Classpublic class XMLDocument
InheritanceXMLDocument Inheritance XMLNode Inheritance Object

The XMLDocument class represents the legacy XML object that was present in ActionScript 2.0. It was renamed in ActionScript 3.0 to XMLDocument to avoid name conflicts with the new XML class in ActionScript 3.0. In ActionScript 3.0, it is recommended that you use the new XML class and related classes, which support E4X (ECMAScript for XML).

The XMLDocument class, as well as XMLNode and XMLNodeType, are present for backward compatibility. The functionality for loading XML documents can now be found in the URLLoader class.

View the examples

See also
XML class

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedattributes : Object
An object containing all of the attributes of the specified XMLNode instance.
 InheritedchildNodes : Array
[read-only] An array of the specified XMLNode object's children.
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
  docTypeDecl : Object = null
Specifies information about the XML document's DOCTYPE declaration.
 InheritedfirstChild : XMLNode
Evaluates the specified XMLDocument object and references the first child in the parent node's child list.
  idMap : Object
An Object containing the nodes of the XML that have an id attribute assigned.
  ignoreWhite : Boolean = false
When set to true, text nodes that contain only white space are discarded during the parsing process.
 InheritedlastChild : XMLNode
An XMLNode value that references the last child in the node's child list.
 InheritedlocalName : String
[read-only] The local name portion of the XML node's name.
 InheritednamespaceURI : String
[read-only] If the XML node has a prefix, namespaceURI is the value of the xmlns declaration for that prefix (the URI), which is typically called the namespace URI.
 InheritednextSibling : XMLNode
An XMLNode value that references the next sibling in the parent node's child list.
 InheritednodeName : String
A string representing the node name of the XMLNode object.
 InheritednodeType : uint
A nodeType constant value, either XMLNodeType.ELEMENT_NODE for an XML element or XMLNodeType.TEXT_NODE for a text node.
 InheritednodeValue : String
The node value of the XMLDocument object.
 InheritedparentNode : XMLNode
An XMLNode value that references the parent node of the specified XML object, or returns null if the node has no parent.
 Inheritedprefix : String
[read-only] The prefix portion of the XML node name.
 InheritedpreviousSibling : XMLNode
An XMLNode value that references the previous sibling in the parent node's child list.
 Inheritedprototype : Object
[static] A reference to the prototype object of a class or function object.
  xmlDecl : Object = null
A string that specifies information about a document's XML declaration.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
XMLDocument(source:String = null)
Creates a new XMLDocument object.
Appends the specified node to the XML object's child list.
Constructs and returns a new XML node of the same type, name, value, and attributes as the specified XML object.
Creates a new XMLNode object with the name specified in the parameter.
Creates a new XML text node with the specified text.
Returns the namespace URI that is associated with the specified prefix for the node.
Returns the prefix that is associated with the specified namespace URI for the node.
Indicates whether the specified XMLNode object has child nodes.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Inserts a new child node into the XML object's child list, before the beforeNode node.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Parses the XML text specified in the value parameter and populates the specified XMLDocument object with the resulting XML tree.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
Removes the specified XML object from its parent.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
[override] Returns a string representation of the XML object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Property Detail
public var docTypeDecl:Object = null

Specifies information about the XML document's DOCTYPE declaration. After the XML text has been parsed into an XMLDocument object, the XMLDocument.docTypeDecl property of the XMLDocument object is set to the text of the XML document's DOCTYPE declaration (for example, <!DOCTYPE greeting SYSTEM "hello.dtd">). This property is set using a string representation of the DOCTYPE declaration, not an XMLNode object.

The legacy ActionScript XML parser is not a validating parser. The DOCTYPE declaration is read by the parser and stored in the XMLDocument.docTypeDecl property, but no DTD validation is performed.

If no DOCTYPE declaration was encountered during a parse operation, the XMLDocument.docTypeDecl property is set to null. The XML.toString() method outputs the contents of XML.docTypeDecl immediately after the XML declaration stored in XML.xmlDecl, and before any other text in the XML object. If XMLDocument.docTypeDecl is null, no DOCTYPE declaration is output.

public var idMap:Object

An Object containing the nodes of the XML that have an id attribute assigned. The names of the properties of the object (each containing a node) match the values of the id attributes.

