
The web3.eth.filter method can be used to setup filter for:

  • Pending Transactions
  • New Blocks
  • Event Logs

Filter API

class web3.utils.filters.Filter(web3, filter_id)

The :py:class::Filter object is a subclass of the :py:class::gevent.Greenlet object. It exposes these additional properties and methods.


The filter_id for this filter as returned by the eth_newFilter RPC method when this filter was created.


Asynchrony Deprecation: Native asynchronous filtering is deprecated in favor a simpler synchronous implementation. This deprecation includes the following attributes: callbacks, running, and stopped. It will be removed in version 4.


A list of callbacks that this filter will call with new entries.


Boolean as to whether this filter is currently polling.


Boolean as to whether this filter has been stopped. Will be set to None if the filter has not yet been started.


Hook for subclasses to modify the format of the log entries this filter returns, or passes to it’s callback functions.

By default this returns the entry parameter umodified.


Hook for subclasses to add additional programatic filtering. The default implementation always returns True.


Asynchrony Deprecation: Native asynchronous filtering is deprecated in favor a simpler synchronous implementation. This deprecation includes the following attributes: callbacks, running, and stopped. It will be removed in version 4.*callbacks)

Registers the provided callbacks to be called with each new entry this filter encounters and starts the filter polling for changes.

Can only be called once on each filter. Cannot be called on a filter that has already been started.

Filter.stop_watching(self, timeout=0)

Stops the filter from polling and uninstalls the filter. Blocks until all events that are currently being processed have been processed.

Block and Transaction Filters

class web3.utils.filters.BlockFilter(...)

You can setup a filter for new blocks using web3.eth.filter('latest') which will return a new :py:class::BlockFilter object.

>>> def new_block_callback(block_hash):
...     sys.stdout.write("New Block: {0}".format(block_hash))
>>> new_block_filter = web3.eth.filter('latest')
# each time the client receieves a new block the `new_block_callback`
# function will be called with the block hash.
class web3.utils.filters.TransactionFilter(...)

You can setup a filter for new blocks using web3.eth.filter('pending') which will return a new :py:class::BlockFilter object.

>>> def new_transaction_callback(transaction_hash):
...     sys.stdout.write("New Block: {0}".format(transaction_hash))
>>> new_transaction_filter = web3.eth.filter('pending')
# each time the client receieves a unmined transaction the
# `new_transaction_filter` function will be called with the transaction
# hash.

Event Log Filters

class web3.utils.filters.LogFilter(web3, filter_id, log_entry_formatter=None, data_filter_set=None)

The :py:class::LogFilter class is used for all filters pertaining to event logs. It exposes the following additional methods.


Removal in next version: LogFilter.get is deprecated in favor of Filter.get_new_entries and Filter.get_all_entries, which will replace all LogFilter.get usages in version 4.


Synchronously retrieve the event logs for this filter.

If only_changes is True then logs will be retrieved using the web3.eth.getFilterChanges which returns only new entries since the last poll.

If only_changes is False then the logs will be retrieved using the web3.eth.getFilterLogs which returns all logs that match the given filter.

This method will raise a ValueError if called on a filter that is currently polling.

The :py:class::LogFilter class is returned from the :py:method::web3.contract.Contract.on and will be configured to extract the event data from the event logs.

class web3.utils.filters.PastLogFilter(...)

The :py:class::PastLogFilter is a subclass of :py:class::LogFilter that is configured specially to return historical event logs. It conforms to the same API as the LogFilter class.

Shh Filter

class web3.utils.filters.ShhFilter(web3, filter_id)

The :py:class:: ShhFilter class is used for filtering Shh messages. You can setup a callback function for Whipser messages matching the topics subscribed using web3.shh.filter(filter_params),which will return a :py:class::ShhFilter object

>>>def filter_callback(new_message):
...     sys.stdout.write("New Shh Message: {0}".format(new_message))
>>>shh_filter = web3.shh.filter({"topics":[web3.toHex(text="topic_to_subscribe")]})
#each time client recieves a Shh messages matching the topics subscibed,
#filter_callback is called