PackageTop Level
Classpublic dynamic class Vector
InheritanceVector Inheritance Object

The Vector class lets you access and manipulate a vector — an array whose elements all have the same data type. The data type of a Vector's elements is known as the Vector's base type. The base type can be any class, including built in classes and custom classes. The base type is specified when declaring a Vector variable as well as when creating an instance by calling the class constructor.

Like with an Array, you can use the array access ([]) operator to set or retrieve the value of a Vector element. Several Vector methods also provide mechanisms for setting and retrieving element values. These include push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(), and others. The properties and methods of a Vector object are similar — in most cases identical — to the properties and methods of an Array. In any case where you would use an Array in which all the elements have the same data type, a Vector instance is preferable.

The Vector's base type is specified using postfix type parameter syntax. Type parameter syntax is a sequence consisting of a dot (.), left angle bracket (<), class name, then a right angle bracket (>), as shown in this example:

 var v:Vector.<String>;
 v = new Vector.<String>();

In the first line of the example, the variable v is declared as a Vector.<String> instance. In other words, it represents a Vector (an array) that can only hold String instances and from which only String instances can be retrieved. The second line constructs an instance of the same Vector type (that is, a Vector whose elements are all String objects) and assigns it to v.

A variable declared with the Vector.<T> data type can only store a Vector instance that is constructed with the same base type T. For example, a Vector that's constructed by calling new Vector.<String>() can't be assigned to a variable that's declared with the Vector.<int> data type. The base types must match exactly. For example, the following code doesn't compile because the object's base type isn't the same as the variable's declared base type (even though Sprite is a subclass of DisplayObject):

 // This code doesn't compile even though Sprite is a DisplayObject subclass
 var v:Vector.<DisplayObject> = new Vector.<Sprite>();

To convert a Vector with base type T to a Vector of a superclass of T, use the Vector() global function.

In addition to the data type restriction, the Vector class has other restrictions that distinguish it from the Array class:

As a result of its restrictions, a Vector has two primary benefits over an Array instance whose elements are all instances of a single class:

See also

[] array access
Vector() global function
Array class

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
  fixed : Boolean
Indicates whether the length property of the Vector can be changed.
  length : uint
The range of valid indices available in the Vector.
 Inheritedprototype : Object
[static] A reference to the prototype object of a class or function object.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Vector(length:uint = 0, fixed:Boolean = false)
Creates a Vector with the specified base type.
concat(... args):Vector.<T>
Concatenates the elements specified in the parameters with the elements in the Vector and creates a new Vector.
every(callback:Function, thisObject:Object = null):Boolean
Executes a test function on each item in the Vector until an item is reached that returns false for the specified function.
filter(callback:Function, thisObject:Object = null):Vector.<T>
Executes a test function on each item in the Vector and returns a new Vector containing all items that return true for the specified function.
forEach(callback:Function, thisObject:Object = null):void
Executes a function on each item in the Vector.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
indexOf(searchElement:T, fromIndex:int = 0):int
Searches for an item in the Vector and returns the index position of the item.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
join(sep:String = ","):String
Converts the elements in the Vector to strings, inserts the specified separator between the elements, concatenates them, and returns the resulting string.
lastIndexOf(searchElement:T, fromIndex:int = 0x7fffffff):int
Searches for an item in the Vector, working backward from the specified index position, and returns the index position of the matching item.
map(callback:Function, thisObject:Object = null):Vector.<T>
Executes a function on each item in the Vector, and returns a new Vector of items corresponding to the results of calling the function on each item in this Vector.
Removes the last element from the Vector and returns that element.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
push(... args):uint
Adds one or more elements to the end of the Vector and returns the new length of the Vector.
Reverses the order of the elements in the Vector.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Removes the first element from the Vector and returns that element.
slice(startIndex:int = 0, endIndex:int = 16777215):Vector.<T>
Returns a new Vector that consists of a range of elements from the original Vector, without modifying the original Vector.
some(callback:Function, thisObject:Object = null):Boolean
Executes a test function on each item in the Vector until an item is reached that returns true.
Sorts the elements in the Vector.
splice(startIndex:int, deleteCount:uint, ... items):Vector.<T>
Adds elements to and removes elements from the Vector.
Returns a string that represents the elements in the specified Vector.
Returns a string that represents the elements in the Vector.
Adds one or more elements to the beginning of the Vector and returns the new length of the Vector.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Property Detail

