Classpublic final class ContextMenuBuiltInItems
InheritanceContextMenuBuiltInItems Inheritance Object

The ContextMenuBuiltInItems class describes the items that are built in to a context menu. You can hide these items by using the ContextMenu.hideBuiltInItems() method.

View the examples

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
  forwardAndBack : Boolean = true
Lets the user move forward or backward one frame in a SWF file at run time (does not appear for a single-frame SWF file).
  loop : Boolean = true
Lets the user set a SWF file to start over automatically when it reaches the final frame (does not appear for a single-frame SWF file).
  play : Boolean = true
Lets the user start a paused SWF file (does not appear for a single-frame SWF file).
  print : Boolean = true
Lets the user send the displayed frame image to a printer.
 Inheritedprototype : Object
[static] A reference to the prototype object of a class or function object.
  quality : Boolean = true
Lets the user set the resolution of the SWF file at run time.
  rewind : Boolean = true
Lets the user set a SWF file to play from the first frame when selected, at any time (does not appear for a single-frame SWF file).
  save : Boolean = true
Lets the user with Shockmachine installed save a SWF file.
  zoom : Boolean = true
Lets the user zoom in and out on a SWF file at run time.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Creates a new ContextMenuBuiltInItems object so that you can set the properties for Flash Player to display or hide each menu item.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Property Detail
public var forwardAndBack:Boolean = true

Lets the user move forward or backward one frame in a SWF file at run time (does not appear for a single-frame SWF file).

public var loop:Boolean = true

Lets the user set a SWF file to start over automatically when it reaches the final frame (does not appear for a single-frame SWF file).

public var play:Boolean = true

Lets the user start a paused SWF file (does not appear for a single-frame SWF file).

public var print:Boolean = true

Lets the user send the displayed frame image to a printer.

public var quality:Boolean = true

Lets the user set the resolution of the SWF file at run time.

public var rewind:Boolean = true

Lets the user set a SWF file to play from the first frame when selected, at any time (does not appear for a single-frame SWF file).

public var save:Boolean = true

Lets the user with Shockmachine installed save a SWF file.

public var zoom:Boolean = true

Lets the user zoom in and out on a SWF file at run time.

Constructor Detail
public function ContextMenuBuiltInItems()

Creates a new ContextMenuBuiltInItems object so that you can set the properties for Flash Player to display or hide each menu item.

Examples How to use this example

The following example uses the class ContextMenuBuiltInItemsExample to remove the normal context menu items from the stage and add a new menu item. This is accomplished with the following steps:
  1. A property myContextMenu is declared and then assigned to a new ContextMenu object.
  2. The method removeDefaultItems() is called, which removes all built-in context menu items except Print.
  3. The method addCustomMenuItems() is called, which places a menu item called Hello World into the customItems array using the push() method of Array.
  4. The Hello World menu item is then added to the Stage's context menu item list.
  5. A TextField object with the text "Right Click" is added to the center of the Stage by using addChild() via createLabel().
package {
    import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
    import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem;
    import flash.ui.ContextMenuBuiltInItems;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    public class ContextMenuBuiltInItemsExample extends Sprite {
        private var myContextMenu:ContextMenu;

        public function ContextMenuBuiltInItemsExample() {
            myContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
            this.contextMenu = myContextMenu;

        private function removeDefaultItems():void {

            var defaultItems:ContextMenuBuiltInItems = myContextMenu.builtInItems;
            defaultItems.print = true;

        private function addCustomMenuItems():void {
            var item:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Hello World");
        private function createLabel():TextField {
            var txtField:TextField = new TextField();
            txtField.text = "Right Click";
            txtField.x = this.stage.stageWidth/2 - txtField.width/2;
            txtField.y = this.stage.stageHeight/2 - txtField.height/2;
            return txtField;