Consider the following XMLDocument object:

  <employee id='41'>
    John Doe
    601 Townsend St.
  <employee id='42'>
    Jane Q. Public
  <department id="IT">
   Information Technology

In this example, the idMap property for this XMLDocument object is an Object with three properties: 41, 42, and IT. Each of these properties is an XMLNode that has the matching id value. For example, the IT property of the idMap object is this node:

  <department id="IT">
   Information Technology

You must use the parseXML() method on the XMLDocument object for the idMap property to be instantiated.

If there is more than one XMLNode with the same id value, the matching property of the idNode object is that of the last node parsed. For example:

  var x1:XML = new XMLDocument("<a id='1'><b id='2' /><c id='1' /></a>");
  x2 = new XMLDocument();
This will output the <c> node:
  <c id='1' />

public var ignoreWhite:Boolean = false

When set to true, text nodes that contain only white space are discarded during the parsing process. Text nodes with leading or trailing white space are unaffected. The default setting is false.

You can set the ignoreWhite property for individual XMLDocument objects, as the following code shows:

  my_xml.ignoreWhite = true;

public var xmlDecl:Object = null

A string that specifies information about a document's XML declaration. After the XML document is parsed into an XMLDocument object, this property is set to the text of the document's XML declaration. This property is set using a string representation of the XML declaration, not an XMLNode object. If no XML declaration is encountered during a parse operation, the property is set to null. The XMLDocument.toString() method outputs the contents of the XML.xmlDecl property before any other text in the XML object. If the XML.xmlDecl property contains null, no XML declaration is output.

Constructor Detail
public function XMLDocument(source:String = null)

Creates a new XMLDocument object. You must use the constructor to create an XMLDocument object before you call any of the methods of the XMLDocument class.

Note: Use the createElement() and createTextNode() methods to add elements and text nodes to an XML document tree.

source:String (default = null) — The XML text parsed to create the new XMLDocument object.

See also

Method Detail
public function createElement(name:String):XMLNode

Creates a new XMLNode object with the name specified in the parameter. The new node initially has no parent, no children, and no siblings. The method returns a reference to the newly created XMLNode object that represents the element. This method and the XMLDocument.createTextNode() method are the constructor methods for creating nodes for an XMLDocument object.


name:String — The tag name of the XMLDocument element being created.

XMLNode — An XMLNode object.

See also

public function createTextNode(text:String):XMLNode

Creates a new XML text node with the specified text. The new node initially has no parent, and text nodes cannot have children or siblings. This method returns a reference to the XMLDocument object that represents the new text node. This method and the XMLDocument.createElement() method are the constructor methods for creating nodes for an XMLDocument object.


text:String — The text used to create the new text node.

XMLNode — An XMLNode object.

See also

public function parseXML(source:String):void

Parses the XML text specified in the value parameter and populates the specified XMLDocument object with the resulting XML tree. Any existing trees in the XMLDocument object are discarded.


source:String — The XML text to be parsed and passed to the specified XMLDocument object.

override public function toString():String

Returns a string representation of the XML object.

String — A string representation of the XML object.
Examples How to use this example

The following example uses the XMLDocument and XMLNode classes to parse and format an XML document. Rather than loading an external XML file, the example uses the top-level XML class to create an XML document, then parses it.
package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.xml.XMLDocument;
    import flash.xml.XMLNode;
    import flash.xml.XMLNodeType;

    public class XMLDocumentExample extends Sprite {
        public function XMLDocumentExample() {
            var result:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument();
            result.ignoreWhite = true;

            var books:Array = parseBooks(result.firstChild);
            trace("books: \n" + books);

        private function parseBooks(node:XMLNode):Array {
            var books:Array = new Array();

            var kids:Array = node.childNodes;
            for each(var item:XMLNode in kids) {
                parseBook(item, books);

            return books;

        private function parseBook(node:XMLNode, books:Array):void {
            var item:Book = new Book();

        private function getXMLString():String {
            var list:XML = <books>
                                <book publisher="Addison-Wesley" name="Design Patterns" />
                                <book publisher="Addison-Wesley" name="The Pragmatic Programmer" />
                                <book publisher="Addison-Wesley" name="Test Driven Development" />
                                <book publisher="Addison-Wesley" name="Refactoring to Patterns" />
                                <book publisher="O'Reilly Media" name="The Cathedral & the Bazaar" />
                                <book publisher="O'Reilly Media" name="Unit Test Frameworks" />
            return list.toXMLString();

class Book {
    private var publisher:String;
    private var name:String;

    public function setPublisher(publisher:String):void {
        this.publisher = publisher;

    public function setName(name:String):void { = name;

    public function toString():String {
        return "[Book name: " + name + " publisher: " + publisher + "]\n";