Indicates whether the length property of the Vector can be changed. If the value is false, the length property can't be changed. This means the following operations are not allowed when fixed is true:

    public function get fixed():Boolean
    public function set fixed(value:Boolean):void

The range of valid indices available in the Vector. A Vector instance has index positions up to but not including the length value.

Every Vector element always has a value that is either an instance of the base type or null. When the length property is set to a value that's larger than its previous value, additional elements are created and populated with the default value appropriate to the base type (null for reference types).

When the length property is set to a value that's smaller than its previous value, all the elements at index positions greater than or equal to the new length value are removed from the Vector.

    public function get length():uint
    public function set length(value:uint):void

RangeError — If this property is changed while fixed is true.
RangeError — If this property is set to a value larger than the maximum allowable index (232).
Constructor Detail
public function Vector(length:uint = 0, fixed:Boolean = false)

Creates a Vector with the specified base type.

When calling the Vector.<T>() constructor, specify the base type using type parameter syntax. Type parameter syntax is a sequence consisting of a dot (.), left angle bracket (<), class name, then a right angle bracket (>), as shown in this example:

Unlike with the Array class, you can't use the Vector.<T>() constructor to create a pre-populated Vector instance. To create a Vector instance from an Array or another Vector (such as one with a different base type), use the Vector() global function.

length:uint (default = 0) — The initial length (number of elements) of the Vector. If this parameter is greater than zero, the specified number of Vector elements are created and populated with the default value appropriate to the base type (null for reference types).
fixed:Boolean (default = false) — Whether the Vector's length is fixed (true) or can be changed (false). This value can also be set using the fixed property.

See also

Method Detail
AS3 function concat(... args):Vector.<T>

Concatenates the elements specified in the parameters with the elements in the Vector and creates a new Vector. If the parameters specify a Vector, the elements of that Vector are concatenated.

hello world


... args — One or more values of the base type of this Vector to be concatenated in a new Vector. If you don't pass any values, the new Vector is a duplicate of the original Vector.

Vector.<T> — A Vector with the same base type as this Vector that contains the elements from this Vector followed by elements from the parameters.

TypeError — If any argument is not an instance of the base type and can't be converted to the base type.
AS3 function every(callback:Function, thisObject:Object = null):Boolean

Executes a test function on each item in the Vector until an item is reached that returns false for the specified function. You use this method to determine whether all items in a Vector meet a criterion, such as having values less than a particular number.


callback:Function — The function to run on each item in the Vector. This function is invoked with three arguments: the current item from the Vector, the index of the item, and the Vector object:
function callback(item:T, index:int, vector:Vector.<T>):Boolean {
    // your code here

The callback function should return a Boolean value.

thisObject:Object (default = null) — The object that the identifer this in the callback function refers to when the function is called.

Boolean — A Boolean value of true if the specified function returns true when called on all items in the Vector; otherwise, false.

See also

AS3 function filter(callback:Function, thisObject:Object = null):Vector.<T>

Executes a test function on each item in the Vector and returns a new Vector containing all items that return true for the specified function. If an item returns false, it is not included in the result Vector. The base type of the return Vector matches the base type of the Vector on which the method is called.


callback:Function — The function to run on each item in the Vector. This function is invoked with three arguments: the current item from the Vector, the index of the item, and the Vector object:
function callback(item:T, index:int, vector:Vector.<T>):Boolean;
thisObject:Object (default = null) — The object that the identifer this in the callback function refers to when the function is called.

Vector.<T> — A new Vector that contains all items from the original Vector for which the callback function returned true.

