const Atomic32 *ptr)
Atomic64 NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 old_value, Atomic64 new_value)
Atomic64 NoBarrier_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 new_value)
Atomic64 NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 increment)
Atomic64 Barrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 increment)
Atomic64 Acquire_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 old_value, Atomic64 new_value)
Atomic64 Release_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 old_value, Atomic64 new_value)
void NoBarrier_Store (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 value)
void Acquire_Store (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 value)
void Release_Store (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 value)
Atomic64 NoBarrier_Load (volatile const Atomic64 *ptr)
Atomic64 Acquire_Load (volatile const Atomic64 *ptr)
Atomic64 Release_Load (volatile const Atomic64 *ptr)
__attribute__ ((weak))
Atomic32 QNXCmpxchg (Atomic32 old_value, Atomic32 new_value, volatile Atomic32 *ptr)
AtomicWord NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord old_value, AtomicWord new_value)
AtomicWord NoBarrier_AtomicExchange (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord new_value)
AtomicWord NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord increment)
AtomicWord Barrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord increment)
AtomicWord Acquire_CompareAndSwap (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord old_value, AtomicWord new_value)
AtomicWord Release_CompareAndSwap (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord old_value, AtomicWord new_value)
void NoBarrier_Store (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord value)
void Acquire_Store (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord value)
void Release_Store (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord value)
AtomicWord NoBarrier_Load (volatile const AtomicWord *ptr)
AtomicWord Acquire_Load (volatile const AtomicWord *ptr)
AtomicWord Release_Load (volatile const AtomicWord *ptr)
Atomic32 Acquire_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 new_value)
Atomic32 Release_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 new_value)
Atomic64 Acquire_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 new_value)
Atomic64 Release_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 new_value)
void LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT VerifyVersion (int headerVersion, int minLibraryVersion, const char *filename)
std::string LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT VersionString (int version)
template<typename To , typename From >
To implicit_cast (From const &f)
template<typename To , typename From >
To down_cast (From *f)
template<typename T >
T * CheckNotNull (const char *, int, const char *name, T *val)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool IsStructurallyValidUTF8 (const char *buf, int len)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void OnShutdown (void(*func)())
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT32 > (io::CodedInputStream *input, int32 *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT64 > (io::CodedInputStream *input, int64 *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< uint32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32 > (io::CodedInputStream *input, uint32 *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< uint64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT64 > (io::CodedInputStream *input, uint64 *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT32 > (io::CodedInputStream *input, int32 *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT64 > (io::CodedInputStream *input, int64 *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< uint32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED32 > (io::CodedInputStream *input, uint32 *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< uint64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED64 > (io::CodedInputStream *input, uint64 *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED32 > (io::CodedInputStream *input, int32 *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED64 > (io::CodedInputStream *input, int64 *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< float, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FLOAT > (io::CodedInputStream *input, float *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< double, WireFormatLite::TYPE_DOUBLE > (io::CodedInputStream *input, double *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< bool, WireFormatLite::TYPE_BOOL > (io::CodedInputStream *input, bool *value)
bool WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int, WireFormatLite::TYPE_ENUM > (io::CodedInputStream *input, int *value)
const uint8WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray< uint32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED32 > (const uint8 *buffer, uint32 *value)
const uint8WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray< uint64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED64 > (const uint8 *buffer, uint64 *value)
const uint8WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray< int32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED32 > (const uint8 *buffer, int32 *value)
const uint8WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray< int64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED64 > (const uint8 *buffer, int64 *value)
const uint8WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray< float, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FLOAT > (const uint8 *buffer, float *value)
const uint8WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitiveFromArray< double, WireFormatLite::TYPE_DOUBLE > (const uint8 *buffer, double *value)


LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::std::string * empty_string_
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT ProtobufOnceType empty_string_once_init_
static const int kMinRepeatedFieldAllocationSize = 4
static const int kMinHeaderVersionForLibrary = 2006000
static const int kMinHeaderVersionForProtoc = 2006000

