Defines | |
#define | DBCMDROW(x) dbcmdrow((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBCOUNT(x) dbcount((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBCURCMD(x) dbcurcmd((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBCURROW(x) dbcurrow((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBDEAD(x) dbdead((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBFIRSTROW(x) dbfirstrow((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBIORDESC(x) dbiordesc((x)) |
Sybase macro, maps to the internal (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBIOWDESC(x) dbiowdesc((x)) |
Sybase macro, maps to the internal (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBISAVAIL(x) dbisavail((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBLASTROW(x) dblastrow((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBMORECMDS(x) dbmorecmds((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBROWS(x) dbrows((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBROWTYPE(x) dbrowtype((x)) |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. | |
#define | DBSETLCHARSET(x, y) dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETCHARSET) |
Set the client character set in the login packet. | |
#define | DBSETLENCRYPT(x, y) dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETENCRYPT) |
Enable (or not) network password encryption for Sybase servers version 10.0 or above. | |
#define | dbsetlnatlang(x, y) dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETNATLANG) |
Set the language the server should use for messages. | |
#define | DBSETLNATLANG(x, y) dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETNATLANG) |
Set the language the server should use for messages. | |
#define | dbsetlpacket(x, y) dbsetllong((x), (y), DBSETPACKET) |
Set the packet size in the login packet for new connections. | |
#define | DBSETLPACKET(x, y) dbsetllong((x), (y), DBSETPACKET) |
Set the packet size in the login packet for new connections. | |
#define | DBTDS(a) dbtds(a) |
Sybase macro, maps to the internal (lower-case) function. | |
#define | SYBDBLIB 1 |
Functions | |
BYTE * | dbadata (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column) |
Get address of compute column data. | |
DBINT | dbadlen (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column) |
Get size of data in a compute column. | |
RETCODE | dbaltbind (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column, int vartype, DBINT varlen, BYTE *varaddr) |
Bind a compute column to a program variable. | |
int | dbaltcolid (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column) |
Get column ID of a compute column. | |
DBINT | dbaltlen (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column) |
Get size of data in compute column. | |
int | dbaltop (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column) |
Get aggregation operator for a compute column. | |
int | dbalttype (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column) |
Get datatype for a compute column. | |
DBINT | dbaltutype (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column) |
Get user-defined datatype of a compute column. | |
RETCODE | dbanullbind (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column, DBINT *indicator) |
Tie a null-indicator to a compute result column. | |
RETCODE | dbbind (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column, int vartype, DBINT varlen, BYTE *varaddr) |
Tie a host variable to a resultset column. | |
BYTE * | dbbylist (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int *size) |
Get bylist for a compute row. | |
RETCODE | dbcancel (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Cancel the current command batch. | |
RETCODE | dbcanquery (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Cancel the query currently being retrieved, discarding all pending rows. | |
char * | dbchange (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
See if a command caused the current database to change. | |
void | dbclose (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Close a connection to the server and free associated resources. | |
void | dbclrbuf (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT n) |
Clear n rows from the row buffer. | |
RETCODE | dbclropt (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int option, char *param) |
Reset an option. | |
RETCODE | dbcmd (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char *cmdstring) |
Append SQL to the command buffer. | |
DBINT | dbcollen (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Get size of a regular result column. | |
char * | dbcolname (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Return name of a regular result column. | |
char * | dbcolsource (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Get base database column name for a result set column. | |
int | dbcoltype (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Get the datatype of a regular result set column. | |
DBTYPEINFO * | dbcoltypeinfo (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Get precision and scale information for a regular result column. | |
int | dbcolutype (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Get user-defined datatype of a regular result column. | |
DBINT | dbconvert (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int srctype, const BYTE *src, DBINT srclen, int desttype, BYTE *dest, DBINT destlen) |
Convert one datatype to another. | |
DBINT | dbconvert_ps (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int srctype, BYTE *src, DBINT srclen, int desttype, BYTE *dest, DBINT destlen, DBTYPEINFO *typeinfo) |
