Chapter 11. File sharing

Table of Contents

11.1. File Sharing
11.2. User and group shared folders

11.1. File Sharing

You can get into file sharing configuration entering into File sharing . To activate file sharing, just select from the status list, at the upper configuration page, "Enabled" status and accept the changes clicking at "Change".

There are two working modes to this module. It can behave as a simple File Server using SMB/CIFS protocols or as well as a centralized authenticate method using Primary Domain Controller (PDC) to login on Windows NT-based.

Both working modes needs the following fields configured:

Domain name

Only machines and users who belong to the same domain can share their files between them. With this name eBox will be recognize within the local network.

Netbios name

Name applied to old NetBIOS framework which makes eBox have a name within Windows environment.


eBox description which goes with the Netbios name to provide a detailed description within the network.

Quota limit

Quota disk limit on MB to use for each user. If you don't want to set any quota is OK to fill this field with zero value.