
Classpublic class HTTPService
InheritanceHTTPService Inheritance AbstractInvoker Inheritance EventDispatcher Inheritance Object
Subclasses HTTPService

You use the HTTPService class to represent an HTTPService object in ActionScript. When you call the HTTPService object's send() method, it makes an HTTP request to the specified URL, and an HTTP response is returned. Optionally, you can pass parameters to the specified URL. When you do not go through the server-based proxy service, you can use only HTTP GET or POST methods. However, when you set the useProxy property to true and you use the server-based proxy service, you can also use the HTTP HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, and DELETE methods.

Note: Due to a software limitation, HTTPService does not generate user-friendly error messages when using GET.

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  channelSet : ChannelSet
Provides access to the ChannelSet used by the service.
  concurrency : String
Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same service.
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
  contentType : String
Type of content for service requests.
  destination : String
An HTTPService destination name in the services-config.xml file.
  headers : Object
Custom HTTP headers to be sent to the third party endpoint.
  lastResult : Object
[override] [read-only] The result of the last invocation.
  makeObjectsBindable : Boolean
[override] When this value is true, anonymous objects returned are forced to bindable objects.
  method : String
HTTP method for sending the request.
 InheritedoperationManager : Function
This property is set usually by framework code which wants to modify the behavior of a service invocation without modifying the way in which the service is called externally.
 Inheritedprototype : Object
[static] A reference to the prototype object of a class or function object.
  request : Object
Object of name-value pairs used as parameters to the URL.
  requestTimeout : int
Provides access to the request timeout in seconds for sent messages.
 InheritedresultElementType : Class
Like resultType, used to define the ActionScript class used by a given operation though this property only applies to operations which return a multi-valued result (e.g.
  resultFormat : String
Value that indicates how you want to deserialize the result returned by the HTTP call.
 InheritedresultType : Class
Specifies an optional return type for the operation.
  rootURL : String
The URL that the HTTPService object should use when computing relative URLs.
  serializationFilter : SerializationFilter
Provides an adapter which controls the process of converting the HTTP response body into ActionScript objects and/or turning the parameters or body into the contentType, URL, and and post body of the HTTP request.
  showBusyCursor : Boolean
If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing.
  url : String
Location of the service.
  useProxy : Boolean
Specifies whether to use the Flex proxy service.
  xmlDecode : Function
ActionScript function used to decode a service result from XML.
  xmlEncode : Function
ActionScript function used to encode a service request as XML.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
HTTPService(rootURL:String = null, destination:String = null)
Creates a new HTTPService.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
[override] Cancels the last service invocation or an invokation with the specified ID.
clearResult(fireBindingEvent:Boolean = true):void
[override] Sets the result property of the invoker to null.
Disconnects the service's network connection.
Dispatches an event into the event flow.
Checks whether the EventDispatcher object has any listeners registered for a specific type of event.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Logs the user out of the destination.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.
send(parameters:Object = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Executes an HTTPService request.
setCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String = null):void
Sets the credentials for the destination accessed by the service.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
setRemoteCredentials(remoteUsername:String, remotePassword:String, charset:String = null):void
The username and password to authenticate a user when accessing the HTTP URL.
This hook is exposed to update the lastResult property.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type.
 Event Summary Defined By
 Inherited[broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application gains operating system focus and becomes active.EventDispatcher
 Inherited[broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application operating loses system focus and is becoming inactive.EventDispatcher
  Dispatched when an HTTPService call fails.HTTPService
  The invoke event is fired when an HTTPService call is invoked so long as an Error is not thrown before the Channel attempts to send the message.HTTPService
  Dispatched when an HTTPService call returns successfully.HTTPService
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  CONTENT_TYPE_FORM : String = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
[static] Indicates that the data being sent by the HTTP service is encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  CONTENT_TYPE_XML : String = "application/xml"
[static] Indicates that the data being sent by the HTTP service is encoded as application/xml.
[static] Indicates that the HTTPService object uses the DefaultHTTP destination.
[static] Indicates that the HTTPService object uses the DefaultHTTPS destination.
  ERROR_DECODING : String = "Client.CouldNotDecode"
[static] Indicates that an XML formatted result could not be parsed into an XML instance or decoded into an Object.
  ERROR_ENCODING : String = "Client.CouldNotEncode"
[static] Indicates that an input parameter could not be encoded as XML.
  ERROR_URL_REQUIRED : String = "Client.URLRequired"
[static] Indicates that the useProxy property was set to false but a url was not provided.
  RESULT_FORMAT_ARRAY : String = "array"
[static] The result format "array" is similar to "object" however the value returned is always an Array such that if the result returned from result format "object" is not an Array already the item will be added as the first item to a new Array.
  RESULT_FORMAT_E4X : String = "e4x"
[static] The result format "e4x" specifies that the value returned is an XML instance, which can be accessed using ECMAScript for XML (E4X) expressions.
  RESULT_FORMAT_FLASHVARS : String = "flashvars"
[static] The result format "flashvars" specifies that the value returned is text containing name=value pairs separated by ampersands, which is parsed into an ActionScript object.
  RESULT_FORMAT_OBJECT : String = "object"
[static] The result format "object" specifies that the value returned is XML but is parsed as a tree of ActionScript objects.
  RESULT_FORMAT_TEXT : String = "text"
[static] The result format "text" specifies that the HTTPService result text should be an unprocessed String.
  RESULT_FORMAT_XML : String = "xml"
[static] The result format "xml" specifies that results should be returned as an flash.xml.XMLNode instance pointing to the first child of the parent flash.xml.XMLDocument.
Property Detail

