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Embedded DevKit Basics

The following documentation provides the basics about working with the Embedded DevKit's IDE, Source-Navigator. This documentation assumes that you have already configured your embedded environment; if you haven't, see Setting Up for Embedded Work, Creating a Target Filesystem Image, Configuring and Building the Kernel, and Setting Up Targets.

With Source-Navigator, there are essentially five steps to building your project:

  1. Create a project and edit its source code.
  2. Compile your source code with the GNU compiler into intermediate object files.
  3. Link your object files together with the GNU linker to produce an executable file.
  4. For embedded development, download the kernel, your executable and the gdbserver utility to the board.
  5. Debug the executable file with Insight to find any problems.

The Source-Navigator database stores all information about file names, symbol elements, and symbol relationships (functions and global variables are examples of symbols). The minimum requirements for building source code include specifying which source files should be included, the path to the directory in which the build should be stored, the linking rules used, the debugging and optimization flags used, and included paths.To create a project, see Creating a New Project. For more information about using Source-Navigator, see User's Guide from Source-Navigator's Help menu. After you understand how the interface components work, see Developing for Embedded Systems.

For help with new concepts and terms, see Glossary.

Creating a New Project

The following tutorial explains how to create a new project, while introducing you to working with Source-Navigator.

  1. Create a directory in which to store your project files.
  2. Launch Source-Navigator with the following command.


    The first time you launch Source-Navigator, an initial "splash screen" appears and then an empty Projects window opens (Projects window).

    Projects window

  1. With the window active, click New Project.

    The Auto-Create Project dialog appears (see Auto-Create Project dialog). Auto-Create Project is a quick way to start a new project if all your project's source files already reside in a single directory (or a small number of directories) and if you want all the files from that directory in your project. After you create a project, you will see it listed in the Projects window.

    Auto-Create Project dialog

  2. Use the "..." button next to the Project File field to select the location of the project file, the directory that you created in Step 1. The Open dialog then appears (Open dialog) for providing a name for the project file.

    Open dialog

  3. Enter the name of your new project with its .proj file extension. Press Enter. The Open dialog closes. The path and name of the project appears in the Project File field of the Auto-Create Project dialog. You can only set the path once for a project. If the Add Directory field of the Auto-Create Project dialog does not point to the project directory, use the "..." button to navigate to it.
  4. Click OK when done and the Scanning Project window appears (Scanning Project window).

    Scanning Project window

  5. After the scanning completes, the empty Symbol Browser appears (Empty Symbol Browser).

    Empty Symbol Browser

    The Symbol Browser is empty because there are no files in the project. This window normally lists files and symbols for the selected directories. For more specific information, see Using the Symbol Browser.
  6. From the Windows menu, select New View -> Editor to create a new file. The Editor appears.
  7. Enter your code and save the file. Use Save as to update the Symbol Browser with the new file. Fast Save does not update the Symbol Browser.
  8. Click the Symbol Browser window to see the newly created file ( in New file added in Symbol Browser).

    New file added in Symbol Browser

Working with a New Project

In the following tutorial, you will use existing source code and create the c++_demo.proj project.

  1. Change to the following directory:
  2. Uncompress the archive by typing:
    tar xvfz c++_demo.tar.gz
  3. From the Symbol Browser, select File -> New Project. The Auto-Create Project dialog appears (Auto-Create Project dialog).
  4. To create a new project from existing files, click the "..." button next to the Project File field. The Open dialog appears (Open dialog).

    Open dialog

  5. Enter c++_demo.proj as the name of the project. Navigate to:
    Click Save.
  6. Click the Add Directory button.
  7. Select the c++_demo directory. Click OK.
  8. Click OK in the Auto-Create Project dialog.
  9. Having created a project, the Symbol Browser opens. See Using the Symbol Browser and Source-Navigator's Help menu for information.