Typedef Documentation

typedef bool google::protobuf::internal::EnumValidityFunc(int number)
typedef bool google::protobuf::internal::EnumValidityFuncWithArg(const void *arg, int number)
typedef Atomic32(* google::protobuf::internal::LinuxKernelCmpxchgFunc)(Atomic32 old_value, Atomic32 new_value, volatile Atomic32 *ptr)
typedef void(* google::protobuf::internal::LinuxKernelMemoryBarrierFunc)(void)

Function Documentation

LinuxKernelMemoryBarrierFunc pLinuxKernelMemoryBarrier google::protobuf::internal::__attribute__ ( (weak)  )
Initial value:
void(* LinuxKernelMemoryBarrierFunc)(void)
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm_gcc.h:53
Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  new_value 
62  {
63  return __tsan_atomic32_exchange(ptr, new_value,
64  __tsan_memory_order_acquire);
65 }
Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  new_value 
144  {
145  return __tsan_atomic64_exchange(ptr, new_value, __tsan_memory_order_acquire);
146 }
AtomicWord google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_CompareAndSwap ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  old_value,
AtomicWord  new_value 
80  {
82  reinterpret_cast<volatile Atomic32*>(ptr), old_value, new_value);
83 }
AtomicWord Acquire_CompareAndSwap(volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord old_value, AtomicWord new_value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:78

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  old_value,
Atomic32  new_value 
129  {
130  Atomic32 prev = NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(ptr, old_value, new_value);
131  MemoryBarrier();
133  return prev;
134 }
int32 Atomic32
Definition: atomicops.h:65
int prev(int i, int n)
Definition: RecastContour.cpp:468
Atomic64 NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 old_value, Atomic64 new_value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:188
void MemoryBarrier()
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  old_value,
Atomic64  new_value 
265  {
266  Atomic64 prev = NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(ptr, old_value, new_value);
267  MemoryBarrier();
269  return prev;
270 }
int prev(int i, int n)
Definition: RecastContour.cpp:468
Atomic64 NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 old_value, Atomic64 new_value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:188
void MemoryBarrier()
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

AtomicWord google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_Load ( volatile const AtomicWord *  ptr)
108  {
109  return Acquire_Load(reinterpret_cast<volatile const Atomic32*>(ptr));
110 }
AtomicWord Acquire_Load(volatile const AtomicWord *ptr)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:108

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_Load ( volatile const Atomic32 *  ptr)
167  {
168  Atomic32 value;
170  __asm__ __volatile__ ( // NOLINT
171  "ldar %w[value], %[ptr] \n\t"
172  : [value]"=r" (value)
173  : [ptr]"Q" (*ptr)
174  : "memory"
175  ); // NOLINT
177  return value;
178 }
int32 Atomic32
Definition: atomicops.h:65
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_Load ( volatile const Atomic64 *  ptr)
303  {
304  Atomic64 value;
306  __asm__ __volatile__ ( // NOLINT
307  "ldar %x[value], %[ptr] \n\t"
308  : [value]"=r" (value)
309  : [ptr]"Q" (*ptr)
310  : "memory"
311  ); // NOLINT
313  return value;
314 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
void google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_Store ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  value 
96  {
97  return Acquire_Store(reinterpret_cast<volatile Atomic32*>(ptr), value);
98 }
void Acquire_Store(volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:96
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_Store ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  value 
149  {
150  *ptr = value;
151  MemoryBarrier();
152 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
void MemoryBarrier()
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void google::protobuf::internal::Acquire_Store ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  value 
285  {
286  *ptr = value;
287  MemoryBarrier();
288 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
void MemoryBarrier()
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class Type >
bool google::protobuf::internal::AllAreInitialized ( const Type t)
102  {
103  for (int i = t.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
104  if (!t.Get(i).IsInitialized()) return false;
105  }
106  return true;
107 }
AtomicWord google::protobuf::internal::Barrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  increment 
73  {
75  reinterpret_cast<volatile Atomic32*>(ptr), increment);
76 }
AtomicWord Barrier_AtomicIncrement(volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord increment)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:72

