The following table describes the differences between ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0.

 ActionScript 2.0ActionScript 3.0Comments
  Compiler Directives
 #endinitclip RemovedThe #endinitclip directive identifies the end of initialization code in ActionScript 2.0, but has no use in ActionScript 3.0.
 #include RemovedSee the include statement for similar functionality.
 #initclip RemovedThe #initclip directive identifies the beginning of initialization code in ActionScript 2.0, but has no use in ActionScript 3.0.
 false falseThe value false, rather than undefined, is the default value of a Boolean object.
 NaN NaNThe value NaN, rather than undefined, is the default value of a Number object.
 newline RemovedUse the escape sequence composed of the backslash character followed by the character "n" (\n).
 null nullThe value null, rather than undefined, is the default value of the Object and String classes.
 undefined undefinedThe value undefined can be assigned only to untyped variables; it is not the default value of any typed object.
 Global Functions
 asfunction flash.text.TextField dispatches event: linkReplaced by the new event handling model. You now get the same functionality by using the syntax Event: instead of asfunction:. When a user clicks the link, Flash Player dispatches a TextEvent object of type TextEvent.LINK, which your code can listen for with the addEventListener() method. Any text that you decide to include is stored in the event object's text property.
 call() RemovedThe call() function was deprecated. Use the function statement for similar functionality.
 chr() RemovedUse String.fromCharCode() instead.
 clearInterval() flash.utils.clearInterval()Moved to flash.utils package.
 clearTimeout() flash.utils.clearTimeout()Moved to flash.utils package.
 duplicateMovieClip() flash.display.MovieClip.MovieClip()Replaced by new MovieClip class constructor function.
 eval() RemovedThere is no equivalent in ActionScript 3.0.
 fscommand() flash.system.fscommand()Moved to flash.system package. Also, see flash.external.ExternalInterface class for JavaScript/ActionScript communication.
 getProperty() RemovedTo directly access properties, use the dot (.) operator.
 getTimer() flash.utils.getTimer()Moved to flash.utils package.
 getURL() by the navigateToURL() function.
 getVersion() flash.system.Capabilities.versionMoved to Capabilities class and changed to accessor property.
 gotoAndPlay() flash.display.MovieClip.gotoAndPlay()This function is no longer a global function, but is still available as a method of the MovieClip class.
 gotoAndStop() flash.display.MovieClip.gotoAndStop()This function is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the MovieClip class.
 ifFrameLoaded() flash.display.MovieClip.framesLoaded 
 int() int()Resurrected from deprecated status as a conversion function for the new int data type.
 length() String.lengthThis property is no longer a global property, but it is still available as a property of the String class.
 loadMovie() flash.display.LoaderUse the Loader class instead.
 loadMovieNum() flash.display.LoaderUse the Loader class instead.
 loadVariables() the URLLoader class instead.
 loadVariablesNum() the URLLoader class instead.
 mbchr() String.fromCharCode()Removed. Use the static String.fromCharCode() method instead.
 mblength() String.lengthRemoved. Use String.length instead.
 mbord() String.charCodeAt()Removed. Use String.charCodeAt() instead.
 mbsubstring() String.substr()Removed. Use String.substr() instead.
 nextFrame() flash.display.MovieClip.nextFrame()This function is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the MovieClip class.
 nextScene() flash.display.MovieClip.nextScene()This function is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the MovieClip class.
 on() Use the new event handling system in the package instead.
 onClipEvent() Use the new event handling system in the package instead.
 ord() StringRemoved. Use String class methods instead.
 parseInt() parseInt()A string with a leading 0 is interpreted as decimal rather than octal. For octal numbers, pass the number 8 for the radix parameter.
 play() function is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the MovieClip class.
 prevFrame() flash.display.MovieClip.prevFrame()This function is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the MovieClip class.
 prevScene() flash.display.MovieClip.prevScene()This function is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the MovieClip class.
 print() flash.printing.PrintJobRemoved. Use the PrintJob class instead.
 printAsBitmap() flash.printing.PrintJobRemoved. Use the PrintJob class instead.
 printAsBitmapNum() flash.printing.PrintJobRemoved. Use the PrintJob class instead.
 printNum() flash.printing.PrintJobRemoved. Use the PrintJob class instead.
 random() Math.random()Removed. Use Math.random() instead.
 removeMovieClip() RemovedSet all references to a movie clip to null to make the movie clip eligible for garbage collection.
 setInterval() flash.utils.setInterval()Moved to flash.utils package. Consider using the Timer class instead.
 setProperty() RemovedTo set the value of a writable property, use the dot (.) operator.
 setTimeout() flash.utils.setTimeout()Moved to flash.utils package.
 showRedrawRegions() flash.profiler.showRedrawRegions()Moved to flash.profiler package.
 startDrag() flash.display.Sprite.startDrag()This is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the Sprite class.
 stop() flash.display.MovieClip.stop()This is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the MovieClip class.
 stopAllSounds() is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the SoundMixer class, which provides global sound control.
 stopDrag() flash.display.Sprite.stopDrag()This is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the Sprite class.
 substring() String.substring()This is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the String class.
 targetPath() RemovedActionScript 3.0 identifies display objects directly; therefore, identifying a display object by its path is no longer necessary.
 tellTarget() RemovedUse the dot (.) operator or the with statement instead.
 toggleHighQuality() flash.display.Stage.qualityRemoved as a global property. Use the Stage class version instead.
 trace() trace()The trace() method accepts a comma-delimited list of arguments.
 unloadMovie() flash.display.Loader.unload()Removed. Use Loader.unload() instead.
 unloadMovieNum() flash.display.Loader.unload()Removed. Use Loader.unload() instead.
 updateAfterEvent() is no longer a global function, but it is still available as a method of the TimerEvent, MouseEvent, and KeyboardEvent classes.
 Global Properties Global Properties
 _accProps flash.accessibility.AccessibilityPropertiesReplaced by the AccessibilityProperties class.
 _focusrect flash.display.InteractiveObject.focusRectReplaced by the focusRect property of the InteractiveObject class.
 _global RemovedUse a static member of a class instead.
 _highquality flash.display.Stage.qualityReplaced by the quality property of the Stage class.
 _level RemovedThe concept of levels does not exist in ActionScript 3.0, which instead provides direct access to the display list. See the flash.display package for details.
 maxscroll flash.text.TextFieldReplaced by the maxScrollH and maxScrollV properties of the TextField class.
 _parent flash.display.DisplayObject.parentReplaced by the parent property of the DisplayObject class.
 _quality flash.display.Stage.qualityReplaced by the quality property of the Stage class.
 _root flash.display.DisplayObject.stageRemoved. The closest equivalent is the Stage, which serves as the root of the ActionScript 3.0 display list.
 scroll flash.text.TextFieldRemoved. Replaced by the scrollH and scrollV properties of the TextField class.
 _soundbuftime by the bufferTime property of the SoundMixer class.
 this thisInstance methods are bound to the instance that implemented the method; therefore, the this reference inside the body of an instance method always refers to the instance that implemented the method.
 add (concatenation (strings))RemovedUse the concatenation (+) operator instead.
 eq (equality (strings))RemovedUse the equality (==) operator instead.
 gt (greater than (strings))RemovedUse the greater than (>) operator instead.
 ge (greater than or equal to (strings))RemovedUse the greater than or equal to (>=) operator instead.
 <> (inequality)RemovedUse the inequality (!=) operator instead.
 instanceofisAlthough the instanceof operator is available, it only checks the prototype chain, which is not the primary inheritance mechanism in ActionScript 3.0. Use the is operator to check whether an object is a member of a specific data type.
 lt (less than (strings))RemovedUse the less than (<) operator instead.
 le (less than or equal to (strings))RemovedUse the less than or equal to (<=) operator instead.
 and (logical AND)RemovedUse the logical AND (&&) operator instead.
 not (logical NOT)RemovedUse the logical NOT (!) operator instead.
 or (logical OR)RemovedUse the logical OR (||) operator instead.
 ne (not equal (strings))RemovedUse the inequality (!=) operator instead.
 deletedeleteThe delete operator works only on properties of objects, but not on variables that hold references to objects.
 importimportThe import statement is not optional. To use a class, you must import it, whether or not you use a fully qualified name.
 intrinsicRemovedActionScript 3.0 has a similar, but not identical, keyword named native. The native keyword is similar to intrinsic in that it directs the compiler not to expect a function body, but is dissimilar in that native has no effect on compile-time type checking.
 privateprivateThe ActionScript 3.0 private keyword specifies that an identifier is visible only within a class, and does not extend to subclasses. Moreover, in ActionScript 3.0 the private keyword is enforced at both compile time and run time.
 set variableRemovedUse the assignment (=) operator instead.
 supersuperIn ActionScript 3.0, the call to super() in a subclass constructor does not have to be the first statement in the constructor body.
