Chapter 3. The [fleXive] Tutorial

Table of Contents

Your first [fleXive] application
Defining the data model
Retrieving data from the database
Building the graphical user interface
Deployment descriptor and JSF configuration
Compiling and deploying the application
Preview of the administration GUI
Tutorial 1: The Document Store Application
Defining the data model
The document browser and upload pages
Using <fx:resultValue>
Passing content instances to the editor form
The upload form
Retrieving data from the database
Rendering previews: the ThumbnailServlet
Wiring up the faces configuration
Compiling and deploying the application

In this chapter we will get hands-on and create a few demo applications with [fleXive]. These applications are part of the binary and source distributions, but you can also download them as separate projects:

To run any of these, unzip them to a local directory. Unzip the [fleXive] distribution from the download page in the same directory, remove the precompiled examples from flexive-dist/applications, and execute ant in the example directory. You can then deploy the dist/[example-name].ear file to your application server. For example (using Linux):

$ unzip
$ unzip
$ ls
flexive-dist helloworld

$ cd helloworld
$ ant
$ ls dist
helloworld.ear  helloworld-shared.jar  helloworld.war

Before setting out on your own, you might also want to read Chapter 4, Writing [fleXive] applications , which also explains how to use Apache Maven as your build tool.

Your first [fleXive] application

Our first [fleXive] application implements a very simple blogging system with an input mask and a view for the submitted entries. We assume you have a flexive installation up and running on your local or on a remote machine. If not, follow the instructions in Chapter 2, Installing [fleXive]. The complete source code can be found here or in the subversion repository under src/examples/helloworld.

First we create a new [fleXive] project: go to the directory where you unpacked the distribution, and execute ant project.create. You will be prompted for the name of the new project. Enter helloworld and confirm your input. If all went well, the output should look like the following:

/tmp/flexive-dist$ ant project.create
Buildfile: build.xml


    [input] Name of the project you want to create:
  [flexive] Please confirm your input:
  [flexive] Project name:        helloworld
  [flexive] Base directory:      ../helloworld
    [input] Are these settings correct? ([y], n)
    [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/helloworld
     [copy] Copying 13 files to /tmp/helloworld
     [copy] Copied 29 empty directories to 6 empty directories under /tmp/helloworld
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/helloworld
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/helloworld
     [echo] Project helloworld created successfully. The project root directory is
     [echo] ../helloworld


The new project is created in the parent directory of the distribution, i.e. in ../helloworld, and looks like this:

|-- ...

|-- build.xml
|-- lib
|-- resources
|   |-- META-INF
|   |   |-- faces-config.xml
|   |   `-- web.xml
|   |-- messages
|   |-- scripts
|   |   |-- library
|   |   |-- runonce
|   |   `-- startup
|   `-- templates
|-- src
|   `-- java
|       |-- ejb
|       |   `-- ...
|       |-- shared
|       |   `-- ...
|       `-- war
|           `-- ...
`-- web
    `-- index.xhtml

For the web interface of the application we use JSF 1.2, using Facelets for creating the JSF views (i.e. we use plain XHTML templates instead of JSP). [fleXive] includes components for rendering and editing [fleXive] contents in JSF applications, although you could also use other web framework like Struts or Tapestry - you'd just miss the convenient UI components that allow a rapid creation of web applications based on [fleXive].

If you are not familiar with JSF tag libraries please refer to the Tag Library Documentation or try the JSF section of the Java EE 5 Tutorial.

The main page renders all available blog entries and shows a link to a form for creating new entries. Facelets' <ui:repeat/> tag is used to iterate over the rows of the datamodel returned by the JSF bean we created in the previous section. A row of the datamodel provides indexed access to the columns selected in the search query of the previous section. In this case, #{columns[0]} would be the content primary key (@pk), #{columns[1]} returns the entry title, and so on. The source for this file can be found under web/index.xhtml.

                <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""


<h:outputLink value="create.xhtml">Create a new entry</h:outputLink>

<!-- Render available blog postings, as returned by helloWorldBean.blogEntries -->

<!-- The Facelets ui:repeat tag is used to iterate over arrays, lists and JSF datamodels -->
<ui:repeat value="#{helloWorldBean.blogEntries}" var="column">
        <!-- Entry title. Access the value of each column through the expression language
         and the column index -->
        <pre>#{column[2]} <!-- Entry text -->

            <i>#{column[3]}</i> <!-- Creation date -->

        onclick="'', 'In_depth_explanation', 'width=950,height=600,left=50,top=200,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');"
    What happens on this page?



The input form for creating new postings is placed in web/create.xhtml and uses the <fx:content/> and <fx:value/> components provided by [fleXive] to create a simple input form for [fleXive] contents. All you need to provide is the name of the type you want to use as template (blogEntry) and the references to the properties to be rendered (entryTitle, entryText). Finally, a JSF command link is used to render a button for saving the entered data. The save command is executed by a [fleXive] system bean, fxContentViewBean.

                <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
    <title>Flexive Helloworld Application</title>
    <fx:includes yui="true"/>

<body class="yui-skin-sam">

    <!-- Display all JSF messages -->

    <p><h:outputLink value="index.xhtml">Back to blog</h:outputLink></p>

    <!-- The fx:content tag references our type "Blog Entry" -->
    <fx:content typeName="blogEntry" var="entry">

        <!-- This renders an html input field for the type's property "Entry Title" -->
        <fx:value property="entryTitle"/>

        <!-- This renders an html input field for the type's property "Entry Text" -->
        <fx:value property="entryText"/>

        <!-- Save content using the FxContentViewBean, pass the content instance
             stored in component_content via f:setPropertyActionListener -->
        <h:commandButton action="#{}" value="Publish">
            <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{fxContentViewBean.content}" value="#{entry_content}"/>


        onclick="'', 'In_depth_explanation', 'width=950,height=600,left=50,top=200,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');"
    What happens on this page?



To compile and deploy the framework and the example application simply run ant in the project directory (helloworld). If the compilation was successful, you find your application packaged under dist/helloworld.ear. You can then deploy this EAR to your application server, assuming that you followed the installation instructions. If you already have a [fleXive] EAR deployed in this instance, be sure to undeploy it before you deploy helloworld.ear. If you used the Java-based installer, you can deploy and run the application with ant deploy.jetty run.jetty.

If you need to setup or reset the database schema, update your database connection settings in hello-world/ or flexive-dist/ and run ant db.create in the corresponding directory.

After deploying the application, point your browser to http://localhost:8080/flexive/adm/ to open the administration GUI (default credentials: supervisor/supervisor), or http://localhost:8080/helloworld/ to open the application. Congratulations! You should see a link to the input mask.