Provides access to the ChannelSet used by the service. The ChannelSet can be manually constructed and assigned, or it will be dynamically created to use the configured Channels for the destination for this service.

    public function get channelSet():ChannelSet
    public function set channelSet(value:ChannelSet):void

Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same service. The default value is multiple. The following values are permitted:

    public function get concurrency():String
    public function set concurrency(value:String):void

Type of content for service requests. The default is application/x-www-form-urlencoded which sends requests like a normal HTTP POST with name-value pairs. application/xml send requests as XML.

    public function get contentType():String
    public function set contentType(value:String):void

An HTTPService destination name in the services-config.xml file. When unspecified, Flex uses the DefaultHTTP destination. If you are using the url property, but want requests to reach the proxy over HTTPS, specify DefaultHTTPS.

    public function get destination():String
    public function set destination(value:String):void

Custom HTTP headers to be sent to the third party endpoint. If multiple headers need to be sent with the same name the value should be specified as an Array.

    public function get headers():Object
    public function set headers(value:Object):void
lastResult:Object  [read-only] [override]

The result of the last invocation.

This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the resultForBinding event.

    override public function get lastResult():Object

When this value is true, anonymous objects returned are forced to bindable objects.

    override public function get makeObjectsBindable():Boolean
    override public function set makeObjectsBindable(value:Boolean):void

HTTP method for sending the request. Permitted values are GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, TRACE and DELETE. Lowercase letters are converted to uppercase letters. The default value is GET.

    public function get method():String
    public function set method(value:String):void

Object of name-value pairs used as parameters to the URL. If the contentType property is set to application/xml, it should be an XML document.

    public function get request():Object
    public function set request(value:Object):void

Provides access to the request timeout in seconds for sent messages. A value less than or equal to zero prevents request timeout.

    public function get requestTimeout():int
    public function set requestTimeout(value:int):void

Value that indicates how you want to deserialize the result returned by the HTTP call. The value for this is based on the following:

The default value is object. The following values are permitted:

    public function get resultFormat():String
    public function set resultFormat(value:String):void

The URL that the HTTPService object should use when computing relative URLs. This property is only used when going through the proxy. When the useProxy property is set to false, the relative URL is computed automatically based on the location of the SWF running this application. If not set explicitly rootURL is automatically set to the URL of mx.messaging.config.LoaderConfig.url.

    public function get rootURL():String
    public function set rootURL(value:String):void

Provides an adapter which controls the process of converting the HTTP response body into ActionScript objects and/or turning the parameters or body into the contentType, URL, and and post body of the HTTP request. This can also be set indirectly by setting the resultFormat by registering a SerializationFilter using the static method: SerializationFilter.registerFilterForResultFormat("formatName", filter)

    public function get serializationFilter():SerializationFilter
    public function set serializationFilter(value:SerializationFilter):void

If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing. The default value is false.

    public function get showBusyCursor():Boolean
    public function set showBusyCursor(value:Boolean):void

Location of the service. If you specify the url and a non-default destination, your destination in the services-config.xml file must allow the specified URL.

    public function get url():String
    public function set url(value:String):void

Specifies whether to use the Flex proxy service. The default value is false. If you do not specify true to proxy requests though the Flex server, you must ensure that the player can reach the target URL. You also cannot use destinations defined in the services-config.xml file if the useProxy property is set to false.