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::Barrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  increment 
119  {
120  MemoryBarrier();
121  Atomic32 result = NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(ptr, increment);
122  MemoryBarrier();
124  return result;
125 }
Atomic64 NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 increment)
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:233
int32 Atomic32
Definition: atomicops.h:65
void MemoryBarrier()
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::Barrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  increment 
255  {
256  MemoryBarrier();
257  Atomic64 result = NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(ptr, increment);
258  MemoryBarrier();
260  return result;
261 }
Atomic64 NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 increment)
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:233
void MemoryBarrier()
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Iter >
int google::protobuf::internal::CalculateReserve ( Iter  begin,
Iter  end,
81  {
82  return std::distance(begin, end);
83 }
double distance(double x, double y)
Definition: g3dmath.h:731

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Iter >
int google::protobuf::internal::CalculateReserve ( Iter  ,
Iter  ,
86  {
87  return -1;
88 }
template<typename Iter >
int google::protobuf::internal::CalculateReserve ( Iter  begin,
Iter  end 
91  {
92  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category Category;
93  return CalculateReserve(begin, end, Category());
94 }
int CalculateReserve(Iter begin, Iter end)
Definition: repeated_field.h:91

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
T* google::protobuf::internal::CheckNotNull ( const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *  name,
T *  val 
726  {
727  if (val == NULL) {
728  GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << name;
729  }
730  return val;
731 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
Definition: common.h:706
void google::protobuf::internal::DestroyDefaultRepeatedFields ( )
template<typename To , typename From >
To google::protobuf::internal::down_cast ( From *  f)
334  { // so we only accept pointers
335  // Ensures that To is a sub-type of From *. This test is here only
336  // for compile-time type checking, and has no overhead in an
337  // optimized build at run-time, as it will be optimized away
338  // completely.
339  if (false) {
340  implicit_cast<From*, To>(0);
341  }
343 #if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI)
344  assert(f == NULL || dynamic_cast<To>(f) != NULL); // RTTI: debug mode only!
345 #endif
346  return static_cast<To>(f);
347 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
To implicit_cast(From const &f)
Definition: common.h:311

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename To , typename From >
To google::protobuf::internal::dynamic_cast_if_available ( From  from)
492  {
493 #if defined(GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI) || (defined(_MSC_VER)&&!defined(_CPPRTTI))
494  return NULL;
495 #else
496  return dynamic_cast<To>(from);
497 #endif
498 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst ::std::string& google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyString ( )
83  {
86 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void InitEmptyString()
void GoogleOnceInit(ProtobufOnceType *once, void(*init_func)())
Definition: once.h:124
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::std::string & GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()
Definition: generated_message_util.h:79
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT ProtobufOnceType empty_string_once_init_

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst ::std::string& google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited ( )
79  {
80  assert(empty_string_ != NULL);
81  return *empty_string_;
82 }
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst::std::string * empty_string_
template<typename To , typename From >
To google::protobuf::internal::implicit_cast ( From const f)
311  {
312  return f;
313 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT double google::protobuf::internal::Infinity ( )
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void google::protobuf::internal::InitEmptyString ( )

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void google::protobuf::internal::InitializeDefaultRepeatedFields ( )
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool google::protobuf::internal::IsStructurallyValidUTF8 ( const char *  buf,
int  len 
void google::protobuf::internal::LogIndexOutOfBounds ( int  index,
int  size 
void google::protobuf::internal::MemoryBarrier ( void  )
40  {
41  __asm__ __volatile__ ("dmb ish" ::: "memory"); // NOLINT
42 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT const string& google::protobuf::internal::NameOfEnum ( const EnumDescriptor *  descriptor,
int  value 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT double google::protobuf::internal::NaN ( )
AtomicWord google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_AtomicExchange ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  new_value 
61  {
63  reinterpret_cast<volatile Atomic32*>(ptr), new_value);
64 }
AtomicWord NoBarrier_AtomicExchange(volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord new_value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:60

