
Contract Factories

class web3.contract.Contract(address)

The Contract class is not intended to be used or instantiated directly. Instead you should use the web3.eth.contract(...) method to generate the contract factory classes for your contracts.

Contract Factories provide an interface for deploying and interacting with Ethereum smart contracts.

class web3.contract.ConciseContract(Contract())

This variation of Contract is designed for succinct read access, with no impact on write access. This comes at a cost of less convenient access to features like deploy() and properties like address. It is recommended to use the classic Contract for those use cases.

Create this type of contract with:

>>> concise = web3.eth.contract(..., ContractFactoryClass=ConciseContract)

This variation invokes all methods as a call, so if the classic contract had a method like, you could call it with concise.owner() instead.

For access to send a transaction or estimate gas, you can add a keyword argument like so:

>>> concise.withdraw(amount, transact={'from': eth.accounts[1], 'gas': 100000, ...})

>>>  # which is equivalent to this transaction in the classic contract:

>>> contract.transact({'from': eth.accounts[1], 'gas': 100000, ...}).withdraw(amount)


Each Contract Factory exposes the following properties.


The hexadecimal encoded 20-byte address of the contract. May be None if not provided during factory creation.


The contract ABI array.


The contract bytecode string. May be None if not provided during factory creation.


The runtime part of the contract bytecode string. May be None if not provided during factory creation.


Each Contract Factory exposes the following methods.

classmethod Contract.deploy(transaction=None, args=None)

Construct and send a transaction to deploy the contract.

If provided transaction should be a dictionary conforming to the web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction) method. This value may not contain the keys data or to.

If the contract takes constructor arguments they should be provided as a list via the args parameter.

If a gas value is not provided, then the gas value for the deployment transaction will be created using the web3.eth.estimateGas() method.

Returns the transaction hash for the deploy transaction.

Contract.transact(transaction).myMethod(*args, **kwargs)

Execute the specified function by sending a new public transaction.

This is executed in two steps.

The first portion of this function call transact(transaction) takes a single parameter which should be a python dictionary conforming to the same format as the web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction) method. This dictionary may not contain the keys data or to.

The second portion of the function call myMethod(*args, **kwargs) selects the appropriate contract function based on the name and provided argument. Arguments can be provided as positional arguments, keyword arguments, or a mix of the two.

If a gas value is not provided, then the gas value for the method transaction will be created using the web3.eth.estimateGas() method.

Returns the transaction hash.

>>> token_contract.transact().transfer(web3.eth.accounts[1], 12345)
"0x4e3a3754410177e6937ef1f84bba68ea139e8d1a2258c5f85db9f1cd715a1bdd"*args, **kwargs)

Call a contract function, executing the transaction locally using the eth_call API. This will not create a new public transaction.

This method behaves the same as the :py:method::Contract.transact method, with transaction details being passed into the first portion of the function call, and function arguments being passed into the second portion.

Returns the return value of the executed function.

>>>{'from': web3.eth.coinbase}).myBalance()
12345  # the token balance for `web3.eth.coinbase`
>>>{'from': web3.eth.accounts[1]}).myBalance()
54321  # the token balance for the account `web3.eth.accounts[1]`
Contract.estimateGas(transaction).myMethod(*args, **kwargs)

Call a contract function, executing the transaction locally using the eth_call API. This will not create a new public transaction.

This method behaves the same as the :py:method::Contract.transact method, with transaction details being passed into the first portion of the function call, and function arguments being passed into the second portion.

Returns the amount of gas consumed which can be used as a gas estimate for executing this transaction publicly.

>>> my_contract.estimateGas().multiply7(3)


classmethod Contract.on(event_name, filter_params=None, *callbacks)

Creates a new web3.utils.filters.LogFilter instance.

The event_name parameter should be the name of the contract event you want to filter on.

If provided, filter_params should be a dictionary specifying additional filters for log entries. The following keys are supported.

  • filter: dictionary - (optional) Dictionary keys should be argument names for the Event arguments. Dictionary values should be the value you want to filter on, or a list of values to be filtered on. Lists of values will match log entries who’s argument matches any value in the list.
  • fromBlock: integer/tag - (optional, default: “latest”) Integer block number, or “latest” for the last mined block or “pending”, “earliest” for not yet mined transactions.
  • toBlock: integer/tag - (optional, default: “latest”) Integer block number, or “latest” for the last mined block or “pending”, “earliest” for not yet mined transactions.
  • address: string or list of strings, each 20 Bytes - (optional) Contract address or a list of addresses from which logs should originate.
  • topics: list of 32 byte strings or null - (optional) Array of topics that should be used for filtering. Topics are order-dependent. This parameter can also be a list of topic lists in which case filtering will match any of the provided topic arrays.

The event topic for the event specified by event_name will be added to the filter_params['topics'] list.

If the Contract.address attribute for this contract is non-null, the contract address will be added to the filter_params.

If provided, the *callbacks parameter should be callables which accept a single Event Log object. When callbacks are provided, the filter will be started. Otherwise the filter will be returned without starting it.

The Event Log Object is a python dictionary with the following keys:

  • args: Dictionary - The arguments coming from the event.
  • event: String - The event name.
  • logIndex: Number - integer of the log index position in the block.
  • transactionIndex: Number - integer of the transactions index position log was created from.
  • transactionHash: String, 32 Bytes - hash of the transactions this log was created from.
  • address: String, 32 Bytes - address from which this log originated.
  • blockHash: String, 32 Bytes - hash of the block where this log was in. null when its pending.
  • blockNumber: Number - the block number where this log was in. null when its pending.
>>> transfer_filter = my_token_contract.on('Transfer', {'filter': {'_from': '0xdc3a9db694bcdd55ebae4a89b22ac6d12b3f0c24'}})
>>> transfer_filter.get()
[...]  # array of Event Log Objects that match the filter.
# now `my_callback` will be called each time a new matching event log
# is encountered.
classmethod Contract.pastEvents(event_name, filter_params=None, *callbacks)

Creates a new web3.utils.filters.PastLogFilter instance which will match historical event logs.

All parameters behave the same as the :py:method::Contract.on method.

>>> transfer_filter = my_token_contract.pastEvents('Transfer', {'filter': {'_from': '0xdc3a9db694bcdd55ebae4a89b22ac6d12b3f0c24'}})
>>> transfer_filter.get()
[...]  # array of Event Log Objects that match the filter for all historical events.