<fx:XMLList> tag implemented by the compiler

The <fx:XMLList> tag is a compile-time tag that generates an XMLList object from a text model that consists of valid XML nodes.

Unlike the XMLList class in ActionScript, this tag lets you use MXML binding expressions in the XML text to extract node contents from variable data. For example, you can bind a node's name attribute to a text input value, as in the following line:

<child name="{textInput1.text}"/>

MXML Syntax

You can place an <fx:XMLList> tag in a Flex application file or in an MXML component file. The <fx:XMLList> tag must have an id attribute value to be referenced by another component. The <fx:XMLList> tag does not need an id attribute value if the tag is a direct child of an <mx:dataProvider> tag. The <fx:XMLList> tag cannot be the root tag of an MXML component.

The <fx:XMLList> tag has the following syntax:

       id="list ID">
          model declaration

The following example uses the tag to define a model for MenuBar control:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
        <fx:XMLList id="myMenuModel">
            <menuitem label="MenuItem A" >
                <menuitem label="SubMenuItem 1-A" />
                <menuitem label="SubMenuItem 2-A" />
            <menuitem label="MenuItem B" />
            <menuitem label="MenuItem C" type="check" />
            <menuitem type="separator" />
            <menuitem label="MenuItem D" >
                <menuitem label="SubMenuItem 1-D" type="radio" groupName="one" />
                <menuitem label="SubMenuItem 2-D" type="radio" groupName="one" />
                <menuitem label="SubMenuItem 3-D" type="radio" groupName="one" />
        <mx:MenuBar id="myMenu" labelField="@label" showRoot="true">