The mx.controls package contains the Flex user-interface controls.
Interface | Description | |
IFlexContextMenu | The IFlexContextMenu interface defines the interface for a Flex context menus. |
Class | Description | |
AdvancedDataGrid | The AdvancedDataGrid control expands on the functionality of the standard DataGrid control to add data visualization features to your Adobe Flex application. | |
AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | The AdvancedDataGridBaseEx class is a base class of the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
Alert | The Alert control is a pop-up dialog box that can contain a message, a title, buttons (any combination of OK, Cancel, Yes, and No) and an icon. | |
Button | The Button control is a commonly used rectangular button. | |
ButtonBar | The ButtonBar control defines a horizontal or vertical group of logically related push buttons with a common look and navigation. | |
ButtonLabelPlacement | The ButtonLabelPlacement class defines the constants for the allowed values of the labelPlacement property of a Button, CheckBox, LinkButton, or RadioButton control. | |
CheckBox | The CheckBox control consists of an optional label and a small box that can contain a check mark or not. | |
ColorPicker | The ColorPicker control provides a way for a user to choose a color from a swatch list. | |
ComboBase | The ComboBase class is the base class for controls that display text in a text field and have a button that causes a drop-down list to appear where the user can choose which text to display. | |
ComboBox | The ComboBox control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value. | |
DataGrid | The DataGrid control is like a List except that it can show more than one column of data making it suited for showing objects with multiple properties. | |
DateChooser | The DateChooser control displays the name of a month, the year, and a grid of the days of the month, with columns labeled for the day of the week. | |
DateField | The DateField control is a text field that shows the date with a calendar icon on its right side. | |
FileSystemComboBox ![]() | The FileSystemComboBox control defines a combo box control for navigating up the chain of ancestor directories from a specified directory in a file system. | |
FileSystemDataGrid ![]() | The FileSystemDataGrid control lets you display the contents of a single file system directory in a data grid format. | |
FileSystemEnumerationMode ![]() | The FileSystemEnumerationMode class defines the constant values for the enumerationMode property of the FileSystemList, FileSystemDataGrid, and FileSystemTree classes. | |
FileSystemHistoryButton ![]() | The FileSystemHistoryButton control defines a single control with two buttons: a main button on the left and a secondary button on the right. | |
FileSystemList ![]() | The FileSystemList control lets you display the contents of a single file system directory, in a list format. | |
FileSystemSizeDisplayMode ![]() | The FileSystemSizeDisplayMode class defines the constant values for the sizeDisplayMode property of the FileSystemDataGrid class. | |
FileSystemTree ![]() | The FileSystemTree control displays the contents of a file system directory as a tree. | |
FlexNativeMenu ![]() | The FlexNativeMenu component provides a wrapper for AIR's NativeMenu class. | |
FormItemLabel | The FormItem container uses a FormItemLabel object to display the label portion of the FormItem container. | |
HorizontalList | The HorizontalList control displays a horizontal list of items. | |
HRule | The HRule control creates a single horizontal line. | |
HScrollBar | The HScrollBar (horizontal ScrollBar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area. | |
HSlider | The HSlider control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track. | |
HTML ![]() | The HTML control lets you display HTML content in your application. | |
Image | The Image control lets you import JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SWF files at runtime. | |
Label | The Label control displays a single line of noneditable text. | |
LinkBar | A LinkBar control defines a horizontal or vertical row of LinkButton controls that designate a series of link destinations. | |
LinkButton | The LinkButton control is a borderless Button control whose contents are highlighted when a user moves the mouse over it. | |
List | The List control displays a vertical list of items. | |
Menu | The Menu control creates a pop-up menu of individually selectable choices, similar to the File or Edit menu found in most software applications. | |
MenuBar | A MenuBar control defines a horizontal, top-level menu bar that contains one or more menus. | |
NavBar | The NavBar control is the superclass for navigator controls, such as the LinkBar and TabBar controls, and cannot be instantiated directly. | |
NumericStepper | The NumericStepper control lets the user select a number from an ordered set. | |
OLAPDataGrid | The OLAPDataGrid control expands on the functionality of the AdvancedDataGrid control to add support for the display of the results of OLAP queries. | |
PopUpButton | The PopUpButton control adds a flexible pop-up control interface to a Button control. | |
PopUpMenuButton | The PopUpMenuButton control creates a PopUpButton control with a main sub-button and a secondary sub-button. | |
ProgressBar | The ProgressBar control provides a visual representation of the progress of a task over time. | |
ProgressBarDirection | The ProgressBarDirection class defines the values for the direction property of the ProgressBar class. | |
ProgressBarLabelPlacement | The ProgressBarLabelPlacement class defines the values for the labelPlacement property of the ProgressBar class. | |
ProgressBarMode | The ProgressBarMode class defines the values for the mode property of the ProgressBar class. | |
RadioButton | The RadioButton control lets the user make a single choice within a set of mutually exclusive choices. | |
RadioButtonGroup | The RadioButtonGroup control defines a group of RadioButton controls that act as a single mutually exclusive control; therefore, a user can select only one RadioButton control at a time. | |
RichTextEditor | The RichTextEditor control lets users enter and format text. | |
Spacer | The Spacer control helps you lay out children within a parent container. | |
SWFLoader | The SWFLoader control loads and displays a specified SWF file. | |
TabBar | The TabBar control lets you create a horizontal or vertical group of tab navigation items by defining the labels and data associated with each tab. | |
Text | The Text control displays multiline, noneditable text. | |
TextArea | The TextArea control is a multiline text field with a border and optional scroll bars. | |
TextInput | The TextInput control is a single-line text field that is optionally editable. | |
TileList | The TileList control displays a number of items laid out in tiles. | |
ToggleButtonBar | The ToggleButtonBar control defines a horizontal or vertical group of buttons that maintain their selected or deselected state. | |
ToolTip | The ToolTip control lets you provide helpful information to your users. | |
Tree | The Tree control lets a user view hierarchical data arranged as an expandable tree. | |
VideoDisplay | The VideoDisplay control lets you play an FLV file in a Flex application. | |
VRule | The VRule control creates a single vertical line. | |
VScrollBar | The VScrollBar (vertical ScrollBar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area. | |
VSlider | The VSlider control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track. |