The mx.skins.spark package contains the classes used to skin Halo components with Spark skins.

 AccordionHeaderSkinThe Spark skin class for the header of the Halo Accordion container.
 BorderSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo Border base class.
 ButtonBarFirstButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the first button in a Halo ButtonBar component.
 ButtonBarLastButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the last button in a Halo ButtonBar component.
 ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the middle buttons in a Halo ButtonBar component.
 ButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo Button component.
 CheckBoxSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo CheckBox component.
 ColorPickerSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo ColorPicker component.
 ComboBoxSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo ComboBox component.
 DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkinThe Spark skin class for the header background of a Halo DataGrid component.
 DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkinThe Spark skin class for the separator of a Halo DataGrid component.
 DataGridSortArrow The skin for the sort arrow in a column header in a DataGrid.
 DateChooserNextMonthSkinThe Spark skin class for the next month arrow of a Halo DateChooser component.
 DateChooserNextYearSkinThe Spark skin class for the next year arrow of a Halo DateChooser component.
 DateChooserPrevMonthSkinThe Spark skin class for the previous month arrow of a Halo DateChooser component.
 DateChooserPrevYearSkinThe Spark skin class for the previous year arrow of a Halo DateChooser component.
 DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkinThe Spark skin class for the rollover indicator of a Halo DateChooser component.
 DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkinThe Spark skin class for the selection indicator of a Halo DateChooser component.
 DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkinThe Spark skin class for the current day indicator in a Halo DateChooser component.
 DefaultButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo default button.
 EditableComboBoxSkinThe Spark skin class for the editable Halo ComboBox component.
 LinkButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo LinkButton component.
 MenuArrowThe Spark skin class for the branchIcon of a Halo Menu component.
 MenuArrowDisabledThe Spark skin class for the disabled branchIcon of a Halo Menu component.
 MenuCheckThe Spark skin class for the check icon of a Halo Menu component.
 MenuCheckDisabledThe Spark skin class for the disabled check icon of a Halo Menu component.
 MenuItemSkinThe Spark skin class for menu items in a Halo menu component.
 MenuRadioThe Spark skin class for the radio icon of a Halo Menu component.
 MenuRadioDisabledThe Spark skin class for the disabled radio icon of a Halo Menu component.
 MenuSeparatorSkinThe Spark skin class for the menu item separators in a Halo menu component.
 PanelBorderSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo Panel component's border.
 PopUpButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo PopUpButton component.
 ProgressBarSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo ProgressBar component.
 ProgressBarTrackSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo ProgressBar component's track.
 ProgressIndeterminateSkin The Spark skin for the indeterminate state of a Halo ProgressBar component.
 ProgressMaskSkin The Spark skin for the mask of the Halo ProgressBar component's determinate and indeterminate bars.
 RadioButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the Halo RadioButton component.
 ScrollBarDownButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the down button of the Halo ScrollBar component.
 ScrollBarThumbSkinThe Spark skin class for the thumb of the Halo ScrollBar component.
 ScrollBarTrackSkinThe Spark skin class for the track of the Halo ScrollBar component.
 ScrollBarUpButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the up button of the Halo ScrollBar component.
 SliderThumbSkinThe Spark skin class for the thumb of the Halo Slider component.
 SliderTrackHighlightSkinThe Spark skin class for the track highlight of the Halo Slider component.
 SliderTrackSkinThe Spark skin class for the track of the Halo Slider component.
 SparkSkinForHalo The SparkSkinForHalo class is the base class for Spark skins for Halo components.
 StepperDecrButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the down button of the Halo NumericStepper component.
 StepperIncrButtonSkinThe Spark skin class for the up button of the Halo NumericStepper component.
 TabSkinThe Spark skin class for the tabs of the Halo TabNavigator container.
 TextInputBorderSkinThe Spark skin class for the border of the Halo TextInput component.