 Accessibility (class)flash.accessibility.Accessibility 
 isActive() Method flash.accessibility.Accessibility.activeChanged from function to accessor property. Name changed from isActive to active.
 updateProperties() Method flash.accessibility.Accessibility.updateProperties() 
 arguments (class)arguments 
 caller Property RemovedYou can achieve the same functionality by passing arguments.callee from the caller function as an argument to the callee function. See the Examples section of arguments.callee for an example.
 Array (class) 
 CASEINSENSITIVE Constant Array.CASEINSENSITIVEData type changed to uint.
 DESCENDING Constant Array.DESCENDINGData type changed to uint.
 length Property Array.lengthData type changed to uint.
 NUMERIC Constant Array.NUMERICData type changed to uint.
 RETURNINDEXEDARRAY Constant Array.RETURNINDEXEDARRAYData type changed to uint.
 UNIQUESORT Constant Array.UNIQUESORTData type changed to uint.
 Array Constructor Array.Array()Parameter changed to use the ...(rest) parameter format.
 push() Method Array.push()Parameter changed to use the ...(rest) parameter format.
 sort() Method Array.sort()Data type of the options parameter changed to uint.
 sortOn() Method Array.sortOn()Data type of the options parameter changed to uint. The ActionScript 3.0 version also has added functionality; you can now sort on more than one field name by passing an array of objects for the fieldName parameter, and each sort field can have its own matching options parameter if you also pass in a matching array of options flags for the options parameter.
 splice() Method Array.splice()The parameters can have any data type, but the preferred data types are int and uint. The value parameter changed to the ...(rest) parameter format.
 unshift() Method Array.unshift()The value parameter changed to the ...(rest) format. Data type of the return value changed to uint.
 AsBroadcaster (class) 
 _listeners Property[read-only] a direct equivalent. The willTrigger() method tells you whether any listeners are registered, but not how many.
 addListener() Method a direct equivalent, because the ActionScript 3.0 event model lets you add event listeners to any object in the event flow, not just to the broadcasting object.
 broadcastMessage() Method a direct equivalent, because the ActionScript 3.0 event model works differently. The dispatchEvent() method dispatches an event object into the event flow, while the broadcastMessage() method sends messages directly to each registered listener object.
 initialize() Method RemovedThere is no direct equivalent in ActionScript 3.0, but similar functionality is achieved by subclassing the EventDispatcher class. For example, the DisplayObject class extends EventDispatcher, so all instances of the DisplayObject and DisplayObject subclasses are capable of sending and receiving event objects.
 removeListener() Method a direct equivalent, because the ActionScript 3.0 event model lets you add event listeners to and remove them from any object in the event flow, not just the broadcasting object.
 BitmapData (class)flash.display.BitmapDataActionScript 3.0 uses the BitmapDataChannel class as an enumeration of constants that indicate which channel to use.
 height Property[read-only] flash.display.BitmapData.heightData type changed from Number to int.
 rectangle Property[read-only] flash.display.BitmapData.rectProperty renamed for consistency with other members of the API.
 width Property[read-only] flash.display.BitmapData.widthData type changed from Number to int.
 copyChannel() Method flash.display.BitmapData.copyChannel()The sourceChannel and destChannel parameters are now uint data types.
 draw() Method flash.display.BitmapData.draw()The source parameter is now IBitmapDrawable; DisplayObject and BitmapData both implement the IBitmapDrawable interface, so you can pass either a DisplayObject or a BitmapData object to the source parameter.
 fillRect() Method flash.display.BitmapData.fillRect()The color parameter is now a uint value.
 floodFill() Method flash.display.BitmapData.floodFill()Now accepts int values for the x and y parameters and a uint value for color.
 getColorBoundsRect() Method flash.display.BitmapData.getColorBoundsRect()Now accepts uint values for the mask and color parameters.
 getPixel() Method flash.display.BitmapData.getPixel()Now accepts int parameter values and returns a uint value.
 getPixel32() Method flash.display.BitmapData.getPixel32()Now accepts int parameter values and returns a uint value.
 hitTest() Method flash.display.BitmapData.hitTest()Now accepts uint values for the firstAlphaThreshold and secondAlphaThreshold parameters.
 loadBitmap() Method RemovedThis function is no longer needed because of the new bitmap support in ActionScript 3.0.
 merge() Method flash.display.BitmapData.merge()Now accepts uint values for the multiplier parameters.
 noise() Method flash.display.BitmapData.noise()Now accepts an int value for the randomSeed parameter and uint values for the low, high, and channelOptions parameters.
 perlinNoise() Method flash.display.BitmapData.perlinNoise()Now accepts an int value for the randomSeed parameter and uint values for the numOctaves and channelOptions parameters.
 pixelDissolve() Method flash.display.BitmapData.pixelDissolve()Now accepts an int value for the randomSeed and numPixels parameters and a uint value for the fillColor parameter. (The numPixels parameter is named numberOfPixels in ActionScript 2.0.)
 scroll() Method flash.display.BitmapData.scroll()Now accepts int values for the x and y parameters.
 setPixel() Method flash.display.BitmapData.setPixel()Now accepts int values for the x and y parameters and a uint value for color.
 setPixel32() Method flash.display.BitmapData.setPixel32()Now accepts int values for the x and y parameters and a unit value for color.
 threshold() Method flash.display.BitmapData.threshold()Now accepts uint values for the threshold, color, and mask parameters, and returns a uint value.
 BlurFilter (class) 
 quality Property flash.filters.BlurFilter.qualityThe quality property data type changed from a Number to uint.
 Button (class)flash.display.SimpleButton 
 _alpha Property flash.display.DisplayObject.alpha 
 blendMode Property flash.display.DisplayObject.blendMode 
 cacheAsBitmap Property flash.display.DisplayObject.cacheAsBitmap 
 enabled Property flash.display.SimpleButton.enabled 
 filters Property flash.display.DisplayObject.filtersIn ActionScript 3.0, the data type is Array.
 _focusrect Property flash.display.InteractiveObject.focusRect 
 _height Property flash.display.DisplayObject.height 
 _highquality Property RemovedSee Stage.quality.
 _name Property 
 _parent Property flash.display.DisplayObject.parent 
 _quality Property RemovedYou can set rendering quality for all display objects by using flash.display.Stage.quality.
 _rotation Property flash.display.DisplayObject.rotation 
 scale9Grid Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scale9Grid 
 _soundbuftime Property to the SoundMixer class, which is used for global sound control. Renamed without abbreviations. Removed the initial underscore from the name.
 tabEnabled Property flash.display.InteractiveObject.tabEnabled 
 tabIndex Property flash.display.InteractiveObject.tabIndex 
 _target Property[read-only] RemovedActionScript 3.0 identifies display objects directly; therefore, identifying a display object by its path is no longer necessary.
 trackAsMenu Property flash.display.SimpleButton.trackAsMenu 
 _url Property[read-only] RemovedSee DisplayObject.loaderInfo.url.
 useHandCursor Property flash.display.SimpleButton.useHandCursor 
 _visible Property flash.display.DisplayObject.visible 
 _width Property flash.display.DisplayObject.width 
 _x Property flash.display.DisplayObject.x 
 _xmouse Property[read-only] flash.display.DisplayObject.mouseX 
 _xscale Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scaleX 
 _y Property flash.display.DisplayObject.y 
 _ymouse Property[read-only] flash.display.DisplayObject.mouseY 
 _yscale Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scaleY 
 getDepth() Method flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer.getChildIndex()ActionScript 3.0 provides direct access to the display list, so depth is handled differently.
 onDragOut() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseOutReplaced in the new event model by a mouseOut event.
 onDragOver() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseOverReplaced in the new event model by a mouseOver event.
 onKeyDown() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: keyDownReplaced in the new event model by a keyDown event.
 onKeyUp() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: keyUpReplaced in the new event model by a keyUp event.
 onKillFocus() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: focusOutReplaced in the new event model by a focusOut event.
 onPress() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseDownReplaced in the new event model by a mouseDown event.
 onRelease() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseUpReplaced in the new event model by a mouseUp event.
 onReleaseOutside() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseUpReplaced in the new event model by a mouseUp event.
 onRollOut() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseOutReplaced in the new event model by a mouseOut event.
 onRollOver() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseOverReplaced in the new event model by a mouseOver event.
 onSetFocus() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: focusInReplaced in the new event model by a focusIn event.