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  new_value 
78  {
79  Atomic32 result;
80  int32_t temp;
82  __asm__ __volatile__ ( // NOLINT
83  "0: \n\t"
84  "ldxr %w[result], %[ptr] \n\t" // Load the previous value.
85  "stxr %w[temp], %w[new_value], %[ptr] \n\t" // Try to store the new value.
86  "cbnz %w[temp], 0b \n\t" // Retry if it did not work.
87  : [result]"=&r" (result),
88  [temp]"=&r" (temp),
89  [ptr]"+Q" (*ptr)
90  : [new_value]"r" (new_value)
91  : "memory"
92  ); // NOLINT
94  return result;
95 }
int32 Atomic32
Definition: atomicops.h:65
signed int int32_t
Definition: stdint.h:77

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  new_value 
214  {
215  Atomic64 result;
216  int32_t temp;
218  __asm__ __volatile__ ( // NOLINT
219  "0: \n\t"
220  "ldxr %[result], %[ptr] \n\t"
221  "stxr %w[temp], %[new_value], %[ptr] \n\t"
222  "cbnz %w[temp], 0b \n\t"
223  : [result]"=&r" (result),
224  [temp]"=&r" (temp),
225  [ptr]"+Q" (*ptr)
226  : [new_value]"r" (new_value)
227  : "memory"
228  ); // NOLINT
230  return result;
231 }
signed int int32_t
Definition: stdint.h:77
AtomicWord google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  increment 
67  {
69  reinterpret_cast<volatile Atomic32*>(ptr), increment);
70 }
AtomicWord NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord increment)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:66

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  increment 
98  {
99  Atomic32 result;
100  int32_t temp;
102  __asm__ __volatile__ ( // NOLINT
103  "0: \n\t"
104  "ldxr %w[result], %[ptr] \n\t" // Load the previous value.
105  "add %w[result], %w[result], %w[increment]\n\t"
106  "stxr %w[temp], %w[result], %[ptr] \n\t" // Try to store the result.
107  "cbnz %w[temp], 0b \n\t" // Retry on failure.
108  : [result]"=&r" (result),
109  [temp]"=&r" (temp),
110  [ptr]"+Q" (*ptr)
111  : [increment]"IJr" (increment)
112  : "memory"
113  ); // NOLINT
115  return result;
116 }
int32 Atomic32
Definition: atomicops.h:65
signed int int32_t
Definition: stdint.h:77

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  increment 
234  {
235  Atomic64 result;
236  int32_t temp;
238  __asm__ __volatile__ ( // NOLINT
239  "0: \n\t"
240  "ldxr %[result], %[ptr] \n\t"
241  "add %[result], %[result], %[increment] \n\t"
242  "stxr %w[temp], %[result], %[ptr] \n\t"
243  "cbnz %w[temp], 0b \n\t"
244  : [result]"=&r" (result),
245  [temp]"=&r" (temp),
246  [ptr]"+Q" (*ptr)
247  : [increment]"IJr" (increment)
248  : "memory"
249  ); // NOLINT
251  return result;
252 }
signed int int32_t
Definition: stdint.h:77
AtomicWord google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  old_value,
AtomicWord  new_value 
55  {
57  reinterpret_cast<volatile Atomic32*>(ptr), old_value, new_value);
58 }
AtomicWord NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord old_value, AtomicWord new_value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:53

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  old_value,
Atomic32  new_value 
54  {
55  Atomic32 prev;
56  int32_t temp;
58  __asm__ __volatile__ ( // NOLINT
59  "0: \n\t"
60  "ldxr %w[prev], %[ptr] \n\t" // Load the previous value.
61  "cmp %w[prev], %w[old_value] \n\t"
62  "bne 1f \n\t"
63  "stxr %w[temp], %w[new_value], %[ptr] \n\t" // Try to store the new value.
64  "cbnz %w[temp], 0b \n\t" // Retry if it did not work.
65  "1: \n\t"
66  : [prev]"=&r" (prev),
67  [temp]"=&r" (temp),
68  [ptr]"+Q" (*ptr)
69  : [old_value]"IJr" (old_value),
70  [new_value]"r" (new_value)
71  : "cc", "memory"
72  ); // NOLINT
74  return prev;
75 }
int32 Atomic32
Definition: atomicops.h:65
int prev(int i, int n)
Definition: RecastContour.cpp:468
signed int int32_t
Definition: stdint.h:77

