Interfacepublic interface IEffectTargetHost
Implementors AdvancedListBase, ListBase

The IEffectTargetHost interface defines the interface that lets you access the target list-based control of a data effect. All list-based controls implement this interface. This interface enables an instance of an effect class to communicate with the list-based control on which the effect is playing. This interface is also used for determining whether to play an effect based on if a data item is added, removed, or replaced in the target control.

See also


Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Adds an item renderer if a data change effect is running.
getRendererSemanticValue(target:Object, semanticProperty:String):Object
Returns true or false to indicates whether the effect should play on the target.
Removes an item renderer if a data change effect is running.
Called by an UnconstrainItemAction effect as part of a data change effect if the item renderers corresponding to certain data items need to move outside the normal positions of item renderers in the control.
Method Detail
public function addDataEffectItem(target:Object):void

Adds an item renderer if a data change effect is running. The item renderer should correspond to a recently added data item in the data provider's collection that isn't yet being displayed.

This function will be called by an AddItemAction effect as part of a data change effect to specify the point at which a data item added to a collection begins to be displayed by the control using an item renderer.


target:Object — The item renderer to add to the control's layout.

public function getRendererSemanticValue(target:Object, semanticProperty:String):Object

Returns true or false to indicates whether the effect should play on the target. The EffectTargetFilter class calls this method when you set the filter property on a data effect. For example, you set filter property to addItem or removeItem.


target:Object — An item renderer
semanticProperty:String — The semantic property of the renderer whose value will be returned.

Objecttrue or false to indicates whether the effect should play on the target.
public function removeDataEffectItem(target:Object):void

Removes an item renderer if a data change effect is running. The item renderer must correspond to data that has already been removed from the data provider collection. This function will be called by a RemoveItemAction effect as part of a data change effect to specify the point at which a data item ceases to displayed by the control using an item renderer.


target:Object — The item renderer to remove from the control's layout.

public function unconstrainRenderer(item:Object):void

Called by an UnconstrainItemAction effect as part of a data change effect if the item renderers corresponding to certain data items need to move outside the normal positions of item renderers in the control. The control does not attempt to position the item render for the duration of the effect.


item:Object — The item renderer that is a target of the effect.