 Camera (class) 
 activityLevel Property[read-only] 
 bandwidth Property[read-only] 
 currentFps Property[read-only] in capitalization of FPS.
 fps Property[read-only] 
 height Property[read-only] type changed from Number to int.
 index Property[read-only] type changed from String to int.
 motionLevel Property[read-only] type changed from Number to int.
 motionTimeOut Property[read-only] type changed from Number to int.
 muted Property[read-only] 
 name Property[read-only] 
 names Property[read-only] 
 quality Property[read-only] type changed from Number to int.
 width Property[read-only] type changed from Number to int.
 get() Method 
 onActivity() EventHandler 
 onStatus() EventHandler dispatches event: statusReplaced in the new event model by a status StatusEvent object.
 setMode() Method width and height parameters changed to data type int.
 setMotionLevel() Method parameters changed to data type int.
 setQuality() Method parameters changed to data type int.
 capabilities (class)flash.system.CapabilitiesThe class name changed from lowercase to initial capitalization.
 Color (class)flash.geom.ColorTransformThe Color class has been removed because all of its functionality can be achieved with the flash.geom.ColorTransform class. Color values can be assigned directly by using the ColorTransform class constructor or properties. ColorTransform objects can then be assigned to the colorTransform property of a Transform object, which in turn can be assigned to the transform property of a DisplayObject instance.
 Color Constructor flash.geom.ColorTransform.ColorTransform()Removed. You can specify color values by using the ColorTransform() constructor.
 getRGB() Method flash.geom.ColorTransform.colorThe RGB color value can be accessed by using the color accessor property of the ColorTransform class.
 getTransform() Method RemovedColor values can be assigned directly by using the ColorTransform() class constructor or properties.
 setRGB() Method flash.geom.ColorTransform.colorThe RGB color value can be set by using the color accessor property of the ColorTransform class.
 setTransform() Method RemovedColor values can be assigned directly by using the ColorTransform() class constructor or properties.
 ContextMenu (class)flash.ui.ContextMenuThe ContextMenu class is now part of the flash.ui package.
 builtInItems Property flash.ui.ContextMenu.builtInItems 
 customItems Property flash.ui.ContextMenu.customItems 
 ContextMenu Constructor flash.ui.ContextMenu.ContextMenu() 
 copy() Method flash.ui.ContextMenu.clone() 
 hideBuiltInItems() Method flash.ui.ContextMenu.hideBuiltInItems() 
 onSelect() EventHandler flash.ui.ContextMenu dispatches event: menuSelectInstead of invoking the onSelect() event handler, the ActionScript 3.0 class dispatches a menuSelect event.
 ContextMenuItem (class)flash.ui.ContextMenuItemThe ContextMenuItem class is now part of the flash.ui package.
 caption Property flash.ui.ContextMenuItem.caption 
 enabled Property flash.ui.ContextMenuItem.enabled 
 separatorBefore Property flash.ui.ContextMenuItem.separatorBefore 
 visible Property flash.ui.ContextMenuItem.visible 
 ContextMenuItem Constructor flash.ui.ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItem() 
 copy() Method flash.ui.ContextMenuItem.clone() 
 onSelect() EventHandler flash.ui.ContextMenuItem dispatches event: menuItemSelectInstead of invoking the onSelect() event handler, the ActionScript 3.0 class dispatches a menuSelect event.
 ConvolutionFilter (class) 
 clone() Method flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter.clone()Now returns a BitmapFilter object.
 Date (class)DateActionScript 3.0 includes a new set of read accessors for all the methods that start with getxxx(). For example, in ActionScript 3.0, Date.getDate() and return the same value.
 getUTCYear() Method Date.getUTCFullYear()This method was removed because it is not part of ECMAScript. Use Date.getUTCFullYear() instead.
 getYear() Method Date.getFullYear()This method was removed because it is not part of ECMAScript. Use Date.getFullYear() instead.
 setYear() Method Date.setFullYear()This method was removed because it is not part of ECMAScript. Use Date.setFullYear() instead.
 DisplacementMapFilter (class)flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilterThe data type of several parameters changed from Number to uint.
 color Property flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter.colorThe data type of this parameter is now uint.
 componentX Property flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter.componentXThe data type of this parameter is now uint.
 componentY Property flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter.componentYThe data type of this parameter is now uint.
 DisplacementMapFilter Constructor flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter.DisplacementMapFilter()The data type of the componentX, componentY, and color parameters is now uint.
 clone() Method flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter.clone()Now returns a BitmapFilter object.
 DropShadowFilter (class)flash.filters.DropShadowFilter 
 color Property flash.filters.DropShadowFilter.colorThe data type of this parameter changed from Number to uint.
 quality Property flash.filters.DropShadowFilter.qualityThe data type of this parameter changed from Number to uint.
 DropShadowFilter Constructor flash.filters.DropShadowFilter.DropShadowFilter()All parameters now have a default value, and some parameter types have changed.
 clone() Method flash.filters.DropShadowFilter.clone()Now returns a BitmapFilter object instead of a DropShadowFilter object.
 Error (class)ErrorAdded a new getStackTrace() method to assist in debugging.
 ExternalInterface (class)flash.external.ExternalInterfaceParameters changed for two methods in this class.
 addCallback() Method flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback()The ActionScript 3.0 version of this method does not accept the instance parameter. The method parameter is replaced by a closure parameter, which can take a reference to a function, a class method, or a method of a particular class instance. In addition, if the calling code cannot access the closure reference for security reasons, a SecurityError exception is thrown.
 call() Method a problem occurs, the ActionScript 3.0 version of this method throws an Error or SecurityError exception, in addition to returning null.
 FileReference (class) ActionScript 3.0 version inherits the addEventListener() and removeEventListener() methods from the EventDispatcher class. Dispatched events replace the event handler functions.
 postData Property postData property is added to ActionScript 2.0 in Flash Player 9 to send POST data with the file upload or download. In ActionScript 3.0, use the data property of the URLRequest class to send either POST or GET data. See in this language reference for details.
 size Property[read-only] a uint data type instead of a Number data type.
 addListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific addListener() method, because the class inherits the addEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 browse() Method ActionScript 2.0, returns false when there is an error. In ActionScript 3.0, throws an IllegalOperationError or ArgumentError exception. However, the method still returns false if the parameters are invalid, the file-browsing dialog box does not open, or another browser session is in progress. Also, the typelist parameter changed. In ActionScript 2.0, you can pass the browse() method an array of strings to specify a file filter. In ActionScript 3.0, you pass an array of FileFilter objects.
 download() Method an error occurs, throws exceptions instead of returning false. The data type for the first parameter has changed. In ActionScript 2.0, the first parameter you pass to download() is a string. In ActionScript 3.0, you pass a URLRequest object.
 removeListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific removeListener() method, because the class inherits the removeEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 upload() Method changes have occurred:
  • The data type for the first parameter has changed. In ActionScript 2.0, the first parameter you pass to upload() is a string. In ActionScript 3.0, you pass a URLRequest object.
  • In ActionScript 3.0, there is a new second parameter, uploadDataFieldName, which is the field name that precedes the file data in the upload POST operation.
  • In ActionScript 3.0, there is a new third parameter, testUpload, that lets you control whether Flash Player performs a test upload before uploading the file.
  • When an error occurs, browse() throws exceptions instead of returning false.
 onCancel Listener dispatches event: cancelIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onCancel() event handler, this class dispatches an event named cancel.
 onComplete Listener dispatches event: completeIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onComplete() event handler, this class dispatches an event named complete.
 onHTTPError Listener dispatches event: httpStatusIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onHTTPError() event handler, this class dispatches an event named httpStatus.
 onIOError Listener dispatches event: ioErrorIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onIOError() event handler, this class dispatches an event named ioError.
 onOpen Listener dispatches event: openIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onOpen() event handler, this class dispatches an event named open.
 onProgress Listener dispatches event: progressIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onProgress() event handler, this class dispatches an event named progress.
 onSecurityError Listener dispatches event: securityErrorIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onSecurityError() event handler, this class dispatches an event named securityError.
 onSelect Listener dispatches event: selectIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onSelect() event handler, this class dispatches an event named select.
 onUploadCompleteData dispatches event: completeIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onUploadCompleteData() event handler, this class dispatches an event named uploadCompleteData.
