static void change_side_controller(int side, const std::string &player)
replay_network_sender & replay_sender_
events::generic_event & host_transfer()
events::generic_event host_transfer_
TODO: rename this class since it isn't that much related to turns.
PROCESS_DATA_RESULT sync_network()
PROCESS_DATA_RESULT handle_turn(const config &t)
PROCESS_DATA_RESULT process_network_data_from_reader()
turn_info(replay_network_sender &network_sender, playturn_network_adapter &network_reader)
When we couldn't process the network data because we found a dependent command, this should only happ...
playturn_network_adapter & network_reader_
PROCESS_DATA_RESULT process_network_data(const config &cfg)
When the host uploaded the next scenario this is returned.
We foudn a player action in the replay that caused the game to end.
static PROCESS_DATA_RESULT replay_to_process_data_result(REPLAY_RETURN replayreturn)
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
GLsizei const GLcharARB ** string