The Battle for Wesnoth  1.13.4+dev
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1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 by David White <[email protected]>
3  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 by Guillaume Melquiond <[email protected]>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * WML preprocessor.
19  */
21 #include "global.hpp"
23 #include "buffered_istream.hpp"
24 #include "config.hpp"
25 #include "filesystem.hpp"
26 #include "game_config.hpp"
27 #include "log.hpp"
28 #include "wesconfig.h"
31 #include "serialization/parser.hpp"
32 #include "filesystem.hpp"
33 #include "util.hpp"
34 #include "version.hpp"
36 #include <stdexcept>
38 static lg::log_domain log_preprocessor("preprocessor");
39 #define ERR_PREPROC LOG_STREAM(err, log_preprocessor)
40 #define WRN_PREPROC LOG_STREAM(warn, log_preprocessor)
41 #define LOG_PREPROC LOG_STREAM(info, log_preprocessor)
42 #define DBG_PREPROC LOG_STREAM(debug, log_preprocessor)
44 using std::streambuf;
46 static std::string current_file_str = "CURRENT_FILE";
47 static std::string current_dir_str = "CURRENT_DIRECTORY";
49 // map associating each filename encountered to a number
50 typedef std::map<std::string, int> t_file_number_map;
53 static bool encode_filename = true;
57 // get filename associated to this code
58 static std::string get_filename(const std::string& file_code){
59  if(!encode_filename)
60  return file_code;
62  std::stringstream s;
63  s << file_code;
64  int n = 0;
65  s >> std::hex >> n;
67  for(const t_file_number_map::value_type& p : file_number_map) {
68  if(p.second == n)
69  return p.first;
70  }
71  return "<unknown>";
72 }
74 // get code associated to this filename
75 static std::string get_file_code(const std::string& filename){
76  if(!encode_filename)
77  return filename;
79  // current number of encountered filenames
80  static int current_file_number = 0;
82  int& fnum = file_number_map[utils::escape(filename, " \\")];
83  if(fnum == 0)
84  fnum = ++current_file_number;
86  std::ostringstream shex;
87  shex << std::hex << fnum;
88  return shex.str();
89 }
91 // decode the filenames placed in a location
93 {
95  std::vector< std::string > pos = utils::quoted_split(loc, ' ');
96  if(pos.empty())
97  return res;
98  std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator i = pos.begin(), end = pos.end();
99  while (true) {
100  res += get_filename(*(i++));
101  if(i == end) break;
102  res += ' ';
103  res += *(i++);
104  if(i == end) break;
105  res += ' ';
106  }
107  return res;
108 }
112  return value == v.value && arguments == v.arguments;
113 }
116  if (location < v.location)
117  return true;
118  if (v.location < location)
119  return false;
120  return linenum < v.linenum;
121 }
124 {
126  const std::string key = "argument";
128  writer.open_child(key);
130  writer.write_key_val("name", arg);
131  writer.close_child(key);
132 }
135 {
137  const std::string key = "preproc_define";
138  writer.open_child(key);
140  writer.write_key_val("name", name);
141  writer.write_key_val("value", value);
142  writer.write_key_val("textdomain", textdomain);
143  writer.write_key_val("linenum", std::to_string(linenum));
144  writer.write_key_val("location", get_location(location));
146  for(const std::string &arg : arguments) {
147  write_argument(writer, arg);
148  }
150  writer.close_child(key);
151 }
154 {
155  arguments.push_back(cfg["name"]);
156 }
158 void preproc_define::read(const config& cfg)
159 {
160  value = cfg["value"].str();
161  textdomain = cfg["textdomain"].str();
162  linenum = cfg["linenum"];
163  location = cfg["location"].str();
165  for(const config &arg : cfg.child_range("argument")) {
166  read_argument(arg);
167  }
168 }
170 preproc_map::value_type preproc_define::read_pair(const config &cfg)
171 {
172  preproc_define second;
174  return preproc_map::value_type(cfg["name"], second);
175 }
177 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const preproc_define& def)
178 {
179  return stream << "value: " << def.value << " arguments: " << def.location;
180 }
182 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const preproc_map::value_type& def)
183 {
184  return stream << def.second;
185 }
187 class preprocessor;
188 class preprocessor_file;
189 class preprocessor_data;
191 struct preprocessor_deleter;
193 /**
194  * Base class for preprocessing an input.
195  */
197 {
202 protected:
205 public:
206  /**
207  * Preprocesses and sends some text to the #target_ buffer.
208  * @return false when the input has no data left.
209  */
211  virtual bool get_chunk() = 0;
212  ///retruns 1 if this parses a macro, -1 if this doesnt parse text (if this is no preprocessor_data). 0 otherwise (this parses a file).
213  virtual int is_macro() { return -1; }
214  virtual ~preprocessor();
215 };
217 /**
218  * Target for sending preprocessed output.
219  * Objects of this class can be plugged into an STL stream.
220  */
221 class preprocessor_streambuf: public streambuf
222 {
223  std::string out_buffer_; /**< Buffer read by the STL stream. */
224  virtual int underflow();
225  std::stringstream buffer_; /**< Buffer filled by the #current_ preprocessor. */
226  preprocessor *current_; /**< Input preprocessor. */
231  int linenum_;
232  int depth_;
233  /**
234  * Set to true if one preprocessor for this target started to read a string.
235  * Deeper-nested preprocessors are then forbidden to.
236  */
237  bool quoted_;
238  friend class preprocessor;
239  friend class preprocessor_file;
240  friend class preprocessor_data;
241  friend struct preprocessor_deleter;
243 public:
246  void error(const std::string &, int);
247  void warning(const std::string &, int);
248 };
250 // decode the filenames placed in a location
252 {
253  unsigned nested_level = 0;
254  preprocessor* pre = current_;
255  while(pre && pre->is_macro()) {
256  if(pre->is_macro() == 1) {
257  ++nested_level;
258  }
259  pre = pre->get_old_preprocessor();
260  }
262  std::vector< std::string > pos = utils::quoted_split(location_, ' ');
263  if(pos.size() <= 2*nested_level) {
264  return res;
265  }
266  else {
267  return get_filename(pos[2*nested_level]);
268  }
269 }
272  streambuf(),
273  out_buffer_(""),
274  buffer_(),
275  current_(nullptr),
276  defines_(def),
277  default_defines_(),
278  textdomain_(PACKAGE),
279  location_(""),
280  linenum_(0),
281  depth_(0),
282  quoted_(false)
283 {
284 }
287  streambuf(),
288  out_buffer_(""),
289  buffer_(),
290  current_(nullptr),
291  defines_(t.defines_),
292  default_defines_(),
293  textdomain_(PACKAGE),
294  location_(""),
295  linenum_(0),
296  depth_(t.depth_),
297  quoted_(t.quoted_)
298 {
299 }
301 /**
302  * Called by an STL stream whenever it has reached the end of #out_buffer_.