See also

AS3 function forEach(callback:Function, thisObject:Object = null):void

Executes a function on each item in the Vector.


callback:Function — The function to run on each item in the Vector. This function is invoked with three arguments: the current item from the Vector, the index of the item, and the Vector object:
function callback(item:T, index:int, vector:Vector.<T>):void;

Any return value from the function call is discarded.

thisObject:Object (default = null) — The object that the identifer this in the callback function refers to when the function is called.

AS3 function indexOf(searchElement:T, fromIndex:int = 0):int

Searches for an item in the Vector and returns the index position of the item. The item is compared to the Vector elements using strict equality (===).


searchElement:T — The item to find in the Vector.
fromIndex:int (default = 0) — The location in the Vector from which to start searching for the item. If this parameter is negative, it is treated as length + fromIndex, meaning the search starts -fromIndex items from the end and searches from that position forward to the end of the Vector.

int — A zero-based index position of the item in the Vector. If the searchElement argument is not found, the return value is -1.

See also

AS3 function join(sep:String = ","):String

Converts the elements in the Vector to strings, inserts the specified separator between the elements, concatenates them, and returns the resulting string. A nested Vector is always separated by a comma (,), not by the separator passed to the join() method.


sep:String (default = ",") — A character or string that separates Vector elements in the returned string. If you omit this parameter, a comma is used as the default separator.

String — A string consisting of the elements of the Vector converted to strings and separated by the specified string.

See also

AS3 function lastIndexOf(searchElement:T, fromIndex:int = 0x7fffffff):int

Searches for an item in the Vector, working backward from the specified index position, and returns the index position of the matching item. The item is compared to the Vector elements using strict equality (===).


searchElement:T — The item to find in the Vector.
fromIndex:int (default = 0x7fffffff) — The location in the Vector from which to start searching for the item. The default is the maximum allowable index value, meaning that the search starts at the last item in the Vector.

If this parameter is negative, it is treated as length + fromIndex, meaning the search starts -fromIndex items from the end and searches from that position backward to index 0.

int — A zero-based index position of the item in the Vector. If the searchElement argument is not found, the return value is -1.

See also

AS3 function map(callback:Function, thisObject:Object = null):Vector.<T>

Executes a function on each item in the Vector, and returns a new Vector of items corresponding to the results of calling the function on each item in this Vector. The result Vector has the same base type and length as the original Vector. The element at index i in the result Vector is the result of the call on the element at index i in the original Vector.


callback:Function — The function to run on each item in the Vector. This function is invoked with three arguments: the current item from the Vector, the index of the item, and the Vector object:
function callback(item:T, index:int, vector:Vector.<T>):T;
thisObject:Object (default = null) — The object that the identifer this in the callback function refers to when the function is called.

Vector.<T> — A new Vector that contains the results of calling the function on each item in this Vector. The result Vector has the same base type and length as the original.

See also

AS3 function pop():T

Removes the last element from the Vector and returns that element. The length property of the Vector is decreased by one when this function is called.

T — The value of the last element in the specified Vector.

RangeError — If this method is called while fixed is true.

See also

AS3 function push(... args):uint

Adds one or more elements to the end of the Vector and returns the new length of the Vector.

Because this function can accept multiple arguments, the data type of the arguments is not checked at compile time even in strict mode. However, if an argument is passed that is not an instance of the base type, an exception occurs at run time.


... args — One or more values to append to the Vector.

uint — The length of the Vector after the new elements are added.

TypeError — If any argument is not an instance of the base type T of the Vector.
RangeError — If this method is called while fixed is true.

See also

AS3 function reverse():Vector.<T>

Reverses the order of the elements in the Vector. This method alters the Vector on which it is called.

Vector.<T> — The Vector with the elements in reverse order.
AS3 function shift():T

Removes the first element from the Vector and returns that element. The remaining Vector elements are moved from their original position, i, to i - 1.

T — The first element in the Vector.

RangeError — If fixed is true.

See also

AS3 function slice(startIndex:int = 0, endIndex:int = 16777215):Vector.<T>

Returns a new Vector that consists of a range of elements from the original Vector, without modifying the original Vector. The returned Vector includes the startIndex element and all elements up to, but not including, the endIndex element.