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  old_value,
Atomic64  new_value 
190  {
191  Atomic64 prev;
192  int32_t temp;
194  __asm__ __volatile__ ( // NOLINT
195  "0: \n\t"
196  "ldxr %[prev], %[ptr] \n\t"
197  "cmp %[prev], %[old_value] \n\t"
198  "bne 1f \n\t"
199  "stxr %w[temp], %[new_value], %[ptr] \n\t"
200  "cbnz %w[temp], 0b \n\t"
201  "1: \n\t"
202  : [prev]"=&r" (prev),
203  [temp]"=&r" (temp),
204  [ptr]"+Q" (*ptr)
205  : [old_value]"IJr" (old_value),
206  [new_value]"r" (new_value)
207  : "cc", "memory"
208  ); // NOLINT
210  return prev;
211 }
int prev(int i, int n)
Definition: RecastContour.cpp:468
signed int int32_t
Definition: stdint.h:77

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

AtomicWord google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_Load ( volatile const AtomicWord *  ptr)
104  {
105  return NoBarrier_Load(reinterpret_cast<volatile const Atomic32*>(ptr));
106 }
AtomicWord NoBarrier_Load(volatile const AtomicWord *ptr)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:104

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_Load ( volatile const Atomic32 *  ptr)
163  {
164  return *ptr;
165 }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_Load ( volatile const Atomic64 *  ptr)
299  {
300  return *ptr;
301 }
void google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_Store ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  value 
92  {
93  NoBarrier_Store(reinterpret_cast<volatile Atomic32*>(ptr), value);
94 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
void NoBarrier_Store(volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:92

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_Store ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  value 
145  {
146  *ptr = value;
147 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void google::protobuf::internal::NoBarrier_Store ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  value 
281  {
282  *ptr = value;
283 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void google::protobuf::internal::OnShutdown ( void(*)()  func)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum ( const EnumDescriptor *  descriptor,
const string &  name,
int *  value 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename EnumType >
bool google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum ( const EnumDescriptor *  descriptor,
const string &  name,
EnumType *  value 
75  {
76  int tmp;
77  if (!ParseNamedEnum(descriptor, name, &tmp)) return false;
78  *value = static_cast<EnumType>(tmp);
79  return true;
80 }
bool ParseNamedEnum(const EnumDescriptor *descriptor, const string &name, EnumType *value)
Definition: generated_enum_reflection.h:73
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::QNXCmpxchg ( Atomic32  old_value,
Atomic32  new_value,
volatile Atomic32 *  ptr 
45  {
46  return static_cast<Atomic32>(
47  _smp_cmpxchg((volatile unsigned *)ptr,
48  (unsigned)old_value,
49  (unsigned)new_value));
50 }
int32 Atomic32
Definition: atomicops.h:65
google::protobuf::internal::READ_REPEATED_PACKED_FIXED_SIZE_PRIMITIVE ( uint32  ,
google::protobuf::internal::READ_REPEATED_PACKED_FIXED_SIZE_PRIMITIVE ( uint64  ,
google::protobuf::internal::READ_REPEATED_PACKED_FIXED_SIZE_PRIMITIVE ( int32  ,
google::protobuf::internal::READ_REPEATED_PACKED_FIXED_SIZE_PRIMITIVE ( int64  ,
google::protobuf::internal::READ_REPEATED_PACKED_FIXED_SIZE_PRIMITIVE ( float  ,
google::protobuf::internal::READ_REPEATED_PACKED_FIXED_SIZE_PRIMITIVE ( double  ,
Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::Release_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  new_value 
68  {
69  return __tsan_atomic32_exchange(ptr, new_value,
70  __tsan_memory_order_release);
71 }
Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::Release_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  new_value 
149  {
150  return __tsan_atomic64_exchange(ptr, new_value, __tsan_memory_order_release);
151 }
AtomicWord google::protobuf::internal::Release_CompareAndSwap ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  old_value,
AtomicWord  new_value 
87  {
89  reinterpret_cast<volatile Atomic32*>(ptr), old_value, new_value);
90 }
AtomicWord Release_CompareAndSwap(volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord old_value, AtomicWord new_value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:85