303  * Fills #buffer_ by calling the #current_ preprocessor, then copies its
304  * content into #out_buffer_.
305  * @return the first character of #out_buffer_ if any, EOF otherwise.
306  */
308 {
309  unsigned sz = 0;
310  if (char *gp = gptr()) {
311  if (gp < egptr()) {
312  // Sanity check: the internal buffer has not been totally consumed,
313  // should we force the caller to use what remains first?
314  return *gp;
315  }
316  // The buffer has been completely read; fill it again.
317  // Keep part of the previous buffer, to ensure putback capabilities.
318  sz = out_buffer_.size();
319  buffer_.str(std::string());
320  if (sz > 3) {
321  buffer_ << out_buffer_.substr(sz - 3);
322  sz = 3;
323  }
324  else
325  {
326  buffer_ << out_buffer_;
327  }
328  } else {
329  // The internal get-data pointer is null
330  }
331  const int desired_fill_amount = 2000;
332  while (current_ && buffer_.rdbuf()->in_avail() < desired_fill_amount)
333  {
334  // Process files and data chunks until the desired buffer size is reached
335  if (!current_->get_chunk()) {
336  // Delete the current preprocessor item to restore its predecessor
337  delete current_;
338  }
339  }
340  // Update the internal state and data pointers
341  out_buffer_ = buffer_.str();
342  if(out_buffer_.empty()) {
343  return EOF;
344  }
345  char *begin = &*out_buffer_.begin();
346  unsigned bs = out_buffer_.size();
347  setg(begin, begin + sz, begin + bs);
348  if (sz >= bs)
349  return EOF;
350  return static_cast<unsigned char>(*(begin + sz));
351 }
354 {
355  std::vector< std::string > pos = utils::quoted_split(lineno, ' ');
356  std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator i = pos.begin(), end = pos.end();
357  std::string included_from =
358  preprocessor_error_detail_prefix + "included from ";
360  while (i != end) {
361  std::string const &line = *(i++);
362  if (!res.empty())
363  res += included_from;
364  if (i != end)
365  res += get_filename(*(i++));
366  else
367  res += "<unknown>";
368  res += ':' + line;
369  }
370  if (res.empty()) res = "???";
371  return res;
372 }
374 void preprocessor_streambuf::error(const std::string& error_type, int l)
375 {
376  std::string position, error;
377  std::ostringstream pos;
378  pos << l << ' ' << location_;
379  position = lineno_string(pos.str());
380  error = error_type + '\n';
381  error += "at " + position;
382  ERR_PREPROC << error << '\n';
383  throw preproc_config::error(error);
384 }
386 void preprocessor_streambuf::warning(const std::string& warning_type, int l)
387 {
388  std::string position, warning;
389  std::ostringstream pos;
390  pos << l << ' ' << location_;
391  position = lineno_string(pos.str());
392  warning = warning_type + '\n';
393  warning += "at " + position;
394  WRN_PREPROC << warning << '\n';
395 }
398 /**
399  * Sets up a new preprocessor for stream buffer \a t.
400  * Saves the current preprocessing context of #target_. It will be
401  * automatically restored on destruction.
402  */
404  old_preprocessor_(t.current_),
405  old_textdomain_(t.textdomain_),
406  old_location_(t.location_),
407  old_linenum_(t.linenum_),
408  target_(t)
409 {
410  ++target_.depth_;
411  target_.current_ = this;
412 }
414 /**
415  * Restores the old preprocessing context of #target_.
416  * Appends location and domain directives to the buffer, so that the parser
417  * notices these changes.
418  */
420 {
421  assert(target_.current_ == this);
422  if (!old_location_.empty()) {
423  target_.buffer_ << "\376line " << old_linenum_ << ' ' << old_location_ << '\n';
424  }
425  if (!old_textdomain_.empty() && target_.textdomain_ != old_textdomain_) {
426  target_.buffer_ << "\376textdomain " << old_textdomain_ << '\n';
427  }
432  --target_.depth_;
433 }
435 /**
436  * Specialized preprocessor for handling a file or a set of files.
437  * A preprocessor_file object is created when a preprocessor encounters an
438  * inclusion directive that resolves to a file or directory, e.g. '{themes/}'.
439  */
441 {
442  std::vector< std::string > files_;
443  std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator pos_, end_;
444 public:
446  virtual bool get_chunk();
447 };
449 /**
450  * Specialized preprocessor for handling any kind of input stream.
451  * This is the core of the preprocessor.
452  */
454 {
455  /** Description of a preprocessing chunk. */
456  struct token_desc
457  {
458  enum TOKEN_TYPE {
459  START, // Toplevel
460  PROCESS_IF, // Processing the "if" branch of a ifdef/ifndef (the "else" branch will be skipped)
461  PROCESS_ELSE, // Processing the "else" branch of a ifdef/ifndef
462  SKIP_IF, // Skipping the "if" branch of a ifdef/ifndef (the "else" branch, if any, will be processed)
463  SKIP_ELSE, // Skipping the "else" branch of a ifdef/ifndef
464  STRING, // Processing a string
465  VERBATIM, // Processing a verbatim string
466  MACRO_SPACE, // Processing between chunks of a macro call (skip spaces)
467  MACRO_CHUNK, // Processing inside a chunk of a macro call (stop on space or '(')
468  MACRO_PARENS // Processing a parenthesized macro argument
469  };
470  token_desc(TOKEN_TYPE type, const int stack_pos, const int linenum)
471  : type(type)
472  , stack_pos(stack_pos)
473  , linenum(linenum)
474  {
475  }
477  /** Starting position in #strings_ of the delayed text for this chunk. */
479  int linenum;
480  };
482  /**
483  * Manages the lifetime of the @c std::istream pointer we own.
