(AIR only)
Classpublic class HTMLWindowCreateOptions
InheritanceHTMLWindowCreateOptions Inheritance Object

This class defines the options that can be specified when JavaScript running in an HTMLLoader object tries to create a new HTML window by calling the window.open() method.

This class defines the properties and methods that correspond to options in the features parameter passed to the window.open() method in JavaScript.

For example, JavaScript in an HTML document (in an HTMLLoader object) can include the following call to window.open(), in which the features parameter (the third parameter) lists a number of options:

window.open("http://www.adobe.com", "AdobeWindow", "scrollbars=1,menubar=1,location=0,status=0")

You use the HTMLWindowCreateOptions class in overriding the createWindow() method of a subclass of the HTMLHost class. The HTMLLoader object passes an HTMLWindowCreateOptions object as the windowCreateOptions parameter of the createWindow() method of the HTMLHost object.

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
  AIR-only fullscreen : Boolean = false
Specifies whether the window should be full screen.
  AIR-only height : Number = NaN
Specifies the desired initial height of the new window.
  AIR-only locationBarVisible : Boolean = false
Whether a location bar should be displayed.
  AIR-only menuBarVisible : Boolean = false
Specifies whether a menu bar should be displayed.
 Inheritedprototype : Object
[static] A reference to the prototype object of a class or function object.
  AIR-only resizable : Boolean = false
Specifies whether the window should be resizable.
  AIR-only scrollBarsVisible : Boolean = true
Specifies whether scrollbars should be displayed.
  AIR-only statusBarVisible : Boolean = false
Specifies whether a status bar should be displayed.
  AIR-only toolBarVisible : Boolean = false
Specifies whether a toolbar bar should be displayed.
  AIR-only width : Number = NaN
Specifies the desired initial width of the new window.
  AIR-only x : Number = NaN
Specifies the desired initial x position of the new window on the screen.
  AIR-only y : Number = NaN
Specifies the desired initial y position of the new window on the screen.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Property Detail
AIR-only fullscreenproperty
public var fullscreen:Boolean = false

Specifies whether the window should be full screen. This property is set to true if the features string of the JavaScript call to the window.open() method includes "fullscreen", "fullscreen=1", or "fullscreen=y".

AIR-only heightproperty 
public var height:Number = NaN

Specifies the desired initial height of the new window. This is set to the height value in the features string of the JavaScript call to the window.open() method. If the value is NaN, the default when no height value is specified in the features string, then a default window height is used.

AIR-only locationBarVisibleproperty 
public var locationBarVisible:Boolean = false

Whether a location bar should be displayed. This property is set to true if the features string of the JavaScript call to the window.open() method includes "location", "location=1", or "location=y".

AIR-only menuBarVisibleproperty 
public var menuBarVisible:Boolean = false

Specifies whether a menu bar should be displayed. This property is set to true if the features string of the JavaScript call to the window.open() method includes "menubar", "menubar=1", or "menubar=y".

AIR-only resizableproperty 
public var resizable:Boolean = false

Specifies whether the window should be resizable. This property is set to true if the features string of the JavaScript call to the window.open() method includes "resizable", "resizable=1", or "resizable=y".

AIR-only scrollBarsVisibleproperty 
public var scrollBarsVisible:Boolean = true

Specifies whether scrollbars should be displayed. This property is set to true if the features string of JavaScript call to the window.open() method includes "scrollbars", "scrollbars=1", or "scrollbars=y".

AIR-only statusBarVisibleproperty 
public var statusBarVisible:Boolean = false

Specifies whether a status bar should be displayed. This property is set to true if the features string of the JavaScript call to the window.open() method includes "status", "status=1", or "status=y".

AIR-only toolBarVisibleproperty 
public var toolBarVisible:Boolean = false

Specifies whether a toolbar bar should be displayed. This property is set to true if the features string of the JavaScript call to the window.open() method includes "toolbar", "toolbar=1", or "toolbar=y".

AIR-only widthproperty 
public var width:Number = NaN

Specifies the desired initial width of the new window. This is set to the width value in the features string of the JavaScript call to the window.open() method. If the value is NaN, the default when no width value is specified in the features string, then a default window width is used.

AIR-only xproperty 
public var x:Number = NaN

Specifies the desired initial x position of the new window on the screen. This is set to the value specified for left or screenX in the features string of the JavaScript call to the window.open() method. If the value is NaN, the default when no left or screenX value is specified in the features string, then a default window x position is used.

AIR-only yproperty 
public var y:Number = NaN

Specifies the desired initial y position of the new window on the screen. This is set to the value specified for top or screenY in the features string of the JavaScript call to the window.open() method. If the value is NaN, the default when no left or screenX value is specified in the features string, then a default window x position is used.