 FileReferenceList (class) ActionScript 3.0 class inherits the addEventListener() and removeEventListener() methods from the EventDispatcher class. Instead of the onCancel() and onSelect() event handlers, the ActionScript 3.0 class uses events named cancel and select.
 addListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific addListener() method, because the class inherits the addEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 browse() Method ActionScript 3.0, instead of returning false when there is an error, this method throws an IllegalOperationError exception. Also, the typelist parameter changed. In ActionScript 2.0, you can pass the browse() method an array of strings to specify a file filter. In ActionScript 3.0, you pass an array of FileFilter objects.
 removeListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific removeListener() method, because the class inherits the removeEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 onCancel Listener dispatches event: cancelIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onCancel() event handler, this class dispatches an event named cancel.
 onSelect Listener dispatches event: selectIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onSelect() event handler, this class dispatches an event named select.
 GlowFilter (class)flash.filters.GlowFilterThe data type of several properties changed from Number to unit.
 color Property flash.filters.GlowFilter.colorThe data type of this property changed from Number to unit.
 quality Property flash.filters.GlowFilter.qualityThe data type of this property changed from Number to unit.
 GlowFilter Constructor flash.filters.GlowFilter.GlowFilter()The color and quality parameters are now uint and int data types, respectively, instead of Number. All parameters are now assigned a default value.
 clone() Method flash.filters.GlowFilter.clone()Returns a BitmapFilter object instead of a GlowFilter object.
 GradientBevelFilter (class)flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter 
 quality Property flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter.qualityThe data type of this property changed from Number to int.
 clone() Method flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter.clone()Returns a BitmapFilter object instead of a GradientBevelFilter object.
 GradientGlowFilter (class)flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter 
 quality Property flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter.qualityThe data type of this property changed from Number to int.
 GradientGlowFilter Constructor flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter.GradientGlowFilter()Default values added to all parameters and the data type of the quality parameter changed from Number to int.
 clone() Method flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter.clone()Returns a BitmapFilter object instead of a GradientGlowFilter object.
 IME (class)flash.system.IMEThis class has been moved to the flash.system package.
 ALPHANUMERIC_FULL Constant flash.system.IMEConversionMode.ALPHANUMERIC_FULL 
 ALPHANUMERIC_HALF Constant flash.system.IMEConversionMode.ALPHANUMERIC_HALF 
 CHINESE Constant flash.system.IMEConversionMode.CHINESE 
 JAPANESE_HIRAGANA Constant flash.system.IMEConversionMode.JAPANESE_HIRAGANA 
 KOREAN Constant flash.system.IMEConversionMode.KOREAN 
 UNKNOWN Constant flash.system.IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN 
 addListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific addListener() method, because the class inherits the addEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 getConversionMode() Method flash.system.IME.conversionModeChanged to an accessor property.
 getEnabled() Method flash.system.IME.enabledChanged to an accessor property.
 removeListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific removeListener() method, because the class inherits the removeEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 setConversionMode() Method flash.system.IME.conversionModeChanged to an accessor property.
 setEnabled() Method flash.system.IME.enabledChanged to an accessor property.
 onIMEComposition Listener flash.system.IME dispatches event: imeCompositionIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onIMEComposition() event handler, this class dispatches an event named imeComposition.
 Key (class)flash.ui.KeyboardThis class has a new name in ActionScript 3.0 to match other classes that pertain to the Keyboard class, such as KeyboardEvent.
 BACKSPACE Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.BACKSPACEDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to unit.
 CAPSLOCK Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.CAPS_LOCKDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0, underscore added, and data type changed to uint.
 CONTROL Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.CONTROLDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 DELETEKEY Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.DELETEName changed to DELETE in ActionScript 3.0, declared as a constant, and data type changed to uint.
 DOWN Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.DOWNDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 END Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.ENDDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 ENTER Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.ENTERDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 ESCAPE Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.ESCAPEDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 HOME Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.HOMEDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 INSERT Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.INSERTDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 LEFT Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.LEFTDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 _listeners Property[read-only] a direct equivalent. The willTrigger() method tells you whether any listeners are registered, but not how many.
 PGDN Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.PAGE_DOWNName changed to PAGE_DOWN in ActionScript 3.0, declared as a constant, and data type changed to uint.
 PGUP Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.PAGE_UPName changed to PAGE_UP in ActionScript 3.0, declared as a constant, and data type changed to uint.
 RIGHT Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.RIGHTDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 SHIFT Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.SHIFTDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 SPACE Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.SPACEDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 TAB Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.TABDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 UP Constant flash.ui.Keyboard.UPDeclared as a constant in ActionScript 3.0 and data type changed to uint.
 addListener() Method ActionScript 3.0, there is no need to have a class-specific addListener() method, because all display objects inherit the addEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 getAscii() Method 
 getCode() Method 
 isAccessible() Method flash.ui.Keyboard.isAccessible() 
 isDown() Method RemovedRemoved for security reasons.
 isToggled() Method RemovedRemoved for security reasons.
 removeListener() Method ActionScript 3.0, there is no need to have a class-specific removeListener() method, because all display objects inherit the removeEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 onKeyDown Listener flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: keyDownIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onKeyDown event handler, the InteractiveObject class dispatches a keyDown KeyboardEvent object.
 onKeyUp Listener flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: keyUpIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onKeyUp event handler, the InteractiveObject class dispatches a keyUp KeyboardEvent object.
 LoadVars (class) LoadVars class functionality is replaced by the URLLoader, URLRequest, URLStream, and URLVariables classes.
 contentType Property 
 loaded Property RemovedThere is no corresponding Boolean property in ActionScript 3.0, but you can use to set up listeners that receive notification when data is loaded.
 LoadVars Constructor 
 addRequestHeader() Method 
 decode() Method 
 getBytesLoaded() Method changed to URLLoader; changed from function to property accessor; and name changed from getBytesLoaded to bytesLoaded.
 getBytesTotal() Method changed to URLLoader; changed from function to property accessor; and name changed from getBytesTotal to bytesTotal.
 load() Method 
 onData() EventHandler dispatches event: completeSee the URLLoader class. A complete event is dispatched when the download operation is complete but before any data is parsed.
 onHTTPStatus() EventHandler dispatches event: httpStatusIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onHTTPStatus event handler, the URLLoader class dispatches an HTTPStatusEvent object named httpStatus.
 onLoad() EventHandler dispatches event: completeSee the URLLoader class. A complete event is dispatched when the download operation is complete.
 send() Method 
 sendAndLoad() Method sendToURL() method sends a URL request to the server, but ignores the response. To receive the response, use
 toString() Method RemovedThis method is no longer necessary in ActionScript 3.0.
 LocalConnection (class) class has been moved to the package.
 LocalConnection Constructor 
 allowDomain() EventHandler to a regular method in ActionScript 3.0, no longer an event handler. Parameter changed to use the ...(rest) parameter format. Return value changed to void.
 allowInsecureDomain() EventHandler to a regular method in ActionScript 3.0, no longer an event handler. Parameter changed to use the ...(rest) parameter format. Return value changed to void.
 close() Method 
 connect() Method 
 domain() Method to a property accessor.
 onStatus() EventHandler dispatches event: statusIn the new event model, callback functions are replaced by event objects.
 send() Method parameter changed to use the ...(rest) parameter format. Return type changed to void.
 Microphone (class) class has been moved to the package.
 index Property[read-only] type changed to uint.
 rate Property[read-only] type changed to uint.
 silenceTimeOut Property[read-only] in capitalization to "Timeout." Data type changed to int.
 get() Method changed from get() to getMicrophone(). Data type of parameter changed to uint.
 onActivity() EventHandler dispatches event: activityIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onActivity event handler, this class dispatches an activity event.
 onStatus() EventHandler dispatches event: statusIn ActionScript 3.0, instead of invoking the onStatus event handler, this class dispatches a status event.
 setGain() Method gain property and setGain() method into a get/set property accessor named gain. Data type changed to uint.
 setRate() Method rate property and setRate() method into a get/set property accessor named rate. Data type changed to uint.
 setSilenceLevel() Method type of timeOut parameter changed to int. Capitalization of the timeOut parameter changed to timeout.
 setUseEchoSuppression() Method 
 Mouse (class)flash.ui.Mouse 
 addListener() Method the new ActionScript 3.0 event model, there is no need to have a class-specific addListener() method, because all display objects inherit the addEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 hide() Method flash.ui.Mouse.hide()Changed to return void.
 removeListener() Method the new ActionScript 3.0 event model, there is no need to have a class-specific removeListener() method, because all display objects inherit the removeEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 show() Method to return void.
 onMouseDown Listener flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseDownReplaced in the new event model by a mouseDown event.
 onMouseMove Listener flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseMoveReplaced in the new event model by a mouseMove event.
 onMouseUp Listener flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseUpReplaced in the new event model by a mouseUp event.
 onMouseWheel Listener flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseWheelReplaced in the new event model by a mouseWheel event.