The default value is false.

    public function get useProxy():Boolean
    public function set useProxy(value:Boolean):void

ActionScript function used to decode a service result from XML. When the resultFormat is an object and the xmlDecode property is set, Flex uses the XML that the HTTPService returns to create an Object. If it is not defined the default XMLDecoder is used to do the work.

The function referenced by the xmlDecode property must take a flash.xml.XMLNode object as a parameter and should return an Object. It can return any type of object, but it must return something. Returning null or undefined causes a fault.

The following example shows an <mx:HTTPService> tag that specifies an xmlDecode function:
   <mx:HTTPService id="hs" xmlDecode="xmlDecoder" url="myURL" resultFormat="object" contentType="application/xml">
The following example shows an xmlDecoder function:
function xmlDecoder (myXML)
 // Simplified decoding logic.
 var myObj = {}; = myXML.firstChild.nodeValue;
 myObj.honorific = myXML.firstChild.attributes.honorific;
 return myObj;

    public function get xmlDecode():Function
    public function set xmlDecode(value:Function):void

ActionScript function used to encode a service request as XML. When the contentType of a request is application/xml and the request object passed in is an Object, Flex attempts to use the function specified in the xmlEncode property to turn it into a flash.xml.XMLNode object If the xmlEncode property is not set, Flex uses the default XMLEncoder to turn the object graph into a flash.xml.XMLNode object.

The xmlEncode property takes an Object and should return a flash.xml.XMLNode object. In this case, the XMLNode object can be a flash.xml.XML object, which is a subclass of XMLNode, or the first child of the flash.xml.XML object, which is what you get from an <mx:XML> tag. Returning the wrong type of object causes a fault. The following example shows an <mx:HTTPService> tag that specifies an xmlEncode function:

  <mx:HTTPService id="hs" xmlEncode="xmlEncoder" url="myURL" resultFormat="object" contentType="application/xml">
The following example shows an xmlEncoder function:
function xmlEncoder (myObj)
  return new XML("");

    public function get xmlEncode():Function
    public function set xmlEncode(value:Function):void
Constructor Detail
public function HTTPService(rootURL:String = null, destination:String = null)

Creates a new HTTPService. If you expect the service to send using relative URLs you may wish to specify the rootURL that will be the basis for determining the full URL (one example would be Application.application.url).

rootURL:String (default = null) — The URL the HTTPService should use when computing relative URLS.
destination:String (default = null) — An HTTPService destination name in the service-config.xml file.
Method Detail
override public function cancel(id:String = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Cancels the last service invocation or an invokation with the specified ID. Even though the network operation may still continue, no result or fault event is dispatched.


id:String (default = null) — The messageId of the invocation to cancel. Optional. If omitted, the last service invocation is canceled.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — The AsyncToken associated with the call that is cancelled or null if no call was cancelled.
override public function clearResult(fireBindingEvent:Boolean = true):void

Sets the result property of the invoker to null. This is useful when the result is a large object that is no longer being used.


fireBindingEvent:Boolean (default = true) — Set to true if you want anything bound to the result to update. Otherwise, set to false. The default value is true

public function disconnect():void

Disconnects the service's network connection. This method does not wait for outstanding network operations to complete.

public function logout():void

Logs the user out of the destination. Logging out of a destination applies to everything connected using the same channel as specified in the server configuration. For example, if you're connected over the my-rtmp channel and you log out using one of your RPC components, anything that was connected over my-rtmp is logged out.

Note: Adobe recommends that you use the mx.messaging.ChannelSet.logout() method rather than this method.

