3.5. Balance traffic and multigateway rules

3.5.1. Requirements

In order to use these two features, at least two gateways configured are required. Check out this section to know how to create them.

3.5.2. Balance traffic

You can enable traffic balancing via NetworkBalance traffic in order to share your traffic through different routes. The traffic distribution relies on a weighted sum from the gateway weights which are set on gateway attributes (See Gateways section to know how configured them).

A typical configuration could be as follows: you have two gateways configurated where one has the double rate capacity (A) than the other one (B). Thus you may want to balance traffic in 2:1 proportion, that is, gateway A will deliver the double traffic than B. To achieve so, you should set the weight parameter to A to 2 and gateway B will have weight set to 1.

3.5.3. Multigateway rules

It may be needed to route explicitly traffic by a certain gateway, to do so, you should use the multigateway rules which mark the packets to be delivered through the gateway selected.

The packets are matched depending on the rules given to be directed to the asked gateway. You can select the traffic according to the following factors:


It could be TCP, UDP or any.


The source interface where traffic comes from. The list only includes internal interfaces.


You can select a source IP address or an eBox network object. (See this chapter for details)

Source port

You can choose a source port. You must select a protocol different from any to be able to direct traffic depending on the source port.


You can select a destination IP address or an eBox network object.

Destination port

You can choose a destination port. The same policy from source port is applied here.

After editing at least one of the factors you can select a previously defined gateway to direct traffic which matches with the defined attributes.

Once the rule has been added to the multigateway rule list, you may edit or delete a previous defined rule through its icons depicted on its right side.