Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 6.X, 7.X and 8.X

The FreeBSD Documentation Project

This is the FAQ for FreeBSD versions 6.X, 7.X and 8.X. All entries are assumed to be relevant to FreeBSD 6.X and later, unless otherwise noted. If you are interested in helping with this project, send email to the FreeBSD documentation project mailing list. The latest version of this document is always available from the FreeBSD World Wide Web server. It may also be downloaded as one large HTML file with HTTP or as plain text, PostScript®, PDF, etc. from the FreeBSD FTP server. You may also want to Search the FAQ.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Documentation and Support
3 Installation
4 Hardware Compatibility
4.1 General
4.2 Memory
4.3 Architectures and Processors
4.4 Hard Drives, Tape Drives, and CD and DVD Drives
4.5 Keyboards and Mice
4.6 Networking and Serial Devices
4.7 Sound Devices
4.8 Other Hardware
5 Troubleshooting
6 Commercial Applications
7 User Applications
8 Kernel Configuration
9 Disks, File Systems, and Boot Loaders
10 System Administration
11 The X Window System and Virtual Consoles
12 Networking
13 Security
14 PPP
15 Serial Communications
16 Miscellaneous Questions
17 The FreeBSD Funnies
18 Advanced Topics
19 Acknowledgments
List of Tables
3-1. Maximum File Sizes
12-1. Network Cards Based on the DEC PCI Chipset
List of Examples
11-1. “InputDevice” Section for Wheeled Mouse in Xorg Configuration File
11-2. “.emacs” Example for Naive Page Scrolling with Wheeled Mouse (optional)