The Battle for Wesnoth  1.13.4+dev
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1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2016 by Joerg Hinrichs <[email protected]>
3  wesnoth playturn Copyright (C) 2003 by David White <[email protected]>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
19 #include "game_display.hpp" // for game_display -> display conversion.
20 #include "map/location.hpp" // for map_location
21 #include "mouse_handler_base.hpp" // for mouse_handler_base
22 #include "pathfind/pathfind.hpp" // for marked_route, paths
23 #include "units/map.hpp" // for unit_map, etc
25 #include <set> // for set
26 #include <vector> // for vector
27 #include <SDL_events.h> // for SDL_MouseButtonEvent
29 class game_display;
30 class battle_context; // lines 23-23
31 class play_controller;
32 class team;
33 class unit;
35 namespace events{
38 public:
41  static mouse_handler* get_singleton() { return singleton_ ;}
42  void set_side(int side_number);
43  void mouse_press(const SDL_MouseButtonEvent& event, const bool browse);
44  void cycle_units(const bool browse, const bool reverse = false);
45  void cycle_back_units(const bool browse) { cycle_units(browse, true); }
47  int get_path_turns() const { return path_turns_; }
49  /**
50  * @param loc the location occupied by the enemy
51  * @returns the location from which the selected unit can attack the enemy
52  */
54  const pathfind::paths& current_paths() const { return current_paths_; }
56  const map_location& get_last_hex() const { return last_hex_; }
58  void set_path_turns(const int path_turns) { path_turns_ = path_turns; }
59  void set_current_paths(const pathfind::paths & new_paths);
60  void deselect_hex();
63  void set_gui(game_display* gui) { gui_ = gui; }
67  pathfind::marked_route get_route(const unit* un, map_location go_to, team &team) const;
71  //get visible adjacent enemies of 1-based side around location loc
72  std::set<map_location> get_adj_enemies(const map_location& loc, int side) const;
74  // show the attack dialog and return the choice made
75  // which can be invalid if 'cancel' was used
76  int show_attack_dialog(const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc);
77  // wrapper to catch bad_alloc so this should be called
78  void attack_enemy(const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc, int choice);
80  /// Moves a unit across the board for a player.
81  size_t move_unit_along_route(const std::vector<map_location> & steps, bool & interrupted);
83  void select_hex(const map_location& hex, const bool browse,
84  const bool highlight = true,
85  const bool fire_event = true);
87  void move_action(bool browse);
89  void select_or_action(bool browse);
91  void left_mouse_up(int x, int y, const bool /*browse*/);
92  void mouse_wheel_up(int x, int y, const bool /*browse*/);
93  void mouse_wheel_down(int x, int y, const bool /*browse*/);
94  void mouse_wheel_left(int x, int y, const bool /*browse*/);
95  void mouse_wheel_right(int x, int y, const bool /*browse*/);
97 protected:
98  /**
99  * Due to the way this class is constructed we can assume that the
100  * display* gui_ member actually points to a game_display (derived class)
101  */
102  game_display& gui() { return *gui_; }
103  /** Const version */
104  const game_display& gui() const { return *gui_; }
106  int drag_threshold() const;
107  /**
108  * Use update to force an update of the mouse state.
109  */
110  void mouse_motion(int x, int y, const bool browse, bool update=false, map_location loc = map_location::null_location());
111  bool right_click_show_menu(int x, int y, const bool browse);
112 // bool left_click(int x, int y, const bool browse);
115  void save_whiteboard_attack(const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc, int weapon_choice);
117  // fill weapon choices into bc_vector
118  // return the best weapon choice
119  int fill_weapon_choices(std::vector<battle_context>& bc_vector, unit_map::iterator attacker, unit_map::iterator defender);
120  // the real function but can throw bad_alloc
121  // choice is the attack chosen in the attack dialog
122  void attack_enemy_(const map_location& attacker_loc
123  , const map_location& defender_loc
124  , int choice);
130 private:
131  team& viewing_team();
132  const team& viewing_team() const;
133  team &current_team();
138  // previous highlighted hexes
139  // the hex of the selected unit and empty hex are "free"
155 };
157 }
159 #endif
void set_current_paths(const pathfind::paths &new_paths)
int get_path_turns() const
int fill_weapon_choices(std::vector< battle_context > &bc_vector, unit_map::iterator attacker, unit_map::iterator defender)
void mouse_press(const SDL_MouseButtonEvent &event, const bool browse)
Definition: unit.hpp:95
map_location selected_hex_
unit_map::const_iterator find_unit(const map_location &hex) const
pathfind::marked_route get_route(const unit *un, map_location go_to, team &team) const
pathfind::paths current_paths_
General purpose widgets.