 MovieClip (class)flash.display.MovieClipMany of the MovieClip methods have been moved to other classes in ActionScript 3.0. All event handlers have been replaced by event objects in the new event model.
 _alpha Property flash.display.DisplayObject.alphaMoved to DisplayObject class and removed initial underscore from name.
 blendMode Property flash.display.DisplayObject.blendMode 
 cacheAsBitmap Property flash.display.DisplayObject.cacheAsBitmap 
 _currentframe Property[read-only] flash.display.MovieClip.currentFrameRemoved initial underscore from name.
 _droptarget Property[read-only] flash.display.Sprite.dropTargetMoved to Sprite class, removed initial underscore from name, and changed to mixed case.
 filters Property flash.display.DisplayObject.filters 
 focusEnabled Property RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, all interactive objects are focus enabled; therefore, this property is no longer needed.
 _focusrect Property flash.display.InteractiveObject.focusRectMoved to InteractiveObject class, removed initial underscore from name, and changed to mixed case.
 _framesloaded Property[read-only] flash.display.MovieClip.framesLoadedRemoved initial underscore from name and changed to mixed case.
 _height Property flash.display.DisplayObject.heightMoved to DisplayObject class and removed initial underscore from name.
 _highquality Property RemovedSee Stage.quality.
 hitArea Property flash.display.Sprite.hitAreaMoved to Sprite class.
 _lockroot Property RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, the root of a display object is set automatically; therefore, the _lockroot property is effectively always on. See flash.display.DisplayObject.root for details.
 menu Property RemovedSee InteractiveObject.contextMenu.
 _name Property flash.display.DisplayObject.nameMoved to DisplayObject class and removed initial underscore from name.
 opaqueBackground Property flash.display.DisplayObject.opaqueBackground 
 _parent Property flash.display.DisplayObject.parentMoved to DisplayObject class and removed initial underscore from name.
 _quality Property flash.display.Stage.quality 
 _rotation Property flash.display.DisplayObject.rotationMoved to DisplayObject class and removed initial underscore from name.
 scale9Grid Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scale9Grid 
 scrollRect Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scrollRectChanged to Rectangle data type.
 _soundbuftime Property to SoundMixer class, which is used for global sound control, renamed without abbreviations, and removed initial underscore from name.
 tabChildren Property flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer.tabChildren 
 tabEnabled Property flash.display.InteractiveObject.tabEnabled 
 tabIndex Property flash.display.InteractiveObject.tabIndex 
 _target Property[read-only] RemovedActionScript 3.0 identifies display objects directly; therefore, identifying a display object by its path is no longer necessary.
 _totalframes Property[read-only] flash.display.MovieClip.totalFramesChanged to mixed case and removed initial underscore from name.
 trackAsMenu Property flash.display.MovieClip.trackAsMenu 
 transform Property flash.display.DisplayObject.transform 
 _url Property[read-only] flash.display.Loader.contentLoaderInfo 
 useHandCursor Property flash.display.Sprite.useHandCursor 
 _visible Property flash.display.DisplayObject.visibleMoved to DisplayObject class and removed initial underscore from name.
 _width Property flash.display.DisplayObject.widthMoved to DisplayObject class and removed initial underscore from name.
 _x Property flash.display.DisplayObject.xMoved to DisplayObject class and removed initial underscore from name.
 _xmouse Property[read-only] flash.display.DisplayObject.mouseXMoved to DisplayObject class, changed name to mouseX, and removed initial underscore from name.
 _xscale Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scaleXMoved to DisplayObject class, changed name to scaleX, and removed initial underscore from name.
 _y Property flash.display.DisplayObject.yMoved to DisplayObject class and removed initial underscore from name.
 _ymouse Property[read-only] flash.display.DisplayObject.mouseYMoved to DisplayObject class, changed name to mouseY, and removed initial underscore from name.
 _yscale Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scaleYMoved to DisplayObject class, changed name to scaleY, and removed initial underscore from name.
 attachAudio() Method RemovedIf the audio source is a Microphone object, use NetStream.attachAudio() or Microphone.setLoopBack().

If the audio source is an FLV file, use Video.attachNetStream() and a NetStream object.

 attachBitmap() Method RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, use addChild() to add child display objects.
 attachMovie() Method RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, use addChild() to add child display objects.
 beginBitmapFill() Method flash.display.Graphics.beginBitmapFill() 
 beginFill() Method flash.display.Graphics.beginFill()Moved to Graphics class and changed data type of the first parameter to uint.
 beginGradientFill() Method flash.display.Graphics.beginGradientFill() 
 clear() Method flash.display.Graphics.clear() 
 createEmptyMovieClip() Method RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, use the new operator to create movie clips.
 createTextField() Method RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, use the new operator to create text fields.
 curveTo() Method flash.display.Graphics.curveTo() 
 duplicateMovieClip() Method RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, use the new operator to create a new instance.
 endFill() Method flash.display.Graphics.endFill() 
 getBounds() Method flash.display.DisplayObject.getBounds() 
 getBytesLoaded() Method to URLLoader class and data type changed from Number to int.
 getBytesTotal() Method to URLLoader class and data type changed from Number to int.
 getDepth() Method flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer.getChildIndex()ActionScript 3.0 provides direct access to the display list, so depth is handled differently.
 getInstanceAtDepth() Method flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer.getChildAt()ActionScript 3.0 provides direct access to the display list, so depth is handled differently.
 getNextHighestDepth() Method flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer.addChild()Not a direct equivalent, but the addChild() method adds a child behind all other children of the DisplayObjectContainer instance, so there is no need for a method that determines the next available depth.
 getRect() Method flash.display.DisplayObject.getRect() 
 getSWFVersion() Method flash.display.LoaderInfo.swfVersionMoved to LoaderInfo class and changed data type to uint.
 getTextSnapshot() Method flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer.textSnapshot 
 getURL() Method by the and methods. Also see URLLoader class.
 globalToLocal() Method flash.display.DisplayObject.globalToLocal() 
 gotoAndStop() Method flash.display.MovieClip.gotoAndStop() 
 hitTest() Method flash.display.DisplayObject.hitTestObject() 
 lineGradientStyle() Method flash.display.Graphics.lineGradientStyle() 
 lineStyle() Method flash.display.Graphics.lineStyle() 
 lineTo() Method flash.display.Graphics.lineTo() 
 loadMovie() Method flash.display.Loader.load()See Loader class.
 loadVariables() Method See URLLoader class.
 localToGlobal() Method flash.display.DisplayObject.localToGlobal() 
 moveTo() Method flash.display.Graphics.moveTo() 
 nextFrame() Method flash.display.MovieClip.nextFrame() 
 onData() EventHandler flash.display.LoaderInfo dispatches event: completeReplaced in the new event model by a complete event, which is dispatched when the download operation is complete but before any data is parsed.
 onDragOut() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseOutReplaced in the new event model by a mouseOut event.
 onDragOver() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseOverReplaced in the new event model by a mouseOver event.
 onEnterFrame() EventHandler flash.display.DisplayObject dispatches event: enterFrameReplaced in the new event model by an enterFrame event.
 onKeyDown() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: keyDownReplaced in the new event model by a keyDown event.
 onKeyUp() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: keyUpReplaced in the new event model by a keyUp event.
 onKillFocus() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: focusOutReplaced in the new event model by a focusOut event.
 onLoad() EventHandler flash.display.LoaderInfo dispatches event: completeAlso see URLLoader class. A complete event is dispatched when the download operation is complete.
 onMouseDown() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseDownReplaced in the new event model by a mouseDown event.
