10.2. Printers administration

Going into PrintersPrinters admin you can access into eBox printer administration.

We can review and modify the printer sharing current status in the system, and see the printer list configured on the system. We also can remove them from eBox or modify its status and its current parameters.

Any moment after the addition of a new printer, you can remove it clicking at its own corresponding action, or access to its specific configuration clicking at "Edit" on that printer.

If you decide to edit the printer configuration, a four-tabbed windows will appear, which give access to each configuration item on the printer management:

Printer details

You can review and modify every details related to manufacturer, model and driver about selected printer.

Driver options

Configuration options depends on the installed driver. eBox will show, frequently, a list with the possible values for each option, making easier the configuration, and avoiding incorrect values of configured parameters.

Configuration options

This part allows to modify the printer connection method with eBox. Depending on if it's USB, parallel port or samba, configuration options will be different.

Pending jobs

Pending jobs of the selected printer are shown. For each job is shown its ID, owner, name, size and creation date. A job can be also cancelled using its action button, removing it from the job list.