This section describes the Flex packages.

 Top LevelThe top level contains the core ActionScript classes and global functions. 
 air.netThe package contains classes for network detection. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. 
 air.updateThe air.update package contains classes for updating AIR applications. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. 
 air.update.eventsThe package contains classes that define events used by the AIR application update framework. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. 
 com.adobe.fiber.runtime.libThe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib package contains the implementation classes for expression runtime functions. 
 com.adobe.fiber.servicesThe package contains the service interfaces. package contains the wrapper classes. 
 com.adobe.fiber.stylesThe com.adobe.fiber.styles package contains the style classes. 
 com.adobe.fiber.utilThe com.adobe.fiber.util package contains utility classes. 
 com.adobe.fiber.valueobjectsThe com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects package contains value object classes. 
 com.adobe.viewsourceThe com.adobe.viewsource package contains the classes that manage the view source operation. 
 flash.accessibilityThe flash.accessibility package contains classes for supporting accessibility in Flash content and applications. 
 flash.dataThe package contains classes used for working with Adobe AIR local SQL databases. 
 flash.desktopThe flash.desktop package contains classes used for copy-and-paste and drag-and-drop operations, as well as the Icon class, used to define system icons used by a file. This package is only available to content running in the Adobe Integrated Runtime. 
 flash.displayThe flash.display package contains the core classes that the Flash Player uses to build visual displays. 
 flash.errorsThe flash.errors package contains a set of commonly used error classes. 
 flash.eventsThe package supports the new DOM event model and includes the EventDispatcher base class. 
 flash.externalThe flash.external package contains the ExternalInterface class which can be used to communicate with the Flash Player's container. 
 flash.filesystemThe flash.filesystem package contains classes used in accessing the filesystem. This package is only available to content running in the Adobe Integrated Runtime. 
 flash.filtersThe flash.filters package contains classes for bitmap filter effects. 
 flash.geomThe flash.geom package contains geometry classes, such as points, rectangles and transformation matrixes, to support the BitmapData class and the bitmap caching feature. 
 flash.htmlThe flash.html package contains classes used for including HTML content in an AIR application. This package is only available to content running in the Adobe Integrated Runtime. 
 flash.mediaThe package contains classes for working with multimedia assets such as sound and video. 
 flash.netThe package contains classes for sending and receiving from the network, such as URL downloading and Flash Remoting. package contains classes for working with DRM-protected content. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. 
 flash.printingThe flash.printing package contains classes for printing Flash-based content. 
 flash.profilerThe flash.profiler package contains functions used for debugging and profiling ActionScript code. 
 flash.samplerThe flash.sampler package contains methods and classes for tracking procedure calls so that you can profile memory usage and optimize applications. 
 flash.securityThe package includes classes for validating XML signatures. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. 
 flash.systemThe flash.system package contains classes for accessing system-level functionality, such as security, multilanguage content, etc. 
 flash.textThe flash.text package contains classes for working with text fields, text formatting, text metrics, style sheets, and layout. 
 flash.text.engineThe FTE provides low-level support for sophisticated control of text metrics, formatting, and bi-directional text. While it can be used to create and manage simple text elements, the FTE is primarily designed as a foundation for developers to create text-handling components. 
 flash.uiThe flash.ui package contains user interface classes, such as classes for interacting with the mouse and keyboard. 
 flash.utilsThe flash.utils package contains utility classes, such as data structures like ByteArray. 
 flash.xmlThe flash.xml package contains Flash Player's legacy XML support, and other Flash Player-specific XML functionality. 
 flashx.textLayoutThe flashx.textLayout package contains the classes used for composing text.  
 flashx.textLayout.composeThe flashx.textLayout.compose package contains the classes used for breaking text into lines, and arranging lines in containers. 
 flashx.textLayout.containerThe flashx.textLayout.container package contains classes for displaying text in the Text Layout Framework. 
 flashx.textLayout.conversionThe flashx.textLayout.conversion package contains classes for importing text to or exporting text from a TextFlow object. 
 flashx.textLayout.editThe flashx.textLayout.edit package contains classes for editing text in the Text Layout Framework. 
 flashx.textLayout.elementsThe flashx.textLayout.elements package contains the core classes used for representing text content in the Text Layout Framework. 
 flashx.textLayout.eventsThe package contains event classes for the Text Layout Framework. 
 flashx.textLayout.factoryThe flashx.textLayout.factory package contains classes for composing and displaying read-only text in the Text Layout Framework. 
 flashx.textLayout.formatsThe flashx.textLayout.formats package contains classes used for representing text formatting in the Text Layout Framework. 
 flashx.textLayout.operationsThe flashx.textLayout.operations package contains classes for editing operations applied to the text in the Text Layout Framework. 
 flashx.textLayout.utilsThe flashx.textLayout.utils package contains utility classes for the Text Layout Framework. 
 flashx.undoThe flashx.undo package contains the classes that manage the history of editing operations. 
 mx.automationThe mx.automation package contains the automation interfaces. 
 mx.automation.delegates The mx.automation.delegates package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for Flex framework classes. 
 mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid The mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Flex AdvancedDataGrid control. 