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::Release_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  old_value,
Atomic32  new_value 
138  {
139  MemoryBarrier();
140  Atomic32 prev = NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(ptr, old_value, new_value);
142  return prev;
143 }
int32 Atomic32
Definition: atomicops.h:65
int prev(int i, int n)
Definition: RecastContour.cpp:468
Atomic64 NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 old_value, Atomic64 new_value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:188
void MemoryBarrier()
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::Release_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  old_value,
Atomic64  new_value 
274  {
275  MemoryBarrier();
276  Atomic64 prev = NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(ptr, old_value, new_value);
278  return prev;
279 }
int prev(int i, int n)
Definition: RecastContour.cpp:468
Atomic64 NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 old_value, Atomic64 new_value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:188
void MemoryBarrier()
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

AtomicWord google::protobuf::internal::Release_Load ( volatile const AtomicWord *  ptr)
112  {
113  return Release_Load(reinterpret_cast<volatile const Atomic32*>(ptr));
114 }
AtomicWord Release_Load(volatile const AtomicWord *ptr)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:112

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Atomic32 google::protobuf::internal::Release_Load ( volatile const Atomic32 *  ptr)
180  {
181  MemoryBarrier();
182  return *ptr;
183 }
void MemoryBarrier()
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Atomic64 google::protobuf::internal::Release_Load ( volatile const Atomic64 *  ptr)
316  {
317  MemoryBarrier();
318  return *ptr;
319 }
void MemoryBarrier()
Definition: atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void google::protobuf::internal::Release_Store ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  value 
100  {
101  return Release_Store(reinterpret_cast<volatile Atomic32*>(ptr), value);
102 }
void Release_Store(volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord value)
Definition: atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h:100
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void google::protobuf::internal::Release_Store ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  value 
154  {
155  __asm__ __volatile__ ( // NOLINT
156  "stlr %w[value], %[ptr] \n\t"
157  : [ptr]"=Q" (*ptr)
158  : [value]"r" (value)
159  : "memory"
160  ); // NOLINT
161 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void google::protobuf::internal::Release_Store ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  value 
290  {
291  __asm__ __volatile__ ( // NOLINT
292  "stlr %x[value], %[ptr] \n\t"
293  : [ptr]"=Q" (*ptr)
294  : [value]"r" (value)
295  : "memory"
296  ); // NOLINT
297 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int google::protobuf::internal::StringSpaceUsedExcludingSelf ( const string &  str)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

string google::protobuf::internal::ToString ( int  i)
491  {
492  return SimpleItoa(i);
493 }
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string SimpleItoa(unsigned long long i)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

