(Flex Data Visualization components only)
Interfacepublic interface IOLAPCube
Implementors OLAPCube

The IOLAPCube interface represents an OLAP cube that holds an N-dimensional representation of a flat data set. You use an OLAP schema to define how the cube represents the input flat data set.

An OLAP cube is analogous to a table in a relational database. Where a table in a relational database has two dimensions, an OLAP cube can have any number of dimensions. In its simplest form, the dimensions of an OLAP cube correspond to a field of the flat data set.

After setting the schema of the OLAP cube, you must call the IOLAPCube.refresh() method to build the cube. Upon completion of cube initialization, the OLAP cube dispatches the complete event to signal that the cube is ready to query.

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  dimensions : IList
[read-only] All dimensions in the cube, as a list of IOLAPDimension instances.
  name : String
[read-only] The name of the OLAP cube.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Aborts a query that has been submitted for execution.
Aborts the current cube refresh, if one is executing.
Queues an OLAP query for execution.
Returns the dimension with the given name within the OLAP cube.
Refreshes the cube from the data provider.
Property Detail
dimensions:IList  [read-only]

All dimensions in the cube, as a list of IOLAPDimension instances.

    public function get dimensions():IList
name:String  [read-only]

The name of the OLAP cube.

    public function get name():String
Method Detail
public function cancelQuery(query:IOLAPQuery):void

Aborts a query that has been submitted for execution.


query:IOLAPQuery — The query to abort.

public function cancelRefresh():void

Aborts the current cube refresh, if one is executing.

public function execute(query:IOLAPQuery):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Queues an OLAP query for execution. After you call the refresh() method to update the cube, you must wait for a complete event before you call the execute() method.

OLAP cubes can be complex, so you do not want your application to pause while Flex calculates the results of your OLAP query. The execute() method returns an instance of the AsyncToken class, which lets you set up handlers for asynchronous operations so that your application can continue to execute during query processing.

When using the AsyncToken class, you set up two functions to handle the query results. In this example, the showResult() function handles the query results when the query succeeds, and the showFault() function handles any errors detected during query execution:

              // Function to execute a query.
              private function runQuery(cube:IOLAPCube):void {
                  // Create a query instance.
                  var query:IOLAPQuery = getQuery(cube);
                  // Execute the query.
                  var token:AsyncToken = cube.execute(query);
                  // Set up handlers for the query results.
                  token.addResponder(new AsyncResponder(showResult, showFault));
              // Handle a query fault.
              private function showFault(result:Object, token:Object):void {
                  Alert.show("Error in query.");
              // Handle a query success.
              private function showResult(result:Object, token:Object):void {
                  if (!result) {
                      Alert.show("No results from query.");
                  myOLAPDG.dataProvider= result as OLAPResult;            
      <mx:OLAPDataGrid id="myOLAPDG" width="100%" height="100%" />


query:IOLAPQuery — The query to execute, represented by an IOLAPQuery instance.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — An AsyncToken instance.

See also

public function findDimension(name:String):IOLAPDimension

Returns the dimension with the given name within the OLAP cube.


name:String — The name of the dimension.

IOLAPDimension — An IOLAPDimension instance representing the dimension, or null if a dimension is not found.
public function refresh():void

Refreshes the cube from the data provider. After setting the cube's schema, you must call this method to build the cube.

This method dispatches a progress event to indicate progress, and dispatches a complete event when the cube is complete and ready to execute queries. You must wait for a complete event before you call the execute() method to run a query.

See also