If you don't pass any parameters, a duplicate of the original Vector is created.


startIndex:int (default = 0) — A number specifying the index of the starting point for the slice. If startIndex is a negative number, the starting point begins at the end of the Vector, where -1 is the last element.
endIndex:int (default = 16777215) — A number specifying the index of the ending point for the slice. If you omit this parameter, the slice includes all elements from the starting point to the end of the Vector. If endIndex is a negative number, the ending point is specified from the end of the Vector, where -1 is the last element.

Vector.<T> — a Vector that consists of a range of elements from the original Vector.
AS3 function some(callback:Function, thisObject:Object = null):Boolean

Executes a test function on each item in the Vector until an item is reached that returns true. Use this method to determine whether any items in a Vector meet a criterion, such as having a value less than a particular number.


callback:Function — The function to run on each item in the Vector. This function is invoked with three arguments: the current item from the Vector, the index of the item, and the Vector object:
function callback(item:T, index:int, vector:Vector.<T>):Boolean

The callback function should return a Boolean value.

thisObject:Object (default = null) — The object that the identifer this in the callback function refers to when the function is called.

Boolean — A Boolean value of true if any items in the Vector return true for the specified function; otherwise, false.

See also

AS3 function sort(compareFunction:Function):Vector.<T>

Sorts the elements in the Vector. This method sorts according to the function provided as the compareFunction parameter.


compareFunction:Function — A comparison method that determines the behavior of the sort.

The specified method must take two arguments of the base type (T) of the Vector and return a Number:

function compare(x:T, y:T):Number {}

The logic of the compareFunction function is that, given two elements x and y, the function returns one of the following three values:

  • a negative number, if x should appear before y in the sorted sequence
  • 0, if x equals y
  • a positive number, if x should appear after y in the sorted sequence

Vector.<T> — This Vector, with elements in the new order.
AS3 function splice(startIndex:int, deleteCount:uint, ... items):Vector.<T>

Adds elements to and removes elements from the Vector. This method modifies the Vector without making a copy.

Note: To override this method in a subclass of Vector, use ...args for the parameters, as this example shows:

     public override function splice(...args) {
       // your statements here


startIndex:int — An integer that specifies the index of the element in the Vector where the insertion or deletion begins. You can use a negative integer to specify a position relative to the end of the Vector (for example, -1 for the last element of the Vector).
deleteCount:uint — An integer that specifies the number of elements to be deleted. This number includes the element specified in the startIndex parameter. If you do not specify a value for the deleteCount parameter, the method deletes all of the values from the startIndex element to the last element in the Vector. If the value is 0, no elements are deleted.
... items — An optional list of one or more comma-separated values, or a Vector, to insert into the Vector at the position specified in the startIndex parameter.

Vector.<T> — a Vector containing the elements that were removed from the original Vector.

RangeError — If the startIndex and deleteCount arguments specify an index to be deleted that's outside the Vector's bounds.
RangeError — If this method is called while fixed is true and the splice() operation changes the length of the Vector.
public function toLocaleString():String

Returns a string that represents the elements in the specified Vector. Every element in the Vector, starting with index 0 and ending with the highest index, is converted to a concatenated string and separated by commas. In the ActionScript 3.0 implementation, this method returns the same value as the Vector.toString() method.

String — A string of Vector elements.

See also

public function toString():String

Returns a string that represents the elements in the Vector. Every element in the Vector, starting with index 0 and ending with the highest index, is converted to a concatenated string and separated by commas. To specify a custom separator, use the Vector.join() method.

String — A string of Vector elements.

See also

AS3 function unshift(... args):uint

Adds one or more elements to the beginning of the Vector and returns the new length of the Vector. The other elements in the Vector are moved from their original position, i, to i + the number of new elements.

Because this function can accept multiple arguments, the data type of the arguments is not checked at compile time even in strict mode. However, if an argument is passed that is not an instance of the base type, an exception occurs at run time.


... args — One or more instances of the base type of the Vector to be inserted at the beginning of the Vector.

uint — An integer representing the new length of the Vector.

TypeError — If any argument is not an instance of the base type T of the Vector.
RangeError — If this method is called while fixed is true.

See also