 mx.automation.delegates.chartsThe mx.automation.delegates.charts package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the chart classes. 
 mx.automation.delegates.containersThe mx.automation.delegates.containers package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the container classes. 
 mx.automation.delegates.controlsThe mx.automation.delegates.controls package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the control classes. 
 mx.automation.delegates.coreThe mx.automation.delegates.core package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the core classes. 
 mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkitThe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit package contains classes that define the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the mx.flash package. 
 mx.automation.eventsThe package contains the automation event classes. 
 mx.bindingThe mx.binding package contains the interface for defining bindings. 
 mx.binding.utilsThe mx.binding.utils package contains the classes for creating binding watchers and for defining bindings in ActionScript. 
 mx.chartsThe mx.charts package contains the classes for Flex Charting. 
 mx.charts.chartClassesThe mx.charts.chartClasses package contains the base classes for the Flex charting components. 
 mx.charts.effectsThe mx.charts.effects package contains the effect classes for the Flex charting components. 
 mx.charts.effects.effectClassesThe mx.charts.effects.effectClasses package contains the effect instance classes for the Flex charting components. 
 mx.charts.eventsThe package contains the classes that define chart event objects. 
 mx.charts.renderersThe mx.charts.renderers package contains the item renderer classes for the Flex charting components. 
 mx.charts.seriesThe mx.charts.series package contains the series classes for the Flex charting components. 
 mx.charts.series.itemsThe mx.charts.series.items package contains the items series classes for the Flex charting components. 
 mx.charts.series.renderDataThe mx.charts.series.renderData package contains the data classes for the Flex charting components. 
 mx.charts.stylesThe mx.charts.styles package contains the default HALO styles for the chart controls.The mx.charts.styles package contains the HaloDefaults class that sets default styles for Flex charting components. 
 mx.collectionsThe mx.collections package contains the classes for the Flex collection components. 
 mx.collections.errorsThe mx.collections.errors package contains the error classes for the Flex collection components. 
 mx.containersThe mx.containers package contains the container classes. 
 mx.containers.accordionClassesThe mx.containers.accordionClasses package contains the classes used by the Accordion container. 
 mx.containers.dividedBoxClassesThe mx.containers.dividedBoxClasses package contains the classes used by the DividedBox container. 
 mx.containers.errorsThe mx.containers.errors package contains container error classes. 
 mx.containers.utilityClassesThe mx.containers.utilityClasses package contains utility classes used by the containers. 
 mx.controlsThe mx.controls package contains the Flex user-interface controls. 
 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClassesThe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses package contains the classes used by the AdvancedDataGrid control. 
 mx.controls.dataGridClassesThe mx.controls.dataGridClasses package contains the classes used by the DataGrid control. 
 mx.controls.listClassesThe mx.controls.listClasses package contains the classes used by the list-based controls. 
 mx.controls.menuClassesThe mx.controls.menuClasses package contains the classes used by the menu-based controls. 
 mx.controls.olapDataGridClassesThe mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses package contains the classes used by the OLAPDataGrid control. 
 mx.controls.scrollClassesThe mx.controls.scrollClasses package contains the classes used by controls that support scroll bars. 
 mx.controls.sliderClassesThe mx.controls.sliderClasses package contains the classes used by the Slider control. 
 mx.controls.textClassesThe mx.controls.textClasses package contains the classes used by the text-based controls. 
 mx.controls.treeClassesThe mx.controls.treeClasses package contains the classes used by the Tree control. 
 mx.controls.videoClassesThe mx.controls.videoClasses package contains the classes used by the VideoDisplay control. 
 mx.coreThe mx.core package contains the base classes and interfaces, such as UIComponent, used by Flex. 
 mx.core.windowClassesThe mx.core.windowClasses package contains the classes used by the WindowApplication component. 
 mx.dataThe package contains classes for working with LiveCycle Data Services. package contains the error classes used with LiveCycle Data Services. package contains the event classes used with LiveCycle Data Services. package contains the messages used with LiveCycle Data Services. package contains the classes for using the Data Management Service in MXML. package contains the utility classes for working with the Data Management Service. 
 mx.effectsThe mx.effects package contains the Factory classes to support behaviors. 
 mx.effects.easingThe mx.effects.easing package contains the easing classes used by effects. 
 mx.effects.effectClassesThe mx.effects.effectClasses package contains the effect implementation classes corresponding to the effect factory classes in the mx.effects package. 
 mx.eventsThe package contains the classes that define Flex event objects. 
 mx.filtersThe mx.filters package defines filter classes. 
 mx.flashThe mx.flash package contains the classes that define the Flex Component Kit for Flash CS3. 
 mx.formattersThe mx.formatters package contains the classes to support data formatting. 
 mx.geomThe mx.geom package contains geometry classes. 
 mx.graphicsThe package contains drawing classes. package contains classes to convert Bitmap images to other image formats. 
 mx.loggingThe mx.logging package contains the logging classes. 
 mx.logging.errorsThe mx.logging.errors package contains the error classes used by the logging components. 
 mx.logging.targetsThe mx.logging.targets package contains the target classes used by the logging components. 