484  *
485  * Since @ref in_ uses the stream as well this object must be created
486  * before @ref in_ and destroyed after @ref in_ is destroyed.
487  */
490  /** Input stream. */
494  /** Buffer for delayed input processing. */
495  std::vector< std::string > strings_;
496  /** Mapping of macro arguments to their content. */
497  std::map<std::string, std::string> *local_defines_;
498  /** Stack of nested preprocessing chunks. */
499  std::vector< token_desc > tokens_;
500  /**
501  * Set to true whenever input tokens cannot be directly sent to the target
502  * buffer. For instance, this happens with macro arguments. In that case,
503  * the output is redirected toward #strings_ until it can be processed.
504  */
506  /**
507  * Non-zero when the preprocessor has to skip some input text.
508  * Increased whenever entering a conditional branch that is not useful,
509  * e.g. a ifdef that evaluates to false.
510  */
512  int linenum_;
513  ///true iff we are currently parsing a macros content, otherwise false.
519  void skip_spaces();
520  void skip_eol();
522  void pop_token();
523  void put(char);
524  void put(std::string const & /*, int change_line
525  = 0 */);
526  void conditional_skip(bool skip);
527 public:
529  std::istream *,
530  std::string const &history,
531  std::string const &name, int line,
532  std::string const &dir, std::string const &domain,
533  std::map<std::string, std::string> *defines, bool is_define = false);
535  virtual bool get_chunk();
536  virtual int is_macro() { return is_define_ ? 1 : 0; }
541 };
544 {
545  throw std::logic_error("don't compare tokens with characters");
546 }
547 bool operator==(char lhs, preprocessor_data::token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE rhs){ return rhs == lhs; }
548 bool operator!=(preprocessor_data::token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE rhs, char lhs){ return !(lhs == rhs); }
549 bool operator!=(char lhs, preprocessor_data::token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE rhs){ return rhs != lhs; }
552  preprocessor(t),
553  files_(),
554  pos_(),
555  end_()
556 {
557  if (filesystem::is_directory(name)) {
561  for(std::string fname : files_) {
562  size_t cpos = fname.rfind(" ");
563  if (cpos != std::string::npos && cpos >= symbol_index) {
564  std::stringstream ss;
565  ss << "Found filename containing whitespace: '" << filesystem::base_name(fname) << "' in included directory '" << name << "'.\nThe included symbol probably looks similar to '"
566  << filesystem::directory_name(fname.substr(symbol_index)) << "'";
567  // TODO: find a real linenumber
568  target_.error(ss.str(), -1);
569  }
570  }
571  }
572  else {
573  std::istream * file_stream = filesystem::istream_file(name);
574  if (!file_stream->good()) {
575  ERR_PREPROC << "Could not open file " << name << std::endl;
576  delete file_stream;
577  }
578  else
579  new preprocessor_data(t, file_stream, "", filesystem::get_short_wml_path(name),
580  1, filesystem::directory_name(name), t.textdomain_, nullptr);
581  }
582  pos_ = files_.begin();
583  end_ = files_.end();
584 }
586 /**
587  * preprocessor_file::get_chunk()
588  *
589  * Inserts and processes the next file in the list of included files.
590  * @return false if there is no next file.
591  */
593 {
594  while (pos_ != end_) {
595  const std::string &name = *(pos_++);
596  unsigned sz = name.size();
597  // Use reverse iterator to optimize testing
598  if (sz < 5 || !std::equal(name.rbegin(), name.rbegin() + 4, "gfc."))
599  continue;
600  new preprocessor_file(target_, name);
601  return true;
602  }
603  return false;
604 }
607  std::istream *i, std::string const &history, std::string const &name, int linenum,
608  std::string const &directory, std::string const &domain,
609  std::map<std::string, std::string> *defines, bool is_define) :
610  preprocessor(t),
611  in_scope_(i),
612  in_(*i),
613  directory_(directory),
614  strings_(),
615  local_defines_(defines),
616  tokens_(),
617  slowpath_(0),
618  skipping_(0),
619  linenum_(linenum),
620  is_define_(is_define)
621 {
622  std::ostringstream s;
624  s << history;
625  if (!name.empty()) {
626  if (!history.empty())
627  s << ' ';
629  s << get_file_code(name);
630  }
632  if (!t.location_.empty())
633  s << ' ' << t.linenum_ << ' ' << t.location_;
634  t.location_ = s.str();
635  t.linenum_ = linenum;
637  t.buffer_ << "\376line " << linenum << ' ' << t.location_ << '\n';
638  if (t.textdomain_ != domain) {
639  t.buffer_ << "\376textdomain " << domain << '\n';
640  t.textdomain_ = domain;
641  }
644 }
647 {
648  delete local_defines_;
649 }
652 {
653  token_desc token(t, strings_.size(), linenum_);
654  tokens_.push_back(token);
655  if (t == token_desc::MACRO_SPACE) {
656  // Macro expansions do not have any associated storage at start.
657  return;
658  } else if (t == token_desc::STRING || t == token_desc::VERBATIM) {
659  /* Quoted strings are always inlined in the parent token. So
660  they need neither storage nor metadata, unless the parent
661  token is a macro expansion. */
662  token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE &outer_type = tokens_[tokens_.size() - 2].type;
663  if (outer_type != token_desc::MACRO_SPACE)
664  return;
665  outer_type = token_desc::MACRO_CHUNK;
666  tokens_.back().stack_pos = strings_.size() + 1;
667  }
668  std::ostringstream s;
669  if (!skipping_ && slowpath_) {
670  s << "\376line " << linenum_ << ' ' << target_.location_
671  << "\n\376textdomain " << target_.textdomain_ << '\n';
672  }
673  strings_.push_back(s.str());
674 }
677 {
678  token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE inner_type = tokens_.back().type;
679  unsigned stack_pos = tokens_.back().stack_pos;
680  tokens_.pop_back();
681  token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE &outer_type = tokens_.back().type;
682  if (inner_type == token_desc::MACRO_PARENS) {
683  // Parenthesized macro arguments are left on the stack.