See also

public function send(parameters:Object = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Executes an HTTPService request. The parameters are optional, but if specified should be an Object containing name-value pairs or an XML object depending on the contentType.


parameters:Object (default = null) — An Object containing name-value pairs or an XML object, depending on the content type for service requests.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — An object representing the asynchronous completion token. It is the same object available in the result or fault event's token property.
public function setCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String = null):void

Sets the credentials for the destination accessed by the service. The credentials are applied to all services connected over the same ChannelSet. Note that services that use a proxy to a remote destination will need to call the setRemoteCredentials() method instead.


username:String — the username for the destination.
password:String — the password for the destination.
charset:String (default = null) — The character set encoding to use while encoding the credentials. The default is null, which implies the legacy charset of ISO-Latin-1. The only other supported charset is "UTF-8".

public function setRemoteCredentials(remoteUsername:String, remotePassword:String, charset:String = null):void

The username and password to authenticate a user when accessing the HTTP URL. These are passed as part of the HTTP Authorization header from the proxy to the endpoint. If the useProxy property is set to is false, this property is ignored.


remoteUsername:String — the username to pass to the remote endpoint.
remotePassword:String — the password to pass to the remote endpoint.
charset:String (default = null) — The character set encoding to use while encoding the remote credentials. The default is null, which implies the legacy charset of ISO-Latin-1. The only other supported charset is "UTF-8".

Event Detail
fault Event
Event Object Type:
property FaultEvent.type =

Dispatched when an HTTPService call fails.

The FAULT event type.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

cancelabletrue, calling preventDefault() from the associated token's responder.fault method will prevent the service or operation from dispatching this event
currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
faultThe Fault object that contains the details of what caused this event.
messageThe Message associated with this event.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.
tokenThe token that represents the call to the method. Used in the asynchronous completion token pattern.
invoke Event  
Event Object Type:
property InvokeEvent.type =

The invoke event is fired when an HTTPService call is invoked so long as an Error is not thrown before the Channel attempts to send the message.

The INVOKE event type.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

token The token that represents the indiviudal call to the method. Used in the asynchronous completion token pattern.
currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
message The request Message associated with this event.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.
result Event  
Event Object Type:
property ResultEvent.type =

Dispatched when an HTTPService call returns successfully.

The RESULT event type.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

cancelabletrue, preventDefault() from the associated token's responder.result method will prevent the service or operation from dispatching this event
currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
message The Message associated with this event.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.
resultResult that the RPC call returns.
tokenThe token that represents the indiviudal call to the method. Used in the asynchronous completion token pattern.
Constant Detail
public static const CONTENT_TYPE_FORM:String = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

Indicates that the data being sent by the HTTP service is encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

public static const CONTENT_TYPE_XML:String = "application/xml"

Indicates that the data being sent by the HTTP service is encoded as application/xml.

public static const DEFAULT_DESTINATION_HTTP:String = "DefaultHTTP"

Indicates that the HTTPService object uses the DefaultHTTP destination.

public static const DEFAULT_DESTINATION_HTTPS:String = "DefaultHTTPS"

Indicates that the HTTPService object uses the DefaultHTTPS destination.

public static const ERROR_DECODING:String = "Client.CouldNotDecode"

Indicates that an XML formatted result could not be parsed into an XML instance or decoded into an Object.

public static const ERROR_ENCODING:String = "Client.CouldNotEncode"

Indicates that an input parameter could not be encoded as XML.

public static const ERROR_URL_REQUIRED:String = "Client.URLRequired"

Indicates that the useProxy property was set to false but a url was not provided.

public static const RESULT_FORMAT_ARRAY:String = "array"

The result format "array" is similar to "object" however the value returned is always an Array such that if the result returned from result format "object" is not an Array already the item will be added as the first item to a new Array.

public static const RESULT_FORMAT_E4X:String = "e4x"

The result format "e4x" specifies that the value returned is an XML instance, which can be accessed using ECMAScript for XML (E4X) expressions.

public static const RESULT_FORMAT_FLASHVARS:String = "flashvars"

The result format "flashvars" specifies that the value returned is text containing name=value pairs separated by ampersands, which is parsed into an ActionScript object.

public static const RESULT_FORMAT_OBJECT:String = "object"

The result format "object" specifies that the value returned is XML but is parsed as a tree of ActionScript objects. This is the default.

public static const RESULT_FORMAT_TEXT:String = "text"

The result format "text" specifies that the HTTPService result text should be an unprocessed String.

public static const RESULT_FORMAT_XML:String = "xml"

The result format "xml" specifies that results should be returned as an flash.xml.XMLNode instance pointing to the first child of the parent flash.xml.XMLDocument.