 onMouseMove() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseMoveReplaced in the new event model by a mouseMove event.
 onMouseUp() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseUpReplaced in the new event model by a mouseUp event.
 onPress() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseDownReplaced in the new event model by a mouseDown event.
 onRelease() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseUpReplaced in the new event model by a mouseUp event.
 onReleaseOutside() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseUpReplaced in the new event model by a mouseUp event.
 onRollOut() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseOutReplaced in the new event model by a mouseOut event.
 onRollOver() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: mouseOverReplaced in the new event model by a mouseOver event.
 onSetFocus() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: focusInReplaced in the new event model by a focusIn event.
 onUnload() EventHandler flash.display.LoaderInfo dispatches event: unloadReplaced in the new event model by an unload event.
 play() Method 
 prevFrame() Method flash.display.MovieClip.prevFrame() 
 removeMovieClip() Method flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer.removeChild()Removed. Call the removeChild() method of the parent display object container that contains the movie clip.
 setMask() Method flash.display.DisplayObject.mask 
 startDrag() Method flash.display.Sprite.startDrag() 
 stop() Method flash.display.MovieClip.stop() 
 stopDrag() Method flash.display.Sprite.stopDrag() 
 swapDepths() Method RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, you can achieve similar functionality by using the methods of the DisplayObjectContainer class, such as the addChildAt(), setChildIndex(), swapChildren(), and swapChildrenAt() methods.
 unloadMovie() Method flash.display.Loader.unload() 
 MovieClipLoader (class)flash.display.LoaderReplaced by the flash.display.Loader class.
 MovieClipLoader Constructor flash.display.Loader.Loader() 
 addListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific addListener() method, because the class inherits the addEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 getProgress() Method flash.display.LoaderInfo dispatches event: progressReplaced in the new event model by a progress event. Event objects of progress type contain properties named bytesLoaded and bytesTotal.
 loadClip() Method flash.display.Loader.load()Replaced by the load() method of flash.display.Loader class.
 removeListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific removeListener() method, because the class inherits the removeEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 unloadClip() Method flash.display.Loader.unload()Replaced by unload() method of flash.display.Loader class.
 onLoadComplete Listener flash.display.LoaderInfo dispatches event: completeReplaced in the new event model by a complete event.
 onLoadError Listener flash.display.LoaderInfo dispatches event: ioErrorReplaced in the new event model by an ioError event.
 onLoadInit Listener flash.display.LoaderInfo dispatches event: initReplaced in the new event model by an init event.
 onLoadProgress Listener flash.display.LoaderInfo dispatches event: progressReplaced in the new event model by a progress event.
 onLoadStart Listener flash.display.LoaderInfo dispatches event: openReplaced in the new event model by an open event.
 NetConnection (class) class has been moved to the package.
 NetConnection Constructor 
 connect() Constructor 3.0 version adds a ...(rest) parameter.
 NetStream (class) class has been moved to the package.
 bytesLoaded Property[read-only] type changed to uint.
 bytesTotal Property[read-only] type changed to uint.
 currentFps Property[read-only] ActionScript 3.0, FPS is all uppercase.
 onStatus() EventHandler dispatches event: netStatusReplaced in the new event model by a netStatus event.
 pause() Method ActionScript 3.0, the pause method does not take a parameter. Two new methods are available to achieve the same functionality: resume() and togglePause().
 play() Method name, start, len, and reset parameters are no longer valid; ...arguments is used instead.
 setBufferTime() Method ActionScript 3.0, changed to read-write accessor property.
 Number (class)Number 
 Number Constructor Number.Number()In ActionScript 3.0, the Number() constructor and the Number() global function have the same effect. Also, there is no difference between a Number object and a literal Number value.
 Object (class)Object 
 __proto__ Property RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, direct manipulation of the prototype chain is not allowed. To create a subclass, use the extends statement in the subclass declaration. For information about an object's inheritance tree and data type, use the new reflection API flash.utils.describeType().
 __resolve Property flash.utils.ProxyUse the new Proxy class for similar functionality.
 addProperty() Method RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, accessor properties can be created directly using the keywords get and set.
 registerClass() Method RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, all classes are registered by default. If you are encoding an object using AMF, the class of the object is not preserved during the encoding process unless you use the flash.utils.registerClassAlias() function.
 unwatch() Method RemovedActionScript 3.0 does not have watchpoints; therefore, the unwatch() method is obsolete.
 watch() Method RemovedUse accessor properties (get/set functions) or the flash.utils.Proxy class for similar functionality.
 PrintJob (class)flash.printing.PrintJob 
 orientation Property[read-only] flash.printing.PrintJob.orientationThis property now has a value from the PrintJobOrientation class.
 pageHeight Property[read-only] flash.printing.PrintJob.pageHeightData type changed to int.
 pageWidth Property[read-only] flash.printing.PrintJob.pageWidthData type changed to int.
 paperHeight Property[read-only] flash.printing.PrintJob.paperHeightData type changed to int.
 paperWidth Property[read-only] flash.printing.PrintJob.paperWidthData type changed to int.
 PrintJob Constructor flash.printing.PrintJob.PrintJob() 
 addPage() Method flash.printing.PrintJob.addPage()In ActionScript 3.0, changed data types of parameters: First parameter target is a Sprite data type; second parameter printArea is a Rectangle data type; third parameter options is the new PrintJobOptions data type; and fourth parameter frameNum is an int data type.
 send() Method flash.printing.PrintJob.send() 
 start() Method flash.printing.PrintJob.start() 
 Rectangle (class) 
 containsRectangle() Method flash.geom.Rectangle.containsRect()Renamed for consistency.
 security (class)flash.system.SecurityThis class has been moved to the flash.system package.
 Selection (class)RemovedMethods of this class have been moved to other classes.
 addListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific addListener() method, because any display object inherits the addEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 getBeginIndex() Method flash.text.TextField.selectionBeginIndexChanged from method to accessor property and name changed to selectionBeginIndex.
 getCaretIndex() Method flash.text.TextField.caretIndexChanged from method to accessor property and name changed to caretIndex.
 getEndIndex() Method flash.text.TextField.selectionEndIndexChanged from method to accessor property and name changed to selectionEndIndex.
 getFocus() Method flash.display.Stage.focusChanged from method to property accessor and name changed to focus. In ActionScript 2.0 the data type of the return value is String, but in ActionScript 3.0 the property has the InteractiveObject data type.
 removeListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific removeListener() method, because display objects inherit the removeEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 setFocus() Method flash.display.Stage.focusChanged from method to accessor property and name changed to focus. In ActionScript 2.0 the data type of the return value is String, but in ActionScript 3.0 the property has the InteractiveObject data type.
 setSelection() Method flash.text.TextField.setSelection()Both parameters changed from Number to uint data type.
 onSetFocus Listener flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: focusInReplaced in the new event model by a focusIn event.
 SharedObject (class) class has been moved to the package.
 flush() Method method no longer returns a Boolean value. If the flush fails, Flash Player throws an exception; if the flush succeeds or is pending user interaction, Flash Player returns a string "flushed" or "pending". Also, the data type of the minDiskSpace parameter changed to int.
 getSize() Method to accessor property. Data type changed to uint.
 onStatus() EventHandler dispatches event: netStatusReplaced in the new event model by a netStatus event.