684  assert(outer_type == token_desc::MACRO_SPACE);
685  return;
686  }
687  if (inner_type == token_desc::STRING || inner_type == token_desc::VERBATIM) {
688  // Quoted strings are always inlined.
689  assert(stack_pos == strings_.size());
690  return;
691  }
692  if (outer_type == token_desc::MACRO_SPACE) {
693  /* A macro expansion does not have any associated storage.
694  Instead, storage of the inner token is not discarded
695  but kept as a new macro argument. But if the inner token
696  was a macro expansion, it is about to be appended, so
697  prepare for it. */
698  if (inner_type == token_desc::MACRO_SPACE || inner_type == token_desc::MACRO_CHUNK) {
699  strings_.erase(strings_.begin() + stack_pos, strings_.end());
700  strings_.push_back(std::string());
701  }
702  assert(stack_pos + 1 == strings_.size());
703  outer_type = token_desc::MACRO_CHUNK;
704  return;
705  }
706  strings_.erase(strings_.begin() + stack_pos, strings_.end());
707 }
710 {
711  for(;;) {
712  int c = in_.peek();
713  if (in_.eof() || (c != ' ' && c != '\t'))
714  return;
715  in_.get();
716  }
717 }
720 {
721  for(;;) {
722  int c = in_.get();
723  if (c == '\n') {
724  ++linenum_;
725  return;
726  }
727  if (in_.eof())
728  return;
729  }
730 }
733 {
735  for(;;) {
736  int c = in_.peek();
737  if (c == preprocessor_streambuf::traits_type::eof() || utils::portable_isspace(c)) {
738  // DBG_PREPROC << "(" << res << ")\n";
739  return res;
740  }
741  in_.get();
742  res += static_cast<char>(c);
743  }
744 }
747 {
749  for(;;) {
750  int c = in_.get();
751  if (c == '\n') {
752  ++linenum_;
753  return res;
754  }
755  if (in_.eof())
756  return res;
757  if (c != '\r')
758  res += static_cast<char>(c);
759  }
760 }
763 {
765  while(in_.peek() != '\n' && !in_.eof()) {
766  int c = in_.get();
767  if (c != '\r')
768  res += static_cast<char>(c);
769  }
770  return res;
771 }
774 {
775  if (skipping_)
776  return;
777  if (slowpath_) {
778  strings_.back() += c;
779  return;
780  }
782  int cond_linenum = c == '\n' ? linenum_ - 1 : linenum_;
783  if (unsigned diff = cond_linenum - target_.linenum_)
784  {
785  target_.linenum_ = cond_linenum;
786  if (diff <= target_.location_.size() + 11) {
787  target_.buffer_ << std::string(diff, '\n');
788  } else {
789  target_.buffer_ << "\376line " << target_.linenum_
790  << ' ' << target_.location_ << '\n';
791  }
792  }
794  if (c == '\n')
795  ++target_.linenum_;
796  target_.buffer_ << c;
797 }
799 void preprocessor_data::put(std::string const &s /*, int line_change*/)
800 {
801  if (skipping_)
802  return;
803  if (slowpath_) {
804  strings_.back() += s;
805  return;
806  }
807  target_.buffer_ << s;
808 // target_.linenum_ += line_change;
809 }
812 {
813  if (skip) ++skipping_;
815 }
818 {
819  char c = in_.get();
820  token_desc &token = tokens_.back();
821  if (in_.eof()) {
822  // The end of file was reached.
823  // Make sure we don't have any incomplete tokens.
824  char const *s;
825  switch (token.type) {
826  case token_desc::START: return false; // everything is fine
828  case token_desc::SKIP_IF:
830  case token_desc::SKIP_ELSE: s = "#ifdef or #ifndef"; break;
831  case token_desc::STRING: s = "Quoted string"; break;
832  case token_desc::VERBATIM: s = "Verbatim string"; break;
834  case token_desc::MACRO_SPACE: s = "Macro substitution"; break;
835  case token_desc::MACRO_PARENS: s = "Macro argument"; break;
836  default: s = "???";
837  }
838  target_.error(std::string(s) + " not terminated", token.linenum);
839  }
840  if (c == '\n')
841  ++linenum_;
842  if (c == '\376') {
843  std::string buffer(1, c);
844  for(;;) {
845  char d = in_.get();
846  if (in_.eof() || d == '\n')
847  break;
848  buffer += d;
849  }
850  buffer += '\n';
851  // line_change = 1-1 = 0
852  put(buffer);
853  } else if (token.type == token_desc::VERBATIM) {
854  put(c);
855  if (c == '>' && in_.peek() == '>') {
856  put(in_.get());
857  pop_token();
858  }
859  } else if (c == '<' && in_.peek() == '<') {
860  in_.get();
862  put('<');
863  put('<');
864  } else if (c == '"') {
865  if (token.type == token_desc::STRING) {
866  target_.quoted_ = false;
867  put(c);
868  pop_token();
869  } else if (!target_.quoted_) {
870  target_.quoted_ = true;
872  put(c);
873  } else {
874  target_.error("Nested quoted string" , linenum_);
875  }
876  } else if (c == '{') {
878  ++slowpath_;
879  } else if (c == ')' && token.type == token_desc::MACRO_PARENS) {
880  pop_token();
881  } else if (c == '#' && !target_.quoted_) {
882  std::string command = read_word();
883  bool comment = false;
884  if (command == "define") {
885  skip_spaces();
886  int linenum = linenum_;
887  std::vector< std::string > items = utils::split(read_line(), ' ');
888  if (items.empty()) {
889  target_.error("No macro name found after #define directive", linenum);
890  }
891  std::string symbol = items.front();
892  items.erase(items.begin());
893  int found_enddef = 0;
895  for(;;) {
896  if (in_.eof())
897  break;
898  char d = in_.get();
899  if (d == '\n')
900  ++linenum_;
901  buffer += d;
902  if (d == '#')
903  found_enddef = 1;
904  else if (found_enddef > 0)
905  if (++found_enddef == 7) {
906  if (std::equal(buffer.end() - 6, buffer.end(), "enddef"))
907  break;
908  else {
909  found_enddef = 0;
910  if (std::equal(buffer.end()-6, buffer.end(), "define")) { //TODO: Maybe add support for this? This would fill feature request #21343
911  target_.error("Preprocessor error: #define is not allowed inside a #define/#enddef pair", linenum);
