
24.4. JDBC Installation

24.4.1. Obtaining EnterpriseDB JDBC Connector

EnterpriseDB JDBC Connector is shipped with our installer.

24.4.2. Installing EnterpriseDB JDBC Connector

This step assumes that you have already setup Java on your system, if you have not already done so please read Section 24.4.3.

If you manually want to install with the jar file for the driver, then you can do so in the following ways:

  • Copy the "edb-jdbc14.jar" file to any directory on your computer that is listed in your classpath.

  • Edit the CLASSPATH environment variable and append the full path to the "edb-jdbc14.jar" file.

  • Copy the "edb-jdbc14.jar" file to your $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory.

24.4.3. Installing Java

This section walks you through the installation of Java in case you don't already have it setup on your system. The setup can be downloaded at Sun's website. Please visit for details.

For Windows you can download the offline executable installer or an online version installer. If you have downloaded the offline version of the installer, you will double click on the file once it has finished downloading in order to begin the installation. After a few simple steps you should have Java installed on your system. Once the installation is done, you need to add the


directory of your Java installation to the PATH environment variable in order to have access to all the Java tools located under this directory from the Windows command prompt.

In the case of Linux, you will most likely find both an RPM and a self-extracting BIN file. If you download the RPM file, it will include a BIN extension, which you will need to remove manually on your own. Once this is done, install the RPM using the

rpm -ivh

command. In case you downloaded the BIN file, you will need to give the BIN execution permissions via a

chmod a+x

command. Once the permissions are in place, simply execute the file and install Java.

Detailed installation instructions are available at:

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