(AIR only)
Classpublic class XMLSignatureValidator
InheritanceXMLSignatureValidator Inheritance EventDispatcher Inheritance Object

The XMLSignatureValidator class validates whether an XML signature file is well formed, unmodified, and, optionally, whether it is signed using a key linked to a trusted digital certificate.

XMLSignatureValidator implements a subset of the W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing and should not be considered a conforming implementation. The supported subset of the recommendation includes:

You must provide an IURIDereferencer implementation in order to verify an XML signature. This implementation class is responsible for resolving the URIs specified in the SignedInfo elements of the signature file and returning the referenced data in an object, such as a ByteArray, that implements the IDataInput interface.

In order to verify that the signing certificate chains to a trusted certificate, either the XML signature must contain the certificates required to build the chain in X509Certificate elements, or you must supply the certificates required to build the chain using the addCertificate() method.

To verify an XMLSignature:

  1. Create an instance of the XMLSignatureValidator class.
  2. Set the uriDereferencer property of the instance to an instance of your IURIDereferencer implementation class.
  3. Supply DER-encoded certificates for building the certificate trust chain, if desired, using the addCertificate() method.
  4. Call the XMLSignatureValidator verify method, passing in the signature to be verified.
  5. Check the validityStatus property after the XMLSignatureValidator object dispatches a complete event.

About signature status:

The validity of an XML signature can be valid, invalid, or unknown. The overall status depends on the verification status of the individual components of the signature file:

The signature validity reported by the validityStatus property can be:

Canonicalization limitations:

The XML engine in AIR does not always produce the expected XML string when canonicalizing an XML document. For this reason, it is recommended that you avoid putting inter-element whitespace in enveloped or detached signature documents and do not redefine namespaces inside a signature document. In both cases, AIR may not recreate the document with the same character sequence as the original and, therefore, validation will fail.

View the examples

See also

XML-Signature Syntax and Processing
Canonical XML

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
  AIR-only digestStatus : String
[read-only] The validity status of the cryptographic signature computed over the SignedInfo element.
  AIR-only identityStatus : String
[read-only] The validity status of the signing certificate.
 Inheritedprototype : Object
[static] A reference to the prototype object of a class or function object.
  AIR-only referencesStatus : String
[read-only] The validity status of the data in the references in the SignedInfo element.
  AIR-only referencesValidationSetting : String
Specifies the conditions under which references are checked.
  AIR-only revocationCheckSetting : String
Specifies how certificate revocation is checked.
  AIR-only signerCN : String
[read-only] The Common Name field of the signing certificate.
  AIR-only signerDN : String
[read-only] The Distinguished Name field of the signing certificate.
  AIR-only signerExtendedKeyUsages : Array
[read-only] An array containing the Extended Key Usages OIDs listed in the signing certificate.
  AIR-only signerTrustSettings : Array
[read-only] An array containing the trust settings of the signing certificate.
  AIR-only uriDereferencer : IURIDereferencer
The IURIDereferencer implementation.
  AIR-only useSystemTrustStore : Boolean
Specifies that certificates in the system trust store are used for chain building.
  AIR-only validityStatus : String
[read-only] The validity status of a verified XML signature.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Creates an XMLSignatureValidator object.
Adds an x509 certificate for chain building.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
Dispatches an event into the event flow.
Checks whether the EventDispatcher object has any listeners registered for a specific type of event.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
AIR-only verify(signature:XML):void
Verifies the specified signature.
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type.
 Event Summary Defined By
 Inherited[broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application gains operating system focus and becomes active.EventDispatcher
  Dispatched when verification is complete.XMLSignatureValidator
 Inherited[broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application operating loses system focus and is becoming inactive.EventDispatcher
  Dispatched if verification cannot complete because of errors.XMLSignatureValidator
Property Detail
AIR-only digestStatusproperty
digestStatus:String  [read-only]

The validity status of the cryptographic signature computed over the SignedInfo element.

The status is:

Note: If the digestStatus is invalid, the identityStatus and referencesStatus are not checked and will be reported as unknown.

    public function get digestStatus():String

IllegalOperationError — If accessed while a signature is being validated.
AIR-only identityStatusproperty 
identityStatus:String  [read-only]

The validity status of the signing certificate.

The status can be:

The certificates added using the addCertificate() method and the settings of the revocationCheckSetting and the useSystemTrustStore properties can change whether a certificate is considered valid.

