3.4. Gateways

Through this section you can set the gateways where your network traffic is directed. It is very useful in order to split or do balance your Internet traffic.

Choosing NetworkGateways you could add as many gateways as you want. The following attributes are required when adding a gateway:


It is the logical name associated to the gateway in eBox which is used in other eBox modules. It should be unique.

IP Address

The static gateway IP address. Its value has to be unique as well.


The interface from where the gateway is reachable. That is, it is the interface where packets can be routed to get to the gateway.


The maximum upload rate (in Kilobits per second) you can have towards the connection from eBox to the gateway. It will surely depend on the sort of connection provided by your ISP.


The maximum download rate (in Kilobits per second) you can obtain towards the connection from the gateway to eBox.


It is the weight associated to this gateway. It is used by balance traffic section to apply special rules applied to multiple gateways.


It is set to determine whether the gateway is the default one or not. This implies that any packet which does not have a explicit gateway to be routed through will come out through the default one. Note that just one gateway can be the default one at the same time.


Each gateway should be reachable from at least one interface. eBox checks so for each interface whose configuration is static. If the interface is configured via DHCP, this inspection will be skipped since it is impossible to determine.

The correct values for upload and download rate are critical to ensure the correct functionality from traffic shaping module.

Once you have added a gateway, it will appear at the Gateway list . Then, you can delete it or edit the values set previously through the icons which appear on the right side of the list.