(AIR only)

The flash.net.drm package contains classes for working with DRM-protected content. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime.

 AuthenticationMethod AIR-only The AuthenticationMethod class provides string constants enumerating the different types of authentication used by the authenticationMethod property of the DRMContentData class.
 DRMContentData AIR-only The DRMContentData class provides the information required to obtain the voucher necessary to view DRM-protected content.
 DRMManager AIR-only The DRMManager manages the retrieval and storage of the vouchers needed to view DRM-protected content.
 DRMPlaybackTimeWindow AIR-only The DRMPlaybackWindow class represents the time period in which a DRM voucher is valid.
 DRMVoucher AIR-only The DRMVoucher class represents a license token that allows a user to view DRM-protected content.
 LoadVoucherSetting AIR-only The LoadVoucherSetting class provides string constants enumerating the options to use with the DRMManager settings parameter of the loadVoucher() method.