Chapter 13. DHCP Server

Table of Contents

13.1. DHCP Server

13.1. DHCP Server

You can enter into DHCP Server configuration going into DHCP .

You just will be able to configure DHCP server if there is any network interface declared as Static. If there are different interfaces set as static, you could choose which one will be configured through the upper tabs, just below the status select list.

If you want to enable DHCP server, select from the selection list (at the upper zone of the configuration page), status "Enabled" and accept the form clicking at "Change".

Working configuration about DHCP server can be adjusted with these options:


These options are not required, and leave them blank is OK. They are used to define the default gateway, name domain search and primary and secondary Name Servers in the network.


Range lists can be created with some values you could like to assign to network hosts. This lists must not have matches between them and every allocatable addresses must belong to the available range shown above the ranges list. If no list is created, every range will be used to assign addresses to the network.

Static assignments

A fixed IP can be assigned (if belongs to the available range) to a MAC address from the network. You just need to create an item at the static assignation list which has the MAC address and the required IP address.