912  }
913  }
914  }
915  }
916  if (found_enddef != 7) {
917  target_.error("Unterminated preprocessor definition", linenum_);
918  }
919  if (!skipping_) {
920  preproc_map::const_iterator old_i = target_.defines_->find(symbol);
921  if (old_i != target_.defines_->end()) {
922  std::ostringstream new_pos, old_pos;
923  const preproc_define& old_d = old_i->second;
925  new_pos << linenum << ' ' << target_.location_;
926  old_pos << old_d.linenum << ' ' << old_d.location;
928  WRN_PREPROC << "Redefining macro " << symbol
929  << " without explicit #undef at "
930  << lineno_string(new_pos.str()) << '\n'
931  << "previously defined at "
932  << lineno_string(old_pos.str()) << '\n';
933  }
935  buffer.erase(buffer.end() - 7, buffer.end());
936  (*target_.defines_)[symbol] = preproc_define(buffer, items, target_.textdomain_,
937  linenum, target_.location_);
938  LOG_PREPROC << "defining macro " << symbol << " (location " << get_location(target_.location_) << ")\n";
939  }
940  } else if (command == "ifdef") {
941  skip_spaces();
942  std::string const &symbol = read_word();
943  bool found = target_.defines_->count(symbol) != 0;
944  DBG_PREPROC << "testing for macro " << symbol << ": "
945  << (found ? "defined" : "not defined") << '\n';
946  conditional_skip(!found);
947  } else if (command == "ifndef") {
948  skip_spaces();
949  std::string const &symbol = read_word();
950  bool found = target_.defines_->count(symbol) != 0;
951  DBG_PREPROC << "testing for macro " << symbol << ": "
952  << (found ? "defined" : "not defined") << '\n';
953  conditional_skip(found);
954  } else if (command == "ifhave") {
955  skip_spaces();
956  std::string const &symbol = read_word();
957  bool found = !filesystem::get_wml_location(symbol, directory_).empty();
958  DBG_PREPROC << "testing for file or directory " << symbol << ": "
959  << (found ? "found" : "not found") << '\n';
960  conditional_skip(!found);
961  } else if (command == "ifnhave") {
962  skip_spaces();
963  std::string const &symbol = read_word();
964  bool found = !filesystem::get_wml_location(symbol, directory_).empty();
965  DBG_PREPROC << "testing for file or directory " << symbol << ": "
966  << (found ? "found" : "not found") << '\n';
967  conditional_skip(found);
968  } else if (command == "ifver" || command == "ifnver") {
969  skip_spaces();
970  std::string const& vsymstr = read_word();
971  skip_spaces();
972  std::string const& vopstr = read_word();
973  skip_spaces();
974  std::string const& vverstr = read_word();
976  const VERSION_COMP_OP vop = parse_version_op(vopstr);
978  if(vop == OP_INVALID) {
979  target_.error("Invalid #ifver/#ifnver operator", linenum_);
980  } else if(target_.defines_->count(vsymstr) != 0) {
981  preproc_define const& sym = (*target_.defines_)[vsymstr];
983  if(!sym.arguments.empty()) {
984  target_.error("First argument macro in #ifver/#ifnver should not require arguments", linenum_);
985  }
987  version_info const version1(sym.value);
988  version_info const version2(vverstr);
990  const bool found = do_version_check(version1, vop, version2);
991  DBG_PREPROC << "testing version '" << version1.str() << "' against '" << version2.str() << "' (" << vopstr << "): "
992  << (found ? "match" : "no match") << '\n';
994  conditional_skip(command == "ifver" ? !found : found);
995  } else {
996  std::string err = "Undefined macro in #ifver/#ifnver first argument: '";
997  err += vsymstr;
998  err += "'";
999  target_.error(err, linenum_);
1000  }
1001  } else if (command == "else") {
1002  if (token.type == token_desc::SKIP_ELSE) {
1003  pop_token();
1004  --skipping_;
1006  } else if (token.type == token_desc::PROCESS_IF) {
1007  pop_token();
1008  ++skipping_;
1010  } else {
1011  target_.error("Unexpected #else", linenum_);
1012  }
1013  } else if (command == "endif") {
1014  switch (token.type) {
1015  case token_desc::SKIP_IF:
1018  case token_desc::PROCESS_ELSE: break;
1019  default:
1020  target_.error("Unexpected #endif", linenum_);
1021  }
1022  pop_token();
1023  } else if (command == "textdomain") {
1024  skip_spaces();
1025  std::string const &s = read_word();
1026  if (s != target_.textdomain_) {
1027  put("#textdomain ");
1028  put(s);
1029  target_.textdomain_ = s;
1030  }
1031  comment = true;
1032  } else if (command == "enddef") {
1033  target_.error("Unexpected #enddef", linenum_);
1034  } else if (command == "undef") {
1035  skip_spaces();
1036  std::string const &symbol = read_word();
1037  if (!skipping_) {
1038  target_.defines_->erase(symbol);
1039  LOG_PREPROC << "undefine macro " << symbol << " (location " << get_location(target_.location_) << ")\n";
1040  }
1041  } else if (command == "error") {
1042  if (!skipping_) {
1043  skip_spaces();
1044  std::ostringstream error;
1045  error << "#error: \"" << read_rest_of_line() << '"';
1046  target_.error(error.str(), linenum_);
1047  } else
1048  DBG_PREPROC << "Skipped an error\n";
1049  } else if (command == "warning") {
1050  if (!skipping_) {
1051  skip_spaces();
1052  std::ostringstream warning;
1053  warning << "#warning: \"" << read_rest_of_line() << '"';
1054  target_.warning(warning.str(), linenum_);
1055  } else
1056  DBG_PREPROC << "Skipped a warning\n";
1057  } else
1058  comment = token.type != token_desc::MACRO_SPACE;
1059  skip_eol();
1060  if (comment)
1061  put('\n');
1062  } else if (token.type == token_desc::MACRO_SPACE || token.type == token_desc::MACRO_CHUNK) {
1063  if (c == '(') {
1064  // If a macro argument was started, it is implicitly ended.
