14.2. DNS server

There is a more advanced feature that will allow you to create domains for your local network. This is very useful if you want your users to use host names for your local machines instead of recalling IPs.

The DNS service in eBox features a simple to use server which allows you to add domains. And within each domain, you can add machines and aliases for each one of them. Note that it lacks features such as setting MX register, zone transfer and so forth. Those features will be added in the future.


You can add as many domains as you need. Remember that your hosts will be added taking a domain as a root.

To add a domain, go to DNS, and just type a domain's name in the table placed below the service configuration. As we mentioned you can add as many domains as you need.


The next step, after creating a domain, is adding host names to the domain. What you are doing here is binding an IP address to a host name.

To add a host name, you must edit the domain you would like to add the host to. To do so, click on the pencil icon in the domain table. A new screen will show up. In this new screen you will be able to add a host name and its corresponding IP.

In case of having an IP address with more than one name associated to it, you can add aliases right below the first host name added.