The mx.skins.halo package contains the classes used to skin Flex user-interface controls.

 AccordionHeaderSkin The skin for all the states of an AccordionHeader in an Accordion.
 ActivatorSkin Defines the up, down, and over states for MenuBarItem objects.
 AdvancedDataGridHeaderHorizontalSeparator The skin for the separator between column headers in an AdvancedDataGrid control.
 ApplicationBackground The skin for application background gradient.
 ApplicationTitleBarBackgroundSkin AIR-only The skin for the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
 BrokenImageBorderSkin The skin for the border of a SWFLoader or Image component when the content could not be loaded.
 BusyCursor Defines the appearance of the cursor that appears while an operation is taking place.
 ButtonBarButtonSkin The skin for all the states of the ButtonBarButtons in a ButtonBar.
 ButtonSkin The skin for all the states of a Button.
 CheckBoxIcon The skin for all the states of the icon in a CheckBox.
 ColorPickerSkin The skin for all the states of a ColorPicker.
 ComboBoxArrowSkin The skin for all the states of the button in a ComboBox.
 DataGridColumnDropIndicator The skin for the column drop indicator in a DataGrid.
 DataGridColumnResizeSkin The skin for the column resizer in a DataGrid.
 DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin The skin for the background of the column headers in a DataGrid control.
 DataGridHeaderSeparator The skin for the separator between column headers in a DataGrid.
 DataGridSortArrow The skin for the sort arrow in a column header in a DataGrid.
 DateChooserIndicator The skins of the DateChooser's indicators for displaying today, rollover and selected dates.
 DateChooserMonthArrowSkin The skin for all the states of the next-month and previous-month buttons in a DateChooser.
 DateChooserYearArrowSkin The skin for all the states of the next-year and previous-year buttons in a DateChooser.
 DefaultDragImage The default drag proxy image for a drag and drop operation.
 HaloBorder Defines the appearance of the default border for the Halo theme.
 HaloColors Defines the colors used by components that support the Halo theme.
 HaloFocusRect Defines the skin for the focus indicator.
 LinkButtonSkin The skin for all the states of a LinkButton.
 LinkSeparator The skin for the separator between the Links in a LinkBar.
 ListDropIndicator The skin for the drop indicator of a list-based control.
 MenuBarBackgroundSkin The skin for the background of a MenuBar.
 NumericStepperDownSkin The skin for all the states of the down button in a NumericStepper.
 NumericStepperUpSkin The skin for all the states of the up button in a NumericStepper.
 PanelSkin The PanelSkin class defines the skin for the Panel, TitleWindow, and Alert components.
 PopUpButtonSkin The skin for all the states of a PopUpButton.
 PopUpIcon The skin for all the states of the icon in a PopUpButton.
 PopUpMenuIcon The skin for all the states of the icon in a PopUpMenuButton.
 ProgressBarSkin The skin for a ProgressBar.
 ProgressIndeterminateSkin The skin for the indeterminate state of a ProgressBar.
 ProgressMaskSkin The skin for the mask of the ProgressBar's determinate and indeterminate bars.
 ProgressTrackSkin The skin for the track in a ProgressBar.
 RadioButtonIcon The skin for all the states of the icon in a RadioButton.
 ScrollArrowSkin The skin for all the states of the up or down button in a ScrollBar.
 ScrollThumbSkin The skin for all the states of the thumb in a ScrollBar.
 ScrollTrackSkin The skin for the track in a ScrollBar.
 SliderHighlightSkin The skin for the highlighted state of the track of a Slider.
 SliderThumbSkin The skin for all the states of a thumb in a Slider.
 SliderTrackSkin The skin for the track in a Slider.
 StatusBarBackgroundSkin AIR-only The skin for the StatusBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
 SwatchPanelSkin The skin for the border of a SwatchPanel.
 SwatchSkin The skin used for all color swatches in a ColorPicker.
 TabSkin The skin for all the states of a Tab in a TabNavigator or TabBar.
 TitleBackground The skin for a title bar area of a Panel.
 ToolTipBorder The skin for a ToolTip.
 WindowBackground AIR-only The skin for a Window component's background gradient.
 WindowCloseButtonSkin AIR-only The skin for the close button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
 WindowMaximizeButtonSkin AIR-only The skin for the maximize button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
 WindowMinimizeButtonSkin AIR-only The skin for the minimize button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
 WindowRestoreButtonSkin AIR-only The skin for the restore button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.