1065  token.type = token_desc::MACRO_SPACE;
1067  } else if (utils::portable_isspace(c)) {
1068  // If a macro argument was started, it is implicitly ended.
1069  token.type = token_desc::MACRO_SPACE;
1070  } else if (c == '}') {
1071  --slowpath_;
1072  if (skipping_) {
1073  pop_token();
1074  return true;
1075  }
1076  // FIXME: is this obsolete?
1077  //if (token.type == token_desc::MACRO_SPACE) {
1078  // if (!strings_.back().empty()) {
1079  // std::ostringstream error;
1080  // std::ostringstream location;
1081  // error << "Can't parse new macro parameter with a macro call scope open";
1082  // location<<linenum_<<' '<<target_.location_;
1083  // target_.error(error.str(), location.str());
1084  // }
1085  // strings_.pop_back();
1086  //}
1088  if(strings_.size() <= static_cast<size_t>(token.stack_pos)) {
1089  target_.error("No macro or file substitution target specified", linenum_);
1090  }
1092  std::string symbol = strings_[token.stack_pos];
1093  std::string::size_type pos;
1094  while ((pos = symbol.find('\376')) != std::string::npos) {
1095  std::string::iterator b = symbol.begin(); // invalidated at each iteration
1096  symbol.erase(b + pos, b + symbol.find('\n', pos + 1) + 1);
1097  }
1098  std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator arg;
1099  preproc_map::const_iterator macro;
1100  // If this is a known pre-processing symbol, then we insert it,
1101  // otherwise we assume it's a file name to load.
1102  if(symbol == current_file_str && strings_.size() - token.stack_pos == 1) {
1103  pop_token();
1105  }
1106  else if(symbol == current_dir_str && strings_.size() - token.stack_pos == 1) {
1107  pop_token();
1109  }
1110  else if (local_defines_ &&
1111  (arg = local_defines_->find(symbol)) != local_defines_->end())
1112  {
1113  if (strings_.size() - token.stack_pos != 1)
1114  {
1115  std::ostringstream error;
1116  error << "Macro argument '" << symbol
1117  << "' does not expect any arguments";
1118  target_.error(error.str(), linenum_);
1119  }
1120  std::ostringstream v;
1121  v << arg->second << "\376line " << linenum_ << ' ' << target_.location_
1122  << "\n\376textdomain " << target_.textdomain_ << '\n';
1123  pop_token();
1124  put(v.str());
1125  }
1126  else if (target_.depth_ < 100 && (macro = target_.defines_->find(symbol)) != target_.defines_->end())
1127  {
1128  preproc_define const &val = macro->second;
1129  size_t nb_arg = strings_.size() - token.stack_pos - 1;
1130  if (nb_arg != val.arguments.size())
1131  {
1132  const std::vector<std::string>& locations = utils::quoted_split(val.location, ' ');
1133  std::ostringstream error;
1134  error << "Preprocessor symbol '" << symbol << "' defined at "
1135  << get_filename(locations[0]) << ":" << val.linenum << " expects "
1136  << val.arguments.size() << " arguments, but has "
1137  << nb_arg << " arguments";
1138  target_.error(error.str(), linenum_);
1139  }
1140  std::istringstream *buffer = new std::istringstream(val.value);
1141  std::map<std::string, std::string> *defines =
1142  new std::map<std::string, std::string>;
1143  for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_arg; ++i) {
1144  (*defines)[val.arguments[i]] = strings_[token.stack_pos + i + 1];
1145  }
1146  pop_token();
1147  std::string const &dir = filesystem::directory_name(val.location.substr(0, val.location.find(' ')));
1148  if (!slowpath_) {
1149  DBG_PREPROC << "substituting macro " << symbol << '\n';
1150  new preprocessor_data(target_, buffer, val.location, "",
1151  val.linenum, dir, val.textdomain, defines, true);
1152  } else {
1153  DBG_PREPROC << "substituting (slow) macro " << symbol << '\n';
1154  std::ostringstream res;
1157  // Make the nested preprocessor_data responsible for
1158  // restoring our current textdomain if needed.
1160  { std::istream in(buf);
1161  new preprocessor_data(*buf, buffer, val.location, "",
1162  val.linenum, dir, val.textdomain, defines, true);
1163  res << in.rdbuf(); }
1164  delete buf;
1165  put(res.str());
1166  }
1167  } else if (target_.depth_ < 40) {
1168  LOG_PREPROC << "Macro definition not found for " << symbol << " , attempting to open as file.\n";
1169  pop_token();
1171  if (!nfname.empty())
1172  {
1173  if (!slowpath_)
1174  // nfname.size() - symbol.size() gives you an index into nfname
1175  // This does not necessarily match the symbol though, as it can start with ~ or ./
1176  new preprocessor_file(target_, nfname, nfname.size() - symbol.size());
1177  else {
1178  std::ostringstream res;
1181  { std::istream in(buf);
1182  new preprocessor_file(*buf, nfname, nfname.size() - symbol.size());
1183  res << in.rdbuf(); }
1184  delete buf;
1185  put(res.str());
1186  }
1187  }
1188  else
1189  {
1190  std::ostringstream error;
1191  error << "Macro/file '" << symbol << "' is missing";
1192  target_.error(error.str(), linenum_);
1193  }
1194  } else {
1195  target_.error("Too many nested preprocessing inclusions", linenum_);
1196  }
1197  }
1198  else if (!skipping_)
1199  {
1200  if (token.type == token_desc::MACRO_SPACE)
1201  {
1202  std::ostringstream s;
1203  s << "\376line " << linenum_ << ' ' << target_.location_
1204  << "\n\376textdomain " << target_.textdomain_ << '\n';
1205  strings_.push_back(s.str());
1206  token.type = token_desc::MACRO_CHUNK;
1207  }
1208  put(c);
1209  }
1210  } else
1211  put(c);
1212  return true;
1213 }
1215 struct preprocessor_deleter: std::basic_istream<char>
1216 {
1221 };
1224  preproc_map *defines)
1225  : std::basic_istream<char>(buf), buf_(buf), defines_(defines)
1226 {
1227 }
1230 {
1231  clear(std::ios_base::goodbit);
1232  exceptions(std::ios_base::goodbit);
1233  rdbuf(nullptr);
1234  delete buf_;
1235  delete defines_;
1236 }
1238 std::istream *preprocess_file(std::string const &fname, preproc_map *defines)
1239 {
1240  log_scope("preprocessing file " + fname + " ...");
1241  preproc_map *owned_defines = nullptr;
1242  if (!defines) {
1243  // If no preproc_map has been given, create a new one,
1244  // and ensure it is destroyed when the stream is
1245 // ??