 Sound (class) class has been moved to the package.
 checkPolicyFile by the method.
 duration Property[read-only] 
 id3 Property[read-only] type changed from Object to ID3Info. ID3Info is a new class that contains the ID3 properties. Also, the spelling of the songname property changed to songName.
 position Property[read-only] to the SoundChannel class.
 attachSound() Method RemovedCreate an instance of a Sound subclass that is associated with sound data; for example, by using new Sound() instead.
 getBytesLoaded() Method to accessor property and data type changed to uint.
 getBytesTotal() Method to property accessor and data type changed to uint.
 getPan() Method to accessor property and moved to the SoundTransform class.
 getTransform() Method to accessor property and data type changed to SoundTransform.
 getVolume() Method the property to control sound volume.
 loadSound() Method first parameter changed from a simple URL string to a URLRequest object. The second parameter changed from a Boolean value representing whether sound begins playing as soon as possible to a SoundLoaderContext object.
 onID3() EventHandler dispatches event: id3Replaced in the new event model by an id3 event.
 onLoad() EventHandler dispatches event: completeReplaced in the new event model by a complete event.
 onSoundComplete() EventHandler dispatches event: soundCompleteReplaced in the new event model by a soundComplete event.
 setPan() Method to accessor property and moved to SoundTransform class.
 setTransform() Method to accessor property and data type changed to SoundTransform.
 setVolume() Method Use and to monitor the amplitude of a sound channel.
 start() Method loops parameter data type changed from Number to int. Added a third parameter, sndTransform, to specify the initial sound transform to be used by the sound channel.
 stop() Method 
 Stage (class)flash.display.StageThis class has been moved to the flash.display package. In ActionScript 3.0, the Stage is no longer a global object. You access the Stage by using the new DisplayObject.stage property.
 align Property flash.display.Stage.align 
 height Property flash.display.Stage.stageHeightName changed from height to stageHeight so that it does not conflict with the flash.display.DisplayObject.height property.
 scaleMode Property flash.display.Stage.scaleMode 
 showMenu Property flash.display.Stage.showDefaultContextMenuName changed to better reflect which menu is shown.
 width Property flash.display.Stage.stageWidthName changed from width to stageWidth so that it does not conflict with the flash.display.DisplayObject.width property.
 addListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific addListener() method, because the class inherits the addEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 removeListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific removeListener() method, because the class inherits the removeEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 onResize Listener flash.display.Stage dispatches event: resizeReplaced in the new event model by a resize event.
 String (class)StringAdds support for regular expressions with three new methods: match(), replace(), and search().
 concat() Method String.concat()Parameter changed to ...(rest) parameter format.
 StyleSheet (class)flash.text.StyleSheetThis class has been moved to the flash.text package. The load() and onLoad() members have been removed, and some private functions and variables have been added.
 StyleSheet Constructor flash.text.StyleSheet.StyleSheet() 
 clear() Method flash.text.StyleSheet.clear() 
 getStyle() Method flash.text.StyleSheet.getStyle()Parameter name changed to n.
 getStyleNames() Method flash.text.StyleSheet.styleNamesChanged to accessor property.
 load() Method the new URLLoader and URLRequest classes for loading URLs.
 onLoad() EventHandler dispatches event: completeReplaced in the new event model by a complete event.
 parseCSS() Method flash.text.StyleSheet.parseCSS()In ActionScript 3.0, returns void instead of a Boolean value.
 setStyle() Method flash.text.StyleSheet.setStyle()Parameter name changed to n and style to s.
 transform() Method flash.text.StyleSheet.transform() 
 System (class)flash.system.System 
 exactSettings Property flash.system.Security.exactSettingsMoved to the flash.System.Security class.
 useCodepage Property flash.system.System.useCodePageIn ActionScript 3.0, the letter 'P' in useCodePage is uppercase.
 onStatus() EventHandler RemovedThis event hander is obsolete in the ActionScript 3.0 event model.
 setClipboard() Method flash.system.System.setClipboard() 
 showSettings() Method flash.system.Security.showSettings() 
 TextField (class)flash.text.TextFieldThis class has been moved to the flash.text package.
 _alpha Property flash.display.DisplayObject.alphaThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 antiAliasType Property flash.text.TextField.antiAliasType 
 autoSize Property flash.text.TextField.autoSize 
 background Property flash.text.TextField.background 
 backgroundColor Property flash.text.TextField.backgroundColor 
 border Property flash.text.TextField.border 
 borderColor Property flash.text.TextField.borderColorIn ActionScript 3.0, returns a uint instead of a Number.
 bottomScroll Property[read-only] flash.text.TextField.bottomScrollVIn ActionScript 3.0, returns a uint instead of a Number.
 condenseWhite Property flash.text.TextField.condenseWhite 
 embedFonts Property flash.text.TextField.embedFonts 
 filters Property flash.display.DisplayObject.filters 
 gridFitType Property flash.text.TextField.gridFitType 
 _height Property flash.display.DisplayObject.heightThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _highquality Property flash.display.Stage.qualityRemoved. Replaced by the quality property of the Stage class.
 hscroll Property flash.text.TextField.scrollHData type changed from Number to uint. Name changed from hscroll to scrollH.
 html Property flash.text.TextField.htmlTextRemoved. In ActionScript 3.0, all text fields are treated as HTML text fields. Use the TextField.htmlText property to set HTML text.
 htmlText Property flash.text.TextField.htmlText 
 length Property[read-only] flash.text.TextField.lengthData type changed from Number to uint.
 maxChars Property flash.text.TextField.maxCharsData type changed from Number to uint.
 maxhscroll Property[read-only] flash.text.TextField.maxScrollHData type changed from Number to uint.
 maxscroll Property[read-only] flash.text.TextField.maxScrollVData type changed from Number to uint. Name changed to use uppercase S and to add the letter V to represent vertical scrolling.
 menu Property flash.display.InteractiveObject.contextMenuThis property is now inherited from the InteractiveObject class.
 mouseWheelEnabled Property flash.text.TextField.mouseWheelEnabled 
 multiline Property flash.text.TextField.multiline 
 _name Property flash.display.DisplayObject.nameThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _parent Property flash.display.DisplayObject.parentThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore. Data type changed from MovieClip to DisplayObjectContainer.
 password Property flash.text.TextField.displayAsPasswordRenamed property for consistency.
 _quality Property flash.display.Stage.qualityMoved to Stage class.
 restrict Property flash.text.TextField.restrict 
 _rotation Property flash.display.DisplayObject.rotationThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 scroll Property flash.text.TextField.scrollVData type changed from Number to uint and name changed from scroll to scrollV.
 selectable Property flash.text.TextField.selectable 
 sharpness Property flash.text.TextField.sharpness 
 _soundbuftime Property and methods for global sound control in a SWF file are now in the class.
 styleSheet Property flash.text.TextField.styleSheet 
 tabEnabled Property flash.display.InteractiveObject.tabEnabledThis property is now inherited from the InteractiveObject class.
 tabIndex Property flash.display.InteractiveObject.tabIndexThis property is now inherited from the InteractiveObject class.
 _target Property[read-only] RemovedActionScript 3.0 identifies display objects directly; therefore, identifying the path is no longer necessary.
 text Property flash.text.TextField.text 
 textColor Property flash.text.TextField.textColorData type changed from Number to uint.
 textHeight Property flash.text.TextField.textHeight 
 textWidth Property flash.text.TextField.textWidth 
 thickness Property flash.text.TextField.thickness 
 type Property flash.text.TextField.type 
 _url Property[read-only] flash.display.LoaderInfo.url 
 variable Property RemovedThis variable is no longer necessary in ActionScript 3.0.
 _visible Property flash.display.DisplayObject.visibleThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _width Property flash.display.DisplayObject.widthThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 wordWrap Property flash.text.TextField.wordWrap 
 _x Property flash.display.DisplayObject.xThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _xmouse Property[read-only] flash.display.DisplayObject.mouseXThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _xscale Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scaleXThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _y Property flash.display.DisplayObject.yThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _ymouse Property[read-only] flash.display.DisplayObject.mouseYThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _yscale Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scaleYThis property is now inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 addListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific addListener() method, because the class inherits the addEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 getDepth() Method flash.display.DisplayObjectContainerRemoved. Use the methods of the DisplayObjectContainer class to ascertain text field depth.
 getFontList() Method flash.text.Font.enumerateFonts()Removed. Use Font.enumerateFonts() with the enumerateDeviceFonts parameter set to true.
 getNewTextFormat() Method flash.text.TextField.defaultTextFormatName changed from getNewTextFormat to defaultTextFormat. Changed from method to accessor property.
 getTextFormat() Method flash.text.TextField.getTextFormat()Data type of both parameters changed from Number to uint.
 onChanged() EventHandler flash.text.TextField dispatches event: changeReplaced in the new event model by a change event.
 onKillFocus() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: focusOutReplaced in the new event model by a focusOut event.
 onScroller() EventHandler flash.text.TextField dispatches event: scrollReplaced in the new event model by a scroll event.
 onSetFocus() EventHandler flash.display.InteractiveObject dispatches event: focusInReplaced in the new event model by a focusIn event.
 removeListener() Method the new event model, there is no need to have a class-specific removeListener() method, because the class inherits the removeEventListener() method from the EventDispatcher class.
 removeTextField() Method flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer.removeChild()Removed. Call the removeChild() method of the parent display object container that contains the text field.
 replaceSel() Method flash.text.TextField.replaceSelectedText()Name changed from replacesel() to replaceSelectedText(). Replaced the newText parameter with a string value.
 replaceText() Method flash.text.TextField.replaceText()Data types of first two parameters changed from Number to uint.
 setNewTextFormat() Method flash.text.TextField.defaultTextFormatName changed from setNewTextFormat to defaultTextFormat. Changed from method to accessor property.
 setTextFormat() Method flash.text.TextField.setTextFormat()Order of parameters changed. Index parameters data type changed from Number to int.