cf. dbconvert(), above | |
BYTE * | dbdata (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Get address of data in a regular result column. | |
RETCODE | dbdatecrack (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBDATEREC *di, DBDATETIME *datetime) |
Break a DBDATETIME value into useful pieces. | |
DBINT | dbdatlen (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Get size of current row's data in a regular result column. | |
EHANDLEFUNC | dberrhandle (EHANDLEFUNC handler) |
Set an error handler, for messages from db-lib. | |
void | dbexit () |
Close server connections and free all related structures. | |
RETCODE | dbfcmd (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char *fmt,...) |
printf-like way to form SQL to send to the server. | |
void | dbfreebuf (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Erase the command buffer, in case DBNOAUTOFREE was set with dbsetopt(). | |
char * | dbgetchar (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int pos) |
Get address of a position in the command buffer. | |
int | dbgetmaxprocs (void) |
get maximum simultaneous connections db-lib will open to the server. | |
int | dbgetpacket (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Get TDS packet size for the connection. | |
RETCODE | dbgetrow (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT row) |
Read a row from the row buffer. | |
int | dbgettime (void) |
Get maximum seconds db-lib waits for a server response to query. | |
BYTE * | dbgetuserdata (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Get address of user-allocated data from a DBPROCESS . | |
RETCODE | dbinit (void) |
Initialize db-lib. | |
DBBOOL | dbisopt (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int option, char *param) |
Get value of an option. | |
LOGINREC * | dblogin (void) |
Allocate a LOGINREC structure. | |
void | dbloginfree (LOGINREC *login) |
free the LOGINREC | |
RETCODE | dbmorecmds (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
See if more commands are to be processed. | |
RETCODE | dbmoretext (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT size, BYTE *text) |
Send chunk of a text/image value to the server. | |
MHANDLEFUNC | dbmsghandle (MHANDLEFUNC handler) |
Set a message handler, for messages from the server. | |
char * | dbname (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Get name of current database. | |
RETCODE | dbnextrow (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Read result row into the row buffer and into any bound host variables. | |
RETCODE | dbnullbind (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column, DBINT *indicator) |
Tie a null-indicator to a regular result column. | |
int | dbnumalts (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid) |
Get count of columns in a compute row. | |
int | dbnumcols (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Return number of regular columns in a result set. | |
int | dbnumcompute (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Get count of COMPUTE clauses for a result set. | |
RETCODE | dbpoll (DBPROCESS *dbproc, long milliseconds, DBPROCESS **ready_dbproc, int *return_reason) |
See if a server response has arrived. | |
void | dbprhead (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Print result set headings to stdout. | |
RETCODE | dbprrow (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Print a result set to stdout. | |
const char * | dbprtype (int token) |
Print a token value's name to a buffer. | |
STATUS | dbreadtext (DBPROCESS *dbproc, void *buf, DBINT bufsize) |
Fetch part of a text or image value from the server. | |
void | dbrecftos (char *filename) |
Record to a file all SQL commands sent to the server. | |
RETCODE | dbregexec (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBUSMALLINT options) |
Execute a registered procedure. | |
RETCODE | dbreginit (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBCHAR *procedure_name, DBSMALLINT namelen) |
Ready execution of a registered procedure. | |
RETCODE | dbreglist (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Get names of Open Server registered procedures. | |
RETCODE | dbregparam (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *param_name, int type, DBINT datalen, BYTE *data) |
Describe parameter of registered procedure . | |
RETCODE | dbresults (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Set up query results. | |
void | dbrpwclr (LOGINREC *login) |
Clear remote passwords from the LOGINREC structure. | |
RETCODE | dbrpwset (LOGINREC *login, char *srvname, char *password, int pwlen) |
Add a remote password to the LOGINREC structure. | |
RETCODE | dbsafestr (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char *src, DBINT srclen, char *dest, DBINT destlen, int quotetype) |
safely quotes character values in SQL text. | |
char * | dbservcharset (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Get syscharset name of the server character set. | |
RETCODE | dbsetdefcharset (char *charset) |
Set the default character set. | |
RETCODE | dbsetdeflang (char *language) |
Set the default character set for an application. | |
void | dbsetifile (char *filename) |
set name and location of the interfaces file FreeTDS should use to look up a servername. | |
void | dbsetinterrupt (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DB_DBCHKINTR_FUNC chkintr, DB_DBHNDLINTR_FUNC hndlintr) |
Set interrupt handler for db-lib to use while blocked against a read from the server. | |