1246  // by giving it to the deleter.
1247  owned_defines = new preproc_map;
1248  defines = owned_defines;
1249  }
1252  new preprocessor_file(*buf, fname);
1253  return new preprocessor_deleter(buf, owned_defines);
1254 }
1256 void preprocess_resource(const std::string& res_name, preproc_map *defines_map,
1257  bool write_cfg, bool write_plain_cfg,std::string target_directory)
1258 {
1259  if (filesystem::is_directory(res_name))
1260  {
1261  std::vector<std::string> dirs,files;
1265  // subdirectories
1266  for(const std::string& dir : dirs)
1267  {
1268  LOG_PREPROC << "processing sub-dir: " << dir << '\n';
1269  preprocess_resource(dir, defines_map, write_cfg, write_plain_cfg, target_directory);
1270  }
1272  // files in current directory
1273  for(const std::string& file : files)
1274  {
1275  preprocess_resource(file, defines_map, write_cfg, write_plain_cfg, target_directory);
1276  }
1277  return;
1278  }
1280  // process only config files.
1281  if (filesystem::ends_with(res_name, ".cfg") == false)
1282  return;
1284  LOG_PREPROC << "processing resource: " << res_name << '\n';
1286  //disable filename encoding to get clear #line in cfg.plain
1287  encode_filename = false;
1289  filesystem::scoped_istream stream = preprocess_file(res_name, defines_map);
1290  std::stringstream ss;
1291  // Set the failbit so if we get any preprocessor exceptions (e.g.:preproc_config::error)
1292  // they will be propagated in the main program, instead of just setting the
1293  // failbit on the stream. This was necessary in order for the MSVC and GCC
1294  // binaries to behave the same way.
1295  ss.exceptions(std::ios_base::failbit);
1297  ss << (*stream).rdbuf();
1299  LOG_PREPROC << "processing finished\n";
1301  if (write_cfg == true || write_plain_cfg == true)
1302  {
1303  config cfg;
1304  std::string streamContent = ss.str();
1306  read(cfg, streamContent);
1307  const std::string preproc_res_name = target_directory + "/" + filesystem::base_name(res_name);
1309  // write the processed cfg file
1310  if (write_cfg == true)
1311  {
1312  LOG_PREPROC << "writing cfg file: " << preproc_res_name << '\n';
1314  filesystem::scoped_ostream outStream(filesystem::ostream_file(preproc_res_name));
1315  write(*outStream, cfg);
1316  }
1318  // write the plain cfg file
1319  if (write_plain_cfg == true)
1320  {
1321  LOG_PREPROC << "writing plain cfg file: " << (preproc_res_name + ".plain") << '\n';
1323  filesystem::write_file(preproc_res_name + ".plain", streamContent);
1324  }
1325  }
1326 }
static std::string current_file_str
std::string lineno_string(const std::string &lineno)
child_itors child_range(const std::string &key)
Definition: config.cpp:613
std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator end_
std::map< std::string, std::string > * local_defines_
Mapping of macro arguments to their content.
bool operator==(preproc_define const &) const
preprocessor_data(preprocessor_streambuf &, std::istream *, std::string const &history, std::string const &name, int line, std::string const &dir, std::string const &domain, std::map< std::string, std::string > *defines, bool is_define=false)
preprocessor_streambuf & target_
virtual ~preprocessor()
Restores the old preprocessing context of target_.
VERSION_COMP_OP parse_version_op(const std::string &op_str)
Definition: version.cpp:276
Specialized preprocessor for handling a file or a set of files.
void read(const config &)
const GLfloat * c
Definition: glew.h:12741
int pos
Definition: formula.cpp:800
std::string read_word()
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: glew.h:1221
preproc_map default_defines_
virtual int is_macro()
retruns 1 if this parses a macro, -1 if this doesnt parse text (if this is no preprocessor_data). 0 otherwise (this parses a file).
static l_noret error(LoadState *S, const char *why)
Definition: lundump.cpp:29
buffered_istream in_
Input stream.
bool ends_with(const std::string &str, const std::string &suffix)
preprocessor_streambuf * buf_
int peek()
Gets a character from the buffer.
Specialized preprocessor for handling any kind of input stream.
std::string out_buffer_
Buffer read by the STL stream.
void clear(const std::string &key)
Helper class for buffering a std::istream.
void write_argument(config_writer &, const std::string &) const
GLuint const GLfloat * val
Definition: glew.h:2614
bool operator<(preproc_define const &) const
bool eof() const
Is the end of input reached?
STL namespace.
void read_argument(const config &)
const std::vector< std::string > items
#define d
GLdouble GLdouble t
Definition: glew.h:1366
Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML).
std::string location
Description of a preprocessing chunk.
std::map< std::string, preproc_define > preproc_map
GLuint in
Definition: glew.h:9261
GLdouble l
Definition: glew.h:6966
std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator pos_
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble b
Definition: glew.h:6966
GLuint GLuint stream
Definition: glew.h:5239
int slowpath_
Set to true whenever input tokens cannot be directly sent to the target buffer.
bool is_define_
true iff we are currently parsing a macros content, otherwise false.
void write_key_val(const std::string &key, const T &value)
This template function will work with any type that can be assigned to an attribute_value.
