(Flex Data Visualization components only)
Interfacepublic interface IChartElement extends IFlexDisplayObject , IBitmapDrawable , IEventDispatcher

IChartElement defines the base set of properties and methods required by a UIComponent to be representable in the data space of a chart. Any component assigned to the series, backgroundElements, or annotationElements Arrays of a chart must implement this interface.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 InheritedaccessibilityProperties : AccessibilityProperties
The current accessibility options for this display object.
 Inheritedalpha : Number
Indicates the alpha transparency value of the object specified.
 InheritedblendMode : String
A value from the BlendMode class that specifies which blend mode to use.
 InheritedcacheAsBitmap : Boolean
If set to true, Flash Player or Adobe AIR caches an internal bitmap representation of the display object.
  chartDataProvider : Object
[write-only] The data provider assigned to the enclosing chart.
  dataTransform : mx.charts.chartClasses:DataTransform
[write-only] The DataTransform object that the element uses to map between data and screen coordinates.
 Inheritedfilters : Array
An indexed array that contains each filter object currently associated with the display object.
 Inheritedheight : Number
Indicates the height of the display object, in pixels.
  labelContainer : Sprite
[read-only] The DisplayObject that displays labels rendered by this element.
 InheritedloaderInfo : LoaderInfo
[read-only] Returns a LoaderInfo object containing information about loading the file to which this display object belongs.
 Inheritedmask : DisplayObject
The calling display object is masked by the specified mask object.
 InheritedmeasuredHeight : Number
[read-only] The measured height of this object.
 InheritedmeasuredWidth : Number
[read-only] The measured width of this object.
 InheritedmouseX : Number
[read-only] Indicates the x coordinate of the mouse position, in pixels.
 InheritedmouseY : Number
[read-only] Indicates the y coordinate of the mouse position, in pixels.
 Inheritedname : String
Indicates the instance name of the DisplayObject.
 InheritedopaqueBackground : Object
Specifies whether the display object is opaque with a certain background color.
 Inheritedparent : DisplayObjectContainer
[read-only] Indicates the DisplayObjectContainer object that contains this display object.
 Inheritedroot : DisplayObject
[read-only] The methods here would normally just be in IDisplayObject, but for backward compatibility, they have to be included directly into IFlexDisplayObject, so they are kept in this separate include file.
 Inheritedrotation : Number
Indicates the rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation.
 Inheritedscale9Grid : Rectangle
The current scaling grid that is in effect.
 InheritedscaleX : Number
Indicates the horizontal scale (percentage) of the object as applied from the registration point.
 InheritedscaleY : Number
Indicates the vertical scale (percentage) of an object as applied from the registration point of the object.
 InheritedscrollRect : Rectangle
The scroll rectangle bounds of the display object.
 Inheritedstage : Stage
[read-only] The Stage of the display object.
 Inheritedtransform : flash.geom:Transform
An object with properties pertaining to a display object's matrix, color transform, and pixel bounds.
 Inheritedvisible : Boolean
Whether or not the display object is visible.
 Inheritedwidth : Number
Indicates the width of the display object, in pixels.
 Inheritedx : Number
Indicates the x coordinate of the DisplayObject instance relative to the local coordinates of the parent DisplayObjectContainer.
 Inheritedy : Number
Indicates the y coordinate of the DisplayObject instance relative to the local coordinates of the parent DisplayObjectContainer.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
Called by the enclosing chart to indicate that the current state of the chart has changed.
claimStyles(styles:Array, firstAvailable:uint):uint
Called by the chart to allow associated elements to claim style selectors from its chartSeriesStyles Array.
collectTransitions(chartState:Number, transitions:Array):void
Called by the enclosing chart to collect any transitions a particular element might play when the chart changes state.
describeData(dimension:String, requiredFields:uint):Array
Called by the governing DataTransform to obtain a description of the data represented by this IChartElement.
Dispatches an event into the event flow.
Returns a HitData object describing the nearest data point to the coordinates passed to the method.
Returns a rectangle that defines the area of the display object relative to the coordinate system of the targetCoordinateSpace object.
Returns a rectangle that defines the boundary of the display object, based on the coordinate system defined by the targetCoordinateSpace parameter, excluding any strokes on shapes.
Converts the point object from the Stage (global) coordinates to the display object's (local) coordinates.
Checks whether the EventDispatcher object has any listeners registered for a specific type of event.
Evaluates the bounding box of the display object to see if it overlaps or intersects with the bounding box of the obj display object.
hitTestPoint(x:Number, y:Number, shapeFlag:Boolean = false):Boolean
Evaluates the display object to see if it overlaps or intersects with the point specified by the x and y parameters.
Converts the point object from the display object's (local) coordinates to the Stage (global) coordinates.
Indicates to the element that the data mapping of the associated axes has changed.
Moves this object to the specified x and y coordinates.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number):void
Sets the actual size of this object.
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type.
Property Detail
chartDataProvider:Object  [write-only]

