The SQLError class represents various errors that can occur while working with an Adobe AIR local SQL database. For any given exception, the SQLError instance has a details property containing an English error message. In addition, each error message has an associated unique identifier that is available in the SQLError object's detailID property. Using the detailID property, an application can identify the specific details error message. The application can provide alternate text for the end user in the language of his or her locale. The argument values in the detailArguments array can be substituted in the appropriate position in the error message string. This is useful for applications that wish to display the details property error message for an error directly to end users in a specific locale.

The following table contains a list of the detailID values and the associated English error message text. Placeholder text in the messages indicates where detailArguments values are substituted in by the runtime. This list can be used as a source for localizing the error messages that can occur in SQL database operations.

SQLError detailID English error detail message and parameters
1001 Connection closed.
1002 Database must be open to perform this operation.
1003 %s [,|and %s] parameter name(s) found in parameters property but not in the SQL specified.
1004 Mismatch in parameter count. Found %d in SQL specified and %d value(s) set in parameters property.
Expecting values for %s [,|and %s].
1005 Auto compact could not be turned on.
1006 The pageSize value could not be set.
1007 The schema object with name '%s' of type '%s' in database '%s' was not found.
1008 The schema object with name '%s' in database '%s' was not found.
1009 No schema objects with type '%s' in database '%s' were found.
1010 No schema objects in database '%s' were found.
2001 parser stack overflow
2002 too many arguments on function '%s'
2003 near '%s': syntax error
2004 there is already another table or index with this name: '%s'
2005 PRAGMA is not allowed in SQL.
2006 not a writable directory
2007 unknown or unsupported join type: '%s %s %s'
2008 RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOINs are not currently supported
2009 a NATURAL join may not have an ON or USING clause
2010 cannot have both ON and USING clauses in the same join
2011 cannot join using column '%s' - column not present in both tables
2012 only a single result allowed for a SELECT that is part of an expression
2013 no such table: '[%s.]%s'
2014 no tables specified
2015 too many columns in result set|too many columns on '%s'
2016 %s ORDER|GROUP BY term out of range - should be between 1 and %d
2017 too many terms in ORDER BY clause
2018 %s ORDER BY term out of range - should be between 1 and %d
2019 %r ORDER BY term does not match any column in the result set
2020 ORDER BY clause should come after '%s' not before
2021 LIMIT clause should come after '%s' not before
2022 SELECTs to the left and right of '%s' do not have the same number of result columns
2023 a GROUP BY clause is required before HAVING
2024 aggregate functions are not allowed in the GROUP BY clause
2025 DISTINCT in aggregate must be followed by an expression
2026 too many terms in compound SELECT
2027 too many terms in ORDER|GROUP BY clause
2028 temporary trigger may not have qualified name
2030 trigger '%s' already exists
2032 cannot create BEFORE|AFTER trigger on view: '%s'
2033 cannot create INSTEAD OF trigger on table: '%s'
2034 no such trigger: '%s'
2035 recursive triggers not supported ('%s')
2036 no such column: %s[.%s[.%s]]
2037 VACUUM is not allowed from SQL.
2043 table '%s': indexing function returned an invalid plan
2044 at most %d tables in a join
2046 Cannot add a PRIMARY KEY column
2047 Cannot add a UNIQUE column
2048 Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL
2049 Cannot add a column with non-constant default
2050 Cannot add a column to a view
2051 ANALYZE is not allowed in SQL.
2052 invalid name: '%s'
2053 ATTACH is not allowed from SQL.
2054 %s '%s' cannot reference objects in database '%s'
2055 access to '[%s.]%s.%s' is prohibited
2056 not authorized
2058 no such view: '[%s.]%s'
2060 temporary table name must be unqualified
2061 table '%s' already exists
2062 there is already an index named: '%s'
2064 duplicate column name: '%s'
2065 table '%s' has more than one primary key
2066 AUTOINCREMENT is only allowed on an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
2067 no such collation sequence: '%s'
2068 parameters are not allowed in views
2069 view '%s' is circularly defined
2070 table '%s' may not be dropped
2071 use DROP VIEW to delete view '%s'
2072 use DROP TABLE to delete table '%s'
2073 foreign key on '%s' should reference only one column of table '%s'
2074 number of columns in foreign key does not match the number of columns in the referenced table
2075 unknown column '%s' in foreign key definition
2076 table '%s' may not be indexed
2077 views may not be indexed
2080 conflicting ON CONFLICT clauses specified
2081 no such index: '%s'
2082 index associated with UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint cannot be dropped
2083 BEGIN is not allowed in SQL.
2084 COMMIT is not allowed in SQL.
2085 ROLLBACK is not allowed in SQL.
2086 unable to open a temporary database file for storing temporary tables
2087 unable to identify the object to be reindexed
2088 table '%s' may not be modified
2089 cannot modify '%s' because it is a view
2090 variable number must be between ?0 and ?%d
2091 too many SQL variables
2092 misuse of aliased aggregate '%s'
2093 ambiguous column name: '[%s.[%s.]]%s'
2094 no such function: '%s'
2095 wrong number of arguments to function '%s'
2096 subqueries prohibited in CHECK constraints
2097 parameters prohibited in CHECK constraints
2098 Expression tree is too large (maximum depth %d)
2099 RAISE() may only be used within a trigger-program
2100 table '%s' has %d columns but %d values were supplied
2101 database schema is locked: '%s'
2102 statement too long
2103 Unable to delete/modify collation sequence due to active statements
2104 too many attached databases - max %d
2105 cannot ATTACH database within transaction
2106 database '%s' is already in use
2108 attached databases must use the same text encoding as main database
2200 out of memory
2201 unable to open database
2202 cannot DETACH database within transaction
2203 cannot detach database: '%s'
2204 database '%s' is locked
2205 Unable to acquire a read lock on the database
2206 [column|columns] '%s'[,'%s'] are not [unique|is] not unique
2207 malformed database schema
2208 unsupported file format
2209 unrecognized token: '%s'
2300 could not convert text value to numeric value.
2301 could not convert string value to date
2302 could not convert floating point value to integer without loss of data.
2303 cannot rollback transaction - SQL statements in progress
2304 cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress
2305 database table is locked: '%s'
2306 read-only table
2307 string or blob too big
2309 cannot open indexed column for writing
2400 cannot open value of type %s
2401 no such rowid: %s
2402 object name reserved for internal use: '%s'
2403 view '%s' may not be altered
2404 default value of column '%s' is not constant
2405 not authorized to use function '%s'
2406 misuse of aggregate function '%s'
2407 misuse of aggregate: '%s'
2408 no such database: '%s'
2409 table '%s' has no column named '%s'
2501 no such module: '%s'
2508 no such savepoint: '%s'
2510 cannot rollback - no transaction is active
2511 cannot commit - no transaction is active