GLuint GLuint end
Definition: glew.h:1221
int get()
Gets and consumes a character from the buffer.
void conditional_skip(bool skip)
bool quoted_
Set to true if one preprocessor for this target started to read a string.
void close_child(const std::string &key)
bool create_directory_if_missing_recursive(const std::string &dirname)
Creates a recursive directory tree if it does not exist already.
static lg::log_domain log_preprocessor("preprocessor")
preprocessor_file(preprocessor_streambuf &, std::string const &, size_t)
Class for writing a config out to a file in pieces.
std::vector< token_desc > tokens_
Stack of nested preprocessing chunks.
std::string read_line()
void write_file(const std::string &fname, const std::string &data)
Throws io_exception if an error occurs.
const GLdouble * v
Definition: glew.h:1359
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition: glew.h:1817
int skipping_
Non-zero when the preprocessor has to skip some input text.
void push_token(token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE)
std::string base_name(const std::string &file)
Returns the base filename of a file, with directory name stripped.
std::istream * istream_file(const std::string &fname, bool treat_failure_as_error=true)
void open_child(const std::string &key)
std::ostream * ostream_file(std::string const &fname, bool create_directory=true)
bool is_directory(const std::string &fname)
Returns true if the given file is a directory.
GLenum GLuint GLsizei const char * buf
Definition: glew.h:2498
std::string get_short_wml_path(const std::string &filename)
Returns a short path to filename, skipping the (user) data directory.
std::vector< std::string > strings_
Buffer for delayed input processing.
std::map< std::string, int > t_file_number_map
std::string value
preprocessor * current_
Input preprocessor.
GLfloat GLfloat p
Definition: glew.h:12766
Templates and utility-routines for strings and numbers.
GLsizei const GLint * locations
Definition: glew.h:11075
std::string str() const
Serializes the version number into string form.
Definition: version.cpp:90
GLuint buffer
Definition: glew.h:1648
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:38
std::string escape(const std::string &str, const char *special_chars)
Prepends a configurable set of characters with a backslash.
#define PACKAGE
Definition: wesconfig.h:23
std::string directory_
virtual int is_macro()
retruns 1 if this parses a macro, -1 if this doesnt parse text (if this is no preprocessor_data). 0 otherwise (this parses a file).
static std::string get_file_code(const std::string &filename)
std::vector< std::string > quoted_split(std::string const &val, char c, int flags, char quote)
This function is identical to split(), except it does not split when it otherwise would if the previo...
GLuint res
Definition: glew.h:9258
std::vector< std::string > arguments
preprocessor_deleter(preprocessor_streambuf *buf, preproc_map *defines)
token_desc(TOKEN_TYPE type, const int stack_pos, const int linenum)
void get_files_in_dir(const std::string &dir, std::vector< std::string > *files, std::vector< std::string > *dirs=nullptr, file_name_option mode=FILE_NAME_ONLY, file_filter_option filter=NO_FILTER, file_reorder_option reorder=DONT_REORDER, file_tree_checksum *checksum=nullptr)
Populates 'files' with all the files and 'dirs' with all the directories in dir.
Definition: version.hpp:195
logger & err()
Definition: log.cpp:79
std::string get_wml_location(const std::string &filename, const std::string &current_dir=std::string())
Returns a complete path to the actual WML file or directory or an empty string if the file isn't pres...
std::string read_rest_of_line()
bool operator!=(preprocessor_data::token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE rhs, char lhs)
static std::string get_location(const std::string &loc)
filesystem::scoped_istream in_scope_
Manages the lifetime of the std::istream pointer we own.
virtual int underflow()
Called by an STL stream whenever it has reached the end of out_buffer_.
#define log_scope(description)
Definition: log.hpp:185
size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1057
void write(config_writer &, const std::string &) const
Helper class for buffering a std::istream.
Declarations for File-IO.
void read(config &cfg, std::istream &in, abstract_validator *validator)
Definition: parser.cpp:400
static int writer(lua_State *L, const void *b, size_t size, void *B)
Definition: lstrlib.cpp:166
void warning(const std::string &, int)
Base class for preprocessing an input.
preprocessor_streambuf(preprocessor_streambuf const &)
Represents version numbers.
Definition: version.hpp:44
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const preproc_define &def)
static std::string current_dir_str
virtual bool get_chunk()
GLuint const GLchar * name
Definition: glew.h:1782
static std::string get_filename(const std::string &file_code)
std::vector< std::string > files_
std::istream * preprocess_file(std::string const &fname, preproc_map *defines)
GLclampd n
Definition: glew.h:5903
Standard logging facilities (interface).
std::string textdomain
virtual bool get_chunk()=0
preprocessor(preprocessor_streambuf &)
Sets up a new preprocessor for stream buffer t.
int stack_pos
Starting position in strings_ of the delayed text for this chunk.
#define c
Definition: glew.h:12743
friend bool operator==(preprocessor_data::token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE, char)
void error(const std::string &, int)
Target for sending preprocessed output.
std::vector< std::string > split(std::string const &val, const char c, const int flags)
Splits a (comma-)separated string into a vector of pieces.
bool do_version_check(const version_info &a, VERSION_COMP_OP op, const version_info &b)
Definition: version.cpp:295
bool portable_isspace(const char c)
bool operator==(preprocessor_data::token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE, char)
std::string get_current_file()
preprocessor * get_old_preprocessor()
Preprocesses and sends some text to the target_ buffer.
preproc_map * defines_
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:21
std::string old_location_
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:83
static preproc_map::value_type read_pair(const config &)
preprocessor *const old_preprocessor_
static t_file_number_map file_number_map
GLdouble s
Definition: glew.h:1358
std::string old_textdomain_
Interfaces for manipulating version numbers of engine, add-ons, etc.
void write(std::ostream &out, configr_of const &cfg, unsigned int level)
Definition: parser.cpp:621
static bool encode_filename
GLsizei const GLcharARB ** string
Definition: glew.h:4503
void preprocess_resource(const std::string &res_name, preproc_map *defines_map, bool write_cfg, bool write_plain_cfg, std::string target_directory)
std::stringstream buffer_
Buffer filled by the current_ preprocessor.
virtual bool get_chunk()
std::string directory_name(const std::string &file)
Returns the directory name of a file, with filename stripped.
friend bool operator!=(preprocessor_data::token_desc::TOKEN_TYPE, char)
static std::string preprocessor_error_detail_prefix