The data provider assigned to the enclosing chart. Element types can choose to inherit the data provider from the enclosing chart if necessary, or allow developers to assign data providers specifically to the element. Not all elements are necessarily driven by a data provider.

    public function set chartDataProvider(value:Object):void
dataTransform:mx.charts.chartClasses:DataTransform  [write-only]

The DataTransform object that the element uses to map between data and screen coordinates. This property is assigned by the enclosing chart.

    public function set dataTransform(value:mx.charts.chartClasses:DataTransform):void
labelContainer:Sprite  [read-only]

The DisplayObject that displays labels rendered by this element. In most cases, labels displayed in the data area of a chart are rendered on top of all elements rather than interleaved with the data. If an implementing Element has labels to display, it can place them in a Sprite object and return it as the value of the labelContainer property. Enclosing charts will render labelContainers from all enclosed elements and place them in the data area above all other elements.

    public function get labelContainer():Sprite
Method Detail
public function chartStateChanged(oldState:uint, v:uint):void

Called by the enclosing chart to indicate that the current state of the chart has changed. Implementing elements should respond to this method in order to synchronize changes to the data displayed by the element.


oldState:uint — An integer representing the previous state.
v:uint — An integer representing the new state.

public function claimStyles(styles:Array, firstAvailable:uint):uint

Called by the chart to allow associated elements to claim style selectors from its chartSeriesStyles Array. Each chart has an associated set of selectors that are implicitly assigned to contained elements that require them. Implementing this function gives an element a chance to 'claim' elements out of that set, as necessary. An element that requires N style selectors claims the values from styles[firstAvailable] to styles[firstAvailable + N - 1].


styles:Array — An Array of styles to claim.
firstAvailable:uint — The first style selector in the Array to claim.

uint — The new value for firstAvailable after claiming any styles (for example, firstAvailable + N).
public function collectTransitions(chartState:Number, transitions:Array):void

Called by the enclosing chart to collect any transitions a particular element might play when the chart changes state. The chart collects transitions from all elements and ensures that they play in parallel. It waits until all transitions have completed before advancing to another state. Implementors should append any necessary transitions to the transitions Array parameter.


chartState:Number — The state at which the chart plays the new transitions.
transitions:Array — An Array of transition to add to the chart's list of transitions to play.

public function describeData(dimension:String, requiredFields:uint):Array

Called by the governing DataTransform to obtain a description of the data represented by this IChartElement. Implementors fill out and return an Array of mx.charts.chartClasses.DataDescription objects to guarantee that their data is correctly accounted for by any axes that are autogenerating values from the displayed data (such as minimum, maximum, interval, and unitSize). Most element types return an Array containing a single DataDescription. Aggregate elements, such as BarSet and ColumnSet, might return multiple DataDescription instances that describe the data displayed by their subelements. When called, the implementor describes the data along the axis indicated by the dimension argument. This function might be called for each axis supported by the containing chart.


dimension:String — Determines the axis to get data descriptions of.
requiredFields:uint — A bitfield that indicates which values of the DataDescription object the particular axis cares about. Implementors can optimize by only calculating the necessary fields.

Array — An Array containing the DataDescription instances that describe the data that is displayed.

See also

public function findDataPoints(x:Number, y:Number, sensitivity2:Number):Array

Returns a HitData object describing the nearest data point to the coordinates passed to the method. The x and y arguments should be values in the Element's coordinate system. This method aheres to the limits specified by the sensitivity2 parameter when looking for nearby data points.


x:Number — The x coordinate relative to the ChartBase object.
y:Number — The y coordinate relative to the ChartBase object.
sensitivity2:Number — The maximum distance from the data point that the x/y coordinate location can be.

Array — A HitData object describing the nearest data point within sensitivity2 pixels.

See also

public function mappingChanged():void

Indicates to the element that the data mapping of the associated axes has changed. Implementors should dispose of cached data and re-render appropriately. This function is called automatically by the associated DataTransform when necessary.