Note: If the identityStatus is invalid, the referencesStatus is not checked and will be reported as unknown. In addition, references are not checked when the identityStatus is unknown unless the referencesValidationSetting is validOrUnknownIdentity

    public function get identityStatus():String

IllegalOperationError — If accessed while a signature is being validated.

See also

The following example gets the result of validating the signing certificate (after a signature has been validated):
 import flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator;
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();
 //validate a signature...
 var identityResult:String = verifier.identityStatus;
AIR-only referencesStatusproperty 
referencesStatus:String  [read-only]

The validity status of the data in the references in the SignedInfo element.

The status can be:

Important: External resources are not validated unless they are referenced directly in a SignedInfo element within the signature document. External resources referred to by a secondary reference are not validated. For example, if an XML signature signs a manifest element, only the integrity of the manifest element itself is verified. The files listed in the manifest are not checked.

    public function get referencesStatus():String

IllegalOperationError — If accessed while a signature is being validated.

See also

The following example gets the result of validating the references in the signature (after a signature has been validated):
 import flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator;
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();
 //validate a signature...
 var dataResult:String = verifier.referencesStatus;
AIR-only referencesValidationSettingproperty 

Specifies the conditions under which references are checked.

Use constants defined in the ReferencesValidationSetting class to set this property. The settings include:

Use the default, validIdentity, setting with signatures signed with a commercial certificate or when you supply your own certificate as a trust anchor with the addCertificate() method. This setting avoids the overhead of checking reference validity when the signed document will be rejected anyway.

Use the validOrUnknownIdentity setting with signatures signed with self-signed certificates. This setting allows you to validate that the signed data has not been altered, but does not provide any assurances about the identity of the signer.

Use the never setting to avoid the overhead of validating references when such validation is not important in the context of your application.

    public function get referencesValidationSetting():String
    public function set referencesValidationSetting(value:String):void

IllegalOperationError — If set while a signature is being validated.
ArgumentError — if the setting parameter contains a value not defined in the ReferencesValidationSetting class.

See also

The following example sets the XMLSignatureValidator object to check references only if the signing certificate chains to a trust anchor:
 import flash.security.ReferencesValidationSetting;
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator(); 
 verifier.referencesValidationSetting = ReferencesValidationSetting.VALID_OR_UNKNOWN_IDENTITY;
AIR-only revocationCheckSettingproperty 

Specifies how certificate revocation is checked.

Use constants defined in the RevocationSettings class to set this property. The settings include:

    public function get revocationCheckSetting():String
    public function set revocationCheckSetting(value:String):void

IllegalOperationError — If set while a signature is being validated.

See also

AIR-only signerCNproperty 
signerCN:String  [read-only]

The Common Name field of the signing certificate.

    public function get signerCN():String

The following example reads the common name of the signing certificate (after a signature has been validated):
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();
 //validate a signature...
 var commonName:String = verifier.signerCN;
AIR-only signerDNproperty 
signerDN:String  [read-only]

The Distinguished Name field of the signing certificate.

    public function get signerDN():String

The following example reads the distinguished name of the signing certificate (after a signature has been validated):
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();
 //validate a signature...
 var distinguishedName:String = verifier.signerDN;
AIR-only signerExtendedKeyUsagesproperty 
signerExtendedKeyUsages:Array  [read-only]

An array containing the Extended Key Usages OIDs listed in the signing certificate.

Each extended key usage is reported in numeric OID form.

    public function get signerExtendedKeyUsages():Array

IllegalOperationError — If accessed while a signature is being validated.

The following example reads the extended key OIDs of the signing certificate (after a signature has been validated):
 import flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator;
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();
 //validate a signature...
 var extendedKeyOIDs:Array = verifier.signerExtendedKeyUsages;
AIR-only signerTrustSettingsproperty 
signerTrustSettings:Array  [read-only]

An array containing the trust settings of the signing certificate.

Trust settings are derived from the system and the key usage OIDs embedded in the certificate. Constants for the strings representing the recognized trust settings are defined in the SignerTrustSettings class.

The signerTrustSettings array of an unknown or invalid certificate is empty.

Modifying the array does not change the certificate trust settings.

    public function get signerTrustSettings():Array

IllegalOperationError — If accessed while a signature is being validated.

See also

The following example reads the trust settings of the signing certificate (after a signature has been validated):
 import flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator;
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();
 //validate a signature...
 var certificateTrustedFor:Array = verifier.signerTrustSettings;
AIR-only uriDereferencerproperty 

The IURIDereferencer implementation.

