Chapter 9. User management

Table of Contents

9.1. User accounts
9.2. User groups

9.1. User accounts

Through Users is possible to create eBox users and modify their configuration.

If you want to create a user, you just need to enter required information on the form, at the configuration window, and click Create. There are fields to enter user name, real name, user comments, its password (with confirmation) and its user group which will belong to.

After this, configuration for each created user can be modified, selecting the user from the selection list and click at Edit.

User edit window is dynamic, which means that its content can change depending on the eBox modules installed. There are two parts that will ever exist: on the upper zone, general user information will be shown to give the chance to modify it, including its comment, name and password (with confirmation); on the bottom you can see a Delete button that you can click to remove the eBox user, and its dependencies with the installed modules. Between these parts, new information about each installed and enabled eBox modules can appear, including user-related options about: mail accounts, file sharing, printers sharing...