string google::protobuf::internal::ToString ( string  a)
495  {
496  return a;
497 }
void LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT google::protobuf::internal::VerifyVersion ( int  headerVersion,
int  minLibraryVersion,
const char *  filename 
std::string LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT google::protobuf::internal::VersionString ( int  version)
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< bool, WireFormatLite::TYPE_BOOL > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
bool value 
157  {
158  uint64 temp;
159  if (!input->ReadVarint64(&temp)) return false;
160  *value = temp != 0;
161  return true;
162 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
uint64_t uint64
Definition: Define.h:149
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< double, WireFormatLite::TYPE_DOUBLE > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
double *  value 
148  {
149  uint64 temp;
150  if (!input->ReadLittleEndian64(&temp)) return false;
151  *value = DecodeDouble(temp);
152  return true;
153 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
uint64_t uint64
Definition: Define.h:149
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< float, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FLOAT > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
float *  value 
139  {
140  uint32 temp;
141  if (!input->ReadLittleEndian32(&temp)) return false;
142  *value = DecodeFloat(temp);
143  return true;
144 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:150
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int, WireFormatLite::TYPE_ENUM > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
int *  value 
166  {
167  uint32 temp;
168  if (!input->ReadVarint32(&temp)) return false;
169  *value = static_cast<int>(temp);
170  return true;
171 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:150
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT32 > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
int32 value 
61  {
62  uint32 temp;
63  if (!input->ReadVarint32(&temp)) return false;
64  *value = static_cast<int32>(temp);
65  return true;
66 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
int32_t int32
Definition: Define.h:146
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:150
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED32 > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
int32 value 
121  {
122  uint32 temp;
123  if (!input->ReadLittleEndian32(&temp)) return false;
124  *value = static_cast<int32>(temp);
125  return true;
126 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
int32_t int32
Definition: Define.h:146
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:150
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT32 > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
int32 value 
91  {
92  uint32 temp;
93  if (!input->ReadVarint32(&temp)) return false;
94  *value = ZigZagDecode32(temp);
95  return true;
96 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:150
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT64 > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
int64 value 
70  {
71  uint64 temp;
72  if (!input->ReadVarint64(&temp)) return false;
73  *value = static_cast<int64>(temp);
74  return true;
75 }
int64_t int64
Definition: Define.h:145
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
uint64_t uint64
Definition: Define.h:149
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED64 > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
int64 value 
130  {
131  uint64 temp;
132  if (!input->ReadLittleEndian64(&temp)) return false;
133  *value = static_cast<int64>(temp);
134  return true;
135 }
int64_t int64
Definition: Define.h:145
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
uint64_t uint64
Definition: Define.h:149
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< int64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT64 > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
int64 value 
100  {
101  uint64 temp;
102  if (!input->ReadVarint64(&temp)) return false;
103  *value = ZigZagDecode64(temp);
104  return true;
105 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
uint64_t uint64
Definition: Define.h:149
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< uint32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED32 > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
uint32 value 
109  {
110  return input->ReadLittleEndian32(value);
111 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< uint32, WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32 > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
uint32 value 
79  {
80  return input->ReadVarint32(value);
81 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< uint64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED64 > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
uint64 value 
115  {
116  return input->ReadLittleEndian64(value);
117 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
bool google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive< uint64, WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT64 > ( io::CodedInputStream *  input,
uint64 value 
85  {
86  return input->ReadVarint64(value);
87 }
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522
221  {
222  uint64 temp;
223  buffer = io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian64FromArray(buffer, &temp);
224  *value = DecodeDouble(temp);
225  return buffer;
226 }
uint64_t uint64
Definition: Define.h:149
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

211  {
212  uint32 temp;
213  buffer = io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian32FromArray(buffer, &temp);
214  *value = DecodeFloat(temp);
215  return buffer;
216 }
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:150
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

191  {
192  uint32 temp;
193  buffer = io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian32FromArray(buffer, &temp);
194  *value = static_cast<int32>(temp);
195  return buffer;
196 }
int32_t int32
Definition: Define.h:146
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:150
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

201  {
202  uint64 temp;
203  buffer = io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian64FromArray(buffer, &temp);
204  *value = static_cast<int64>(temp);
205  return buffer;
206 }
int64_t int64
Definition: Define.h:145
uint64_t uint64
Definition: Define.h:149
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

177  {
178  return io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian32FromArray(buffer, value);
179 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

184  {
185  return io::CodedInputStream::ReadLittleEndian64FromArray(buffer, value);
186 }
const FieldDescriptor value
Definition: descriptor.h:1522

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

struct AtomicOps_x86CPUFeatureStruct google::protobuf::internal::AtomicOps_Internalx86CPUFeatures
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORTconst ::std::string* google::protobuf::internal::empty_string_
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT ProtobufOnceType google::protobuf::internal::empty_string_once_init_
const int google::protobuf::internal::kMinHeaderVersionForLibrary = 2006000
const int google::protobuf::internal::kMinHeaderVersionForProtoc = 2006000
const int google::protobuf::internal::kMinRepeatedFieldAllocationSize = 4