An IURIDereferencer implementation must be provided before attempting to verify a signature.

    public function get uriDereferencer():IURIDereferencer
    public function set uriDereferencer(value:IURIDereferencer):void

IllegalOperationError — If set while a signature is being validated.

See also

The following example creates an instance of SignedMessageDereferencer, which implements the IURIDereferencer interface, and sets it as the dereferencer to use for signature validation:
 import com.example.SignedMessageDereferencer; //A custom class implementing IURIDereferencer
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator(); 
 verifier.uriDereferencer = new SignedMessageDereferencer();
AIR-only useSystemTrustStoreproperty 

Specifies that certificates in the system trust store are used for chain building.

If true, then the trust anchors in the system trust store are used as trusted roots. The system trust store is not used by default.

    public function get useSystemTrustStore():Boolean
    public function set useSystemTrustStore(value:Boolean):void

IllegalOperationError — If set while a signature is being validated.

The following example creates an XMLSignatureValidator instance and sets it to use the system repository of trusted certificates when validating an XML signature:
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator(); 
 verifier.useSystemTrustStore = true;
AIR-only validityStatusproperty 
validityStatus:String  [read-only]

The validity status of a verified XML signature.

The XML signature is verified by validating the the cryptographic signature of the SignedInfo element, the signing certificate, and the data addressed by the references in the SignedInfo element. The validity of each of these elements is reported individually by the digestStatus, identityStatus(), and referencesStatus properties, respectively.

The validity of an XML signature can be valid, invalid, or unknown. The overall status depends on the verification status of the individual components of the signature file:

The signature validity reported by the validityStatus property can be:

    public function get validityStatus():String

IllegalOperationError — If accessed while a signature is being validated.

See also

The following example gets the result of validating the XML signature
 import flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator;
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();
 //validate the signature...
 var validationResult:String = verifier.validityStatus;
Constructor Detail
AIR-only XMLSignatureValidator()Constructor
public function XMLSignatureValidator()

Creates an XMLSignatureValidator object.

You must set the uriDereferencer property before calling the verify() method of the new object.

See also


The following example creates and sets up a new XMLSignatureValidator object:
import com.example.EnvelopedDereferencer; //Your custom IURIDereferencer implementation

//Create the object
var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();

//Provide the IURIDerferencer
verifier.uriDereferencer = new EnvelopedDereferencer(xmlDoc);

//Set validation options
verifier.referencesValidationSetting = ReferencesValidationSetting.VALID_OR_UNKNOWN_IDENTITY;
verifier.revocationCheckSetting = RevocationCheckSettings.NEVER;
verifier.useSystemTrustStore = true;

//Add listeners to handle results
verifier.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, verificationComplete);
verifier.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, verificationError);
Method Detail
AIR-only addCertificate()method
public function addCertificate(cert:ByteArray, trusted:Boolean):*

Adds an x509 certificate for chain building.

The certificate added must be a DER-encoded x509 certificate.

If the trusted parameter is true, the certificate is considered a trust anchor.

Note: An XML signature may include certificates for building the signer's certificate chain. The XMLSignatureValidator class uses these certificates for chain building, but not as trusted roots (by default).


cert:ByteArray — A ByteArray object containing a DER-encoded x509 digital certificate.
trusted:Boolean — Set to true to designate this certificate as a trust anchor.


IllegalOperationError — If called while a signature is being validated.


The following example loads a certificate from the file system and adds it as a trusted anchor.
 import flash.utils.ByteArray;
 var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();
 var certificate:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
 var certFile:File = new File("certificate.cer");
 var certFileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
 certFileStream.open(certFile, FileMode.READ);
 certFileStream.readBytes(certificate, 0, certFileStream.bytesAvailable);

 verifier.addCertificate(certificate, true);
AIR-only verify()method 
public function verify(signature:XML):void

Verifies the specified signature.

Verification is asynchronous. The XMLSignatureValidator object dispatches a complete event when verification completes successfully or an error event if verification cannot complete because of errors.

The verification process cannot be cancelled. While a verification process is under way, subsequent calls to the verify() method fail. After the current verification check is complete, you can call the verify() method again.

Note: Because the XMLSignatureValidator only implements a subset of the W3C recommendation for XML Signature Syntax and Processing, not all valid XML signatures can be verified.


signature:XML — The XML signature to verify.

complete:Event — Dispatched when verification completes successfully.
error:ErrorEvent — Dispatched if the verification of references encounters an error.

