Interfacepublic interface IModuleInfo extends IEventDispatcher

An interface that acts as a handle for a particular module. From this interface, the module status can be queried, its inner factory can be obtained, and it can be loaded or unloaded.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  data : Object
User data that can be associated with the singleton IModuleInfo for a given URL.
  error : Boolean
[read-only] A flag that is true if there was an error during module loading.
  factory : IFlexModuleFactory
[read-only] The IFlexModuleFactory implementation defined in the module.
  loaded : Boolean
[read-only] A flag that is true if the load() method has been called on this module.
  ready : Boolean
[read-only] A flag that is true if the module is sufficiently loaded to get a handle to its associated IFlexModuleFactory implementation and call its create() method.
  setup : Boolean
[read-only] A flag that is true if the module is sufficiently loaded to get a handle to its associated IFlexModuleFactory implementation and call its info() method.
  url : String
[read-only] The URL associated with this module (for example, "MyImageModule.swf" or "".
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
Dispatches an event into the event flow.
Checks whether the EventDispatcher object has any listeners registered for a specific type of event.
load(applicationDomain:ApplicationDomain = null, securityDomain:SecurityDomain = null, bytes:ByteArray = null):void
Requests that the module be loaded.
Publishes an interface to the ModuleManager.
Releases the current reference to the module.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.
Unloads the module.
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type.
 Event Summary Defined By
  Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo if there was an error during module loading.IModuleInfo
  Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo at regular intervals while the module is being loaded.IModuleInfo
  Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo once the module is sufficiently loaded to call the IModuleInfo.factory() method and the IFlexModuleFactory.create() method.IModuleInfo
  Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo once the module is sufficiently loaded to call the IModuleInfo.factory() method and the method.IModuleInfo
  Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo when the module data is unloaded.IModuleInfo
Property Detail

User data that can be associated with the singleton IModuleInfo for a given URL.

    public function get data():Object
    public function set data(value:Object):void
error:Boolean  [read-only]

A flag that is true if there was an error during module loading.

This flag is true when the ModuleManager dispatches the ModuleEvent.ERROR event.

    public function get error():Boolean
factory:IFlexModuleFactory  [read-only]

The IFlexModuleFactory implementation defined in the module. This will only be non-null after the ModuleEvent.SETUP event has been dispatched (or the IModuleInfo.setup() method returns true). At this point, the method can be called. Once a ModuleEvent.READY event is dispatched (or the IModuleInfo.ready() method returns true), it is possible to call the IFlexModuleFactory.create() method.

    public function get factory():IFlexModuleFactory
loaded:Boolean  [read-only]

A flag that is true if the load() method has been called on this module.

    public function get loaded():Boolean
ready:Boolean  [read-only]

A flag that is true if the module is sufficiently loaded to get a handle to its associated IFlexModuleFactory implementation and call its create() method.

This flag is true when the ModuleManager dispatches the ModuleEvent.READY event.

    public function get ready():Boolean
setup:Boolean  [read-only]

A flag that is true if the module is sufficiently loaded to get a handle to its associated IFlexModuleFactory implementation and call its info() method.

This flag is true when the ModuleManager dispatches the ModuleEvent.SETUP event.

    public function get setup():Boolean
url:String  [read-only]

The URL associated with this module (for example, "MyImageModule.swf" or "". The URL can be local or remote, but if it is remote, you must establish a trust between the module's domain and the application that loads it.

    public function get url():String
Method Detail
public function load(applicationDomain:ApplicationDomain = null, securityDomain:SecurityDomain = null, bytes:ByteArray = null):void

Requests that the module be loaded. If the module is already loaded, the call does nothing. Otherwise, the module begins loading and dispatches progress events as loading proceeds.


applicationDomain:ApplicationDomain (default = null) — The current application domain in which your code is executing.
securityDomain:SecurityDomain (default = null) — The current security "sandbox".
bytes:ByteArray (default = null) — A ByteArray object. The ByteArray is expected to contain the bytes of a SWF file that represents a compiled Module. The ByteArray object can be obtained by using the URLLoader class. If this parameter is specified the module will be loaded from the ByteArray. If this parameter is null the module will be loaded from the url specified in the url property.

public function publish(factory:IFlexModuleFactory):void

Publishes an interface to the ModuleManager. This allows late (or decoupled) subscriptions to factories with a String handle. Use a URL that starts with publish:// to reference factories that are published in this manner.


factory:IFlexModuleFactory — The class that implements the module's IFlexModuleFactory interface.

See also

public function release():void

Releases the current reference to the module. This does not unload the module unless there are no other open references to it and the ModuleManager is set up to have only a limited number of loaded modules.

See also

public function unload():void

Unloads the module. Flash Player and AIR will not fully unload and garbage collect this module if there are any outstanding references to definitions inside the module.

Event Detail
error Event
Event Object Type:
property ModuleEvent.type =

Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo if there was an error during module loading.

Dispatched when there is an error downloading the module. The ModuleEvent.ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an error event.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
errorTextThe error message.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.
progress Event  
Event Object Type:
property ModuleEvent.type =

Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo at regular intervals while the module is being loaded.

Dispatched when the module is in the process of downloading. This module is dispatched at regular intervals during the download process. The ModuleEvent.PROGRESS constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a progress event.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

bytesLoadedThe number of bytes loaded.
bytesTotalThe total number of bytes to load.
currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.
ready Event  
Event Object Type:
property ModuleEvent.type =

Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo once the module is sufficiently loaded to call the IModuleInfo.factory() method and the IFlexModuleFactory.create() method.

Dispatched when the module has finished downloading. The ModuleEvent.READY constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a complete event.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

bytesLoadedThe number of bytes loaded.
bytesTotalThe total number of bytes to load.
currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.
setup Event  
Event Object Type:
property ModuleEvent.type =

Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo once the module is sufficiently loaded to call the IModuleInfo.factory() method and the method.

Dispatched when enough of a module has been downloaded that you can get information about the module. You do this by calling the method on the module. The ModuleEvent.SETUP constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a setup event.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
errorTextAn error message.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.
unload Event  
Event Object Type:
property ModuleEvent.type =

Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo when the module data is unloaded.

Dispatched when the module is unloaded. The ModuleEvent.UNLOAD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an unload event.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
errorTextAn error message.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.