2.2. Backup

You can get eBox backups management through SystemBackup from the left menu.

From the backup page, you can make a copy of the last saved eBox state or restore previous saved backups. Two backup modes are available in eBox which are described below.

2.2.1. Backup modes

Configuration Backup

Backs up only the configuration from eBox including all managed services. Its size could be a few KBs.

Full Backup

Backs up the eBox configuration and other data which are not necessary for eBox to work. For example, it stores files from shared directories or log messages. Its size is larger than previous mode and can occupy GBs. It can be used to restore only configuration part because it is wrapped inside.

2.2.2. Saving your current state

Both backup modes need a description and can be stored in hard disk or in a removable device such as CD and DVD.

In first case, when backup is done, a new entry will appear on the backups' list, showing date, description and possible actions related to the recent backup.

If you want to save a copy in a CD/DVD, you should have a writer installed in your eBox machine and enter a blank or re-writable disk. This backup will be stored in the disk and it won't appear in backup list anymore.


It is important to remember that the backed up configuration is the last saved configuration through the top-right "Save changes" button.

If you insert a re-writable CD/DVD, the content which remained inside would be replaced with the eBox backup.

2.2.3. Backup Restore

There are three different ways to restore a backup.

  1. You can recover an eBox backup from a file browsing in your own system clicking Browse... and do restore after setting an eBox backup file.

  2. The eBox backup can be stored in a removable disk as well. After inserting a CD/DVD with an eBox backup, with Restore from disk the eBox saved state in this kind of storage devices can be restored.

  3. Finally, an eBox backup can be restored from the backups' list which is explained in detail in Section 2.2.4.

In order to restore a backup, two different restore mode can be done:

  1. Full Restore: Available from a full backup mode, everything kept in this backup can be restored.

  2. Configuration Restore: Available from both backup modes. It just restores the configuration state for eBox.

Then, you should check it to see if it is all correct or make the appropriate changes and, finally, save it.

2.2.4. Backups' list

Backups' list has the eBox backups made during its working period. Actions on each element from that list, located at the right, let restore a backup, download a file with a backup, store the backup a removable device (CD/DVD) or remove a backup from the eBox.