const pathfind::marked_route & get_current_route() const
bool move_unit_along_current_route()
Moves a unit along the currently cached route.
bool unit_in_cycle(unit_map::const_iterator it)
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint y
Definition: glew.h:1220
const map_location & get_last_hex() const
map_location previous_hex_
void mouse_motion(int x, int y, const bool browse, bool update=false, map_location loc=map_location::null_location())
Use update to force an update of the mouse state.
void select_hex(const map_location &hex, const bool browse, const bool highlight=true, const bool fire_event=true)
map_location get_selected_hex() const
static mouse_handler * singleton_
const game_display & gui() const
Const version.
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:50
static mouse_handler * get_singleton()
void set_path_turns(const int path_turns)
map_location current_unit_attacks_from(const map_location &loc) const
Computes the statistics of a battle between an attacker and a defender unit.
Definition: attack.hpp:135
void set_gui(game_display *gui)
Structure which holds a single route and marks for special events.
Definition: pathfind.hpp:141
static const map_location & null_location()
Definition: location.hpp:195
void mouse_wheel_right(int x, int y, const bool)
Called when the mouse wheel is scrolled right.
bool right_click_show_menu(int x, int y, const bool browse)
Called in the default right_click when the context menu is about to be shown, can be used for preproc...
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:38
void cycle_back_units(const bool browse)
void left_mouse_up(int x, int y, const bool)
Called when the left mouse button is up.
void attack_enemy(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int choice)
unit_map::iterator selected_unit()
void save_whiteboard_attack(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int weapon_choice)
map_location previous_free_hex_
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint x
Definition: glew.h:1220
mouse_handler(game_display *gui, play_controller &pc)
void cycle_units(const bool browse, const bool reverse=false)
bool fire_event(const tevent event, std::vector< std::pair< twidget *, tevent > > &event_chain, twidget *dispatcher, twidget *widget, F functor)
Helper function for fire_event.
play_controller & pc_
Handling of system events.
Definition: manager.hpp:42
size_t move_unit_along_route(const std::vector< map_location > &steps, bool &interrupted)
Moves a unit across the board for a player.
map_location last_hex_
last highlighted hex
int drag_threshold() const
void show_attack_options(const unit_map::const_iterator &u)
Causes attackable hexes to be highlighted.
cl_event event
Definition: glew.h:3070
void mouse_wheel_down(int x, int y, const bool)
Called when the mouse wheel is scrolled down.
pathfind::marked_route current_route_
Object which contains all the possible locations a unit can move to, with associated best routes to t...
Definition: pathfind.hpp:71
void mouse_wheel_left(int x, int y, const bool)
Called when the mouse wheel is scrolled left.
void mouse_wheel_up(int x, int y, const bool)
Called when the mouse wheel is scrolled up.
int side_number
Definition: game_info.hpp:44
void set_side(int side_number)
void attack_enemy_(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int choice)
const pathfind::paths & current_paths() const
game_display & gui()
Due to the way this class is constructed we can assume that the display* gui_ member actually points ...
This module contains various pathfinding functions and utilities.
std::set< map_location > get_adj_enemies(const map_location &loc, int side) const
int show_attack_dialog(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc)
void move_action(bool browse)
Overridden in derived class.
void select_or_action(bool browse)