Using the Symbol Browser

After creating a project, the Symbol Browser opens. The Symbol Browser provides a view of the symbols within the project. Symbols refer to variables, labels, and procedures in a program. Typically, every global function and variable in a C program will have a symbol with which it associates. Sort a list in the Symbol Browser by symbol type or by a text string. Type it into the Pattern: field (see Symbol Browser for the files for the c++_demo project). If you click on the icon to the left of the file or symbol name, you can expand the list view to a tree view of the file or symbol. If you double-click on a file or symbol name, the Editor opens. If you select a symbol in the source code, the selected file opens at the location of the symbol.

Symbol Browser


For the other browser windows, menus and buttons accessible from Source-Navigator along with descriptions of their functionality, see User's Guide from Source-Navigator's Help menu for more details and the following documentation.

The Symbol Browser window has browser buttons (see Browser buttons and its accompanying descriptions) and filter buttons (see Filter buttons and its accompanying descriptions).

Browser buttons

The Hierarchy Browser button helps you understand class hierarchy trees.

The Class Browser button lets you browse class hierarchies, access levels, and member types.

The Cross-Referencer button shows relationships within the project's symbol database, such as the function call hierarchy tree.

The Include Browser button displays Includes and Included By relationships, simultaneously.

Filter buttons

The Classes button restricts the symbol list to display only classes.

The Methods button restricts the symbol list to display only methods.

The Functions button restricts the symbol list to display only functions.

The Project Files button restricts the symbol list to display only the project's files.

Using the Project Editor

Use the Project Editor to create a new project, to add files or directories to an existing project, or to delete files or directories from an existing project. With the Project Editor, you can perform the following functions.

To open the Project Editor from the Symbol Browser, use File -> Project Editor. Project Editor shows the Project Editor with a source file selected (in Project Editor, Agent.h).

Project Editor

See Source-Navigator's Help menu for more information on the Project Editor.

Using the Editor

Items in the project database are hyperlinked in the Editor (Using the Editor). When you double-click on a symbol anywhere within a project, the Editor displays the location of that selected symbol in your source code.

Using the Editor

The Symbol Accelerator combo-box allows you to navigate quickly through the code. With the Editor open, the Symbol Accelerator lists all of the symbols either within the open file or within the entire project. When other browsers are open, the Symbol Accelerator lists the components relative to that browser.

Complex Editor views

Use the Source-Navigator view tabs to have a different view of a selected symbol. For instance, if a class name is highlighted, and you select the Xref tab, you see a tree view of the inheritance line of that class. To combine multiple browsers into a single window, use the following steps.

  1. With the Cross-Reference Browser active, select Windows -> Add View -> Editor. In the Cross-Reference Browser, select a class from the sources to draw a hierarchy diagram referenced in the Editor (see Viewing sources in Cross-Reference Browser and the Editor).

    With this combined browser view, you can examine the code syntax in the Editor pane, and understand the project-wide context of the class in the Cross-Reference Browser pane.

    Viewing sources in Cross-Reference Browser and the Editor

  2. To remove the Editor, select Windows -> Add View -> Delete Last View.
  3. Combining any browser with any other browser, see any symbol in the context of another displayed in a single window. The number of simultaneous browsers is limited by your screen size.

Using the Cross-Reference Browser

The Cross-Reference Browser helps you to understand complex source code by showing the Refers-to and Referred-by relationships between symbols in a project, using their respective buttons (see Buttons that help show cross-referencing relationships).

Buttons that help show cross-referencing relationships


shown by arrow or finger pointing right

shown by arrow or finger pointing left

You can traverse the tree and expand or collapse the elements within the tree, using the following procedure.

  1. Open the Agent.h file from the Symbol Browser .
  2. Highlight the Agent class.
  3. To display cross-references, select the Xref tab in the Editor (Results of using the Refers-to button). From the Cross-Reference Browser, list variables within a project. Selecting one shows which functions call it.
  4. Click on the create_record_dict(fu) function and click the Refers-to button.

    Results of using the Refers-to button

  5. Click on different cross-referenced items and the Refers-to and Referred-by buttons in the toolbar become active.


