This section describes the Flex 3.4 packages.
package | Description | |
Top Level | The top level contains the core ActionScript classes and global functions. | | | The package contains classes for network detection. This package is only available to content running in the Adobe Integrated Runtime. It is included in the ServiceMonitor.swc file (for SWF-based application developers) and ServiceMonitor.swf files (for HTML-based AIR application developers). | |
air.update | The air.update package contains classes for updating AIR applications. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. | | | The package contains classes that define events used by the AIR application update framework. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. | |
flash.accessibility | The flash.accessibility package contains classes for supporting accessibility in Flash content and applications. | | | The package contains classes used for working with Adobe AIR local SQL databases. | |
flash.desktop | The flash.desktop package contains classes used for copy-and-paste and drag-and-drop operations, as well as the Icon class, used to define system icons used by a file. This package is only available to content running in the Adobe Integrated Runtime. | |
flash.display | The flash.display package contains the core classes that the Flash Player uses to build visual displays. | |
flash.errors | The flash.errors package contains a set of commonly used error classes. | | | The package supports the new DOM event model and includes the EventDispatcher base class. | |
flash.external | The flash.external package contains the ExternalInterface class which can be used to communicate with the Flash Player's container. | |
flash.filesystem | The flash.filesystem package contains classes used in accessing the filesystem. This package is only available to content running in the Adobe Integrated Runtime. | |
flash.filters | The flash.filters package contains classes for bitmap filter effects. | |
flash.geom | The flash.geom package contains geometry classes, such as points, rectangles and transformation matrixes, to support the BitmapData class and the bitmap caching feature. | |
flash.html | The flash.html package contains classes used for including HTML content in an AIR application. This package is only available to content running in the Adobe Integrated Runtime. | | | The package contains classes for working with multimedia assets such as sound and video. | | | The package contains classes for sending and receiving from the network, such as URL downloading and Flash Remoting. | | | The package contains classes for working with DRM-protected content. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. | |
flash.printing | The flash.printing package contains classes for printing Flash-based content. | |
flash.profiler | The flash.profiler package contains functions used for debugging and profiling ActionScript code. | |
flash.sampler | The flash.sampler package contains methods and classes for tracking procedure calls so that you can profile memory usage and optimize applications. | | | The package includes classes for validating XML signatures. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. | |
flash.system | The flash.system package contains classes for accessing system-level functionality, such as security, multilanguage content, etc. | |
flash.text | The flash.text package contains classes for working with text fields, text formatting, text metrics, style sheets, and layout. | |
flash.text.engine | The FTE provides low-level support for sophisticated control of text metrics, formatting, and bi-directional text. While it can be used to create and manage simple text elements, the FTE is primarily designed as a foundation for developers to create text-handling components. | |
flash.ui | The flash.ui package contains user interface classes, such as classes for interacting with the mouse and keyboard. | |
flash.utils | The flash.utils package contains utility classes, such as data structures like ByteArray. | |
flash.xml | The flash.xml package contains Flash Player's legacy XML support, and other Flash Player-specific XML functionality. | |
mx.automation | The mx.automation package contains the automation interfaces. | |
mx.automation.delegates | The mx.automation.delegates package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for Flex framework classes. | |
mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | The mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Flex AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
mx.automation.delegates.charts | The mx.automation.delegates.charts package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the chart classes. | |
mx.automation.delegates.containers | The mx.automation.delegates.containers package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the container classes. | |
mx.automation.delegates.controls | The mx.automation.delegates.controls package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the control classes. | |
mx.automation.delegates.core | The mx.automation.delegates.core package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the core classes. | |
mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit | The mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the mx.flash package. | | | The package contains the automation event classes. | |
mx.binding.utils | The mx.binding.utils package contains the classes for creating binding watchers and for defining bindings in ActionScript. | |
mx.charts | The mx.charts package contains the classes for Flex Charting. | |
mx.charts.chartClasses | The mx.charts.chartClasses package contains the base classes for the Flex charting components. | |
mx.charts.effects | The mx.charts.effects package contains the effect classes for the Flex charting components. | |
mx.charts.effects.effectClasses | The mx.charts.effects.effectClasses package contains the effect instance classes for the Flex charting components. | | | The package contains the classes that define chart event objects. | |
mx.charts.renderers | The mx.charts.renderers package contains the item renderer classes for the Flex charting components. | |
mx.charts.series | The mx.charts.series package contains the series classes for the Flex charting components. | |
mx.charts.series.items | The mx.charts.series.items package contains the items series classes for the Flex charting components. | |
mx.charts.series.renderData | The mx.charts.series.renderData package contains the data classes for the Flex charting components. | |