RETCODE | dbsetlogintime (int seconds) |
Set maximum seconds db-lib waits for a server response to a login attempt. | |
RETCODE | dbsetlversion (LOGINREC *login, BYTE version) |
Set TDS version for future connections. | |
RETCODE | dbsetmaxprocs (int maxprocs) |
Set maximum simultaneous connections db-lib will open to the server. | |
RETCODE | dbsetnull (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int bindtype, int bindlen, BYTE *bindval) |
Define substitution values to be used when binding null values. | |
RETCODE | dbsetopt (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int option, const char *char_param, int int_param) |
Set db-lib or server option. | |
RETCODE | dbsetrow (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT row) |
Make a buffered row "current" without fetching it into bound variables. | |
RETCODE | dbsettime (int seconds) |
Set maximum seconds db-lib waits for a server response to query. | |
void | dbsetuserdata (DBPROCESS *dbproc, BYTE *ptr) |
Associate client-allocated (and defined) data with a DBPROCESS . | |
RETCODE | dbsetversion (DBINT version) |
Specify a db-lib version level. | |
int | dbspid (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Get server process ID for a DBPROCESS . | |
RETCODE | dbspr1row (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *buffer, DBINT buf_len) |
Print a regular result row to a buffer. | |
DBINT | dbspr1rowlen (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Determine size buffer required to hold the results returned by dbsprhead(), dbsprline(), and dbspr1row(). | |
RETCODE | dbsprhead (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *buffer, DBINT buf_len) |
Print result set headings to a buffer. | |
RETCODE | dbsprline (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *buffer, DBINT buf_len, DBCHAR line_char) |
Get formatted string for underlining dbsprhead() column names. | |
RETCODE | dbsqlexec (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
send the SQL command to the server and wait for an answer. | |
RETCODE | dbsqlok (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Wait for results of a query from the server. | |
RETCODE | dbsqlsend (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Transmit the command buffer to the server. Non-blocking, does not wait for a response. | |
int | dbstrbuild (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *charbuf, int bufsize, char *text, char *formats,...) |
Build a printable string from text containing placeholders for variables. | |
RETCODE | dbstrcpy (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int start, int numbytes, char *dest) |
Get a copy of a chunk of the command buffer. | |
int | dbstrlen (DBPROCESS *dbproc) |
Get size of the command buffer, in bytes. | |
RETCODE | dbtablecolinfo (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT column, DBCOL *pdbcol) |
describe table column attributes with a single call (Freetds-only API function modelled on dbcolinfo) | |
DBBINARY * | dbtxptr (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Get text pointer for a column in the current row. | |
DBBINARY * | dbtxtimestamp (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Get text timestamp for a column in the current row. | |
RETCODE | dbuse (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char *name) |
Change current database. | |
DBINT | dbvarylen (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column) |
Determine whether a column can vary in size. | |
const char * | dbversion () |
See which version of db-lib is in use. | |
DBBOOL | dbwillconvert (int srctype, int desttype) |
Test whether or not a datatype can be converted to another datatype. | |
RETCODE | dbwritetext (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *objname, DBBINARY *textptr, DBTINYINT textptrlen, DBBINARY *timestamp, DBBOOL log, DBINT size, BYTE *text) |
Send text or image data to the server. |
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro, maps to the internal (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro, maps to the internal (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function.
Set the client character set in the login packet.
Enable (or not) network password encryption for Sybase servers version 10.0 or above.
Set the language the server should use for messages.
Set the language the server should use for messages.
Set the packet size in the login packet for new connections.
Set the packet size in the login packet for new connections.
Sybase macro, maps to the internal (lower-case) function.
Get address of compute column data.
Get size of data in a compute column.
Bind a compute column to a program variable.
Get column ID of a compute column.
Get size of data in compute column.
Get aggregation operator for a compute column.
Get datatype for a compute column.
Get user-defined datatype of a compute column.
Tie a null-indicator to a compute result column. When a row is fetched, the indicator variable tells the state of the column's data.
Tie a host variable to a resultset column.
Cancel the current command batch.
Cancel the query currently being retrieved, discarding all pending rows.
See if a command caused the current database to change.
Close a connection to the server and free associated resources.
Clear n rows from the row buffer.
Reset an option.
Get size of a regular result column.
Return name of a regular result column.
Get base database column name for a result set column.
Get the datatype of a regular result set column.
Get precision and scale information for a regular result column.