 TextFormat (class)flash.text.TextFormatThis class has been moved to the flash.text package.
 align Property flash.text.TextFormat.align 
 blockIndent Property flash.text.TextFormat.blockIndentIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Number data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 bold Property flash.text.TextFormat.boldIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Boolean data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 bullet Property flash.text.TextFormat.bulletIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Boolean data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 color Property flash.text.TextFormat.colorIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Number data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 font Property flash.text.TextFormat.font 
 indent Property flash.text.TextFormat.indentIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Number data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 italic Property flash.text.TextFormat.bulletIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Boolean data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 kerning Property flash.text.TextFormat.kerningIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Boolean data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 leading Property flash.text.TextFormat.leadingIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Number data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 leftMargin Property flash.text.TextFormat.leftMarginIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Number data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 letterSpacing Property flash.text.TextFormat.letterSpacingIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Number data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 rightMargin Property flash.text.TextFormat.rightMarginIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Number data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 size Property flash.text.TextFormat.sizeIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Number data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 underline Property flash.text.TextFormat.underlineIn ActionScript 3.0, data type changed to Object because one of the possible values is null, which is not a member of the Boolean data type in ActionScript 3.0.
 url Property flash.text.TextFormat.url 
 TextFormat Constructor flash.text.TextFormat.TextFormat()The size, color, bold, italic, underline, url, leftMargin, rightMargin, indent, and leading parameters have all been converted to objects.
 getTextExtent() Method RemovedUse the properties of flash.text.TextField for the measurements of a field containing a line of text, and use flash.text.TextLineMetrics for the measurements of the content within the text field.
 TextRenderer (class)flash.text.TextRendererLocation changed. Moved to flash.text package.
 maxLevel Property flash.text.TextRenderer.maxLevelDefined as a uint in ActionScript 3.0.
 setAdvancedAntialiasingTable() Method flash.text.TextRenderer.setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable()The fontStyle and colorType parameter values can now be set using the FontStyle and TextColorType constants, respectively. The advancedAntiAliasingTable parameter now takes an array of one or more CSMSettings objects.
 TextSnapshot (class)flash.text.TextSnapshotThis class has been moved to the flash.text package. Several parameters have changed, as well as some method names and some return types.
 findText() Method flash.text.TextSnapshot.findText()Name of the startIndex parameter changed to beginIndex. Data type of the startIndex parameter changed from Number to int.
 getCount() Method flash.text.TextSnapshot.charCountChanged from method to accessor property. Data return type changed from Number to uint.
 getSelected() Method flash.text.TextSnapshot.getSelected()Data type of parameters changed from Number to uint and names changed from start and end to beginIndex and EndIndex.
 getSelectedText() Method flash.text.TextSnapshot.getSelectedText()In ActionScript 3.0, the parameter has a default value of false.
 getText() Method flash.text.TextSnapshot.getText()Data type of start and end parameters changed from Number to uint and names changed from start and end to beginIndex and endIndex.
 getTextRunInfo() Method flash.text.TextSnapshot.getTextRunInfo()Data type of parameters changed from Number to uint.
 hitTestTextNearPos() Method flash.text.TextSnapshot.hitTestTextNearPos()Name of the closeDist parameter changed to maxDistance; now has a default value = 0.
 setSelectColor() Method flash.text.TextSnapshot.setSelectColor()Data type of parameter changed from Number to uint and has a default value = 0xFFFF00.
 setSelected() Method flash.text.TextSnapshot.setSelected()Data type of start and end parameters changed from Number to uint and names changed from start and end to beginIndex and endIndex.
 Video (class) class has been moved to the package. Video objects can now be created dynamically in ActionScript with the Video() constructor. Attach a video stream to the Video object by using attachCamera() or attachNetStream().
 _alpha Property flash.display.DisplayObject.alphaThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 deblocking Property type changed from Number to int.
 _height Property flash.display.DisplayObject.heightThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class Removed the initial underscore.
 height Property[read-only] type changed from Number to int.
 _name Property flash.display.DisplayObject.nameThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _parent Property flash.display.DisplayObject.parentThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _rotation Property flash.display.DisplayObject.rotationThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 smoothing Property 
 _visible Property flash.display.DisplayObject.visibleThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _width Property flash.display.DisplayObject.widthThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 width Property[read-only] type changed from Number to int.
 _x Property flash.display.DisplayObject.xThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _xmouse Property[read-only] flash.display.DisplayObject.mouseXThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _xscale Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scaleXThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _y Property flash.display.DisplayObject.yThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _ymouse Property[read-only] flash.display.DisplayObject.mouseYThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 _yscale Property flash.display.DisplayObject.scaleYThis property is inherited from the DisplayObject class. Removed the initial underscore.
 attachVideo() Method specify a video stream from a camera object, use
 clear() Method 
 XML (class)flash.xml.XMLDocumentThis class has been moved to the flash.xml package and its name has been changed to XMLDocument to avoid conflict with the new top-level XML class that implements ECMAScript for XML (E4X).
 contentType Property 
 docTypeDecl Property flash.xml.XMLDocument.docTypeDecl 
 idMap Property flash.xml.XMLDocument.idMap 
 ignoreWhite Property flash.xml.XMLDocument.ignoreWhite 
 loaded Property RemovedFile loading functionality was removed from the XMLDocument class. Use URLLoader instead.
 status Property RemovedParse failures are now reported by exceptions.
 xmlDecl Property flash.xml.XMLDocument.xmlDecl 
 XML Constructor flash.xml.XMLDocument.XMLDocument() 
 addRequestHeader() Method 
 createElement() Method flash.xml.XMLDocument.createElement() 
 createTextNode() Method flash.xml.XMLDocument.createTextNode() 
 getBytesLoaded() Method loading functionality was removed from the XMLDocument class. Use URLLoader instead.
 getBytesTotal() Method loading functionality was removed from the XMLDocument class. Use URLLoader instead.
 load() Method RemovedFile loading functionality was removed from the XMLDocument class (formerly the XML class in ActionScript 2.0). Use URLLoader instead.
 onData() EventHandler dispatches event: completeFile loading functionality was removed from the XMLDocument class. Use URLLoader instead. Replaced in the new event model by a complete event.
 onHTTPStatus() EventHandler dispatches event: httpStatusFile loading functionality was removed from the XMLDocument class. Use URLLoader instead. Replaced in the new event model by an httpStatus event.
 onLoad() EventHandler dispatches event: completeFile loading functionality was removed from the XMLDocument class. Use URLLoader instead. Replaced in the new event model by a complete event.
 parseXML() Method flash.xml.XMLDocument.parseXML() 
 send() Method RemovedSend functionality was removed from the XMLDocument class (formerly the XML class in ActionScript 2.0). Use the functions and classes of the package instead.
 sendAndLoad() Method RemovedSend and load functionality were removed from the XMLDocument class (formerly the XML class in ActionScript 2.0). Use URLRequest and URLLoader instead.
 XMLNode (class)flash.xml.XMLNodeLocation changed. This class has been moved to the flash.xml package.
 nodeType Property[read-only] flash.xml.XMLNode.nodeTypeData type changed from Number to uint.
 XMLNode Constructor flash.xml.XMLNode.XMLNode()Data type of the type parameter changed from Number to uint.
 XMLSocket (class) class has been moved to the package.
 XMLSocket Constructor two optional parameters to specify host and port.
 connect() Method type of the port parameter changed to int.
 onClose() EventHandler dispatches event: closeReplaced in the new event model by a close event.
 onConnect() EventHandler dispatches event: connectReplaced in the new event model by a connect event.
 onData() EventHandler dispatches event: dataReplaced in the new event model by a data event.
 onXML() EventHandler RemovedIn ActionScript 3.0, only the data event is dispatched, so that you can choose whether to use E4X or the legacy XML (XMLDocument class) parser. The old onXML event handler was called after XML was parsed, so it doesn't make sense in ActionScript 3.0 because you can now choose between the XML (E4X) class and the XMLDocument (legacy) class to parse the XML.