mx.charts.styles | The mx.charts.styles package contains the default HALO styles for the chart controls.The mx.charts.styles package contains the HaloDefaults class that sets default styles for Flex charting components. | |
mx.collections | The mx.collections package contains the classes for the Flex collection components. | |
mx.collections.errors | The mx.collections.errors package contains the error classes for the Flex collection components. | |
mx.containers | The mx.containers package contains the container classes. | |
mx.containers.accordionClasses | The mx.containers.accordionClasses package contains the classes used by the Accordion container. | |
mx.containers.dividedBoxClasses | The mx.containers.dividedBoxClasses package contains the classes used by the DividedBox container. | |
mx.containers.utilityClasses | The mx.containers.utilityClasses package contains utility classes used by the containers. | |
mx.controls | The mx.controls package contains the Flex user-interface controls. | |
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses package contains the classes used by the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The mx.controls.dataGridClasses package contains the classes used by the DataGrid control. | |
mx.controls.listClasses | The mx.controls.listClasses package contains the classes used by the list-based controls. | |
mx.controls.menuClasses | The mx.controls.menuClasses package contains the classes used by the menu-based controls. | |
mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses | The mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses package contains the classes used by the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
mx.controls.scrollClasses | The mx.controls.scrollClasses package contains the classes used by controls that support scroll bars. | |
mx.controls.sliderClasses | The mx.controls.sliderClasses package contains the classes used by the Slider control. | |
mx.controls.textClasses | The mx.controls.textClasses package contains the classes used by the text-based controls. | |
mx.controls.treeClasses | The mx.controls.treeClasses package contains the classes used by the Tree control. | |
mx.controls.videoClasses | The mx.controls.videoClasses package contains the classes used by the VideoDisplay control. | |
mx.core | The mx.core package contains the base classes and interfaces, such as UIComponent, used by Flex. | |
mx.core.windowClasses | The mx.core.windowClasses package contains the classes used by the WindowApplication component. | |
mx.effects | The mx.effects package contains the Factory classes to support behaviors. | |
mx.effects.easing | The mx.effects.easing package contains the easing classes used by effects. | |
mx.effects.effectClasses | The mx.effects.effectClasses package contains the effect implementation classes corresponding to the effect factory classes in the mx.effects package. | | | The package contains the classes that define Flex event objects. | |
mx.flash | The mx.flash package contains the classes that define the Flex Component Kit for Flash CS3. | |
mx.formatters | The mx.formatters package contains the classes to support data formatting. | | | The package contains drawing classes. | | | The package contains classes to convert Bitmap images to other image formats. | |
mx.logging | The mx.logging package contains the logging classes. | |
mx.logging.errors | The mx.logging.errors package contains the error classes used by the logging components. | |
mx.logging.targets | The mx.logging.targets package contains the target classes used by the logging components. | |
mx.managers | The mx.managers package contains the Flex manager classes, such as DragManager and HistoryManager. | |
mx.messaging | The mx.messaging package contains the messaging classes used with Data Services. | |
mx.messaging.channels | The mx.messaging.channels package contains the messaging channel classes used with Data Services. | |
mx.messaging.config | The mx.messaging.config package contains the messaging configuration classes used with Data Services. | |
mx.messaging.errors | The mx.messaging.errors package contains the messaging error classes used with Data Services. | | | The package contains the messaging event classes used with Data Services. | | | The package contains the bean management classes used with Data Services. | |
mx.messaging.messages | The mx.messaging.messages package contains the message classes used with Data Services. | |
mx.modules | The mx.modules package contains the classes used to create modular Flex applications. | |
mx.netmon | The mx.netmon package contains the classes used by the Flex Builder Network Monitor feature. | |
mx.olap | The mx.olap package contains the classes used to create the OLAP schemas and OLAP queries used by the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
mx.olap.aggregators | The mx.olap.aggregators package contains the classes used to create the aggregators used by the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
mx.preloaders | The mx.preloaders package contains the classes used by the download progress bar. | |
mx.printing | The mx.printing package contains the printing classes. | |
mx.resources | The mx.resources package contains the classes used to support localization. | |
mx.rpc | The mx.rpc package contains the RPC classes. | | | The package contains the RPC event classes. | |
mx.rpc.http | The mx.rpc.http package contains the HTTPService classes. | |
mx.rpc.http.mxml | The mx.rpc.http.mxml package contains the HTTP service MXML classes. | |
mx.rpc.mxml | The mx.rpc.mxml package contains the RPC MXML interface. | |
mx.rpc.remoting | The mx.rpc.remoting package contains the remote object classes. | |
mx.rpc.remoting.mxml | The mx.rpc.remoting.mxml package contains the remote object MXML classes. | |
mx.rpc.soap | The mx.rpc.soap package contains the web service classes. | |
mx.rpc.soap.mxml | The mx.rpc.soap.mxml package contains the web service MXML class. | |
mx.rpc.wsdl | The mx.rpc.wsdl package contains the WSDL Binding class. | |
mx.rpc.xml | The mx.rpc.xml package contains the RPC XML-related classes. | |
mx.skins | The mx.skins package contains the classes that define the skinning components. | |
mx.skins.halo | The mx.skins.halo package contains the classes used to skin Flex user-interface controls. | |
mx.states | The mx.states package contains the classes to support view states. | |
mx.styles | The mx.styles package contains the classes used by the Flex styles components. | |
mx.utils | The mx.utils package contains Flex utility classes. | |
mx.validators | The mx.validators package contains the classes to support data validation. |