Chapter 15. Jabber Server

Table of Contents

15.1. Jabber Server

15.1. Jabber Server

You can get to Jabber server configuration at Jabber and with each user options.

Jabber server configures a instant messenger network access, for a local network or with external connection. It also handles authentication per-user, allowing or not its access to each one.

If you want to enable Jabber server, enter on its configuration page and select, from the upper part, "Enabled" option from the selection list.

You can configure Jabber server behavior by setting these options:

Domain Name

Every account on a Jabber server has this syntax: user@domain. Users shall use this syntax on their IM clients to chat. For this reason, the domain name should be resolved by the user's PC, and resolved by the rest of Internet if external access is configured.

Global Jabber network connection

Jabber server can be part of the planet-wide Jabber network; or work as a stand-alone server on a corporative network. This option allows to select its behavior.

SSL Support

Authentication and data transmission between Jabber user and the server can be made of three different ways:

  • First, selecting "No" value will make a plain communication between both parts.

  • Second option, "Optional". It allows the user to choose if communication with the server should be encrypted, with SSL, or plain.

  • Last, if SSL access is "Required", IM client must allow SSL authentication to get connected to Jabber server.

On each user configuration, we can find two new options for its Jabber access configuration:

User account

It can be checked or not, which will allow the user access to the Jabber server.

User has administration rights

A user with administration privileges can be notified with some server events, or make some actions only available to admin users. Please, check Jabber documentation if you need to know about the full set of privileges of a Jabber network administrator.