Get user-defined datatype of a regular result column.
Convert one datatype to another.
The main reason for this is that Each datatype is also defined by its Server-type so all CLIs should be able to map native types to server types as well.
tds_convert() copies from src to dest and returns the output data length, period. All padding and termination is the responsibility of the API library and is done post-conversion. The peculiar rule in dbconvert() is that a destlen of -1 and a desttype of
cf. dbconvert(), above Sybase: Convert numeric types.
Get address of data in a regular result column.
Break a DBDATETIME value into useful pieces.
Get size of current row's data in a regular result column.
Set an error handler, for messages from db-lib.
Close server connections and free all related structures.
Forms a command string and writes to the command buffer with dbcmd().
Erase the command buffer, in case
Get address of a position in the command buffer.
get maximum simultaneous connections db-lib will open to the server.
Get TDS packet size for the connection.
Read a row from the row buffer.
When row buffering is enabled (DBBUFFER option is on), the client can use dbgetrow() to re-read a row previously fetched with dbnextrow(). The effect is to move the row pointer -- analogous to fseek() -- back to row. Calls to dbnextrow() read from row + 1 until the buffer is exhausted, at which point it resumes its normal behavior, except that as each row is fetched from the server, it is added to the row buffer (in addition to being returned to the client). When the buffer is filled, dbnextrow() returns
Get maximum seconds db-lib waits for a server response to query.
Get address of user-allocated data from a
Initialize db-lib.
Get value of an option.
Allocate a
See if more commands are to be processed.
Send chunk of a text/image value to the server.
Set a message handler, for messages from the server.
Get name of current database.
Read result row into the row buffer and into any bound host variables.
Tie a null-indicator to a regular result column. When a row is fetched, the indicator variable tells the state of the column's data.
Get count of columns in a compute row.
Return number of regular columns in a result set.
Get count of
See if a server response has arrived.
Print result set headings to stdout.
Print a result set to stdout.
Print a token value's name to a buffer.
Fetch part of a text or image value from the server.
Record to a file all SQL commands sent to the server.
Execute a registered procedure.
Ready execution of a registered procedure.
Get names of Open Server registered procedures.
Describe parameter of registered procedure .
Set up query results.
When dbresults returns SUCCEED, therefore, it indicates the server processed the query successfully and that one or more of these is present:
If none of the above are present, dbresults() returns NO_MORE_RESULTS. SUCCEED does not imply that DBROWS() will return TRUE or even that dbnumcols() will return nonzero. A general algorithm for reading results will call dbresults() until it return NO_MORE_RESULTS (or FAIL). An application should check for all the above kinds of results within the dbresults() loop.
Clear remote passwords from the LOGINREC structure.
Add a remote password to the LOGINREC structure.
safely quotes character values in SQL text.
Set the default character set.
Set the default character set for an application.
set name and location of the
Does not affect lookups or location of
Set interrupt handler for db-lib to use while blocked against a read from the server.
Set maximum seconds db-lib waits for a server response to a login attempt.
Set maximum simultaneous connections db-lib will open to the server.
Define substitution values to be used when binding null values.
Set db-lib or server option.
Make a buffered row "current" without fetching it into bound variables.
Set maximum seconds db-lib waits for a server response to query.
Associate client-allocated (and defined) data with a
Specify a db-lib version level.
Get server process ID for a
Print a regular result row to a buffer. Fills a buffer with one data row, represented as a null-terminated ASCII string. Helpful for debugging.
Determine size buffer required to hold the results returned by dbsprhead(), dbsprline(), and dbspr1row().
Print result set headings to a buffer.
Get formatted string for underlining dbsprhead() column names.
send the SQL command to the server and wait for an answer.
Please be patient. This function waits for the server to respond.
Wait for results of a query from the server.
Transmit the command buffer to the server. Non-blocking, does not wait for a response.
Build a printable string from text containing placeholders for variables.
Get a copy of a chunk of the command buffer.
Get size of the command buffer, in bytes.
describe table column attributes with a single call (Freetds-only API function modelled on dbcolinfo)
Get text pointer for a column in the current row.
Get text timestamp for a column in the current row.
Change current database.
Analagous to the unix command
Determine whether a column can vary in size.
See which version of db-lib is in use.
Test whether or not a datatype can be converted to another datatype.
Send text or image data to the server.