 mx.managersThe mx.managers package contains the Flex manager classes, such as DragManager and HistoryManager. 
 mx.messagingThe mx.messaging package contains the messaging classes used with Data Services. 
 mx.messaging.channelsThe mx.messaging.channels package contains the messaging channel classes used with Data Services. 
 mx.messaging.configThe mx.messaging.config package contains the messaging configuration classes used with Data Services. 
 mx.messaging.errorsThe mx.messaging.errors package contains the messaging error classes used with Data Services. 
 mx.messaging.eventsThe package contains the messaging event classes used with Data Services. 
 mx.messaging.managementThe package contains the bean management classes used with Data Services. 
 mx.messaging.messagesThe mx.messaging.messages package contains the message classes used with Data Services. 
 mx.modulesThe mx.modules package contains the classes used to create modular Flex applications. 
 mx.netmonThe mx.netmon package contains the network monitor classes. 
 mx.olapThe mx.olap package contains the classes used to create the OLAP schemas and OLAP queries used by the OLAPDataGrid control. 
 mx.olap.aggregatorsThe mx.olap.aggregators package contains the classes used to create the aggregators used by the OLAPDataGrid control. 
 mx.preloadersThe mx.preloaders package contains the classes used by the download progress bar. 
 mx.printingThe mx.printing package contains the printing classes. 
 mx.resourcesThe mx.resources package contains the classes used to support localization. 
 mx.rpcThe mx.rpc package contains the RPC classes. 
 mx.rpc.eventsThe package contains the RPC event classes. 
 mx.rpc.httpThe mx.rpc.http package contains the HTTPService classes. 
 mx.rpc.http.mxmlThe mx.rpc.http.mxml package contains the HTTP service MXML classes. 
 mx.rpc.livecycleThe mx.rpc.livecycle package contains the utility classes for Live Cycle Data Services. 
 mx.rpc.mxmlThe mx.rpc.mxml package contains the RPC MXML interface. 
 mx.rpc.remotingThe mx.rpc.remoting package contains the remote object classes. 
 mx.rpc.remoting.mxmlThe mx.rpc.remoting.mxml package contains the remote object MXML classes. 
 mx.rpc.soapThe mx.rpc.soap package contains the web service classes. 
 mx.rpc.soap.mxmlThe mx.rpc.soap.mxml package contains the web service MXML class. 
 mx.rpc.wsdlThe mx.rpc.wsdl package contains the WSDL Binding class. 
 mx.rpc.xmlThe mx.rpc.xml package contains the RPC XML-related classes. 
 mx.skinsThe mx.skins package contains the classes that define the skinning components. 
 mx.skins.haloThe mx.skins.halo package contains the classes used to skin Halo components with Halo skins. 
 mx.skins.sparkThe mx.skins.spark package contains the classes used to skin Halo components with Spark skins. 
 mx.statesThe mx.states package contains the classes to support view states. 
 mx.stylesThe mx.styles package contains the classes used by the Flex styles components. 
 mx.utilsThe mx.utils package contains Flex utility classes. 
 mx.validatorsThe mx.validators package contains the classes to support data validation. 
 spark.componentsThe spark.components package contains the Spark component classes. 
 spark.components.mediaClassesThe spark.components.mediaClasses package contains media classes for the Spark components. 
 spark.components.supportClassesThe spark.components.supportClasses package contains support classes for the Spark components. 
 spark.components.windowClassesThe spark.components.windowClasses package contains the Spark AIR window classes. 
 spark.coreThe spark.core package contains the Spark core classes. 
 spark.effectsThe spark.effects package contains the Spark effect classes. 
 spark.effects.animationThe spark.effects.animation package contains the animation classes for the Spark effect classes. 
 spark.effects.easingThe spark.effects.easing package contains the easing classes for the Spark effect classes. 
 spark.effects.interpolationThe spark.effects.interpolation package contains the interpolation classes for the Spark effect classes. 
 spark.effects.supportClassesThe spark.effects.supportClasses package contains instance classes of the Spark effect classes. 
 spark.eventsThe package contains the Spark event classes. 
 spark.filtersThe spark.filters package contains the Spark filter classes. 
 spark.layoutsThe spark.layouts package contains the Spark layout classes. 
 spark.layouts.supportClassesThe spark.layouts.supportClasses package contains the support classes for the Spark layout classes. 
 spark.primitivesThe spark.primitives package contains the basic classes used by Spark components. 
 spark.primitives.supportClassesThe spark.primitives.supportClasses package contains the support classes for the Spark drawing classes. 
 spark.skinsThe spark.skins package contains the base classes used by Spark skin classes. 
 spark.skins.sparkThe spark.skins.spark package contains the classes used to skin Flex 4 components with Spark skins (the default). 
 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen package contains the full screen classes used to skin Flex 4 media components. 
 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normalThe spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal package contains the classes used to skin Flex 4 media components for normal size. 
 spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe spark.skins.spark.windowChrome package contains the classes used to skin the Spark Window and WindowedApplication components. 
 spark.utilsThe spark.utils package contains the Spark utility classes.