IllegalOperationError — If called while a signature is being validated.
Error — If other errors are encountered, such as non-well-formed XML or unsupported elements in the signature file.


The following example reads a file containing an XML signature and validates it by calling the verify() method. (The example assumes that the IURIDereferencer implementation is appropriate for the signature.)
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
import com.example.SignedMessageDereferencer; //Your IURIDereferencer implementation
const xmlSignatureNS:Namespace = new Namespace( "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" );

var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();
verifier.uriDereferencer = new SignedMessageDereferencer();

var signatureFile:File = new File( "path/to/XMLSignatureDocument.xml" );
var sigFileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
sigFileStream.open( signatureFile, FileMode.READ );

var xmlDoc:XML = XML( sigFileStream.readUTFBytes(sigFileStream.bytesAvailable) );
var xmlSig:XML = XML( xmlDoc..xmlSignatureNS::Signature );

verifier.verify( xmlSig );
Event Detail
AIR-only complete Event
Event Object Type: flash.events.Event
property Event.type = flash.events.Event.COMPLETE

Dispatched when verification is complete.

A complete event does not imply that the signature is valid. Check the validityStatus property of the XMLSignatureValidator object to determine the outcome of the signature verification.

The Event.COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a complete event object.

This event has the following properties:

cancelablefalse; there is no default behavior to cancel.
currentTargetThe object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener.
targetThe network object that has completed loading.


The following example listens for the complete event dispatched by an XMLSignatureValidator object and traces the validation results:
private function verificationComplete(event:Event):void{
    var validator:XMLSignatureValidator = event.target as XMLSignatureValidator;
    trace("Digest status: " + validator.digestStatus);
    trace("Identity status: " + validator.identityStatus);
    trace("Reference status: " + validator.referencesStatus);
    trace("Signature status: " + validator.validityStatus);    

See also

AIR-only error Event  
Event Object Type: flash.events.ErrorEvent
property ErrorEvent.type = flash.events.ErrorEvent.ERROR

Dispatched if verification cannot complete because of errors.

Defines the value of the type property of an error event object.

This event has the following properties:

cancelablefalse; there is no default behavior to cancel.
currentTargetThe object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener.
targetThe object experiencing a network operation failure.
textText to be displayed as an error message.


The following example listens for the error event dispatched by an XMLSignatureValidator object and traces the error message:
private function verificationError(event:ErrorEvent):void{
    trace("Verification error: " + event.text);                
Examples How to use this example

The following example loads and verifies a file containing an XML signature. To use this example, you must implement an IURIDereferencer appropriate for the signatures to be validated (replacing the SignedMessageDereferencer class used in the example). Run the example by calling SignatureValidatorExample.validateSignature( signatureFile ), passing in the file referencing the XML signature document to validate.
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
import flash.security.ReferencesValidationSetting;
import flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator; 

import com.example.SignedMessageDereferencer; //A custom class implementing IURIDereferencer

public class SignatureValidatorExample{ 
    private var xmlSig:XML;
    private const signatureNS:Namespace = new Namespace( "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" );
    public static function validateSignature( signatureFile:File ):void{
            //Set up the XMLSignatureValidator
            var verifier:XMLSignatureValidator = new XMLSignatureValidator();
            verifier.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, verificationComplete );
            verifier.uriDereferencer = new SignedMessageDereferencer();
            verifier.referencesValidationSetting = ReferencesValidationSetting.VALID_OR_UNKNOWN_IDENTITY;
            //Load the signed document
            var sigFileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
            sigFileStream.open( signatureFile, FileMode.READ );
            var xmlDoc:XML = XML( sigFileStream.readUTFBytes(sigFileStream.bytesAvailable) );
            //Get the last Signature element in the document
            if( xmlDoc.name().localName != "Signature" ){
                var signatureList:XMLList = xmlDoc..signatureNS::Signature;
                xmlSig = XML( signatureList[ signatureList.length()-1 ] );
            } else{
                xmlSig = xmlDoc;
            //Validate the signature
            verifier.verify( xmlSig );
        }catch (e:Error){
            statusDisplay.text = "Verification error.\n" + e;
    private static function verificationComplete(event:Event):void{
        trace( "Signature Validity: " + verifier.validityStatus );
        trace( "Digest validity: " + verifier.digestStatus );
        trace( "Certificate validity: " + verifier.identityStatus );
        trace( "Data validity: " + verifier.referencesStatus );