Interfacepublic interface ILoggingTarget
Implementors AbstractTarget

All logger target implementations within the logging framework must implement this interface.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  filters : Array
In addition to the level setting, filters are used to provide a psuedo-hierarchical mapping for processing only those events for a given category.
  level : int
Provides access to the level this target is currently set at.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Sets up this target with the specified logger.
Stops this target from receiving events from the specified logger.
Property Detail

In addition to the level setting, filters are used to provide a psuedo-hierarchical mapping for processing only those events for a given category.

Each logger belongs to a category. By convention these categories map to the fully qualified class name in which the logger is used. For example, a logger that is logging messages for the mx.rpc.soap.WebService class would use "mx.rpc.soap.WebService" as the parameter to the Log.getLogger() call. When messages are sent under this category only those targets that have a filter which matches that category will receive notification of those events. Filter expressions may include a wildcard match, indicated with an asterisk. The wildcard must be the right most character in the expression. For example: rpc*, mx.*, or *. If an invalid expression is specified a InvalidFilterError will be thrown. No spaces or any of the following characters are valid within a filter expression: []~$^&\/(){}<>+=`!#%?,:;'"@.

    public function get filters():Array
    public function set filters(value:Array):void

How to use this example
      var traceLogger:ILoggingTarget = new TraceTarget();
      traceLogger.filters = [ "mx.rpc.*", "mx.messaging.*" ];

Provides access to the level this target is currently set at. Value values are:

    public function get level():int
    public function set level(value:int):void
Method Detail
public function addLogger(logger:ILogger):void

Sets up this target with the specified logger. This allows this target to receive log events from the specified logger.

Note: This method is called by the framework and should not be called by you directly.


logger:ILogger — The ILogger that this target listens to.

public function removeLogger(logger:ILogger):void

Stops this target from receiving events from the specified logger.

Note: This method is called by the framework and should not be called by you directly.


logger:ILogger — The ILogger that this target ignores.